A SEAL's Secret

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A SEAL's Secret Page 5

by Tawny Weber

  Oh, my. He felt good. Very, very good.

  She lifted her eyes to meet his, tilting her head so her ponytail swept over his hand where it rested on her shoulder.

  “Super SEAL?” she asked.

  “Man of iron,” he promised, his hand sliding behind her neck to cup her head. Fingers tangling in her ponytail, he closed the distance between their bodies.

  “Ready?” he asked, his mouth inches from hers.

  “I think so,” she breathed, shifting closer.

  His lips brushed over hers. So soft, almost sweet.



  The third time, he added his tongue. Sliding it over the seam of her lips, along the edge of her teeth.

  Livi’s body flashed hot, then cold, then hot again.

  Her fingers curled into his chest, the other hand grabbing his shoulder for balance.

  She’d thought she was ready for this?

  Oh, how wrong she’d been.

  Drowning in the overwhelming sensations, Livi let herself go. Let herself feel.

  And oh, my, she felt good.

  His tongue danced along her lips again, then, without warning, he tightened his hand in her hair. He tilted her head back, angled his mouth and thrust his tongue inside her mouth.

  His teeth scraped her bottom lip, his hands holding her head steady so he could ravage her at will. Her body went hot before everything melted into a molten puddle of pleasure.

  Livi almost came then and there.

  The kiss was wild.

  Tongues dueled, sliding over each other in a sensual dance.

  Her heart pounded in time with the fingers she kneaded against his skin. Then, wanting more, she slid her hand under the sleeve of his shirt, her fingernails scraping gently over the rock-hard delight of his bicep.

  He angled closer so he was wedged between her thighs. His erection pressed against her belly, even harder than his impressive bicep.

  So she did it again. This time, though, she captured his tongue between her lips and sucked while her nails skimmed from shoulder to bicep and up again.

  He growled, low and deep.

  She thought he’d take her.

  She wanted him to.

  Livi had never felt such a desperate need, such a deep, clawing desire for a man. She wanted to strip for him, to tear his clothes away. She needed to feel him, all of him, sliding over her body. Into her wet heat.

  But instead of taking her, Mitch eased back.

  With a long, soothing stroke of his tongue he ended the kiss, then brushed his lips over hers as if he couldn’t quite bear to quit just yet.

  “You blow my mind,” he murmured against her cheek.

  She felt his deep breath against her ear, a part of her wanting to protest that she wasn’t ready for this to end. She wanted more. She needed to know what else there was.

  His hands gripped her waist, lifting her so she was seated on the stack of crates she’d been leaning on.

  “Oh,” she breathed.

  “Yeah,” he agreed, moving between her thighs. His hands still on her waist, he took her mouth again.

  If the last time had been a deluge this was an explosion.

  Before, he’d seduced.

  Now, he took.

  And Livi let him.

  Her hands smoothed upward along the muscles of his back before caressing his shoulders. He had incredible shoulders. His tongue played with hers, sliding then plunging, again and again.

  Livi’s entire being focused on his mouth. On the feel of his tongue, the glide of his lips.

  Then his hands cupped her breasts.

  She cried out at his touch, wet heat stabbing low and pooling between her thighs.

  He didn’t squeeze. Didn’t rub. He just held her.

  Livi squirmed, the need coiling tighter inside of her.

  His mouth left hers, skimming her cheek with kisses as light as air. He nuzzled against her ear, his breath warm, before his tongue slid down her throat. Hot, wet and delicious, he buried his face in her shoulder.

  Livi moaned softly, her head falling back to give him better access.

  She was a woman highly in tune with her body.

  She worked it, she pushed it. She made her living from it and, for better or worse, was becoming famous for it.

  She thought she knew what it would do, how it would react. But as Mitch skimmed his fingers along her thigh, coming teasingly close but not touching her center, she admitted she’d had no clue.

  Either that, or he was simply a superhero when it came to turning her on.

  Before she could decide which, he pressed his hand against her mound, his fingers hot through the fabric of her unitard.

  Livi lost it.

  Oh, God.

  Everything went black, tiny pinpricks of light flashing behind her eyelids as the pleasure ripped through her, tight and sharp.

  Her legs tightened on his hand.

  Her fingers dug into his shoulders.

  Her mouth melted beneath his.

  As the orgasm curled back he changed the kiss. In an instant it went from voracious to soothing as he guided her down.

  It was as if he knew her body better than she did.

  She’d never had an easy trigger. As much as she liked the idea of sex, she’d rarely been able to relax enough to climax during lovemaking. She hadn’t relaxed with Mitch, either.

  But oh, my, had she climaxed.

  Fully clothed. She realized he hadn’t shifted a single piece of fabric.

  Livi’s mind boggled.

  Her body shivered.

  Not just at the wonder of what he’d done.

  But at the possibilities of what he could do.

  “More,” she breathed.

  She had to have more.

  * * *


  His body tight, Mitch took a deep breath and grabbed on to control. He’d known she’d taste good, but he’d had no clue she’d taste this good. Be this responsive.

