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Magic, New Mexico: Touch of Decadence (Kindle Worlds Novella) (The Magic Mirror Book 1)

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by Sylvia McDaniel

  Text copyright ©2016 by the Author.

  This work was made possible by a special license through the Kindle Worlds publishing program and has not necessarily been reviewed by S.E. Smith. All characters, scenes, events, plots and related elements appearing in the original Magic, New Mexico remain the exclusive copyrighted and/or trademarked property of S.E. Smith, or their affiliates or licensors.

  For more information on Kindle Worlds:


  Magic, New Mexico

  Sylvia McDaniel

  Virtual Bookseller, LLC


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Thank You for Reading

  Also by Sylvia McDaniel

  Also by Sylvia McDaniel

  About the Author


  Prince Orion Krazolz stood by the bed of his sister, Lyra with his mother and father the King and Queen of the planet Tesceanus. The war between the witches and the people on the planet Tesceanus had ended when his mother had ascended to the throne. The people had enjoyed peace and prosperity until now.

  "How could she be under a spell? The witches have been dead for the last twenty years," Orion frantically asked the healer. Fury surged inside him chilling his insides to a ghastly cold at the sight of his beautiful, innocent sister lying in a deep, death-like sleep.

  "I'm sorry your royal highness. But there is no other reason for her illness. She's young and strong and we find nothing physically wrong with her," the cloaked healer said. "I saw a case like this years ago. It's a spell that befell all of the women in the royal lineage." Turning to the King, the healer said, "Our Queen is at risk as well."

  "That's not possible, unless all of the witches from the Xalto coven weren't killed. And if that's how Lyra became ill, then I will take my unit out and hunt them down myself," Orion said, his voice rising as he gazed at his sister who looked so peaceful she appeared dead.

  His mother, the Queen stared at Lyra as she lay sleeping. For five days and nights, she had not awakened, and lay unmoving. "How long can she survive like this without breaking the spell?"

  "Forty days," the healer said quietly. "Then her heart will stop beating."

  The thought of his sister dying was more than he could bear. He clenched his fists, wanting to hurt whoever did this to her.

  The Queen glanced over at Orion, terror in her eyes. "Zitora promised revenge.I fear we are under attack."

  "From the witches?" Orion asked.

  "Zitora, of the Xalto coven, told me his revenge would be a long time in coming, and that he would destroy me and win the kingdom even in death. If he put a spell on your sister when she turned twenty-one she would be overcome with the sleep and die, his prophecy would come to pass once I'm dead."

  Orion suddenly recognized his mother was in grave danger. Women had ruled Tesceanus for the last two hundred years, with twelve men sitting on the council. Long ago, they decided women provided life and should, therefore, lead while men gave council. War became almost non-existent. All clans came to the palace to resolve problems and strategize under the leadership of the women who ruled.

  Twenty years ago, his mother ascended to the throne with the death of Aunt Narween Nuefl. If Lyra died all they would need would be to kill two more and the kingdom would be up for grabs unless he or his father took over the throne and Orion had no desire to rule.

  "Which puts you in danger," Orion said suddenly afraid for his mother. "We must put you and Lyra under guard."

  "Healer, is there any way to break the spell?" his mother asked her eyes beseeching him.

  "Only the kiss of her true love or the spell being either broken or absorbed into the body of another, will awaken her."

  "But she's not of age and does not have a male subservient or husband yet," Orion said, frustration making his words terse as he realized whoever did this to her knew she would not be betrothed.

  "Which is why the spell was cast to start on her twenty-first birthday," his mother said quietly. "My daughter is the next in line to the throne, and I fear that this spell will kill us both, putting the kingdom at risk."

  Orion's father, stepped out of the shadows and wrapped an arm around his wife. "Are you certain? I don't like the idea of another fight with the witches."

  She nodded. "Zitora was a powerful warlock who wanted to rule. He must have placed the spell on Lyra when she was a baby. There is no one else who has this type of power."

  "Is there anyone who can break the spell?" Orion asked. "Maybe a good witch? One that won't harm others and wants there to be peace on our planet?"

  If the witches from the Xalto coven returned to Tesceanus then war would once again rage across the land. The peace they have enjoyed for the last twenty years would be shattered.

  The healer sighed. "Reports say there are good witches in the Blanchet family coven. They live in Magic, New Mexico on the planet Earth. I don't know if they are strong enough to break the Xalto coven's spells."

  "No, there must be another way," the King said. "I don't want to bring witches back to our world. They are still causing havoc in our kingdom. For years we've had to clean up the destruction from their black magic. Now that they're gone, why would we bring them back?"

  "To save our daughter," the Queen said, turning to him, her eyes imploring. "They are our only hope. Orion must travel to Earth and seek out this coven and bring one of the witches here to rid our daughter of this evil spell."

  The King shook his head. "I hope you know what you're doing."

  She glanced over at the bed. "Time is of the essence. It will take Orion five days just to reach their planet."

  Orion sighed, nodding his head. "And if I leave and you and Lyra dies, then the kingdom will fall to my cousin Aquila."

