Disturbed (Disturbed #1)

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Disturbed (Disturbed #1) Page 1

by Ashley Beale


  DISTURBED © Ashley Beale, 2014.

  This publication is protected under the US Copyright Act of 1976 and all other applicable international, federal, state and local laws, and all rights are reserved, including resale rights. You are not permitted to give or sell this book to anyone else. Any trademarks, product names, service marks, or named features are assumed to be the property of their respective owners, and are used only for reference. All rights are reserved.

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to any person, living or dead, any place, events, or occurrences, is purely coincidental. The characters and story lines are created from the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

  Published by: Ashley Beale

  Beta Readers: Sandi Laubhan, Christina Concus, Gordon Littlefield

  Cover Image © 2014 – depositphotos.com

  I glance over to the right and spot him. Him. The one that makes your heart sore with just one glance. The one that makes you smile without a second thought. The guy that you've dreamt about your entire life but never thought you'd actually meet.

  He stares back at me.

  Though we're standing on opposite ends of a crowded room, I can't see anything but him. Everyone else fades into a blur.

  I see the side of his lip twitch and I know he likes what he sees.

  He doesn't move. I don't either.

  We both stand and stare.

  My stomach knots. I want to talk to him.

  I smile. He nods his head.

  A hand reaches out and pulls on his arm. His attention is lost on me as he talks to a friend.

  Turning back to face Clarissa, I realize I've been caught. She lifts an eyebrow at me with a know it all smile on her face. I roll my eyes and take a sip of my drink. Clarissa doesn't ask any questions, she just continues to speak about starting college in two weeks.

  Although we both start classes on the same day, we're not going to the same schools. It doesn't bother either of us though, since the colleges are only a half hour apart. Plus, we live close to one another.

  Clarissa has been my best friend since the third grade. She is truly one of a kind. The most abundant friend a girl could ask for. We've never had an argument with each other, not about anything. Even when we don't agree on something, we agree to disagree and that is that. I love her as much as I love my older sister, Taryn.

  "...and my dad said he'll go with us tomorrow."

  My mind comes back to the conversation we started having. I really haven't been focused on what she is saying. "Tomorrow? Where are we going tomorrow?"

  Clarissa rolls her eyes at me. "Remember? You're helping me pick out my new car."

  "Oh, right." I smile at her as she childishly sticks out her tongue. "What time are we leaving?"

  "I'm thinking early. I'd like to be done by lunch. Want to go to-"


  My body heats up instantly. Rolling in from the tips of my toes, warming everywhere until it hits my cheeks. They've got to be beat red with how hot they burn. With what? I'm not sure. I'm not embarrassed, nor am I turned on. He just... his voice. Him. He has me feeling like a hormonal teenager discovering a dirty magazine for the first time, and I don't even know the color of his eyes.

  Clarissa bites on her lip while her eyes examine every single inch of his body behind me. I don't dare myself to face him. Not while he is this close.

  He laughs softly, close to my ear. The sound is mesmerizing. The air brushes against my skin, tickling along my neck. I can feel myself break out in goosebumps.

  Willing myself not to freak him out by acting immature and love struck already, I turn to face him, smiling at his adorable expression. "Hey," I accomplish to respond.

  I get to see his full smile this time. It’s breathtaking. Literally. I cannot breathe as my body turns into gelatin.

  "Can I talk to you for a second?"

  I nod my head because for some reason... I simply cannot speak.

  Clarissa gives me a shove in his direction, bringing me off balance. Before I fall, he catches my arm, pulling me back up. I smile up at him, loving the sparkle in his deep blue eyes. I like the color blue. I think it may have just become my favorite color.

  I can hear Clarissa laugh softly, somewhere in the background. I give her a playful glare over the shoulder. "You two have fun," she says with a wink before walking away from us, taking her drink with her.

  I look back up to the random party goer who seems to have stolen my heart with only a handful of words. "Want to head outside?" he asks.

  "Yeah, I'd like that," I answer bashfully.

  He wraps his arm around my backside, leaving his hand low on hip, just not low enough for him to be touching my butt. Together we head towards the front door, where people are still coming in to join one of the last parties of the summer.

  Outside he walks us over to a fence that runs along the driveway. Using one foot on the bottom post, I climb onto the top post, turn and sit. The guy slides himself snug between my legs. It’s as if the two of us are already naturals together, even though we've never actually met before.

  For the very time in my life, I believe in love at first sight.

  With both of his hands on each of my knees, he slowly slides them to rest on my hips. Tingles follow his motion, spreading through my legs. I find myself becoming a hopeful romantic.

  "I saw you watching me," he says. It's in such a cocky nature too, something I'd find pathetic on most guys. It suites him. He has this thing about him that seems like he is the playful type, even if a little arrogant.

  Playing into it, I answer honestly. "I was."

  "From the way you were watching me, I assume you enjoyed what you saw."

  The blue in his eyes glisten from the moonlight as they stare down into my dark brown ones. I can't help but form a goofy smile on my face, loving how he makes me feel after just seconds of a pointless conversation. "Maybe," I tease.