  His hands skimmed back up. Grazed her hips, slid over her waist, briefly cupped her breasts. Livi gave a little purr when he touched the soft warmth of her cheeks.

  Her body...

  He took a deep breath, blown away.

  Because her body was simply amazing. Not just because she was built like his every fantasy, but because she was so amazingly responsive. He was a good lover. A damned good one. But he’d never had a woman ignite so fast, explode so intensely, then sigh so sweetly. The combination was addictive. He wanted more. He needed more.

  Brushing a soft kiss over her lips, he skimmed his hands down to her shoulders, fingers sliding under her leotard straps. He wanted to push them aside. To pull them down her arms, free those breasts and look his fill.

  A part of him, the part that’d been raised to be a gentleman, reminded him they were in a public storeroom and that stripping her naked—even if to worship her body—was pretty tacky.

  The rest of him, led by his dick, insisted he could more than make up the tacky setting by offering incredible pleasure.

  As if she sensed his internal debate, Livi shifted closer, her tongue sliding along the seam of his mouth like hot velvet.

  No question about which part he was going to listen to.

  Mitch reluctantly pulled his mouth away from Livi’s. She was delicious, but he wanted to watch the first time he stripped her bare.

  His hands slid over her slender shoulders under the fabric. Despite the dim lighting, he could still see the slumberous excitement in her gaze, the glistening temptation of her full lips.

  Before he could do more than enjoy the view, there was a loud pounding on the storeroom door.

  Livi jum
ped. He simply turned his head toward the racket.

  “Pull your pants up, I’m coming in,” said a female voice.

  Since his pants were secure—thanks to his hard-on, so secure he might have trouble unzipping them—Mitch didn’t bother following the instructions.

  He did mentally curse Romeo for losing his magical touch. In all the years they’d known each other, Mitch had never seen the guy strike out. Seriously? He had to do it for the first time tonight?

  Light slanted in, bringing the racket from the party with it.

  “Liv, I’ve got to get out of here. You want me to cab it or take your car and you can get a ride from your aunt later?”

  Livi closed her eyes, gave a mortified groan and dropped her forehead onto his chest.

  “Something upset her,” Livi told him, her voice low so it wouldn’t carry. “I should give her a ride.”

  Since Mitch could hear the tears in the other woman’s voice, too, he could only nod and vow to get revenge on Romeo.

  “I’ll meet you out front in five minutes,” she called to Tessa, giving Mitch an apologetic look.

  He waited until the door closed, then tilted her lips up to meet his. She tasted so good.

  Too good.

  It was probably just as well they’d been interrupted. He didn’t want their first time to have been some tacky backroom bar encounter, fast and furious against the wall. Livi deserved much better than that. But he knew he wouldn’t have been able to resist her taste if she’d stayed.

  “Rain check,” he said against her lips.

  “Okay.” Livi leaned closer and traced her tongue over the join of his lips.

  There came another loud thump on the door.

  This time they both groaned as they separated.

  “I don’t think your friend is waiting out front.”

  “She doesn’t take orders very well. But she really is upset. I should go,” Livi said, her voice heavy with regret.

  Mitch was tempted to ask if she always put everyone else’s needs ahead of her own, but that would have been rude. And he figured one orgasm and the intention to strip her bare in a storeroom were the limits to his rudeness for the night.

  So he stepped back, holding out a hand to help her down. Livi cupped her fingers around his but didn’t move.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  “Will I see you again?” she asked hesitantly.

  “Of course,” Mitch assured her, surprised she’d asked. Not because of her stunning looks, drop-dead body and adorable personality, although those were all major factors. But because he wasn’t a sleaze.

  But she couldn’t have known that. Mitch had to remind himself that despite how close he felt to Livi, they’d only met tonight.

  “That’s right.” Her smile bloomed. “You owe me a date.”

  “That’s a bet I’m looking forward to paying. But, unfortunately, I can’t right away.”

  Ready to get her number and set up a date for the following night, Mitch glanced at his watch. And clenched his teeth as reality smacked him upside the head.

  “Damn it,” he muttered. At her questioning look, he grimaced and said, “I’m due on the east coast tomorrow. I have to go by the base, get my orders and catch a plane.”

  “Ah.” Her smile was agreeable, her nod perfectly understanding. And her eyes filled with skepticism. He didn’t need to be a mind reader to see her doubts, to know she’d figured he’d blow her off.

  Showing impeccable timing once again, Tessa chose that moment to pound on the door.

  “I guess I’ll see you sometime.”

  He understood her suspicions. Navy guys weren’t known for sticking around. Not because they were dogs, although every branch of the military had their share fit for kenneling. It was because they were deployed for long periods of time—months, years—in submarines, on ships, in other countries.

  That sort of lifestyle didn’t lend itself to dating, let alone to having relationships. It was irresponsible to pretend otherwise.

  Mitch looked into Livi’s big brown eyes and couldn’t resist, though.

  “I’ll see you when I get back in town,” he promised. “In the meantime, tell me your number.”

  She rattled it off.

  “Aren’t you going to write it down?” she asked with a frown as she slid off the crate.

  “I never forget things that matter,” he promised. “I’ll call you when I get back.”

