Disturbed (Disturbed #1)

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Disturbed (Disturbed #1) Page 3

by Ashley Beale

  "So I talked with my boss today. He wanted to know if you were good with answering phones or organizing schedules. Any of that kind of secretarial stuff."

  "Um, yeah. I mean, I've never been a secretary, but I had to answer phones for my other job. Scheduling can't be too hard as long as I have a planner and information." I feel so hopeful for this job. Stock markets. That means I could really get my foot in the door somewhere when I'm done with college, having such a great reference and connections.

  "Would you be able to meet him tomorrow?"

  "Yes," I blurt out.

  Blaise chuckles over the line. "Okay," he says with laughter. "I'll give him a call in a minute. As long as you're sure this something you want to do."

  "I would love it," I tell him. "Seriously. Thank you."

  "Well don't thank me yet, you don't have the job, just an interview. I put in a great word though."

  My lips lift into a large smile. I'm ever so grateful right now. Everything in my world just came together like pieces of a puzzle. I guess the saying is true, good things happen to those who wait.

  "Will I be seeing you tonight still?" he asks.

  "I'd love that," I answer honestly. "What time?"

  "I need to shower and stuff first. I'll pick you up, say six?"


  Our call ends and I squeal out in excitement, replaying the conversation to Clarissa. She acts weary instantly. "I didn't think it was that easy to get a job in the stock market."

  "Well, it’s not like I'm doing the actual stocks or anything. I'm just answering calls. How hard is it to get a job like that?"

  She shakes her head. "I don't know. I just have a bad feeling about this." Before saying anymore, she turns up the radio and starts singing along to it, completely out of tune. I decide to ignore the fact she just brought me out of my high, and instead join in with the signing. I need to enjoy these lasts days with her and not be filled with bitterness.

  Dad helps me empty Clarissa's car out when I get home, then I give her hugs with promises to see her sometime in the next day or two. Once everything is put into a pile in my bedroom, I tell my dad about the job interview tomorrow. He becomes much more excited about the information than Clarissa did, but I still see a look of concern in his eyes.

  I don't think his concern comes from the job interview though, because he was overly excited about that. I think it comes from the fact that if I get this job, I'll be around Blaise that much more.

  At least I think I will be. I'm not really sure what he does. He said he was more behind the scenes. I may never even see him from my desk. That is, if I do get this job.

  As soon as my dad leaves the room, I instantly start raiding through my closet for something to wear tomorrow. I need to look my best for this job interview, I know I won't have a better opportunity than this.

  Still trying to find my best attire, I hear a knock on the door. Glancing quickly at the clock, I see it’s already six. I haven't even thought about our date tonight and what I'm going to wear to that. I have been in here for almost three hours trying to find something for tomorrow. I'm stressing much more than I need to be.

  I open the door. Dad leans against the frame with his arms crossed. "Your boyfriend is in the kitchen."

  "He isn't my boyfriend," I retort.

  I watch him grin before I turn to grab something to wear tonight. I don't think cut off shorts and black tank top is appropriate for a second date. I need something a little classier.

  "I didn't know you were going on another date tonight," he says. He doesn't come in the room, just watches me as I dig through my already messy pile of clothes.

  "I was focused on the interview tomorrow, I forgot to tell you." I look over at him, pausing. "Is it okay? I mean, I am an adult after all, and I..."

  He cuts me off. "You're right, you are an adult. I trust your decisions. He seems like a decent young man, and he obviously is smitten on you. I just know what boys his age think of, and..."

  This time it's me cutting him off. "Dad! Gross. Stop. It isn't like that." Before he can say anymore, I plug my ears so I can't hear the rest of the conversation.

  When I see that he doesn't have more to add, I pull the fingers from my ears.

  Dad smiles at me, but it’s not a smile that reaches his eyes. I can see the worrisome there. He is letting go of his baby girl more and more each day. College, potential boyfriend, becoming an adult. He is losing control of me. He knows I'm losing control of everything that has always made me innocent. I'm stepping into a new life, and no one is able to hold on to ‘once was’ anymore.