  Cocking his head to the side, he gives me that look. The one that says he knows I'm bullshitting him. Which I am, completely. I didn't like what I saw... I fucking loved it.

  I want to ask his name, but for some reason not knowing it gives me a thrill. One of which I'm not sure I can explain. I've been with a few guys sexually, but I've always known their names. I'm not a girl who does one night stands. Everything could change tonight. I could most certainly take him in the backseat of my car, not even knowing his name or age or anything else about him.

  The thing about that though, I already know I want to see him again.

  I'm pretty sure I've gone from awesome... to insanely pathetic.

  Deciding it’s best not to have these thoughts of making love in the backseat with a stranger, or calling myself awesome in my head, I finally dare myself to speak. I'm normally a bit shy, unable to start a conversation or easily keep them going with people I don't know, but I push myself to do it anyways.

  "You from around here?"

  "Born and raised in Phoenix. Just moved to Chandler the beginning of summer. How about you?"

  "Lived smack dab in the heart of this town since I was born. Honestly, I've never even left the state of Arizona before."

  His eyes show a hint of surprise. I know most people travel at least once out of state before they're eighteen. I'm just that rare exception, obviously.

  "You going to college around here?"

  He snorts out a fake laugh. "I'm not the college type. I barely finished high school. Fuck going to school any longer than I need."

  It kind of pains my heart to hear him say that. Not that college is for everyone, but to be so careless of his own future is a wakeup call that he isn't mister perfect. "Oh," I reply.

  His hand comes
up to my face as he places it softly against my cheek. My first instinct is to push my cheek into his palm, feeling his gentle caress against my warm skin. "I have a good job. It pays me more than most make after they go to college for four years, and I don't have to worry about paying back any loans. I'm not a bum or anything, so lose the pitiful smirk."

  With those words... and that wink... I'm instantly back on cloud nine.

  These are the feelings that people see in movies or read about in novels. The instant spark. The pounding heart. The unexplainable connection. The fear of having him walk away before I even know his name. It’s absolutely ridiculous, yet here I am.

  I guess I need to take a course in Pathetic-101.

  "I take it you're going to college."

  "Yeah," I answer with a smile. "Journalism. I'm undecided on what I want to do when I'm done with school, but my dad insisted I chose a major."

  "Daddy's girl?" he assumes.

  His assumption is dead on though. "Yeah. Completely." I don't play shy or embarrassed, because I'm not. I've always been a daddy's girl, and always will be.

  "So am I going to have to do the proper thing and ask his permission to bring you on a date?"

  I feel the knot inside my stomach tighten. He wants to date me? If his hands weren't gripped so tightly to my hips, I'm sure I'd faint right now. Humble, I answer him. "You don't have to. You can just ask me yourself."

  "The thing is..." He brings his face closer to mine. So close, I can taste the beer on his breathe. It's not romantic but my body magnetizes to his, pulling me in closer. "I don't normally date girls when I don't know their name."

  I bunch my nose up, letting him know I'm pretty disappointed we have to end our little game of mysteriousness. If it means I get to go on an actual date with this dreamy guy though, it’s totally worth it. "Liv. Liv Donovan."

  "Blaise Cole."

  Mm. Blaise. It’s perfect. Suits him to a tee.

  From his blazing blue eyes, to the fire he ignites inside me, to the strong demeanor that is uniquely his.

  My eyes roam over Blaise's face, taking in his strong jaw line, full lips, soft eyes, and buzzed down hair. He is perfection at its finest and I swear by the end of the week, I'll be falling hopelessly in love.

  "Does Liv have plans for tomorrow evening?"

  Feeling all brands of cocky, I nod my head and reply, "Yeah, with you."

  He chuckles softly, bringing his lips all too close to mine yet again. "I'll pick you up at six."

  "Six it is." When I speak, my lips are close to brushing against his. I'm ashamed with myself how close I came to just pressing my drying lips to his soft, luscious ones.

  I spot his eyes dart down to my lips, as if reading my thoughts. Completely out of habit, my tongue darts out and moistens them. His lips lift into a small, yet confident smile. "Until tomorrow."

  He backs away from me, slowly running his hands from my hips to my knees. With a small squeeze with both his hands, they drop to his side, leaving me on the post breathless.

  Unable to move, I bite down on my lower lip as it lifts into a smile. A nod of my head is all he gets in return.

  Just as he turns away from me, I realize we haven't switched numbers nor have I given him my address yet.

  With a crack in my voice, I yell out his name. "Blaise!"

  He turns on his heels to face me, grinning wide. "Liv." The way he says my name... oh my!

  It takes a second for me to speak again, fighting against the hurdles in my stomach.

  "You need my number," I tell him.

  He nods his head while reaching down in his pocket. When he peeks up at me from his screen, I yell out each digit. Instead of repeating his to me, he instead slides his phone in his pocket and walks away. No more words are said, and I actually feel my heart contract, not liking that thought.

  Then I remember... I'll be on a date with that man tomorrow night.

  All feels right in the world.

  And I'm not even sure why.