  “Will you be gone long?” she asked, her fingers rubbing the sleeve hem of his shirt so her knuckles slid over his bicep.

  He wasn’t going on a mission, per se. Nothing about his trip was top secret. Still, Mitch didn’t share any details of what he did. An overcautious habit, perhaps, but a habit nonetheless.

  “I’ll call you,” he said.

  Unable to resist one last kiss, he pulled her into his arms and gave himself over to whatever in the hell this was between them.

  Lust. Desire. Passion or a trap, he didn’t know.

  All he knew was that he’d never felt anything like this before.

  Mitch slowly ended the kiss, his fingers brushing her cheek before he released her.

  “You’re so sweet,” he said with a smile. “I never realized how addicting that could be.”

  Then he did what he’d spent his entire life training to do.

  He walked out and didn’t look back.


  LIVI’S LIPS WERE still tingling an hour later.

  Tucked into her comfiest jammies, Livi sank onto her couch and sighed with pleasure. Mitch Donovan had the most incredible mouth. What else could it do? Was he a kiss-you-everywhere kind of guy? Derrick hadn’t been. She had a feeling there was nowhere Mitch wasn’t willing to go.

  “You look like a cat with a mouthful of canary feathers,” Tessa said as she brought Livi a bowl of freshly cut fruit and Greek yogurt. “So go ahead. Dish. What’d the sexy SEAL have to offer?”

  Livi opened her mouth, but no words came out. Pressing her lips together, she frowned.

  Between training, taping and touring, she’d spent the last year with burlesque dancers, strippers and, for a memorable couple of weeks, drag queens. All the while she’d listened to them and her crew exchange salacious stories, share intimate encounters and dish naughty details.

  She finally had something worth sharing, and the words wouldn’t come out.

  Not for the first time she wondered what was wrong with her. Why couldn’t she just put it out there, the good, the bad and the ugly? Or in Mitch’s case, the incredible?

  “I can’t believe you were so rude,” she said instead. “I’ve never interrupted you like that. I’m pretty sure this means you still owe me.”

  Tessa grimaced but didn’t deny the claim.

  “So you cut your flirting short,” she said instead, setting her own fruit and yogurt on the table. “It’s not as if anything between the two of you had a chance of going anywhere.”

  “A kiss and a date,” Livi reminded her.

  Tessa scowled.

  “You’re not really going through with that, are you? It was a tie. There’s no way anyone can expect you to pay double when you essentially won.”

  “Mitch didn’t lose,” Livi said, running her tongue over her bottom lip as she remembered him making that point.

  “He didn’t win, though. So nobody has to pay.” Tessa threw her hands in the air and paced from one end of the living room to the other. Unlike Livi, she hadn’t changed out of her costume. Even dressed in colorless white, she contrasted clashingly with the soothing shades of lilac and pool-blue of the room.

  “Nobody?” Livi ventured. “Or you?”

  Tessa stopped mid-pace, her glare hot enough to melt glass.

  “Okay, what
’s the deal?” Livi demanded, straightening with her shoulders back and chin high. As if great posture would allow her to win the argument. “I’ve known you for eight years and in all that time I’ve seen you with hundreds, maybe thousands of men. You either seduce or freeze. You never get angry. So what’s your problem with Gabriel?”

  Tessa kept glaring, but Livi could tell she had to work for it. Finally, the brunette rolled her eyes.


  “Sure. I count all the men I’ve ever seen you with. Fans, dancers, waiters. That old man who lives in the apartment below you.” Livi waited a beat, then snapped her fingers and added, “The little boy who broke your window last year. What was his name?”

  “Billy.” Tessa’s lips twitched. “I do not seduce eight-year-olds.”

  “Of course you do. Not sexually.” Seeing that Tessa still hadn’t touched her bowl, Livi stole one of her strawberries. “But you pour on enough charm to get the guy—or little boy, in this case—to fall head over heels for you, making him so crazy he’ll do anything you want.”

  Livi leaned forward to take a blueberry, but Tessa moved her bowl before Livi could reach it.

  “What’s your point?” Tessa snapped.

  “My point is I’ve never seen you argue with a guy. Especially not a good-looking, sexy, available one. But you were right up in Gabriel’s face. Why?”

  Tessa’s face closed up. Something flashed in her eyes, a pain Livi had seen before. But no matter how often she’d offered to listen, no matter how good of a friend she tried to be, Tessa kept whatever had caused that pain locked away tight.

  “Have you met Gabriel before?” Livi couldn’t help but ask.

  “I know exactly what kind of guy he is. He’s military. He’s totally dedicated to one thing and one thing only. His career. Guys like that say they’ll be back. They make all sorts of promises. But they never keep them.” Tessa waved her hand through the air as if shooing away all those broken promises. “I know you think they’re hot, Livi. But they belong in the look-but-don’t-touch category. And more importantly, don’t be touched.”

  Tessa gave her a questioning look.

  “Oh, no. It doesn’t work that way.” Livi shook her head and wagged her finger at the same time. “You don’t want to tell me what your issue with Gabriel is—that’s your choice. But you don’t get to use those issues to keep me away from Mitch.”


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