A Hero In Uniform - The Complete Series

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A Hero In Uniform - The Complete Series Page 2

by Savannah DelGardo

  She was pregnant.

  Two months pregnant.

  “Oh, God!” Kelley finally found her voice as she clapped a hand over her eyes.

  Two months ago, she'd been in Melbourne and the girlfriend of an AFP agent who would later beat and then rape her.

  Jackson excused himself from the room and Daniel took a seat on the edge of her hospital bed, not minding the death-grip she had on his hand.

  “Kel … Look at me, babe.”

  She peeked at him through her fingers.

  “It'll be okay.” He said.

  She dropped her hand and frowned. “How? I'm pregnant with a baby that is the result of a rape and the father is the one who raped me! How is it going to be okay, Daniel?”

  “Because it's you. You're strong and you'll pull through this.” He told her, rubbing her hand with his free one.

  Unshed tears stung Kelley's eyes and she closed them to try and get her emotions under control.

  “Listen to me, Kel.” Daniel said, his voice soft. “You can do this, and I'm going to help you. This baby might have Ronald's DNA, but it's going to be yours through and through. You'll raise it and love it.”

  Kelley opened her eyes and looked at Daniel as she whispered, “I don't know if I can.”

  She was scared, and he understood that.

  He smiled at her and said, “You can. Once this baby comes into your life, you'll be the mother that everyone wants. You'll love it and cherish it and make it's life wonderful and perfect.”

  Kelley looked at him and asked, “How do you know?”

  “Because you're you. You have a big heart and you care about things.” He placed his hand on her flat belly and added, “And I know you're going to love this baby, regardless of how it was conceived or who the father is.”

  Snapping out the mild panic that was in her, Kelley wiped away her tears and nodded, saying, “You're right.”

  “Of course I am.” Daniel said. He grinned and added, “I'm always right, babe.”

  She rolled her eyes, but smiled and whispered, “Thank you.”

  Daniel leaned over and kissed her forehead. “Anytime, Kel. Anytime.”

  She couldn't believe she was pregnant.

  If she hadn't endured that little incident at the Naval yard, she may not have discovered that little fact for a few more weeks, or even months. After all, she couldn't rely on her cycle because she was so irregular, she could go months without getting her period.

  Daniel was right, though.

  Her baby might have been conceived during a rape, and it might share the DNA of the man who raped her, but it also had the DNA of the man she thought of a dear, dear friend.

  Daniel wouldn't let her be anything less then a mother to her baby, and he'd be there for it when it needed help, just like he was there for her when she needed it. Her baby would be a Harmon, or – if Daniel agreed – a Coleman.


  Because of his loyal service to the RAN, Daniel was granted a month off at short notice. Jackson had put in a good word for him, which had helped persuade the Commander.

  He planned on using his leave to make sure Kelley and her apartment were ready for the arrival of her baby.

  After her mild panic attack in the hospital, she'd pulled herself together and was now very excited about her son or daughter. As it was, they were on their way to the Gold Coast to pay a visit to Kelley's father, to inform him about the baby.

  “How do you think your old man is going to handle this?” Daniel asked as he drove the GT along the highway.

  “I don't know. He's always said he wants grandchildren, but I don't know how he's going to handle learning his first one is the result of a rape.” Kelley said.

  He picks up on the sadness in her tone and silently curses himself for bringing up a topic that makes her sad. So he changes it by saying, “We've established that this baby is going to be spoilt …”

  Kelley cut him off with a protest. “Hey! Just because I went a little crazy when I saw those clothes and that pram doesn't mean I'm going to spoil her!”

  Daniel grinned and said, “Come on, Kel. Be honest.”

  She rolled her eyes and went back to writing in the book on her lap, but there was a smile on her face.

  “Have you thought about any names yet?”

  She held up the book and said, “Actually, I'm working on that now.”

  “What have you got so far?”

  “If it's a girl, I have Annabelle, Megan and Chloe.”

  “And if it's a boy?”

  “Christian, Nathan and Corey.” Kelley looked at Daniel and asked, “What do you think?”

  “To be honest, I like them all.”

  She looked back down at the book and nodded, saying, “I agree. It's going to be hard when the baby is actually here.”

  A sign for a nearby hotel appeared on an exit and, because the sun was almost below the horizon and they were more then halfway between Cairns and the GC, Daniel said, “I'll think we'll pull in for the night. That okay with you?”

  “Sounds good.” Kelley agreed.

  The next day, they arrived at Arthur Harmon's house in the Hinterlands at one o'clock in the afternoon. Daniel parked the GT behind a silver BMW sedan and looked over at Kelley, who was staring at the house like she was seeing it for the first time.

  And, in a way, she was.

