Five (Elemental Enmity)

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Five (Elemental Enmity) Page 13

by Christie Rich

  One in particular seemed enamored of me. His words made me blush and sparked a desire within me I could not deny. When he asked me to dance, I thought nothing of it. If I had to marry an unattractive man, shouldn’t I allow myself one dance with the most beautiful I had ever seen?

  The last word I ever heard from my mother was a blood-curdling—no. The next thing I knew, I was in a land that could not exist. The colors hurt my eyes. The sounds made me cover my ears. I looked to the man that had taken me from my life.

  Cold, ageless eyes stared back at me. “Your body will adjust in time,” he’d said. There was no apology in his gaze or on his perfect lips.

  When Cassie shook me awake, I was still at my desk. I wiped the drool from my mouth. “What time is it?”

  She yawned, stretching her tiny frame skyward. “Eight-thirty.”

  I shot out of my seat. I was going to be late to class. “Why didn’t you wake me sooner?”

  She calmly looked down at me. “I just got up myself. Sorry.” She turned, walking to the dresser and back with the clock in her hands. “Why didn’t my alarm go off?” She ran her fingers through tangled hair, hovering over my shoulder. “Did you learn anything useful?”

  I didn’t know how long I had stayed up reading, but I felt exhausted. “Not yet, but man was it interesting. The way she described the fae realm was enthralling.”

  Cassie’s gaze grew distant. A tiny smile spread across her lips. “It is beautiful.”

  I was so tempted to skip classes today to read more, but I wasn’t about to risk my education when I had worked so hard to get here in the first place. College life was much more difficult than I had expected, but it was the step I needed to get into the industry.

  I showered in record speed, making it to my religious studies class just on time. I couldn’t concentrate. I probably wouldn’t be able to remember anything I learned today because I couldn’t keep my mind off how I was going to get rid of the lords.

  I was worried about the possibility of running into one or all of them at work. I decided to take the bus to the library to avoid being alone. I would have loved to run. I felt a tension building in me even though I had been working out in the fitness center. Running on a treadmill was no substitute for the real thing. My feet needed to connect with pavement, or maybe it was the elements? All I knew was my lungs needed the fresh air, but that would have to wait until I could get rid of my not-so-harmless admirers.

  Two girls stood at the bus-stop with me. We had dispersed with introductions, and they were busy talking about how excited they were to be going to Notre Dame tonight. I wished I was so thrilled.

  The bus pulled to a halt. I climbed in first, greeted the driver, and stopped mid-stride at the top of the steps.

  Luke sat casually three rows back. I wanted to turn and run, but how could I without giving myself away? I squared my shoulders, planning to walk by him without even acknowledging he was there. That backfired like my car when I didn’t warm it up.

  He grabbed my elbow before I could pass him, “I’ve saved a seat for you, beautiful.”

  How had he found out I would be here? I turned toward him, giving him a curt nod. “Oh, hi,” I said in the fakest tone I had ever heard. “I didn’t see you there.”

  He smirked, tilting his head in mockery. “I know how I affect you.” He ran a disconcerting finger over my wrist. “You are nervous around me. You need not be.”

  I glanced sidelong at the sun god. “That’s your opinion.”

  “Please, Rayla.”

  My name on his lips did funny things to my mind. He stood, towering over me with his exquisite body.

  “Have a seat. I have gone through much trouble to meet you alone. I merely desire to speak to you.”

  I fought the compulsion surging through me to do what I had been told. “So said the fox to the gingerbread man,” I hissed. “I am not so gullible.”

  His expression was openly delighted. “That is what interests me most about you.” He chuckled. “I promise not to eat you, if you will listen to me.” His smile was warm, nearly kind even.

  The girl behind me cleared her throat, “Excuse me. Can we get by you? The bus does run on a schedule.” She got me to comply to Luke’s wishes with a little shove. Too bad she was the one who tripped up the aisle when she took one look at him. Served her right.

