Taken: (A Dark Romance Kidnap Thriller) (The Dark Necessities Trilogy Book 1)

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Taken: (A Dark Romance Kidnap Thriller) (The Dark Necessities Trilogy Book 1) Page 6

by Felicity Brandon

  Molly leaned forward pressing her head against the wall for support as she tried to take stock. How the fuck had this happened? One moment she’d been finishing up from a successful day meeting and greeting her readers, the next she’d been attacked by a group of thugs wanting to do God knows what, and now this. She was captured, caught up in the whims of this Connor, and subject to whatever dark fetishes he may desire. A shudder ran through her body as she considered her plight. Here she was, standing horribly exposed in this God forsaken place, her bottom having just been reddened by this complete stranger, and her hands and feet both bound in denigrating ways.

  She was in serious trouble here, and she knew it. Molly’s eyes closed as she recalled how her own body had responded to the spanking. It had betrayed her, making her wetter than she’d been for the longest time, and now Connor had noticed. She wanted to cry, she wanted to scream, yet she did neither. Instead, she absorbed the fresh frustration which whipped around her body, swallowing back the ridiculous humiliation of her current predicament. Her arms were beginning to ache, and she lowered them a little to relieve the pressure. He’d said that he’d be watching, but how can that be true? Connor wasn’t even here, was he?

  Slowly, she turned from her place in the corner, her eyes darting around the empty room. He definitely wasn’t here, that was for sure, so how was he watching her? The answer came to her then in a flash, the conclusion hitting her hard. There was only one logical way he could still be watching her, and that was with a camera. The son of a bitch had a camera in here – maybe more than one? Molly’s gaze flew to the corners of the room, looking for clues that her deduction was correct. There were no cameras apparent, and it was difficult to tell without investigating the corners of the ceiling properly. As her eyes scanned the opposite corner, she could just make out a tiny black spot attached to the ceiling. That must be it.

  Gasping, she spun back around, conscious that Connor could very well be watching her right now, and that she’d moved from her place facing the wall. He had a fucking camera! Tears welled in her eyes as the reality bit. He could be watching her now, and he could watch her any time he wanted to, jerking off to her every bound struggle. The realization made her nauseated, the power this man had over her now drowning her like a tsunami. Power play was one thing, and, yes, she’d enjoyed it many times in the past with consensual boyfriends, but this was different. This was not consensual and right now it wasn’t fun or pleasurable. It was unsettling. Molly recalled what he had told her while she’d still been flung over his hard lap.

  You belong to me now, Miss Clary…

  And at this moment she believed him. Not in the romantic sense of course, but in the very literal sense that as things stood, Connor held all of the cards in this dynamic. Already he had taken her and punished her. He had her bound and on display, for what? Nothing more than his sick, perverted enjoyment, she presumed. The guy had even made her apologize for not calling him Sir, and thank him for spanking her. She shook her head as she remembered. She’d actually thanked him, God dammit! The nerve of him! No other man had ever achieved that in her thirty-seven years on the planet. Yet she swallowed as she realized the effect his authoritative show had had on her pussy. He’d aroused her; against all reason he’d managed to make her wet and horny. Molly pressed her thighs together as if to clarify the point, and there was the proof: her folds were hot, slick and wet, and flagrantly exposed for him to see whenever he wanted to. Her head fell forward slightly, her fingers catching in her hair behind her head. What was wrong with her? How could she find anything about this situation even vaguely arousing? Maybe she was as fucked up as Connor…

  “Enjoying your corner time, Molly?”

  Yet again, the abrupt sound of his voice made her jump, sending her heart racing as she twisted to see him in the doorway. He leaned against the wooden frame casually as he appraised her, one of his dark brows arching at his own question. Under his right arm she noticed a slim looking silver laptop.

  “No, Sir,” she replied, her tone defiant for the first time since he’d spanked her.

  Connor smiled at the response, pushing himself away from the door frame as he approached her slowly. Something about the advance seemed predatory and the knot of anxiety in her belly twisted as she assessed his cold stare. Perhaps the curt reply hadn’t been so smart after all.