  Once I get inside, I spot Clarissa getting another drink while talking to a rather attractive guy. Sliding through the crowd, I get to her and push against her shoulder. "That was fast," is her response without even looking in my direction.

  "Shut up." I grab a cup and start pouring a drink beside her. The man she was flirting with grins down at her, wanting to take her away from me without using his words.

  Clarissa tilts her head in my direction, getting his hint as well. "I'll catch up to you later." With her signature wink, she leaves me behind as I did her only a little while ago. Wanting more of Blaise, and not having him, I take a few sips of my newly mixed drink and search for more friends to dance with.

  In what was supposed to be the ultimate party of the season, ends up with me wanting the night to hurry up and end so tomorrow can begin and I can find myself lost in the amazing blue eyes of Blaise.

  "I know dad," I reply over the phone.

  I quit my high school job at the beginning of the summer, wanting to enjoy the last summer before I'm required to be responsible and not have any more summers. My childhood has officially come to an end, and I wanted to absorb every last minute of it. Now I'm being pressured into starting a job... any job... before school starts.

  "Of course you know, doesn't mean you're doing anything about it."

  I roll my eyes, only because I know he can't see me. "I'll put in applications tomorrow."

  "What is wrong with today?"

  "I'm going with Clarissa and her dad today. We're going car shopping, then out to lunch, and I have plans later today."

  I can hear the sigh in his voice before he speaks. "After lunch and before later plans, go online and fill out something. I'm paying for your tuition and supplies, the least you can do is pay for your own gas and food."

  "Fine," I drag out the word. "I'll let you know what I find. I'll call you tomorrow, love you."

  "Love you, too, kiddo."

  When the lines go silent, I go outside and wait on the front porch until Clarissa's dad pulls into the driveway to pick me up.

  Skimming through the dealership parking lot, I realize how bad I really do need a job. These cars are amazing, but there is no way I'll ever have a new vehicle without a savings account and some credit. It actually makes me excited to go job hunting online when I get home.

  "What do you think about this one?"

  I look to the baby blue Toyota Corolla Clarissa picks out. I'm not a fan of the color, but since it suites her so perfectly I tell her how much I love it. I can tell my opinion doesn't exactly count anyways, because she is already opening the driver's seat door and sliding in behind the wheel.

  Her hands glide around the wheel as she gets a feel for it. I slide into the passenger seat and look at all the trinkets on the dashboard. It’s fully loaded, with a damn screen the size of my tablet in the center of it all.

  The salesman starts explaining about a camera, Bluetooth set up for her phone, and all this other junk I wouldn't know about since I'm not a very tech-savvy person. She falls more in love with the car with every word he says. Clarissa's dad becomes just as in-depth with the conversation, and I know without a doubt this is her new car.

  I don't come from money, but we're not poor. We were always upper-middle class. We had money for the things we needed, and a few things we wanted, getting by just fine. It was things like this you never saw- just going to a dealership and purchasing the first thing any of us fell in love with.

  After all, I drive a Honda Civic from the late nineties.

  Clarissa's family had everything they needed, wanted, and so much more. I always envied that about her, even though I'm proud to know that my family taught me the value of a dollar. I know what will help me in the future. Doesn't mean I'm not jealous of this new car and a various list of other things.

  Once Clarissa and I climb out the vehicle, and her dad checks things over, we head inside for the paperwork. Sitting back in the leather chair offered by the salesman, I pull my phone ou
t to play a game, just to see a text from an unknown number.


  I text it back: Who is this?

  It takes all of three minute to get a response: Your dads address. I'll pick you up there at 545.

  I can't help but grin immensely, even with the insane amount of flips my stomach does. My nerves are out of control, not just because of the date tonight, but of Blaise meeting my dad. No, of my dad meeting Blaise. What is he going to think? Is he going to be okay with this? He doesn't like the thought of me on dates, so I usually don't tell him. It’s one of the few things I hide from him.

  I text my dad’s address, even with the nauseas feeling inside of me. He replies with a simple, K, and leaves it at that.

  That’s it?

  I find annoyance in that, only because I wanted this conversation to go on for a while. There is no way I'm going to continue a conversation when it’s obvious he wanted to just get to the point and be done with it.

  Once all the paperwork is done, after almost an hour of sitting here feeling anxious, we're able to slide into her new vehicle. Her dad instructs Clarissa on a few things, mainly on when to get the oil changed and what kind of gas to use, then he leaves us be as he makes his way to his own vehicle. She immediately sets Pandora on her phone, which goes through the speakers of her Toyota. The bass bumps while we drive out of the parking lot, heading toward our favorite luncheon joint.

  Water spraying down my body, cooling it under its touch, feels euphoric. I don't want to shut off the water, but I know I don't have much time to get ready for tonight. The thumping in the pipes comes to a halt as I turn the knob to off. Reaching around for a towel, I slowly dry myself off in the shower, day dreaming about what Blaise has in store for tonight.

  Knots in my stomach reform, pulling in all directions while I think about a slow, torturous kiss from his lips. It would make everything about the night magical. My own fairytale ending... except... it’s just the beginning.

  The beginning of what though?

  I'm anxious to find out this answer.


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