ROMANCE: Bear Naked Passion (Billionaire Bear Trio Book 2)

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ROMANCE: Bear Naked Passion (Billionaire Bear Trio Book 2) Page 58

by Audrey Storm

  “I, um, hi, yeah, I just moved in next door and I'm trying to cook but I just realized that I have no salt, do you have any that I could borrow?”

  “Sure thing, come on in, can I fix you a drink? I'm Lauren by the way,” she said, shaking my hand as I entered her apartment. I introduced myself in return, clasping the hand she offered. Her palm was warm and soft and it was like I was entering a whole new world. Where my apartment was stuffy and grimy hers was light and breezy. Candles were flickering and the scent of lavender filled the room. Notepads were open on the couch, although I couldn't see what was being written. The door to the bedroom was open and I glanced in to see a neatly-made bed with white and pink sheets and a teddy bear. I kinda liked the fact that she still slept with a teddy bear. I got the impression that she was one of those people who still had an inner child.

  I was afraid that mine had died.

  She opened some cupboards. When she reached up her top revealed her skin and tattoos of stars weaving around her slender waist, and when she bent down her peach of an ass stared straight at me.

  “I'm always forgetting where I put things,” she said, before turning and handing me the salt.

  “Thanks,” I said.

  “No problem, so where did you move from?” she asked. I told her, and hoped that I wasn't coming across as rude. I had this thing that whenever anybody tried to talk to me I gave short and blunt answers, even if I was interested in talking to them, although it didn't seem to faze Lauren and she carried on talking as though we were old friends. She would have made a good waitress.

  “I'd always love to live in a town like that! How are you finding it so far in the big city?”

  “It's okay, not exactly as I expected. I never realized how lonely it could seem,” I said, and I wasn't sure why I was being so honest with her but it felt like if I was going to tell anyone the truth it was going to be her. If you've ever met anyone who can seem like they gaze into your soul then you know what I'm talking about. There was no point having secrets from her because she knew everything about me already. She pouted and stroked my arm.

  “That's a shame, well, feel free to pop over here anytime. Most of my nights are pretty boring so I could use the company, and between you and me everyone else on the floor is pretty weird,” when she said this she leaned in, put her hand over her mouth, and lowered her voice making it a secret that we shared. All of a sudden we were bonded by the shared burden of a secret.

  “I'll keep that in mind, thank you, anyway, I'd better get back and get this salt in the pot,” I said, not wanting to leave her, but I had this strange fear that if I stayed then I would say something that would have ruined things. She looked disappointed, and I wondered if leaving was a mistake, but then she smiled brightly again and I wondered if anything could ever dent her spirits. We left with the promise that we would hang out soon, and unlike the goodbyes with my friends back home this didn't seem like a hollow agreement. But then, just before the door shut, a powerful need surged through me and I found myself possessed.

  “You know, I've probably made more than enough for just one person, do you fancy coming over for dinner? I can't promise gourmet cooking...”

  “I'd love to! Give me about half an hour to change into something more presentable and I'll come over,” she said, and my heart was racing.

  Chapter 5

  When Lauren knocked the door I froze, almost wishing that I hadn't asked her over. It had been so long since I had hung out with anyone properly that I thought I had lost the skills. I opened the door and was struck dumb again for she was wearing a clinging red dress that seemed to shimmer in the light. It ran down to just above her knees, but as she walked in it lifted up slightly, teasing me.

  The night was going to be a long one.

  I welcomed her in and gave her back her salt, and told her to make herself comfortable. It was the first time I was hosting anyone by myself so I tried to remember everything that my mom did when she had people over. I didn't have any wine so we had to make do with water, but Lauren said she didn't mind. Now that she was there I felt pressure on making the dinner look presentable so instead of dumping it in a dish with a spoon I carefully transferred it over and carried it out to Lauren.

  “This looks yummy, it's not often that I have someone cook for me,” she said.

  “Really? You don't have a boyfriend?” I asked. She snorted with laughter.

