Promise Me Forever

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Promise Me Forever Page 45

by Janelle Taylor

  “It’s so spooky at night,” she murmured, shuddering.

  To distract her, Dan related his delaying run-in with Camellia, who had flirted and warned him about her predatory rival.

  “I wouldn’t be surprised if Earl convinced her to stall you while we quarreled. They both hate me, and they’re friends.”

  “She wants me, and he wants you. Is that right?”

  “Yes, but neither will win their goals. Is that right?”

  “Absolutely correct, love.”

  “I’m relieved we got away without being seen and stopped. The law is probably still waiting for us to return from dinner. I’m glad Burke and Lula Mae didn’t see us take this canoe. I hate for them to have to lie for me again. We’re twenty miles or more from town, so we should be safe.”

  Dan noticed her nervous chatter. “This was a clever idea, woman; I’m happy you thought of it in your state. Starger really upset you this time.”

  Rachel stiffened a moment. “Yes, he did. I’ll tell you about it another day. I don’t even want to think about him, much less talk about him.”

  At least Dan knew she had told the truth, and he chided himself for having brief doubts about her again. But he knew they weren’t out of danger yet. As soon as the authorities realized they had escaped— believing by Earl’s report that they had done something wrong—somebody would be sent after them. He prayed they could get undersail before that happened. And he prayed what they were doing wasn’t illegal, or they would both be…

  When they reached the place the Ogeechee dumped into the Atlantic Ocean, they halted at Ossabaw Island to await Luke and the Merry Wind. They climbed out of the canoe and sat on the sandy beach beneath the moon.

  “I hope Luke got the ship out of the channel and is sailing along the coast toward us. At least we have the evening tide in our favor. He’ll have to go slowly this close to shore, and they have about twenty miles farther to travel than we did. He’ll send men after us in a boat. We’ll leave this canoe here. Try to relax and sleep until I sight them. Lay your head in my lap.”

  Rachel did as he suggested. She was exhausted from the chores and episodes of the last few days and the trip downriver. The setting was serene and romantic. The air was warm and smelled of salt. A breeze off the water was gentle and steady. The ocean lapped at the shoreline, giving off lulling sounds. Farther out, waves tumbled over each other and created white crests. Moonglow bathed Dan’s face. She watched him as he gazed out to sea and witnessed its strong pull on him. Could he give it up for anything or anyone? Once they were away from her troubles and perils, would she want to return to them? To ever leave his side again?

  “Are you scared about what we’re heading into?”

  “Yes and no,” she replied with honesty. Was he safe with her? God help them both if Earl Starger hadn’t lied to her…

  Dan toyed with a dark-brown curl and worried. He wondered what Earl Starger held over her head like a silencing weapon. Something terrifying had happened between them, and he wanted to know what it was. I thought we were past dangerous secrets, my love. What are you hiding from me now? You’re mine, Rachel, and I won’t let anything or anyone come between us. If I have to kill that bastard to protect you, I will.

  Chapter 21

  Rachel stood on the starboard side of the main deck and observed a setting sun that painted an orangegold shade across the horizon. Nothing was in view except the seemingly endless blue ocean and sky that appeared to touch far beyond them. Savannah and the troubles there were left far behind. The long and lazy days were underway.

  She realized Dan had been accurate when he described the Merry Wind. She was one hundred ninety feet long, thirty-six feet wide, and five decks deep. Her stern was squared and her stem was gracefully curved. With a keel of solid rock elm, planks of teak, and copper sheathing to prevent barnacles, she was stout and splendid. She could haul eleven hundred tons of cargo, and was faster than a steamer. The sleek three-masted clipper skimmed the water’s surface with ease and beauty, riding the waves as a soaring hawk rode air currents. She sliced through swells smoothly, creating no lift and plunge as most other ships did. She did toss an occasional spray, but mostly made a gentle white curl at her bow.