  I lifted my chin in defiance before planting my backside on the seat next to him. Clinging to the edge of the seat, I stayed as far away from him as I could manage. I wasn’t going to believe a word that came out of his mouth.

  “That wasn’t so hard, now was it?” His cool gaze lingered on my face.

  My skin burned where his shoulder touched mine. “Speak for yourself.”

  His brows rose skyward. A tiny muscle tightened near his eye. A slow smile spread across his gorgeous lips. “You know what I am.”

  My eyes flew wide. When I opened my mouth to protest, his soothing, gentle touch on my lips took my breath.

  “This pleases me. We will have an easier time getting to know one another now.”

  How was I supposed to respond to that? I turned away from his intense gaze, inwardly shaking myself for being so stupid.

  “I have something for you,” he said, pulling a prettily wrapped package literally out of thin air. “I give this to you in the hopes you will see I am not so very different than you. I, too, have dreams and ambitions. Together, we can attain anything.”

  Even though I wanted to, I couldn’t look away from him. “I—”

  “You needn’t say anything, Rayla.”

  We were at my stop. I stared into his cerulean eyes looking for some evidence of duplicity. If it was there, I couldn’t see it.

  “I will see you soon, my beautiful Elemental.” He caressed my cheek gently and gave me a minute smile. “Perhaps next time, you will want to talk to me.”

  I got off the bus, clumsily shoving his package into my purse. I had a hard enough time with Lily’s journal secretly calling to me. Now I had a present I didn’t have time to open.

  I ran underneath Touchdown Jesus to the library doors, eager to avoid any more interaction with the lords. The mosaic was beautiful. I wondered if it had been intentionally created with football in mind or if it was just a happy coincidence that Jesus had his arms raised like a game official. All he was missing really was the whistle and uniform.

  Religious icons were everywhere on campus. The library was no exception. If church provided a measure of protection from the lords, I hoped this place would suffice. I flung the door wide, rushing into the spacious foyer.

  Alex Wayne stood stoically in front of me. His arms were folded across his chest. I gave him a token smile and walked right past him.

  He fell into step beside me. “Why the hurry?”

  I didn’t feel like talking. My words were breathless. “I’ve got to find my trainer. I work here now.”

  A deliberate smile spread across his lips. “I know.”

  I didn’t remember telling him anything about my new job the other night. “It’s good to see you, Alex, but I really need to go. I don’t want to be late on my first day.”

  He laughed. His gaze found mine and held it captive. “I’m the one you’re looking for.”

  Why did I feel as though his words offered a double meaning I wouldn’t like to understand? “You can’t work here.”

  “Yes,” he said with a triumphant grin, “I do. Mr. Hansen sent me to find you. I’m to show you around and get you started.”

  I gave him a skeptical look. “What gives, Alex? You don’t need to work.”

  “I volunteer three days a week.” He smiled proudly. “I have been for six months, so you can get over yourself now.”

  After a moment’s hesitation, I decided to believe him. “Are you sure I don’t need to clock-in or something?”

  He smiled impishly, shoving his hands in his back pockets. “I forgot about that. Come on, I’ll show you.”

  The library was bigger than
I had expected. Although decidedly mid-century modern, the interior reflected the same gothic arches and columns that dominated the surrounding buildings. Rich walnut stacks were neatly set in rows. Several cozy seating areas were scattered throughout the first floor with tables lining the walls.

  Alex led me to the ancient languages library. Several piles of books waited on tables to be put away.

  “I’m sure you can figure this part out by yourself,” he said, looking distractedly behind me.

  The clip-clop of heels erupted down the marble hall. A girl was walking toward us. She was cute with rounded features, thick straight blonde hair, and brown eyes. The tailored jacket and mini-skirt she wore looked all wrong on her.

  Her face flushed prettily with color before she spoke. “Mr. Hansen wants to speak with you, Alex.”

  He rolled his eyes, clenching his jaw. “Don’t go anywhere, Rayla. I need to talk to you.” His sneakers screeched in protest as he ran down the hall.