  “No way, I was done with boys a long time ago,” she said, and then lifted her eyes to meet mine, letting the gaze linger. Behind it lay so many hidden meanings that my throat tightened and I felt my heart race again. I could feel my cheeks flushing and there was so little I knew about this woman yet she was having such a powerful effect on me it was all rather disconcerting.

  “You know, this is really good, do you cook much?” she asked.

  “Thanks, and no, I just wanted to make an effort because I'm living on my own now. Back at home mom always did the cooking. She's lovely but I sometimes feel like she coddled me too much and didn't let me experience what it was really like being an adult.”

  “I would have loved a mom like that. Mine was too busy with my older sister, the actress. Mom spent so much time managing her career that I felt like an afterthought. She didn't have time for any background, only the stars, and by the time she tried to get me to be a model it was too late. So glad I got out of there when I did. There's a lot you learn when you move out from home. You start to discover who you really are.”

  “That's what I was hoping would happen when I left. I'm starting to feel that, I just wish I had more people to spend my time with.”

  “Well now you have me,” she said, reaching over and placing her hand on my leg, squeezing it suggestively, “And I think a good plan is to have a lot of dinners together so you can master the culinary arts.” My worldview was so sheltered and had been corrupted by Cody that I couldn't believe Lauren was flirting with me. Could I just forget everything that happened and live like a normal person?

  Scratch that, I was normal. I just had something bad happen to me. It didn't mean that I had to give up the rest of my life. But I couldn't tell her about it. Not yet. And it was all happening so fast. After the meal we sat next to each other on the couch and put a movie on. Lauren turned off the lights and gathered some candles from her room, setting a romantic mood. When she left I missed her, and when she returned my heart leaped with elation.

  She placed the candles all around and I instantly felt the heat in the room rise, although I don't think it was due to the dancing flames. Lauren nestled against me, our bodies pressing against each other. Her eyes looked forward at the movie but I couldn't concentrate on anything on the screen. I was completely transfixed on her, the way she absently brushed back her dark hair over her ears, how she would moisten her lips with her tongue then press them together and exhale slowly. I watched her chest rise and fall as she breathed and I knew that underneath her skin there lay a passionate heart, one that was unknown to me but that I wanted to know.

  There were almost imperceptible changes in her expression that I only saw because I was so enchanted by her, and whenever she moved it felt as though the world was shifting around me. Her skin was supple and soft, and she fit against me neatly, as though we had been made for each other. But I was not relaxed at all. In fact I was completely paralyzed, terrified to make any kind of movement in case I ruined the paradise that had enveloped us. I prayed silently that the movie would never end because I wanted to stay on that couch with her, sitting together in peace and silence. I didn't have to deal with anything that might result from the attraction that was simmering between us, it would all be so pure and simple and easy...but I knew that it wasn't going to last.

  The minutes ticked by and the wax dribbled down the candles. I tried to control my breathing, and wondered if Lauren could feel the earthquakes in my body that occurred with every pounding beat of my heart. I closed my eyes and shut myself away from all my painful memories, just focused o
n the fact that I was with her in the safe confines of my apartment.

  “Are you asleep?” she said softly, caressing the side of my face with her hand. I smiled before opening my eyes, enjoying the comfort of the moment. I inhaled deeply and then slowly opened my eyes to see her beautiful visage staring at me, abandoning the movie in favor of looking at me.

  “I don't think so, but I think I might be dreaming,” I said, barely believing that I had the courage to say the words and flirt back with this goddess who must have broken a hundred hearts in her time.

  “I can prove you're not,” she said, and upon uttering those words we were both struck by a lightning bolt. She leaned forward, slowly at first, and then everything rushed together in a blaze of color and vivid emotion as her lips pressed against mine and for the sweetest second I surrendered to it and let myself enjoy the tingling tremors that were rippling over every erogenous zone in my body. But then Cody flashed back in my mind again, the thoughts like spears, flying through my mind, making me wince and scowl, and I pulled away.

