Judgement Day

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Judgement Day Page 14

by Michael Spears

  Part 3b: Einstein and the Infinite Universe

  In the theory of General Relativity, Einstein confronts the gravitational problems associated with an infinite universe and presents a solution. In his words [Reference 6: Section 30]

  “If we ponder over the question as to how the universe, considered as a whole, is to be regarded, the first answer that suggests itself to us is surely this: As regards space (and time) the universe is infinite. There are stars everywhere, so that the density of matter, although very variable in detail, is nevertheless on the average everywhere the same.


  This view is not in harmony with the theory of Newton. The latter theory rather requires that the universe should have a kind of centre in which the density of stars is a maximum, and that as we proceed outwards from the centre of this group-density of the stars should diminish, until finally, at great distances, it is succeeded by an infinite region of emptiness. The stellar universe ought to be a finite island in the infinite ocean of space.

  This conception in itself is not very satisfactory. It is still less satisfactory because it leads to the result that the light emitted by the stars and also individual stars of the stellar system are perpetually passing out into infinite space, never to return, and without ever again coming into interaction with other objects of nature. Such a finite material universe would be destined to become gradually but systematically impoverished.”

  Einstein then proceeds to describe ‘The Possibility of a “Finite” and yet “Unbounded” Universe’, essentially a four-dimensional spherical universe [Reference 6: Section 31], as a solution to the gravitational problems associated with an infinite universe.

  “It follows from what has been said, that closed spaces without limits are conceivable. From amongst these, the spherical space (and the elliptical) excels in its simplicity, since all points on it are equivalent. As a result of this discussion, a most interesting question arises for astronomers and physicists, and that is whether the universe in which we live is infinite, or whether it is finite in the manner of the spherical universe. Our experience is far from being sufficient to enable us to answer this question. But the general theory of relativity permits of our answering it with a moderate degree of certainty, and in this connection the difficulty mentioned in Section 30 finds its solution.”

  Einstein argues the case well for an infinite universe, however he understands that matter could not exist in an infinite universe with an average density due to the problem of infinite gravity creating gravitational chaos. Einstein then proposes a solution to the problem while still keeping the idea of a universe without boundaries. Einstein suggests that the universe may be a four-dimensional sphere, such that were we to travel in one direction long enough we would eventually return to where we had started. Einstein invented the idea of a finite but unbounded universe not based on scientific evidence, but based on his belief that there was no other way. There is another way, I call it the “super-universe.”

  Part 3c: The Big Bang

  In Part 3a I talked about black holes, let us now consider what would happen if a black hole was so massive that gamma-rays could not even escape at the poles. The internal energy of such a massive black star would surely increase as more matter is destroyed upon approaching the black star at the centre of the black hole. What happens when energy is added to a liquid? The internal energy of the liquid increases until a critical value is reached, the intermolecular forces binding the liquid together are overcome, and the liquid evaporates. Could the same thing have happened with the big bang? The early universe, in the time immediately following the big bang, was estimated to have a temperature in excess of 1030K. Could this extremely high temperature be an approximate boiling point of a universe sized black hole?

  If this is the case, and my theory of time and gravity is correct, then the universe would have initially expanded at a much slower rate due to the massive gravitational field surrounding it, and as time became faster the universe would have accelerated in its expansion as the speed of time increases, similarly to the inflationary early universe model.

  Due to my theory of gravitational time dilation it is virtually inevitable that the universe will eventually collapse due to gravity, ending in what is known as the “big crunch”. This is because, although the universe accelerates as it expands and gravitational field strength within the universe decreases, velocity squared increases proportionally to gravitational acceleration back toward the centre of the universe. Therefore as mass approaches zero gravitational acceleration increases at a much greater rate than velocity, meaning that the universe will almost certainly end in a big crunch.

  The logical conclusion is that once the universe collapses at the end of its life it will again form a universe sized black star. This universe sized black star would again destroy atoms as they approach, the internal energy of the black star will continue to increase, until finally boiling point is again reached and the universe begins again. The energy in the universe is constant, the first law of thermodynamics is always obeyed.

  Part 3d: The Super-Universe

  If space is infinite but the universe is finite, then surely there must be more of these “big bang universes” outside of our own. Imagine somehow looking at a scaled down map of infinite space, on this map of infinite space our universe wouldn’t even appear, it would be an infinitely small speck in a vast field of nothingness. No matter how massive something is, when compared to the infinite it is as nothing. Einstein addressed the problems of an infinite universe with his finite but unbounded universe, however there is a simpler solution.