  The girl walked over to me, holding out her hand. Her floral perfume overwhelmed my senses. “I’m Brooke. I work here a few days a week. Let me know if Alex gives you any trouble. He can be overly demanding at times.”

  I just bet. The more I was around Alex Wayne the less I thought he was who he appeared to be. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  She turned to leave then hesitated. “I’m taking my break at seven if you’d like to join me. I’d love some company.”

  I smiled. “Thanks. I’m off at seven, but I’ll take a rain-check.” I was happy to have someone else to talk to. I didn’t want to spend any more time alone with Alex than I had to.

  She left me to it. I started with one of the larger stacks and got to work. It wasn’t exactly brain surgery, and focusing on putting the books away took my mind off the lords. After a couple of hours by myself, I was beginning to wonder if I had been abandoned. I was just putting the last book into place when Alex came down the aisle.

  He didn’t return my smile. He gestured for me to be quiet, pulling me into a conference room. He shut the door behind him, his features tight with a grim expression. “It appears there is one book you’ve failed to return.” Sweaty fingers clamped around my elbow. His gaze pierced my soul. “You need to give it back, Rayla.”

  I had a hard time suppressing my surprise. I was tempted to lie to him but figured it wouldn’t do any good. “Why the melodrama? I fully intend to return it when I finish reading it.”

  “There’s no time for that.” His fingers dug into my arm. “Do you have it with you? If you give it to me, tonight, Roger may never find out you took it.”

  I was desperate. “You’re the only one who knows I have it. Please, I need to read it.”

  He got a funny look on his face. “Why?”

  I wasn’t about to tell him the truth. Although, if his brother had a book written by an Elemental, Alex was probably well aware of the world I didn’t want to believe existed. “I’m just really into it. It’s enthralling. Have you ever read it before?”

  He quirked a brow. “I already told you. Roger doesn’t let anyone into that room, not even me. I should tell him what you did and be done with this, but I like you.”

  I wondered what Roger would do if he found out Alex had a key to his study. I would only use blackmail if I had to. I tried to think of something that would appease him. “Are you working tomorrow?” Maybe I could copy the book and no one would be the wiser? All I knew was that I didn’t want to give it back, ever, let alone right now. “I could bring it with me then.”

  “Nice try,” he said dryly. “I already saw it in your purse.”

  My lungs grew tight as though an angry gorilla was using them for drums. “How dare you go through my things!” Rivulets of moisture fell down my back. Had he been bold enough to look into the package Luke gave me?

  “I could have taken it back already, but I was hoping to give you the opportunity to do the right thing.”

  Why hadn’t I finished it last night? I should have skipped classes today. “I really need to know what’s in that book!” I grabbed his forearm, my nails digging into his skin. “Please, Alex. I’m begging you.”

  His gaze fell dispassionately to my ineffectual hand. “How could you be so desperate to read a stupid book?”

  I felt offended on several different levels. He clearly wasn’t an avid reader. “How do you know it’s dumb if you haven’t even read it?”

  “Maybe I should,” he snapped. “I told you not to get involved in this stuff.”

  “I’m trying to avoid getting sucked into whatever this is.”

  He edged a little closer with a sly smile on his boyish face. With steady fingers, he pushed sandy bangs from his hazel eyes. “I could be persuaded to let you keep it a little while longer.”

  I backed away from him. “What did you have in mind?”

  “Not much.” He smiled broadly. “Just a kiss.”

  No problem. I planted a sweet one on his cheek.

  He let out a gusty chortle. “That’s not quite what I had in mind.”

  I smirked inwardly. “I know, but it is all I can give you. My life is a little complicated at the moment.”

  His expression turned grave. “It could become a lot more so if Roger found out about you.”

  I felt the heat of anger creep up my neck. “Are you threatening me?”

  His eyes were cold. “I don’t do threats. You need to prove to me that you are just a sweet girl that was in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

  Chapter Eleven

  I searched Alex’s face. My hopes for saving my dignity deflated fast. “How am I supposed to do that?”