  “What's wrong?” Lauren said. I hated doing it but I had to crawl away and get to safety, somewhere where nobody else was. In a panic I moved away from her and stammered out an apology or an explanation or just words I don't remember what I said at all but I felt like a fool, like I was incapable of living and all I wanted to do was shut myself away never to return because what was the point?

  Chapter 6

  The minute she left I wanted to fling the door open and welcome her back into my arms but instead I sank down against the wall and folded my head in my hands. I felt like my mom when she left me, like I had just let something precious slip through my fingers. Was I destined to let what happened with Cody define the rest of my life? I didn't want to let it happen like that. I couldn't. But I had just turned away Lauren the moment she had gotten close to me, and I can't imagine that she had ever experienced anything like it, and surely with girls like Lauren you only got one chance.

  I had blown mine.

  The following few days passed with much sorrow. I felt morose, and as I washed up the dishes that me and Lauren had eaten from I felt a tinge of sadness. I lit the candles one evening and closed my eyes, and I could feel her close to me again, feel her warmth and the lingering scent of her was so powerful that I almost believed she would be standing beside me when I opened my eyes. But there was only emptiness all around me.

  Whenever I left my apartment I looked at her door and always walked that little bit slower in the hope that she would emerge and we could talk about it, although I didn't know what I would say and the thought of facing her again made me fretful because I had no idea how she was going to react. But then one day it happened. I was leaving and she was coming up the corridor. We looked at each other and then averted our eyes, but my insides were burning and I knew I had to repair the bridge that I had broken. Behind me I heard the key enter her lock and the door creak, and just before my chance had been lost I spun on my heels and called back at her. She looked surprised. I walked swiftly up to her and tried to summon the courage to look her in the eyes.

  “Can we talk about the other night?” I asked, my expression pained, my eyes pleading. I saw her withering look and I knew she was struggling because why did I deserve another chance, but the more I stared the more her walls were eroded and I could see it in her face, and then the door opened for me, even though there was an icy tension in the room. I took a seat on the couch, trying to mirror the situation that had occurred in my apartment, but this time she took the armchair. The queen, just like my dad had been the king.

  I leaned forward and placed my hands together, trying to fathom what on earth I was going to say.

  “Well?” she prompted, and I knew that by this point I had to tell her everything or just walk out the door and never see her again, but I knew that if I did it would define my whole life and I would always be the girl that ran away, the one who gave into fear, and I didn't want to be that girl.

  “I'm sorry for the way I reacted the other day,” I began, “it caught me off-guard and honestly...I hate myself for pulling away.”

  “Look, it's cool, don't worry about it. If you're not into it then you're not into it, not everyone is. I don't take it personally, well, I do a little, but it is what it is.”

  “No, it's not that I wasn't into it, or you, it's just...”

  “So what Tammy, are you a lesbian, bi...?”

  I exhaled, “Lauren, I don't know what the fuck I am,” I said, and looked directly into her eyes, “look, I have to be honest with you. There was another reason why I came to the city other than finding my independence. There was a boy back home, his name was Cody and he was the kinda guy that all the girls wanted, so when he started flirting with me I felt like I should want him too. There was this place called the creek, it's where everyone went know. I didn't want to and he told me that we didn't have to so I thought at most we would just make out a little and that would be okay, I could test the waters? It wasn't...I'm not the type of girl that most people wanted to take up the creek and I just wanted to be able to say that I had gone up there, those kinds of things mattered to me then.

  But when we got there he...he touched me and he kept touching me even though I told him to stop. He kept telling me that I would enjoy it if I just let him, that I really did want it and if he showed me how good it could be then I'd know, but I didn't want to know, I just wanted to get out there, but his hands were all in between my legs and on my breasts and his mouth was against my neck and all I could see was the moon outside and it seemed to be crying for me. He ignored my tears and I tried to push him away but he was too strong and he only seemed to get stronger,” by this point Lauren wore a look of shock and she was now sitting beside me, stroking my back and my hair, trying to comfort me.