  She hadn't been home since Christmas of 2008, Ronald making sure to keep her as isolated as he possibly could down in Melbourne. She hadn't seen her father since then either, with Arthur being on vacation when she'd been raped and unable to make it back to Australia before she'd been placed into the WPP and relocated.

  Today's visit would also be a reunion for them both.

  A tall man in a suit answered the door and asked them to wait in the foyer while he informed Mr Harmon of their arrival. Kelley was nervous and it showed as she fiddled with the long sleeves of her peasant-style top as they waited. Daniel reached over and took one of her hands, squeezing it in silent comfort just as another tall man – this one wearing a polo shirt and jeans – appeared.

  He took one look at Kelley before pulling her into his arms.

  He didn't say anything, so Kelley broke the silence by saying, “Hi, Dad.”

  Arthur Harmon held her away from him at arms length, taking in her appearance in one sweeping motion of his eyes before saying, “It's so good to see you again, Kelley. You've been gone too long.”

  Kelley smiled at her father and said, “I know. I'm sorry.”

  “Don't be. It's not your fault. All you did was fall for the wrong man.”

  She wasn't comfortable about bringing Ronald into the conversation, so she changed tracks by gesturing to Daniel and saying, “This Daniel. He's the one that helped me get out.”

  “You're the Lieutenant from the RAN, right? Ronald's brother?” Arthur asked.

  “That's me, sir.” He extended his hand. “Daniel Coleman.”

  Arthur shook it as he said, “I owe you one, Coleman. You saved my daughters life.” He looked at Kelley and smiled before saying, “Come. Let's have some drinks outside.”

  They followed him through his massive home and out through some French-style doors that opened up onto a patio that was surrounded by tall ferns and large cement water-fountains with wrought-iron furniture scattered across the brick floor. They sat down on a wicker lounge setting that included two arm-chairs and Arthur asked, “Do you want anything to drink, Kelley? Daniel?”

  “Water would be good, Dad.”

  “I'll have the same.”

  Arthur gave orders to a hovering servant before sitting in one of the arm-chairs and asking, “So, what brings you to my neck of the woods?” He looked pointedly at his daughter and asked, “Are you finally out from under the AFP?”

  “No, Dad, I'm not.” Kelley replied with an apologetic smile. “I'm still in the WPP.”

  “Oh. That's too bad.” Arthur said. “You're just visiting, then?”

  “Yeah, but I have
some news that might cheer you up.”

  “I'm all ears, Kel.” Arthur said.

  Kelley took a deep breath, calming her nerves before looking at her father again and announcing, “I'm pregnant.”

  Arthur nearly came up out of his chair as he exclaims, “Pregnant? Are you sure?”

  “I'm sure, Dad.”

  “Well … that's wonderful news!” Arthur declared. He stood and pulls his daughter up into a hug, as he told her, “Congratulations, sweetheart.”

  Kelley hugged him back and replied, “Thanks, Dad.”

  Arthur pulled back suddenly and asked, “Who's the father? Please don't say it's that bastard Ronald Coleman!”

  Kelley knew what it would do to her father if her learnt his first grandchild was the result of what Ronald did to her, so she lied and told him, “It's Daniel.”

  Her father visibly relaxes before a smile came over his face and he looked down at Daniel. “You didn't waste anytime, sailor.”

  Daniel didn't respond. But he did look at Kelley with piercing blue eyes that made her want to squirm.


  A month later, Daniel was back on patrol.

  They were patrolling the Tasman Sea when some disturbing news was passed on to Jackson Tanner through NAVCOM, the Navy's northern command center in Cairns.

  On the bridge, Daniel gave new co-ordinates to the helm. “Port twenty, revolutions one-eight-zero-zero.”

  “Everything alright with Kelley?” Steven asked as he joined the bridge, handing Daniel a coffee.

  “Yeah, she's good.” He replied. Taking a drink of his coffee, he asked, “How did you boys fair without me?”

  From his post at the back of the bridge, Ric grinned and said, “Our replacement was a chick, Coleman. Very hot.”

  “And smart.” Steven added. “She had the sense to turn old Charge down.”

  Laughter erupted as Jackson joined them.

  “Coleman, hand over to your back-up and come with me.”

  The Captain's no nonsense tone left no room for argument and Daniel followed his orders immediately, leaving the bridge and following Jackson down to the senior sailors mess on level one.

  “Is something wrong, boss?”

  “You could say that.” Jackson replied, shutting the door.

  “NAVCOM is rethinking their grant, aren't they?” Daniel stated, tucking his hands behind his back.

  “No. But, even if you were, it's too late. You already took the leave.” Jackson said. He pulled a piece of paper from his chest pocket and said, “I'm afraid this is much worse then NAVCOM bitching.”

  Daniel accepted the paper and noticed it was a notification from the AFP. He didn't connect the dots right away and asked, “Do we have new orders?”