  “Give me what I asked you for. You can tell a lot about a person from the way they kiss.”

  “Is that so?”

  He traced the line of my jaw. “I already know more about you from how you just reacted.” He came closer, caging me against the wall, edging my knees apart with his.

  His request shouldn’t have bothered me. A kiss didn’t have to mean anything. I wanted more time to read the book, but I was hesitant. For some reason I couldn’t explain, I was reluctant to kiss him.

  “Come on, Rayla. One kiss will buy you a week. I’ve already readjusted the shelf and wiped out the footage of you taking Roger’s book.” He grinned boyishly. “I should have brought it for you to watch. It was quite comical. The look on your face when I opened the door was priceless.”

  I narrowed my eyes at him. “Why would you do that for me?”

  “I wish I knew.” He looked down at me, studying my face. He caressed my hair gently. “I would hate to see you get trapped in my world, I guess.”

  What world? Unless he had the best glamour, ever, he couldn’t be fae. I had a hard time believing this kid was really part of the ancient organization that traded women for power.

  “I don’t want that to happen any more than you do,” I said hotly.

  He smirked. “Then give me what I’m asking for. It’s just a token, really.”

  “Fine.” I readied myself mentally. “Go ahead.” I waited with my eyes closed, my back pressed firmly against the cold wall.

  I felt rather than heard his chuckle. “You aren’t getting off that easily.” He traced my collar bone. “You need to give me a kiss.”

  I had never instigated a kiss in my life. I suddenly felt shy. I glanced at him through my lashes.

  His gaze was firmly planted on mine. He was playing mind games with me. How could someone so innocent in appearance be so diabolical? I had underestimated him because he seemed harmless. I wouldn’t make that mistake again.

  “I’m waiting,” he said after a few moments.

  Why was I finding this so difficult? It wasn’t as though I had a boyfriend. I held the secret desire Zach would fill that position soon. I felt as if I would be cheating on him if I kissed Alex, which was ridiculous. I had only met Zach last week.

  Alex shrugged. “I’ll take the book then,” he said with disappointment clear on his fallen features.r />
  Why did I feel bad for putting that look on his face? “I just—oh, all right. But you’re road-kill if you tell anyone else about this.”

  He made a zipping motion near his lips. His hazel eyes dared me to make the first move.

  I rose onto my toes. “I’m just going to kiss you now.” How had I considered him small before? Had he grown eight inches in a few days? “It isn’t a big deal.” I placed my palms on his chest. His muscles constricted beneath my light touch. He was more chiseled than I had given him credit for. I swallowed hard. Why was my mouth so dry? I inched closer. My lips were a mere breath away from his. I gritted my teeth.

  I couldn’t do it. After all that, I was still going to lose my book because I was too much of a coward to close the gap.

  He moved so fast, I couldn’t stop him. I was suddenly in his arms. When I opened my mouth to protest, his lips covered mine. He pulled me flush with the hard line of his body, running his hands up and down my spine.

  I had to give him props. He was a fantastic kisser. I couldn’t fathom how a guy like him learned to move like that, but I was a mess of conflicting emotions when he finally pulled away.

  I blinked a couple of times. I tried to clear my head, but it wasn’t working. Why had he affected me so strongly? I wasn’t really attracted to him, was I?

  “You passed,” he said smartly. “Make sure you have it back here in five days.”

  I wiped my mouth. “You said I’d have a week.”

  He brushed a lock of hair from my face. “I deducted four days because you chickened out at the last minute.” His eyes glistened wickedly as he tweaked my nose. “I gave you back two because you didn’t pull away from me.”

  I took a measured look at this man-boy. Nature had done us all a disservice by disguising a devious mind under such a guileless face.

  I should have seen it in his eyes. I could now. I was too curious about his experiment to keep silent. “So what do you know about me now that you didn’t a few minutes ago?”


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