  “That’s pleasing to hear,” he sneered as he neared her vulnerable body.

  Molly tensed as he got closer, until she could feel his hot breath against the back of her neck.

  “Because this is still part of your punishment, little lady,” he went on. “It’s not supposed to be enjoyable.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she gasped in a low whisper, wishing more than anything that he’d just step back and give her some personal space. His proximity was more than uncomfortable, it was foreboding.

  “Would you like to tell me why you moved out of your place whilst I was gone?” he asked, practically hissing into her left ear. “I thought you were going to be my good girl?”

  Molly shuddered at the question, not just because she knew she was in trouble, but because the act was so disconcerting. Soft words whispered were usually associated with sensual, loving moments, not dark, intimidating ones like this. She pulled in another shaky breath as she replied, “I’m sorry, Sir.” The words spilled from her now, with no real forethought or agenda. “I just wanted to look around the room. I never moved from my corner, I just looked around!”

  Her voice was imploring and she hated the way it sounded, admonishing herself internally for such a pitiful display. Where was her wilfulness now? Where was her educated defiance? She knew the sorrowful truth well enough, and was well aware where they were hiding. She was scared, terrified really, of what this man would do to her, and she needed him on her side to survive this. Connor might be strong, but she was smart. She needed him to play nice, and that meant doing his bidding – being his good girl.

  “Yes,” he conceded, pressing his body right up against hers so that his trousers grazed her sore ass still on display between them. “That’s true, but you were told not to move. My instructions were clear, weren’t they, Molly?”

  She could barely take a breath. He was so close now, his body almost flush with her own. The sound of her heartbeat was so loud inside her chest that she felt sure Connor must be able to hear it from such close proximity. “Yes, Sir,” she replied, hearing the tremble in her voice. “They were clear.”

  “So, you disobeyed me intentionally?” he continued, and as he spoke, his hand appeared at her right hip, grazing a line past her suit jacket, up to her waist, and under her blouse.

  Fuck, she thought, her body stilling like it was made of marble. Connor’s touch was soft and gentle, and bizarrely it felt pretty good against her skin, but she knew she was in trouble. He was making that much obvious.

  “No, Sir,” she answered him, trying to compose herself enough to force a reply. “Not on purpose. I just…” She hesitated, uncertain how best to defend herself. “I just wanted to know…”

  Her voice trailed away.

  What was the point? There was no defense for this situation. Connor could do whatever he liked with her. Why even bother?

  “You wanted to know where the camera was,” he said, finishing her sentence for her.

  She jolted at that, not expecting him to be so… logical.

  “Yes,” she replied, swallowing hard. “I’m sorry.”

  A dark chuckle was his only response, and it vibrated around her body as Connor’s finger continued its path north until it reached the side of her bra. “I want this off,” he told her, softly. “I want you naked from now on.”

  Panic rose in her chest like a heart attack, threatening to cut off her breath altogether. It seemed to take forever for her to force a reply, although in reality it was only a few seconds. “But—” she began, wanting to protest in the strongest terms.

  “But, nothing,” he snapped, cutting her off completely. “I told y
ou already, you belong to me now. All of you.” As he spoke, Connor’s free hand delved south, brushing over the warmth of her punished behind. “Don’t forget I know just how horny that spanking made you, little one. Whether you like to admit it or not, you love being manhandled this way, Molly, and we both know it.”

  Molly gulped, overwrought with her emotions. He was right. The sick bastard was right. She had enjoyed it, but what he proposed now was more than just a spanking. It was too much. She wasn’t his… she wasn’t anybody’s.

  “Please,” she begged him, although no more words came to her lips.

  The hand at her ass squeezed gently, massaging the firm flesh of her bottom. She panted at the way it ignited the sting of her spanking just as his right hand moved to cup the soft silky fabric cradling her breast.