  Imagine that our big bang universe is not all that there is, imagine if our universe were nothing more than the equivalent of a star in a bigger universe, let’s call it “super-universe I”. This super-universe I would be an unfathomably massive universe containing not merely galaxies and stars and planets, but containing entire systems of big bang universes and universe sized black stars. Now imagine that super-universe I also undergoes a similar cycle of boiling, expansion, contraction and boiling again just like our own big bang universe. Think again about our scaled down map of infinite space, no matter how massive this super-universe I is it is still as nothing when compared to the infinite. As super-massive as this super-universe I is it still would not appear on our map of infinite space. Now imagine that this super-universe I was nothing more than the equivalent of a star in a bigger universe, let’s call it “super-universe II”. This super-universe II contains not merely systems of galaxies, and stars and planets, nor does it merely contain systems of big bang universes and universe sized black stars, but this super-universe II contains entire systems of super-universe I’s. This super-universe II also undergoes cycles of boiling, expansion, contraction and boiling again.

  I needn’t think I should continue explaining this hypothesis further, imagine that the infinite universe is essentially a living, breathing, regenerative entity with no beginning and no end. Imagine that infinite space consists of an infinite series of these super-universes within super-universes. Imagine that the infinite universe has always existed and will continue to exist forever in some form or another. Now our map of infinite space is finally filled.

  Recall Einstein’s quotes in Part 3b, in order to prevent gravitational chaos in an infinite universe the density of matter must decrease the further away from the centre of the universe you travel. This model of the infinite universe is the one feasible model of the infinite which obeys this requirement. While our big bang universe may have an average density of matter, once you leave our big bang universe the density of matter would drop massively. Super-universe I may have an average density of matter, but once you leave super-universe I the density of matter would again drop massively. Thus if we were to consider the centre of our big bang universe to be the centre of the infinite universe, then the further from the centre of the infinite universe you travel the less the average density of matter becomes. There is no need to invent a space
-time which curves around on itself, Einstein’s justification for the finite but unbounded universe is invalid.

  There is further evidence, besides being the only feasible model for the infinite universe, rather than thinking of the universe as cyclical and regenerative let us now consider it from the perspective of the second law of thermodynamics.

  From the perspective of the second law of thermodynamics, since the disorder of the universe must always increase, a collapsing universe would seem to defy the second law of thermodynamics. However, according to my theory the collapsing universe is not a closed system, while yes our big bang universe may collapse someday, our big bang universe is part of super-universe I. So if our big bang universe is collapsing, then super-universe I may still be in the expanding phase. If super-universe I is in the collapsing phase, then super-universe II may be in the expanding phase. Everything is a part of something bigger, and there is always something bigger in the expanding phase. Call it a loophole if you will, but being a part of something bigger is the only way that the collapsing universe can still obey the second law of thermodynamics.

  A popular philosophical question in physics is “why is gravity at just the right strength to support life?” The simple answer is that since our universe lies at the end of an infinite series of explosions, were gravity not the right strength to form galaxies and stars and planets, then there would have been a longer series of explosions. Big bang universes are only formed when gravity is at the required strength to form galaxies and stars and planets.

  The theory of the super-universe is the only possible explanation for the origin and existence of the universe that obeys all the laws of physics.

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  On My Jewishness And The Failure Of The Big Three

  The inevitable question, which I’ve been avoiding because I don’t think it should matter, “is he Jewish?” Not that I’m aware, but who knows? The Jews have had a pretty hard time since they crucified Jesus, so there may be some Jewish skeletons in the closet. Best bet is my mum’s dad, and the more I think about it the more sense it makes. Him and his brother both have some noses, he was always very “careful” with money, plus he was an electrical engineer (I think a good one too). Conveniently enough, my grandmother spent probably a decade researching his family tree. I love it the way everything always works out, I’d never even thought about this stuff before. Descendant of King David? Check that off the list! Nanny will be so excited to show you her work, you’ll totally make her day (or decade). If I was Jewish I’d be following the same stupid rules as you guys.

  In 2004 my mate “Silk” (his name’s Tim actually (too many Tims)) loaned me ‘Portnoy’s Complaint,’ I had it with me when I was in the bush. It was like reading about my mum, although Portnoy did have it a little worse, I called Tim and said “I’ve got Portnoy’s complaint!” He just thought I was being crazy. I’ll tell you, whenever I didn’t win something as a kid, mum would always say “it was rigged.” I’d come second in something, but I should have come first. It was because she thought so highly of me, but I could just never be good enough for her ideals. I went to a selective school (a “school for the gifted”), it became really hard to stay on top, so I stopped trying. I got top in the class in year 6, she still talks about how I should have gotten top in the grade. It was 23 years ago, but it’s probably all the poor woman’s got left. I’ll tell you what happened to Jesus, mate, he was trying to impress his mother!