  "Or she could die like your sister and me. The world could fall into chaos."

  "And if I don't leave..."

  "We are doomed to fail unless you find the Blanchet coven on the planet Earth."

  "My Queen, please reconsider," the King said.

  "What else can we do? Watch her die? Dear husband, we must try to save our daughter and the kingdom," his mother said, her hand resting on his arm. "Even if it means bringing the witches back to our home."

  The King leaned into the Queen. "Of course, you're right, but I fear what the witches will do to all of us."

  "I know," his mother said softly. "But I'm willing to take that chance."

  Orion didn't want to leave his family. He didn't want to travel to a dangerous world with a government that would like nothing more than to dissect him. The thought made him furious that they had no regard for life.

  Sadly, Orion shook his head. "That planet is full of primitive beings who are destroying their world and who will someday become extinct."

  "Yes," his mother said, "but our kind could be endangered unless we break this spell."

  Her voice cracked with emotion and he watched her wipe a tear from her eye. He hated it when his mother cried.

  His father stepped forward and gripped him by the shoulder and leaned in close. "There is a ship waiting for you. Travel safe my son."

  Orion hung his head. He wanted to wrap his arms around his mother, but as Queen, he coul
d not touch her in front of anyone unless she initiated the embrace. Only his father had the privilege of hugging her openly. "I will leave right away."

  "Keep in contact, Orion. I fear for your safety."

  As he did, but if he could save his sister and his mother, he would take the necessary risks.

  His mother left his sisters bed and came to his side and cupped his cheek with her hand. "May the Gods watch over you and keep you safe, my son."

  He nodded as she and the healer stepped out of the room, followed closely by his father.

  Orion didn't like the idea of traveling to a primitive planet, he loved his sister and mother and would do whatever it took to protect them. So if that meant he would have to travel to Earth and some place called Magic, New Mexico, hopefully the Gods would protect him.

  Walking to his sister's side, he picked up her hand. "Hang in there, Lyra. I'm going to bring home someone who can break the spell and heal you.”

  Topper walked down Main Street in Magic, New Mexico on her way to the Touch of Decadence Bakery owned by Daisy Blanchet. She shook her head at the sight of the half man, half donkey galloping down the street. Oh no, Daisy must have had a bad date last night. Either that or the universe was spinning in the wrong direction for her today.

  Known in town as Bad-Date Daisy, she had a penchant for expressing how she felt about the men she dated.

  The smell of fresh baked pastries wafted down the street. Topper hurried, hoping that the girl was ready for Mrs. Looney's anniversary. She was only going to remind her, because she feared she didn't understand the importance of this occasion.

  She tipped her hat to Theo, who gazed at the galloping donkey man. If the man wasn't careful he would find himself in Sheriff Theo's jail sleeping off Daisy's magic.

  Pushing the door open, she strolled into the bakery and heard yelling coming from the back. "No, not a pinch of mustard, I said a pinch of mole juice. Don't you understand the need for magic in the dough? That's what we're creating, magic pastries."

  A toad came hopping out the door and glanced up at Topper. "Sorry buddy, I see she wasn't too happy with you today."

  "Ribbit, Ribbit," the animal croaked. "I quit."

  "Go sleep it off. Maybe tomorrow will be better."

  Daisy appeared in the doorway, a frustrated frown on her heart-shaped face. She flipped back a blonde curl. "Good morning, Topper. And no, Mrs. Looney's pastries are not ready."

  Topper nodded. "Having a bad day, Daisy?"

  "Not really. Just my birthday is creeping up faster than I hoped," she said, biting worriedly at her full lip.

  Topper sighed. This is your twenty-fifth birthday."

  "Yes," Daisy said, frowning. "My grandmother sent the magic mirror, that no Blanchet witch can exist without. Frankly, it just pisses me off. Why do I have to mate by a certain date? No one else is required to find the love of their life and have sex. Why is my coven the only one with these ridiculous genetics?"

  The girl was right. Her family made certain that the young would find their mate and procreate. It insured the continuation of the coven bloodline.

  "It's been that way with your family for hundreds of years. Since your ancestors were burned at the stake and wanted to make certain the coven didn't die out. And you are well aware the women in your family push the limits. You've known you had to mate on your twenty-fifth birthday, so when did you start searching for the right man?" Topper said staring at her.

  "I know. I know, but there's been no one that even seems interesting. I'm not jumping into bed with the first man that comes along. They don't realize I can read their minds and know exactly what they're after." With a toss of her blonde curls, she threw up her hands. "I'm sorry, but my choices in men have not been any more intelligent than the Equidae I'm changing them into."

  It seemed every few days one of Daisy's Onocentaurs, walked through town, with panic on their faces as they realized she had changed them into a half man, half donkey. The sight became a joke and people in town expected Bad-Date Daisy to cast her spell on unsuspecting men.

  "And what did that poor fellow who was hoofing around town today, do?"

  Daisy's emerald eyes sparkled with irritation as she put one hand on her hip. "He promised to give me the best orgasm I've ever received. So I made him into the dumbass he is."

