Leaving His Mark

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Leaving His Mark Page 20

by T A. McKay

  The theme seems to be following me here though if Paul is anything to go by, he rates high on the creep’o’meter that I’ve developed over time. Gabe however, doesn’t even rate on that meter even though he’s the most silently dominating personality I have ever encountered. I feel safe with him, protected. Whenever he’s close I want to lose myself in his touch, just let his arms wrap me up and keep me safe.

  “Maybe we should get started. We don’t want to be here all night.” He stares at me for a few more seconds before nodding his head and helping me up from his lap. I don’t want to move but I'm sure it will be hard to tattoo my hip while I'm sitting here. I climb back up onto the chair and watch as he gets the last minute things ready to go. He turns back to me and puts some petroleum jelly on my skin next to the stencil transfer and, tests his gun again before looking up at me. When he places his hand against my skin I feel it vibrate through his hand and my breathing becomes a little laboured as nerves attack me. I really want this but I can’t help but worry about the pain, I’m such a wimp.

  “Last chance to back out, Shorty.” I bite my lip and take a deep breath before lying back on the chair and looking at the ceiling. It will probably hurt less if I don’t see it happening.

  I feel the vibrations start again and then there is a fiery pain across the skin of my hip. I let out a surprised squeak but to be honest its not as bad as I thought it would be. The combination of Gabe’s touch and the constant buzz is relaxing and soon I find myself focusing on the music that playing from the overhead speakers. I don’t know all the bands that Gabe seems to play but I love his taste in music. When you look at him with his dark looks and tattoos you expect him to like heavy metal music but you would be very wrong. He has a very varied taste in music ranging from heavy rock to chart pop songs, it seems to keep all the clients happy though.

  I'm focusing on the lyrics of the gentle song playing, it’s a love song without a doubt but I have never heard it before. I'm about halfway through listening when I look down and Gabe and connect him with every word that I'm hearing. The guy is singing about a hero who’s looking for a home, a woman to love, and how he bleeds and hurts like anyone else.

  “What song is this? I don’t think I’ve hear it before.” He doesn’t stop his movements as he answers me.

  “It’s called Superman by Five for Fighting. It’s one of my favourite songs.” I can feel my heart break a little for Gabe as I continue to listen to the song. I wonder if he likes the song so much because it’s how he actually feels. Maybe that’s why he doesn’t want anyone in his life, he doesn’t feel like he's important enough. The song finishes but I can’t stop looking at him as he works over my skin with black ink. I hope he can see himself as I see him, it would be wrong if he doesn’t. When I look at him all I can see is the selfless, generous man that would help a friend who was in trouble. He’s smart, sexy and one of the bravest men I know but I don’t think he sees any of that. He worries too much about becoming his dad that I think he’s missed the amazing man he has actually become.

  I hear his mobile ring on his station and he stops what he's doing to look at the screen. He takes of a glove before picking his phone.

  “I'm sorry, I need to take this. I’ll be like two minutes, stretch your legs and I’ll be right back.” He moves over to the corner of the room so he has a little more privacy. It pleases me that he doesn’t go into his office, it gives me hope that it might not be some hot girl on the other end of the line. That’s my biggest fear I think, the first time I have to see him with someone else or hear him making plans with her. I wish I had the right to tell him that he's mine and there will be none of that while I'm around. That’s why I would love to know what’s actually happening between us so I know if I have any say in what happens between him and other women. I would like to think that if we’re having sex then he isn’t going out and sleeping with other women, but there has never been any rules discussed between us.

  “For the love of God, I’ll ask her. Now fuck off I'm busy.” Gabe doesn’t even say goodbye before hanging up his phone and walking back over to me. He sits and grabs a clean pair of gloves, puts them on and turns to me, raising his eyebrows. I lie back against the chair again and he leans over me get ready to work again.

  “I hope that wasn’t a customer.” And I'm also wondering who the ‘her’ he was talking about was.

  “Nope.” He draws out the P making a popping sound before starting to inflict pain on my skin again.

  “I'm glad to hear it. It’s bad enough I had to cover for Paul the other day without having to tell your clients that you’ve lost your mind.” The tattoo gun goes silent and he slowly lifts his head to look at me. Shit, shit, shit. I wasn’t meant to mention Paul leaving early, I know Gabe will flip his lid. I know I must look like a deer caught in headlights but I can’t help it.

  “What do you mean you had to cover for Paul?” His voice is low and calm but I'm not even a little bit convinced that his blood isn’t at boiling point. I need to buy myself some time, maybe get him to forget that I had even mentioned it.

  “I’ll tell you but not until after you’ve finished my tattoo.” I see his jaw flex and he just stares at me. I close my eyes and lie back letting him know that he isn’t getting anything more out of me. I hear him laugh before he talks again and thankfully he changes the subject.

  “So Rory is having a party tomorrow night and I was wondering if you would like to come?” I raise my head and look at him.

  “So it was Rory on the phone? You really should be nicer.” He goes back to working on my flower, adding colour between the outlines he’s already finished.