  A breeze played through Rachel’s long hair and teased mischievously at her skirttail. She closed her eyes and inhaled the fresh sea air. She felt serene yet restless, happy yet somber. Getting underway, settling in for the voyage, and doing routine tasks had taken up the day for Captain Daniel Slade, his first mate, and friendly crew. To keep out of their way as they scurried about and to avoid being an intriguing distraction, she had spent most of it in Dan’s cabin, admiring its masculine decor and gazing out the numerous mullioned windows across the stern.

  She wanted to tell him about her confrontation with Earl Starger, but she didn’t want to use him like a vessel into which she poured her troubles and frustrations. It wasn’t fair to overburden him when he was so busy with his ship and crew and was concentrating on the threats before them. She wanted to share everything with him, but hadn’t he already taken on more than enough of her problems?

  As the wind calmed, so did the flapping and fluttering of the many rows of sail that were wider and loftier than those of past designs. She listened as Dan gave orders; she saw how quickly, genially, and efficiently they were carried out by a crew that clearly respected and admired him. She watched men lower and secure sails for the night; she heard the anchor being released, signaling the end of their first day at sea on June third.

  Crew members went in several directions, some to eat, some to relax, some to play games, and some to guard duty. Any who passed near her smiled and spoke, and she did the same in return. She hadn’t seen the cubanos since boarding at Ossabaw Island following their escape. She knew they were using the only spare cabin, which had compelled her to bunk with Dan in his large and comfortable quarters. Dan had grinned when he told her she could use the bed and he would take a swinging hammock, but both knew that sleeping arrangement wouldn’t last long. The crew and Luke Conner probably knew the same thing, but she didn’t let it worry her.

  As dusk closed in, the water took on a pearly grayblue cast, as did the heaven above it. She hoped Dan would be finished with his captain’s duties soon and would join her. She turned to see him striding across the deck toward her. His midnight hair was wind tousled and he was attired in a billowy white shirt, snug black pants, and shiny ebony knee boots. As he sent her a broad smile, she thought of a roguish pirate of days past when they roved the seas and took whatever captured their roaming eye. He was so handsome that he stole her breath and enflamed her body.

  “How did you fare today, my love?” he asked in a husky voice that revealed he was just as aroused by the sight of her as she was of him.

  “I think I’ll make a good sailor.”

  “I had no doubts about it,” he replied with a lazy grin.

  “You weren’t exaggerating, Dan, she’s beautiful and swift.”

  “Haven’t you realized by now that I never choose anything that isn’t?”

  Rachel smiled. “Thank you for the flattery,” she said.

  “I never flatter, woman; I speak the truth. I’m glad you stayed below for most of the day so I could concentrate on my work. Watching you here for the last hour has been a terrible strain on me. Several times I was tempted to seize you and carry you to my cabin.”

  “What would your crew think of a captain with such a weakness?”

  “After getting a view of you, my enchantress, they wouldn’t blame me. In fact, they probably can’t understand how I quelled such an urge.”

  “What did you tell them about me? About my staying with you?”

  “They know it’s the only place I could put you, under my personal guard. I told them the truth, that you’re to become my wife when we return.”

  “Dan! You know that’s too soon for a recent widow to remarry. But let’s discuss that matter at a later date.”

  “Always putti
ng off the most important decision of our lives,” he teased. “How can you keep tormenting me, woman?”

  “I’m not. You know what choice I’ll eventually make.”

  “Eventually, that’s a naughty word.”

  “You are very demanding and persistent, Captain Slade.”

  “Sometimes that’s the only way to get what you want.”

  “Is that how I have to behave to get fed tonight? I’m starving. The sea air creates a big appetite.”

  “For me or food?” he jested with a sly grin.

  Knowing voices carried afar, she leaned closer to whisper, “Both.”

  “Come along, wench,” he murmured, grasping her hand and drawing her toward the stern hatchway that led to his cabin.