  Just an update on the Jewish thing, I had lunch with my maternal grandparents today, my grandmother was talking about the family tree. My grandfather is indeed part Jewish (maybe half?), but apparently my grandmother also researched her own family tree. All of her family is Scottish, with the exception of her maternal grandmother, who came from a Jewish family that I think she said lived in Yorkshire. So… *blows raspberry*

  Just so you know, the person I’d most like to be associated with is the Archangel Michael. The King of the Angels, the Leader of the Armies of Heaven, the Angel of Death, the Weigher of Souls, the One who defeated Satan. I know there’s no such thing as the Devil, he’s just the guy God blames when bad things happen so you don’t get mad at Him. In a way there is a Devil, the knowledge of good & evil, that was Satan’s lie and I’ve defeated him. Michael means “who is like God?” which is my sermon, although I did get a little carried away with myself back in 2004 and broke my own initial revelation. I think that’s why Jesus was crucified, because he claimed to be like God, but that doesn’t mean that God didn’t like him, he just took it too far. You’ve heard of the Spear of Destiny? “I” killed the guy myself, just like that stupid jerk Abel with his “great sacrifice.” Just because Jesus was meant to die, it doesn’t mean that the Jews were allowed to kill him, he did have very good karma, it’s all a rich tapestry. Such are the ways of God, good karma, bad karma, good karma, bad karma.

  You complain because I say that killing Jesus was bad karma for the Jews? Honestly, it’s like I said about the Wailing Wall, “talking to Jews is like talking to a brick wall.” God tried talking to the Jews and they wouldn’t listen, they even killed His messenger. The Jews have been talking to a brick wall since the crucifixion of Jesus two thousand years ago. After Jesus was crucified, God tore down their temple and built a mosque instead, and had the Jews direct their prayers to a brick wall. I’m sorry to the Jews, the truth hurts, but have you ever read the Bible? God really knows how to hold a grudge. The good news is that today is a new day, so please, tear down that fucking wall! This is a new beginning for the world, and I hope that perhaps some lessons can be learned from the past, because it would be a shame for history to repeat itself. I’m not Jesus, Jesus was nothing compared to me, even Jesus was driven from Eden in disgrace, so it might help to think about what might happen to you should anything happen to me. Jesus was wrong about who he was, but he was right about a lot of things, it’s just a shame that his Church has gone from a proud history of persecuting the innocent to become the world’s largest paedophile ring. I don’t think the Church ever listened to a word the guy said either, it’s not just the Catholic Church, the entire Christian faith has completely ignored the teachings of Jesus to become the most judgemental cunts in every neighbourhood. Oh yes, the Pope will be upset, but seriously, what did he expect? A congratulations? And they say I’m deluded!

  I was going to be all respectful of the Koran and stuff, and then I thought “fuck them.” I’m pretty sure the whole world is sick to fucking death of having to tiptoe around Mohammed and the Koran. Mohammed was an important man, he united the Arab tribes and taught them to fight to the death. God gave the Arabs a lot of oil, and had God not taught them to fight they would have lost their oil fields a long time ago. Islam was never about the whole world becoming Muslim, it was about Arab unity, but they completely missed the fucking point because as soon as Mohammed died they all started fighting amongst themselves again. Why do you think you’re not allowed to change a word of that book? Why do you think the Koran is so sacred? It was supposed to keep you together, to keep you united. That’s why it was written the way it was, so that you couldn’t change it, so that you would stick together. Look at you now, fighting amongst yourselves. This is not what God wanted, this is not why He sent you Mohammed, why He gave you the Koran! In truth, the Koran is no more sacred than the Torah, the Bible, the Vedas, the Book of Mormon, the Urantia Book, the Communist Manifesto, or the Complete Works of William Shakespeare. Although everything was written by God, everything was written by men, and men are fallible. Nothing is sacred. So we’ll say whatever the fuck we want to say about Mohammed and the Koran, that’s your thing, not ours. The true meaning, the true value of Mohammed and the Koran was completely lost on you anyway. What my religion is really about, is understanding that God created everything in this world. When you understand this, you can begin to see the reasons God told one group of people one thing, and another group of people another thing. It’s a deli
cate balancing act, always playing one side against another, trying to stop us all from killing each other. It’s like walking a tightrope, but it’s all gone to shit now, and that’s why I’m here. If you condemn me, if you kill me, when I am a messenger of God, sent by Him to save you from self-destruction, then God will show you no mercy. Of all the people who have ever lived, God likes me the best, so you’d better be real fucking careful about who you're fucking with. Maybe I’m focusing too much on the prospect of being killed by a Muslim, because the great irony of the Catholic Church is that they would have crucified Jesus themselves for preaching a doctrine other to their own.

  If God wanted me dead He could kill me any time He wants, He is not as powerless as you imagine Him to be. He could kill you any time He wants too, you can’t hide from God. A heart attack, a stroke, a fall down the stairs, a car accident, a decapitation, a fire, an earthquake, a tsunami. You could be making a speech, you accuse me of heresy or of being the Antichrist, right at that moment a fucking satellite falls out of the sky and lands right on top of your fucking head! That’s not His style, God’s usually more subtle than that, He doesn’t like to show you how much control He really has. Showing you His true power would only make you question Him and ask Him “why?” That’s why God invented the Devil, so you don't get mad at Him when bad things happen. “All the good stuff, that's me. All the bad stuff, that's the Devil.” It’s pretty funny really, but maybe you’re old enough now to know the truth.


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