  "I'll be good dad," I try to reassure him.

  "I know, Princess." He turns and walks down the hall.

  I quickly grab at the first pair of black leggings I can find and throw on a long pink tank top. It’s dressy-casual, so I'm hoping that no matter what we end up doing tonight that I'll look alright. I hate nothing more than feeling out of place.

  Walking down the steps, I see my dad and Blaise engrossed in conversation about football. I do everything I can not to groan. I'm not a fan of sports. I hate even more when men act like ten year old boys the second they find out someone else likes the same team as them.

  "Ready?" I ask.

  The conversation comes to a pause as both eyes are on me.

  "Absolutely," I hear Blaise say. His eyes filled with adoration. I truly do feel like the most beautiful woman on earth when I'm around him.

  After grabbing a bite to eat at a much less elegant place, the two of us arrive outside of a closed down golf course. I look over at him with concern when the engine shuts off. He has a habit of bringing me to awkward places in the dark. I should feel a little more threatened than I do.

  "Ready for me to kick your ass?" he asks.

  "It's closed," I inform him. He should know this. We're the only people in the parking lot and there is most certainly a lock on the fence in front of us.

  He dangles his key chain in front of me. There are over a dozen keys on the key chain. I'm not sure I've never seen a man with so many keys before. "I have connections," is the only thing he says before getting out of the vehicle.

  I follow a foot behind him, a little surprised to see that in fact he does have a key to the golf course. We enter inside the area, where Blaise goes straight to a little shack. I'm passed a golf club and purple golf ball, as he grabs his own set. The sound of buzzing is heard before lights flash on, bringing a bit of brightness to the course we're about to enter.

  "Ever gone mini golfing in the moonlight before?"

  "Never," I tell him, grinning. "Ever had your butt kicked at mini golf in the dark before?"

  He chuckles. "Nope. Not going to happen either."

  "Oh, we'll see about that."

  By the time we get to the seventh hole, I'm winning by a whole three points. It's a long tunnel, one that isn't lit by the extra flood lamps and is barely touched by the moonlight. I can't see where the hole is, so I just take a shot at the ball, hoping to get close. Turning to face Blaise, I discover he isn't there. "Blaise?"

  I look all around me to come up with nothing. "Blaise?" I yell louder.


  I walk around the side of the tunnel, hoping he went around to see if he I did in fact get close to the hole, but when I reach the other side he is not there. "Blaise?" I try again.

  Still silence.

  My ball didn't make it on the other side either. I sigh, knowing I have to go into the tunnel to find it. Instead of waiting on him to finish peeing or whatever it is he snuck off for, I walk into the small tunnel to find my ball. It has to be close by.

  Looking around, I don't see it anywhere. The tunnel is pitch black. A little freaky I might add. I slip out my phone to use it as a flash light. A movement to the right catches my attention when the light of my phone turns on. No one else should be in here. "Blaise?" I whisper. "Is that you?"

  My heart pounds when no one answers. I don't want to shine my light on the object
that moved. What if it’s an animal and I scare it? I don't want to be attacked by it, especially if it’s a raccoon or something. Instead, I let my phone go dark and stand in place, keeping silent.

  The object moves in a little closer, yet it keeps quiet. Urging myself not to make any noise, I stand still, keeping my breath even. My fear has me shutting my eyes, willing whatever it is to just leave. It brushes against my arm, so I know it’s taller, and without a second thought I yelp out in fear. My arms start swinging, trying to push it away from me enough that I can run. Maybe Blaise is back and can save me.

  "Liv," Blaise whispers harshly in my ear. He pulls me close to him, wrapping his arms around me from behind. "Shh, baby, it’s just me." I can hear the amusement in his voice. "I was trying to be cute, I didn't mean to scare you."

  I turn and slap him hard on the arm. "That wasn't cute! I hate you," I yell out.

  "Aww, I'm sorry." I can tell he is anything but sorry. Especially with the small chuckles that come out of his mouth.