  “No it wasn’t Rory. It was Clay being a dick as usual.” Well at least that explains why he had spoken the way he had. I have never heard friends who speak to each other like those two, I swear they sound more like an old married couple with the way they bicker.

  “Ah, should have guessed. I don’t think I’ve ever heard you two be nice to each other. But to answer your question, I would love to come.” He just laughs at me as he continues to colour in my skin. I relax finding myself actually enjoy the feel of the needle against my skin. I will admit there are areas that get a little tender but it isn’t the extreme pain I thought it would be. I totally understand why people become addicted to this.


  I stand in front of the full-length mirror and look at my new tattoo. I'm feeling a bit badass finally having ink just like the clients I see every day. I never thought I would be brave enough to get it done but when I met Gabe I knew I had to. It’s been a few hours since we got home and I was so happy to finally get the cling film off it so I could have a proper look. There was some blood on the skin when I washed it but Gabe had told me to expect that. Now I'm applying cream and smiling like a loony while I do it. I can’t believe how beautiful it and the meaning behind it will stay with me forever. I still can’t believe he put so much thought into designing it for me.

  I hear my phone ping with incoming message and I rush to the bathroom to wash the cream off my hands. Not many people have my mobile number, it’s pretty much only my family, Clay and Gabe. I'm pretty sure it won’t be Gabe since he is in his bedroom just across the hall. I dry off my hands and grab my phone not even checking the number before opening the message. When I read the text that’s been sent I can’t get my mind to work properly, walking backwards on autopilot until I hit the edge of the bed where I sit heavily. I can’t take my eyes off the message and I realise I'm holding my breath.

  ‘I told you, you are MINE!’

  I hold the phone tightly in my hand as I panic. Who the hell is doing this to me and how did they get my number? I think back to all the gifts I have received trying to think who could know so much about me but I can’t think. There is no one who comes to mind that would do this to me, making me think it must be a stranger. The only thing I know for sure just now is that I need to show Gabe the text, he’ll know what to do.

  I get up from the bed a
nd move to my door, walking across the hall I knock lightly on Gabe’s bedroom door. I wait a few moments and there is no answer. He definitely went in there earlier and I haven’t heard him leave, he would have told me if he was leaving the house. I open the door slightly, not wanting to wake him up if he is asleep. His bed is empty but I see his bathroom light on so I walk over quietly. I know I should turn around and leave, if he's in the bathroom I should leave him alone but the closer I get the more noises I hear. He sounds like he panting and I need to see what’s he's doing. He’s making the same sounds as he does during sex and I need to see if he's on his own. I don’t know what I’ll do if he has someone in there but I just can’t force myself to leave.

  I move closer and realise I can see through the crack between the door and the frame. The sight that meets me steals the breath straight out of my chest. Gabe is leaning over his sink unit, one hand on the sink and one hand on his dick. His head is dropped and his groaning continues as he moves his hand gently up and down his thick shaft. It is the sexiest thing I have ever seen and I feel my panties becoming drenched with arousal.

  He groans out my name and I gasp, drawing his eyes instantly to me. I’ve been caught so I decide to be brave and move closer to him as he continues to rub. Standing up straight from the sink he moves back slightly as I squeeze my body between his and the sink, feeling his hand against my stomach, still moving on his dick.

  He stops rubbing and grabs my yoga pants, pulling them down and off my body. As soon as he throws them away he lifts me sit on the edge of the unit. We just look at each other, the passion between us threatening to make the room burn.

  “I won’t have sex with you tonight, I don’t want to hurt your tattoo.” With those words he reaches his fingers out and runs them over my very wet pussy. I gasp and reach out taking his dick in my hand. He feels amazing, the combination of hard and silky is mind blowing. He leans his head against mine as we continue to use our hands to pleasure each other. His fingers find a sensitive spot inside me that makes my eyes cross and it takes me right to the edge of orgasm. A gentle stroke of his thumb against my clit a moment later and I'm instantly flying. I can’t believe that he brought me to orgasm so quickly.

  My hand tightens around him and he groans into my neck as I feel him cover my palm in hot sticky cum. I smile as I realise that I did that to him, I made him lose control and gave him pleasure. He steps back and grabs the liquid soap, pouring some onto my palm before lifting me down and turning me towards the sink. He washes my hands like I'm delicate and he needs to take care of me. He turns off the water and grabs a towel before drying them carefully. He doesn’t say anything as he lifts me from the floor and carries me to his bed, placing me under his duvet and joining me. I cuddle into his side as he turns off his light. I feel myself drift off to sleep with out saying a word and just like that all thoughts of the text message I received are gone.

  Chapter Nineteen

  I stand leaning against the kitchen counter watching all the people that Rory has invited into his house. He's a braver guy than me as I watch a group of drunk girls spill a glass of something on his carpet. I recognise a few faces from the shop, most of them have been Rory’s clients at some point and a few others I’ve had a drink with in the past. I have been people watching for about an hour now, it’s my favourite past time at parties. I can usually spend the whole night not talking to anyone but tonight I haven’t had that much luck.