  Dan seated her at a table that was bolted to the floor. He took the chair opposite hers. “Be glad this is a short voyage and we’ll have plenty of fresh food. On long ones, meals can get boring and unappetizing. Buelly cooked up his specialty to impress you: beef and vegetable stew, hot biscuits, fruit cobbler, and a bottle of my best wine.”

  “What do your men eat?”

  “The same thing their captain gets. A well-fed and well-treated crew makes a happy and obedient crew.”

  “A Slade-made proverb?” she teased as she served her plate.

  “It’s worked so far. No captain or ship has a better crew than me.” Dan knew he was fortunate that all his men, except Luke Conner, only knew him as Daniel Slade, not McCandless, so he didn’t have to worry about someone making a slip to Rachel before he could explain that ruse. He told himself he shouldn’t be upset with her for keeping a secret with good reason when he was doing the same thing. Soon it wouldn’t be necessary. Yet he dreaded making that confession, and discovering her reaction.

  As they dined, they chatted about ships, his crew, and foreign places he had visited. They were mellow and happy in their private surroundings. Through portholes and the ceiling they heard footsteps or voices above them as men on duty strolled the deck to watch for other ships risking night travel or for unexpected bad weather. They noticed the gentle rocking of the clipper and heard waves lapping at the coppersheathed hull.

  “How long will our trip take?”

  “About five to five and a half days. With good winds, she travels fifteen to twenty knots an hour. Most days we’ll continue moving for ten hours. If the wind holds and no problems arise, we should make Cuba by Monday night or early Tuesday. We’ll stop at Andros Island to take on fresh water. I know of a sheltered pool where we can share a bath.”

  “That sounds most tempting. Have you used it before?”

  “By myself or with male friends, you jealous wench.”

  “Good. I would hate to use my claws on a female rival,” she said playfully.

  When they finished, Dan loaded the dishes and leftovers onto a tray and put it outside his door so they wouldn’t be disturbed later by the cook fetching them. He slid a bolt into place and turned to look at Rachel who was standing before the mullioned windows. He watched how slanted shafts of a three-quarter moon played over her dark hair. He doused the two lamps, allowing only a silvery glow in the room. It provided just enough light to make out the interior of his quarters and to silhouette the entrancing woman with her back to him. Dan walked to Rachel and locked his arms around her waist. He rested his cheek against her silky head.

  She sighed dreamily and leaned against him, placing her hands over his. “After only one day, I see why you love this life so much. It’s so tranquil but exciting. You have plenty to keep you busy, but not too much to prevent relaxation. It must be wonderful and stimulating to sail around the world seeing magnificent sites and having heady adventures. I could catch your contagious love for the sea and sailing.”

  “I hope you do, woman. It will be more fun with you along.” He turned his head to brush a kiss to her temple and tenderly squeezed her.

  Rachel’s heart was filled with love and joy. His world wasn’t scary after all, no grim threat to her and their relationship. She wanted to learn everything about him. She was ready and eager to take a risk on love. For the first time since childhood, she felt blissfully happy and safe. She twisted in his embrace, and her hands grasped his face. Rising on her tiptoes, she sealed her mouth to his. A fierce and urgent craving for him overwhelmed her.

  Dan’s arms tightened around her. His mouth meshed with hers. One kiss fused into another and another. His lips left hers to tease over her face.

  Rachel leaned her head back to allow him to continue a stirring trek down her throat. Her fingers grasped the billowy shirt and worked it free of his pants and belt. She slipped her hands beneath it and caressed his hard chest. They moved over curly hair and honed muscles. They journeyed around his sides and up his back. She flattened her palms on the sleek surface and pressed him closer to her. Hungry to taste his flesh, her mouth trailed kisses over his neck. She heard him groan in arousal, and felt the proof of it between her hips.

  When she parted them to discard her blouse and chemise, he quickly yanked off his shirt. They embraced, bringing their bare flesh into contact.