  "You're such an ass. I thought I was going to be attacked by a raccoon or coyote or something."

  He bursts into laughter. "You're so adorable." His hands come up and touch my cheeks. "I really didn't mean to scare you. Well, not that bad."

  I glare my eyes at him even though he can't see me. "You can make it up to me... I guess."

  Now that my heart is pounding out of my chest, I find a little amusement in the whole ordeal. It was still a jackass move, but now I'm alone in a dark tunnel with Blaise. It’s romantic in its own not-so-romantic way.

  "Oh yeah?" His voice changes an octave. "And how is that?"

  A new feeling ignites inside me. I find myself wanting more of Blaise. Needing more of him.

  My breathing increases. I can feel him getting closer to me. "Liv," he whispers against my lips. "Tell me."

  I love the firm tone of his voice. He is ordering me to take control of the situation. I can make love to him for the first time, right here, right now. I wasn't expecting a dark tunnel at a mini golf course, but I knew sooner or later I'd be giving myself to Blaise. I knew it'd be a special moment to me, regardless to where the location is.

  "I need you, Blaise," I admit. "Now."

  His needy lips are instantly on mine. His hands furthering to the back of my neck, pulling me closer to him. Our mouths move simultaneously, needing more from another. I've never felt myself starve for more attention from another man's mouth than I do right now.

  I feel an urgency in his touch as he undresses me. He needs me the way I need him. Blaise is ready to be with me. To make love to me. He strips down just as fast as he got me naked. I lay down for him, watching the as his faint shadow moves to be between me.

  "Are you sure you're ready for this?" he asks softly above my lips.

  "Yes," I answer him. That is all Blaise needs to hear. He pushes softly between my legs, filling me slowly with his hard length.

  "God, you feel amazing."

  I don't have the will to respond. It’s true though. I've never felt more connected to someone during sex than I do right now.

  Blaise pulls out of me before pushing back harder into me, over and over, bringing me to a bliss I knew nothing about. My body tightens around him as an orgasm courses through my body like never before. I scream out Blaise's name louder than I knew possible as my nails dig into his back.

  He hisses out a breathe seconds before I feel his release fill me up. His breathing increases in my ear. When his body slumps down on me, relaxing after a sensational amount of love making, he brings his lips down and kisses along my ear. His whispers gives me an even more peaceful feeling. "You make the most beautiful noises when you come. Especially when you say my name."

  I've been nervous for a lot of things in life. Especially tests, projects, and even graduation. Job interviews in the past have never bothered me much though, only because I know as a teenager in high school there are a lot of opportunities. This job, however, had me up at five tossing cookies into the toilet. I've never been more nervous for anything in my life.

  Not able to sleep after being sick all morning, I decided it'd be smart to drink nearly a half pot of coffee. I'm not even much of a coffee drinker, so now my body is shaking. I wish I had some kind of hobby that included medicating or yoga. I could really use the tension relief right now.

  Instead I'm walking circles in my bedroom, probably wearing the floor beneath my feet. My finger nails are down to nothing, which is why I had to stick a Band-Aid over my thumb. It started bleeding an hour ago, and I still remain picking at it. I hate being nervous, and I hate even more having nervous habits.

  The interview is set up for eleven this morning, and right now its quarter past nine. With a sigh, I realize that if I want to make an impression with my looks as well as being there on time, it’s now or never for a shower. I walk into the bathroom and shed my clothes before turning the knob in the shower. The pipes come to life in the wall, clanking and banging as the water warms up. I climb in, allowing the water to cascade down my face and body. The warmth of the water raining down on me instantly release some stress inside of me.

  I stand under the water several minutes before I start to wash my hair. Through my entire shower, I try to remember several questions I've been asked at previous interviews. Coming up with answers, even to just the basic questions, is not as easy as I remember.

  Where do you see yourself in five years? Is it with this company? Do you plan to be a manager?