  Woman after woman have approached me and even though I’ve been polite, none of them have grabbed my attention for more than a few minutes. The only person here that I want to spend any time with is the sexy blonde who is currently sitting on the arm of the sofa talking to Rory and a few of his friends. She’s wearing another one of those flared out skirts that she likes and it sits high up around her thighs. The guys talking to her are trying so hard to not drool on her, it’s funny to watch. Okay maybe funny isn’t the word, frustrating is the word I'm looking for. I want to walk over there and kiss her, show the little shits who she’s with. The only problem with that plan is that she isn’t with me, she might have arrived in the same car as me but I don’t have any claim on her. Fuck. How I would love to have a claim on her.

  Rhys gets up from the chair and walks towards me, she has been the only thing to make me smile tonight. The friendship that we’ve built over the last few months has brought contentment to my life, a feeling I’ve never experienced before. I’ve always felt like I have to watch my back, that there is someone ready to pounce and attack. Since Rhys, I can honestly say I'm happy, that I can relax when she’s around. I’ve never had a relationship that I couldn’t live without, but with her that’s what it is. We’re so good together, both inside and outside the bedroom, but our friendship is the one thing that makes me close myself to her. I could live her without the sex if I had to, even though it might kill me, but I couldn’t live without talking to her, spending time with her doing everyday things.

  She seems to have worked her way into every aspect of my life. She’s at my job, spending her time organising my day and making my business run smoothly. When I get home she’s there cooking, cleaning and laughing with me. At night I don’t even want to go out without her. All of this should worry me but it doesn’t. For the first time in my life I want to let someone into my heart and find the home I have been searching for since I was young.

  She doesn’t look at me as she walks over and stands next to me, busying herself with getting a bottle of beer. I love that she’s acting like I'm not here, it makes the chase more exhilarating, and the catch will be amazing. We have avoided talking all night, trying not to give the gossip mill anything to talk about. I don’t care who knows I sleeping with Rhys but I think she feels awkward sleeping with the boss.

  On the car ride over here she’d made it clear that if I had wanted to go home with someone then she could get a lift from someone else. I was pissed to begin with but then realised that we had never discussed what we are to each other, she doesn’t know that I don’t want anyone except her. Well tonight before we go to bed, she will know exactly what I want.

  “Hey, Shorty.” I see the smile twitch at her lips. I don’t turn to look at her but I can see her out of the corner of my eye.

  “Hey.” Her voice is quiet and has that softness that I love. I take another swig of beer and look around to make sure no one is watching.

  “Did I mention earlier how beautiful you look tonight?” The corners of her mouth turn upwards into a grin and she looks at me. I know she’s about to say something sarcastic so I jump before she can. I want to bring her out of her comfort zone and letting her get the upper hand isn’t the way to do that.

  “Dance with me?” She looks shocked with my request. I don’t know if it’s because she doesn’t think I can dance or if it’s because no one else is dancing. But I don’t care, I just want to feel her body against mine.

  I take her hand and lead her to the dining room where the music is the loudest. There is an open area behind the table where all the drinks are and I pull her towards it. Once we’re there I pull her into my arms and start swaying with the music. She’s tense for a minute but her body soon relaxes into mine, her arms moving around my waist and her head on my chest. It feels so natural, like she was made to be there. As the song changes and we continue to move slowly together, I realise that this is the time I’ve been waiting for. I need to grab it with both hands and finally tell her what I’ve been keeping inside. I work my fingers through the hair at the back of her head and tip her face back so she’s looking at me. Her lips are parted and I can’t resist leaning down to taste them. A tiny moan leaves her as I connect my mouth to hers. This is what I need, this is the feeling that no one can give me, she completes me. I move away from her lips and she stands in the same spot, her eyes closed and her wet lips still open. She looks as sexy as hell and if I didn’t want to tell her how I feel I would drag her away to the nearest bedroom.

  “I need you to look at me, beautiful
.” Her eyes slowly open and she looks at me dreamily, a look of contentment on her face. I get a huge rush of pride knowing that in this whole room of people I'm the one to put that look on her face.

  “I know we haven’t really spoken about what is happening between us but I think we need to.” Her eyes clear and she tries to back away from me but there is no way that’s going happen. I tighten my grip on her keeping her right next to my body, just where I want and need her to be.

  “It’s fine, Gabe. I know this is just sex, that there are no stronger feelings between us. If you want to stop that’s okay, I totally understand.” I wait patiently for her to stop talking, to say the shit she feels the need to say before I tell her how wrong she is.

  “Are you finished?” She looks up at me again but this time her eyes are filled with sadness. I can’t believe she thinks that after everything that’s happened between us I would be able to just walk away.

  “Now I want to say my piece. Rhys, I like you … a lot. I never imagined that I would ever want someone the way I want you. Our friendship is the most precious thing to me but I want more. I’ve fallen for you. I want to be with you, I want to be your everything. You’re completely under my skin and I don’t want to ever lose you. You’re amazing and you make me feel amazing. You’re the first person in a long time to make me feel like the man I want to be. With you I want to be better.” Tears build in her eyes as she bites her bottom lip and I pray to god that they are happy tears. I lean down and kiss her, pulling her bottom lips from between her teeth and suck it into my mouth.


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