  Chapter 7

  “Tammy it's okay, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to,” she said softly, and kissed my head.

  “No, I have to say this,” I said, and shook my head

  “Did he...did it go all the way?” she asked. My face went pale.

  “It was going to but then I was saved.”

  “What? Who saved you?”

  “I just...I felt this feeling inside, like everything was fighting me, and I couldn't stop myself, it all spewed out over me and him and the car and I kept choking and coughing and he cursed at me and said that I was a freak and it was over, but I can't stop thinking about the way he touched me like I was just there for him.”

  “Tammy, my god, I can't imagine, we can take this as slow as you want, okay, and thank you for opening up to me and telling me all of this. It means a lot. I just want you to know that you're not alone. I'm here for you,” she said, and for the remainder of the night she simply held me in her arms, and I felt safe, but as the cloak of night slipped around us I felt my attraction for her swelling again, more than an attraction, a need, a desire, something that I couldn't resist. I raised my head and looked at her. My lips were inches from hers.

  “Tammy, we can just cuddle,” she said, but cuddling was the last thing on my mind. I wanted to feel love, to feel passion. I wanted to repair all the damage Cody had done and remember what it was to be alive. This time it was me that moved forward, and my lips pressed against hers. I felt the soft sigh against my own lips and then the surrender of her body. Our tongues thrust forward and found each other, exploring each other’s mouths, while our hands slid over our bodies, peeling away each other’s clothes without invitation or request, but knowing that it was allowed.

  I kissed her so hard that it bruised our lips, and my heart beat so furiously that there was no doubt she could feel it. Our breasts pressed against each other and our legs intertwined as we pulled our tops over her heads. I marveled at the perfect symmetry of her breasts while she grabbed a handful of mine, the flesh pouring through her fingers. We laughed a little and then wrapped our arms around each other’s necks, brushing our nipples against each other.

  I was
so raw, so inexperienced that the merest touch was enough to make goosebumps ripple over my body and send me to heaven. Lauren seemed to enjoy this and she took great delight in teasing me, biting my lip and moving her mouth away, giving me her neck to suck on. I drowned in her scent and if I died then I could have said that I lived a full life because I didn't think that anything could reach those heights, locked in an embrace with her.

  I felt her hands wind their way through my hair and then she pulled my head back, making my neck arch. I gasped as she kissed down my chest and then found the line of moles than ran in between my breasts.

  “I love these,” she said, casting her eyes up at me for a moment, “it's like a dot-to-dot,” and then she planted a kiss upon each one, burying her head in the valley between my breasts. She had one hand on each one and played with my hard nipples, making me writhe and shudder. My skin felt like it was on fire but she had only just started. Her body pressed against me and I watched her back undulate as she continued the journey down my body. Her hands slid down my curves and I watched as she descended to the floor, between my legs.

  She pushed them apart and everything I had was on display to her. I had never been so naked before, so vulnerable, and yet I knew that it would be alright. She had a wicked look in her eyes as she looked up at me and then I felt her hand slide over my thigh into my pussy, stroking slowly and teasing me, gradually pushing her slender finger deeper inside until it was all coated with my juices. The powerful sensations coursed through my body and sent my reeling. My head fell back and my eyes closed as she continued pleasuring me. Her lips kissed my inner thigh and I could feel her breath wash over my pussy as she curled her finger inside me, then another one entered, and another, moving in sweet harmony, making my body sing and my mind crack until I had no idea what was going on or what was around me. All I knew was Lauren, there was her, only her, and the electricity that she was making flood my body, overloading it with pleasure, making me believe in love, all the answers to my prayers. My hands clutched the cushions beside me, my teeth dug into my lower lip just as she moved her mouth across and her tongue started swirling inside me, causing a hurricane of delight. It was like she had a map to my sweet spots and somehow she knew exactly what to do to increase the pleasure to an almost unbearable level.


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