  Dan used movements of his furry chest to stimulate her already taut nipples as he kissed her with unleashed passion. As their tongues played a heady mating game, Dan shifted his position to cup one breast and tantalize its peak. Rachel’s hand roamed to the hardness in his trousers; through the material, she ran her fingers up and down its length. She heard him groan again, and thrilled to how much he wanted her.

  Her bold fingers worked with his belt buckle. When it was conquered, she undid the fasteners of his pants and wriggled the garment below his firm buttocks. She captured and stroked his throbbing manhood. Her loving hand did not calm him; instead it made him more anxious to be within her. She released the sleekness of him only long enough to unbutton and drop her skirt, which she kicked aside. Without removing her pantalets, she spread the slit in the crotch with one hand and guided him toward her moistness with the other.

  Dan grasped her seductive intention. He lifted her body, entered her, and held her in place by her buttocks as she rode him in a near frenzy to reach her destination. He was almost dazed by her unrestrained action and feared he couldn’t hold back his pleading release for long. He spread kisses over her hair and face as she rocked upon his fiery manhood.

  Rachel’s legs were locked around Dan’s hips. She tightened and relaxed them as she controlled this lovemaking session. The position rubbed and stimulated the bud of her womanhood. Even when she was breathless and fatiguing, she couldn’t halt her movements. She was overpowered by the need to have him fast and now. It seemed like forever since she had feasted on his body, even though it had been only a few days. She rode him swift and hard until she was rewarded by an explosive release to her steamy journey. She writhed against his flesh, moaning in ecstasy and kissing him any place she could reach. “I love you, Dan, I love you,” she murmured in the throes of passionate bliss, followed by noises of feverish abandonment and pleasure.

  Dan began to spill his victory into her body, sheer rapture making him feel weak and shaky. As he finished, he walked her to the bed without breaking their tight hold on each other. He thrust a few more times to finish dousing the flaming torch. He was breathing rapidly, but his muscles were no longer tense. He felt limp, sated beyond belief. He withdrew from her and rolled to his side, carrying her along with him. He hugged her tightly. “Stars above, woman, that was wonderful. Absolutely amazing,” he said as he exhaled between slightly parted lips. “I love you, Rachel McCandless. You drive me wild.”

  “I love you, too, Daniel Slade.”

  When she repeated what she had confessed earlier in mindless passion, Dan shifted to let his gaze pierce the shadows to view her face. It was too dim to see much, and he wished he had left one lantern or a candle burning. He wanted to see her expression as she admitted the truth at last, when he could hear it and she was conscious of what she was saying.

  Rachel grasped what he was doing. She roll
ed to the bedside table. Using the safety matches there, she lit a candle, then returned to lie beside Dan. She locked her gaze to his and said, “I love you. Did you need to see my eyes to know I’m telling the truth?” she teased him and bit him gently.

  “I’ve known it was true a long time, but I wanted to be looking at you when you finally admitted it. This means you’ll marry me, right?”

  She lightly bit him again. “Weren’t you listening when I told you I might not be able to have children? Luke says you want them, and probably soon.”

  “Might is the magic word, love.”

  Rachel frowned and rolled to her back. “No, magic is hot fantasy; I’m talking about cold reality. Maybe no children, no heir, ever.”

  Dan half covered her naked body with his. He stressed, “Maybe, Rachel; it isn’t a fact. You could be carrying my child this very moment,” he ventured and caressed her lower abdomen.

  Rachel captured his hand and halted its movement. “And I could never carry your child. Be realistic and honest, Dan. You know it’s important to you. Don’t fool yourself with wishful hopes. This could be another burden I’ll have to bear. I can’t let it weigh you down, too.”

  “Children or no children, I want you to be my wife.”

  She looked at the ceiling. “Now, but what about later?”

  “I’d rather have you without heirs than to have heirs without you.”

  Her soulful gaze returned to his entreating one. “I’ll make you a deal: I’ll marry you as soon as I become pregnant. I must prove my fertility before we wed.”


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