  Jackson didn't answer, but it didn't matter, because at that moment, Daniel saw the name on the file. He swore and looked at his boss, demanding, “How the hell did this happen?”

  “AFP Agent Michael Blake told NAVCOM that Ronald managed to manipulate a guard and that's what led to his escape.”

  “This is dated a week ago!” Daniel exclaimed. “He could already be here!”

  “Calm down, Coleman.” Jackson ordered. “You'll be no good to either the Navy or Kelley like this.”

  Daniel shut his mouth, but he was far from calm.

  “Now, I've spoken with Commander Richardson and he's agreed to let you have some more time off.” Jackson told him.

  “I can't do that, boss.” Daniel protested. “It'd be good, but I just got back from a months leave.”

  “Coleman, you've given the RAN twenty years of service with no problems. Last month was your first holiday since you signed on at eighteen in 1993 .” The Captain said. He placed his hands on his hips and added, “Take the leave and go protect that innocent woman.”

  Daniel didn't know what to say, so he just nodded.

  The Sydney would be returning to port tonight for refuelling and supplies, so he'd be able to get to Kelley and warn her. Then, once she was safe, he'd never let her out of his sight for as long as he lived.

  Kelley had just shut the door on the delivery guy and was ready to tuck into her dinner when the doorbell rang again.

  Not bothering to care what her mystery guest thought of her eating her dinner, she opened the door with the pizza in her mouth.

  Daniel stood on the threshold, grinning that grin that made him look even more handsome before he snagged her half-eaten slice and finished it off himself.

  “What are you doing here?” She asked as she stood back and let him in.

  “I smelt the pizza and thought I'd stop by.” He joked with another grin as he dropped his duffel bag onto the hardwood floor.

  Kelley smiled and grabbed another slice as she said, “Not that I'm not happy to see you, but what are you really doing here, Daniel?”

  He sobered so quickly, Kelley couldn't be sure she'd even seen him smiling.


  “I've been granted time off until a certain issue has been resolved.”

  “What issue?”

  Not one to beat around the bush, Daniel told her, “Ronald broke out of jail.”

  Kelley felt her legs go weak and she managed to sink to the couch before they gave out, her dinner forgotten. Her voice was barely audible as she stammered, “H-h-how did this h-happen?”

  Daniel sat down beside her and told her everything the AFP notification had said.

  “A week ago?” She repeated. “He could already be in Queensland, or here!”

  “He won't find you, Kel.” Daniel said, his voice strong with conviction. “I won't let him.”

  “How are you going to stop him?”

  “For starters, I'm taking you to my family's home in Weipa. Dad won't let Ronald back onto the property and you'll be safe there.” He placed his arm around her shoulders and drew her to his side, adding, “I won't let Ronald get to you.”

  Kelley heard that conviction in his voice and she wanted to latch onto the anger and strength he had.

  But she only felt fear and she knew she and her baby wouldn't be one-hundred-percent safe until Ronald Coleman was back in jail. Or dead.


  Before Daniel could even think about taking Kelley further north, a few minor details had to be taken care of in Cairns.

  First, her apartment was vacated and all her furniture put into storage under Coleman. Second, she had to inform her boss at the cafe where she worked that she had to quit because she was going north and didn't know when she'd be back. Third, the AFP had to be notified that she was changing location.

  When all that was done, they each packed their clothes into suitcases, got into Daniels GT and hit the road.

  The trip would last just under fourteen hours, and the first few, Kelley was grumpy. The baby was making her uncomfortable and the heat wasn't helping. She made Daniel stop at every shop they came across because she was constantly hungry and couldn't find anything to satisfy the bizarre cravings she was having – seriously, where was she going to find a steak dinner with all the trimmings in the middle of nowhere?

  Daniel found the whole experience amusing, and had to admit to himself that Kelley looked cute and beautiful when she was grumpy and annoyed.

  Nine hours in and it was one a.m on a Monday morning. They both needed sleep, so he pulled into the first place he came across, which turned out to be a cute little B&B on the edge of some tiny, tiny town run by two seniors.

  Only problem was, they only had one room left on account of the rodeo that was passing through on it's way to Cairns.

  “Just take the room, Danny.” Kelley growled. “I'm tired and I need some sleep.”

  Daniel grinned and told the kind old lady behind the counter, “I guess we're taking it.”

  She offered him a smile, charged his credit card and handed over the key.

  As they headed to the room, Daniel silently wondered how he was going to get through the night when he had to share a bed with the woman he was developing feelin
gs for.

  It was nine in the morning when Kelley and Daniel arrived at the Coleman farm in far north Queensland.

  At just under two months pregnant, Kelley was still able to enjoy things that didn't have doing too much moving around, and the Coleman property was beautiful enough to get her excited about staying here.


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