  “These are mine now, Molly,” he repeated, squeezing both her ass and her breast to confirm the point. “Mine to punish and mine to view. You will be naked, so you may as well get used to the idea. Oh, and don’t think I’ve forgotten your most recent transgression either.”

  She fidgeted in front of him, all too aware of his fingers at her soft, intimate flesh.

  “You will be punished for moving from your corner without my permission,” he concluded as his hands drew away. “But first, you will strip.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Connor drew away from the trembling woman, watching with a satisfied smile as she twisted to see his retreat.

  “St-strip?” she mumbled, with large, shocked eyes. “You want me to strip… Sir?”

  Molly looked so vulnerable that he wanted to rub his hands together with glee. This was exactly how he wanted her, defenseless and exposed. The fact that the punishment had also made her horny was an unexpected bonus, and one which caused his already engorged cock to swell larger. But that wasn’t his primary objective. First, he had to break little Molly down, and then he wanted her to write for him.

  “You heard me,” he retorted with a smirk. “Corner time is over. Put your hands down and get those clothes off.”

  She obeyed at once lowering her arms, her fingers trembling at the front of her blouse.

  His cock twitched as he watched her, and he blew out a large breath. “Turn around,” he murmured from behind her. “I want to see you.”

  Molly spun to face him with surprising speed, a spark of defiance burning in her eyes once more. The expression stunned him, and for a moment they just stood motionless, staring at one another.

  “Keep stripping, little lady,” he commanded, lowering his voice in a deliberate attempt to make her jump.

  Molly noted the change, that much was certain, her eyes flickering with a wave of uncertainty as her fingers resumed their work at the top button of her blouse, but there was still a bubble of rebellion in her expression, simmering there below the surface. Connor took a step toward the small woman in the corner of the room. He only moved a couple of inches, but the resonance of that movement was felt keenly. Molly flinched, her digits stumbling around the second button as she lifted her head to see him towering over her again.

  “How long does it take to remove that smart little blouse, Molly?” he barked at her. “Do you need me to help you?”

  “No, Sir!” she cried, shaking her head. “I can do it. I am doing it.”

  He could tell she was forcing the words out, making herself comply, despite her better judgment. Connor couldn’t decide if the thought pleased him or not. He would mold this little lady into an obedient pet, one who would submit to him, write for him, and do whatever she was told, but he loved that little spark of fire in the woman. It would be a shame to lose her heat and fury altogether. Those were what gave her heart, that was part of what had drawn him to her in the first place.

  “Good,” he replied wryly. “Then let’s speed it up.”

  Molly exhaled loudly, but she did as he asked, releasing the final three buttons as he stood over her. “I can’t pull this off, Sir,” she mumbled in a low voice. “Not with my arms bound this way.”

  Connor’s lips stretched into a wide smile. “Of course,” he agreed, closing the distance between them in one giant stride. “Let me help you with those ropes.”

  His large hands descended at once, making short work of the bondage which had contained her wrists during the humiliating spanking. “Don’t forget your ankles are still chained, little one,” he growled as he towered beside her. “I don’t think you’d be stupid enough to make a run for it, but if you did, you wouldn’t get too far.”

  His brow arched as he pulled the final rope from her flesh, and Molly’s face blanched at the mention of her chains. “I’m not running,” she whispered. “Sir.”

  He nodded at the answer, grinning at the way she corrected herself. “That’s right, Molly,” he told her. “You’re not running, but just remember what I’ve told you. If you try to run, I will catch you, and when I do, I will punish you in the most unimaginable ways…” He paused, allowing his words to sink in as she flexed her wrists before him. “And I know you can imagine a hell of a lot, little one,” he concluded with a sneer. “Now get that top off.”

  She peered up at his looming frame, eyeing him through her dark lashes. Her gaze brimmed with insubordination, and her fingers shook as she shrugged the smart jacket and silky blouse from her slim shoulders.