  I don't want to answer; well, in five years I see myself graduated from college with a Bachelors in Journalism. Hopefully I'll have a job for the Chandler Times, and if not, at least an internship. I do not see myself still working with the stock market, but if I do, sure, it'll be your company.

  It's the truth though. So now I have to find a way to reword all the bullshit I'm about to tell the boss of the company I want to work for... well, for about four years anyways.

  Once my hair is dried, I decide to take the thick brown hair and pile it into a French bun on the top of my head. I secure it in place, using a minimal amount of hairspray and bobby pins to make sure it actually stays. I line my eyes with black eyeliner and mascara, and add a little blush to my cheeks. The finishing touches look great with my black dress pants, tucked in red blouse, and beige high heels.

  It's all a little bold for an interview, but I want to stand out. I also want to look older than I am. More professional. I don't just want this job, I need it.

  The building isn't quite what I expected. It's only three stories tall, and it’s located on the outskirts of town instead of being centered with the rest of the corporate businesses. The parking garage is across the street though, so it’s not much for walking. That is always a positive, especially in heels.

  I enter into the lobby to see a blonde lady behind a glass desk. Her fingers are tapping away on the keyboard, not even noticing me. I walk straight to her desk and smile down at her. "Hi," I say.

  The lady jumps in her seat before looking up to me, a little pink coloring her cheeks. "Sorry, I got a little sucked into this silly game. May I help you?" She smiles bright through her colored lips.

  "Yeah, I'm here to meet with Mr. Pelletier for a job interview."

  The girl looks me up and down. I hope that it’s not her job that I'm taking if I actually nail this interview. I'd feel awfully guilty about that. Her lips purse before she speaks again. "Yes, I'll let Mr. Pelletier know you're here. Have a seat over there please." She points to a bench near the elevator.

  Once I thank her, I walk over and take the seat. I watch as she uses the phone to dial someone, then she goes back to playing some game on the computer. If she so easily gets away with playing games, and admitting it to potential associates, than I can't imagine getting a job here is all that hard.

  They must be an up and coming company. It definitely doesn't remind me of the stock markets I see in movies. Then again, those are movies... and usually all based in New York City.

hen the elevator dings, I stand up and drag my hands along my pants to smooth them out quickly. I look up as the doors slide open. My eyes first get a glimpse at the absolute most polished pair of black dress shoes I've ever seen. Slowly I take in the crisp charcoal suit, fitting so perfectly to a man that looks anything but Wall Street worthy.

  By the time my eyes reach his mouth, it widens into a bloodthirsty smile, revealing painfully white teeth. His eyes look both greedy and humorous. The back of his hair is shaved while the top of his hair is longer, styled off to the side. He is younger than I expected... and much more handsome.

  Except, I can't think that.

  I ignore the hormones of a young female. Instead I smile at the man standing before me.

  "Ms. Donovan?"

  "Yes," I tell him. I step forward and extend my hand.

  We exchange a firm handshake as he introduces himself. "I'm Roman. Roman Pelletier."

  "It's nice to meet you Mr. Pelletier."

  I swear I see a sparkle in his eye. "Please, Roman is fine."

  And that voice! Oh that voice!

  What is wrong with me? I just had a lustful session of love making last night with Blaise. I need to wake up, stand tall, and stop drooling over every man that smiles at me.

  I follow Roman into the elevator, which takes us to the third floor where his office is. I sit down in the seat offered and watch Roman walk around to his side of the office table. He has a confidence in his stride that I've never seen before. Especially with someone so young.

  He looks older than me, just not by much. I doubt he could be in his thirties yet. Close, but not yet. I'm curious now though.

  "So you're a friend of Blaise's?" he asks casually.

  He stares at me with those fierce brown eyes. It’s intimidating.

  "Yes, I am."

  "May I ask how you two know each other?"

  His arms cross. This feels more intense than it should. I feel beads of sweat forming along my hair line.

  "We actually just met recently. We're still getting to know each other."

  I feel sort of like a coward for not mentioning that we've been on a few dates now. I'm not even sure why I didn't mention that we're slowly yet surely becoming more than just friends.


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