  Topper busted out laughing. "And who did you turn into the frog?"

  "James put mustard instead of mole juice into Mrs. Looney's desserts, which would have caused them to have no sex for quite some time. That's why they're not ready. The potion is not entrenched into the pastry. I'm working on them now, so come back in two hours and they should be ready."

  The girl was known for making the best chocolate decadent cakes that had a man promising forever and shucking his clothes faster than greased lightening.

  Topper picked up a sample of a pastry sitting on the counter. "What kind are these?"

  "They're Smile cookies. Guaranteed to make you smile all day," Daisy said. "And even make you giggle."

  Topper took a bite of the sample the pastry melting in her mouth. She turned back to Daisy. "Maybe you should have one as well."

  "Already ate one," Daisy said with a giggle. "I should start smiling any time."

  Topper shook her head at the girl. She was normally a delight, until someone made her angry and then she would zap a spell on you quicker than a June bug on a hot summer night.

  "I'll come back in a few hours."

  "It's the Looney's anniversary, so why are you picking up the desserts?" Daisy asked raising her hands in the air.

  Somehow Aphrodite Looney had convinced Topper into helping her dress to seduce her husband.

  "Because, Aphrodite is letting me dress her for the occasion. She wants me to fix her hair and perform a bewitching spell on her husband along with your desserts. They've been arguing and their marriage is going through a rough time."

  "Why are they arguing?"

  "He wants to move out of Magic."

  "Why would anyone ever want to leave Magic?"

  "Because his wife spends so much of her time working with couples to help them conceive a child. She is a direct descendant of the goddess of fertility."

  "He should have thought of that when he married her," Daisy said.

  "She should have married someone whose powers were just as strong as hers. Mr. Looney doesn't like to share his beautiful wife with anyone. Especially people whose powers are stronger than his own."

  The town of Magic, New Mexico is filled with people who possess special powers and here in the small city they lead normal lives and are protected from nosy outsiders.

  "Come on, she's the goddess of fertility, love and beauty. It doesn't get much more magical than that." Daisy giggled. "Silly man."

  "Yes, my thoughts exactly. Hang in there, Daisy, your man will soon arrive."

  "He's got three weeks," Daisy said "or..."

  "Trust in the Fates," Topper said, and walked out the door.


  Daisy heard the bell ding over the door. She hurried from the back, her blonde curls bouncing as she stepped through the swinging doors that led to the kitchen. A big muscular man, with piercing dark blue eyes, stood in the doorway. His gaze lingered on her and suddenly she felt a little breathless at the size of him. Whoever he was, he wasn't from Magic. And after observing his eyes take on an orange hue, she realized he wasn't from Earth either.

  "May I help you?" she asked.

  He took in her appearance as she walked to the front of the counter.

  "I'm looking for the Blanchet family," he said. "Do you know where I could find them?"

  "Who are you?"

  "I'm Orion Krazolz."

  Startled that he was searching for her coven, she gazed at the man. If she wasn't so busy and he wasn't searching for her family, she would have checked him out more. But she had a marriage to save and besides with the nature of their heritage, she wasn't one to volunteer who her family was and where they were parking the
ir brooms. "Have no idea."

  It wasn't a complete lie. Her parents were dead and she didn't know exactly where her sisters' brooms were parked. She had a pretty good idea, but she wasn't going to reveal their location to him without knowing his business.

  "Why are you searching for them?"

  He frowned at her, his blue eyes glowed with a red tint before they changed back to blue. She'd never seen a man's eyes change to different colors and wondered if the different hues reflected his emotions.

  "That's for me to discuss with the Blanchet's."

  She tried to read his mind, but met a wall of resistance that she never encountered before. Must be the alien blood in him, because she could read all men's minds and that's why so many of them galloped out of her shop after they walked in. Think dirty thoughts and she gave you the body you deserved, one with an ass and a tail.

  "Suit yourself," she said and turned strolling back into the kitchen area. She didn't have time for good looking aliens. Oh yeah, she knew right away he wasn't a mere human. The man was certainly not from this planet, unless he was a demon, but she didn't smell the stench. This guy exuded confidence and smelled like sweet-spiced oil. Whatever he wanted, she decided to contact her sisters and tell them to remain on alert. There was an alien hunting them.

  She hurried into the back thinking he would walk right back out the way he came in. She'd call them right after she finished her order. Going over to Mrs. Looney's desserts, she pulled them out of the oven to cool. These were just right and should be ready to do their part in tonight's seduction. The decadent chocolate pastry would make their evening hotter than a porn flick, but more natural and fulfilling.

  Suddenly, the swinging doors slammed against the wall, and the alien strode into the kitchen like he was royalty. "I was told on the street that this town was Magic, New Mexico and that you were the most powerful witch. Is it true?"

  Great, someone in town had filled his head with information. She didn't respond. At this moment, she had an order to fill. That was her primary focus and then the pressing matter of finding her mate. She didn't care what they told the handsome alien. She had priorities.


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