  Connor scrutinized her thoroughly, watching the fabric fall away until it pooled on the ground next to them both. His eyes shifted back to her body, eyeing her pert breasts in their pale satin prison. He had imagined this moment so many times in his head, but nothing had prepared him for the reality. Christ, the woman was hot. He already knew what a great little ass she had, and now he could fully appreciate just how gorgeous her other assets were as well.

  “Keep going,” he goaded her. “I want you naked, remember?”

  Molly blinked up at him, her face resigned. Evidently, she knew that she’d have to do as he told her, but it was also clear that she wasn’t thrilled about the idea. Well, tough shit, Connor brooded. He wasn’t here to babysit little Molly. He was here to dominate her, in any way he wanted.

  Slowly, she slipped her toned arms from the small straps of her bra and reached around her back to unclip the hook. There was a moment when she stood there motionless, as though she could barely believe what was happening, and then she released the fabric, allowing the bra to fall away completely. Her tits were beautiful, and damn near perfect. Not too big and not too small, they were full and round, with wonderful nipples which seemed to bead under the weight of his stare.

  “Very nice, Molly,” he purred, allowing his voice to vibrate over the topless woman next to him. “I am going to enjoy having you naked around the place!”

  Her eyes darted to his face, indignation rising in her expression. “Fuck you!” she hissed. “I am not yours to chain or display…”

  She gasped as the words left her lips, her hands rising to cover her mouth as though she wanted to push them back inside. But they were out, and they had both heard them. “I’m sorry, Sir,” she breathed as her fingers fell from her face. “I didn’t mean it, I just…”

  Her voice trailed away as she presumably clocked the look on Connor’s face.

  “Fuck me?” he repeated, that dark brow arching as he intentionally loomed over her. “Is that what you’d like, Molly? You want to fuck me?”

  Connor pressed his body against hers, catching the length of her hair in his right fist so that he could hold her in place. Molly’s eyes widened as the pain and restraint registered in her brain.

  “No, I mean…” She blushed beautifully, her face coloring as Connor drew her neck backwards. “I mean, I’m sorry.”

  He held Molly in place, exposing her neck and pulling her to her tiptoes. “You will be little one,” he told her in a menacing growl. “I promise that you will be…”

  The intensity in his eyes made her flinch, and acting on some type of instinct, she tried to pull away, but his fist held her hair firm. “When I release you,
you will strip out of the rest of those clothes and kneel before me. Have you got it, Molly? Do you understand my instructions?”

  She nodded as best as she could, her eyes filling with water. “I understand, Sir,” she replied, but her voice was barely audible over the sound of his racing heartbeat.

  He glowered at her, before releasing his grip on the length of her hair. “Impress me with your obedience then,” he ordered her wryly, taking a small stride backwards and folding his strong arms across his chest.

  Molly pulled in a shaky breath, and for half a moment she just stood there before him. He watched as her nipples beaded into tight buds. Was she aroused? Did his show of strength actually turn her on? The thought was utterly tantalizing.

  Slowly, she began to move, lowering herself to the ground as she removed the small socks at her feet. He’d taken her expensive looking shoes from her while she’d been unconscious. The heels on those things were so long, they looked fierce, and he hadn’t wanted to leave her any obvious weapons which she could use against him. Molly rose on shaky legs. She offered him one final frightened glance, before easing the suit pants down the rest of her legs until they pooled at her ankles, held in place by the metal cuffs fastened there. Her small lacy panties landed on top of them as she paused, seemingly summating her position. Finally, she stood before him, gloriously naked apart from the clothes caught at her feet.

  “I can’t remove these, Sir,” she explained in a small voice, gesturing to the jumble of clothes at her ankles.

  Connor’s eyes narrowed as he assessed her. Dammit, she was right. The chains were stopping the wad of fabric from sliding off her body. He pulled the ropes through his hands as he considered the conundrum. He’d have to remove those chains to get her completely bare, and bare, he decided, she definitely had to be. “Turn around,” he ordered her.

  She blinked at him, pulling her lower lip between her teeth, but she did at least comply. Shuffling awkwardly around the clothing caught at her ankles, she twisted right, spinning until she faced the corner again.


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