A Hero In Uniform - The Complete Series

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A Hero In Uniform - The Complete Series Page 6

by Savannah DelGardo

  The front door suddenly opened and two figures appeared, silhouetted but the grey of a pre-dawn. A third figure followed them inside and crossed to Ronald while the other two came to her and bathed her in the light of torches. Kelley blinked against the sudden brightness and frowned when she heard one of them say “It's her.”

  Who were these guys?

  Ronald heard the voices and came awake quickly, pulling his gun as he sat up. He saw two black figures near Kelley, but it was the one almost on top of him that held his attention.

  Even in the dark, Ronald knew who is was. “Hello Daniel.”

  His brother didn't say anything, but Ronald saw the gun trained on his, aimed right at his heart.

  “You'd shoot your own brother?”

  Daniel finally spoke. “You're not my brother. Not after what you did to Kelley.”

  Ronald scoffed and got to his feet as he said, “I didn't do anything to her that that bitch didn't deserve.”

  “How can you say that?” Daniel demanded. “You think she deserved to be beaten to within an inch of her life, scared and raped?”

  “Don't take the high road with me, sailor-boy!” Ronald snapped. “You're no different then I am.”

  “I'm not scum like you.” Daniel growled.

  Ronald had always hated Daniel and he'd been waiting for an opportunity to kill the son-of-a-bitch. Now was his chance. He took a shot at his brother, but in his anger, the shot was wild and missed it's target. Before he could get another shot off, Daniel tackled him to the ground, clearly not willing to use his gun on his brother.

  Both men had now lost their weapons and they struggled for leverage in the soft ground. Ronald came out on top after a few minutes and he got in a few well-aimed blows before Daniel managed to get the upper hand. Daniel landed a few blows as well before pulling out a second gun, but Ronald got lucky and managed to knock it out of his hand.

  They continued to fight, both men getting blows that slowed down their opponent. Ronald shoved Daniel off him and got to his feet, knowing he'd need a weapon to end this. He flicked a switch that turned on all the lights in the warehouse before he began to search for his gun or his knife.

  Daniel needed to realise he was a dead man.

  No matter how hard he fought, only one Coleman was walking out of this place.

  Daniel took advantage of Ronald's distracted mind and grabbed his guns off the ground. Ric and Steven had managed to get Kelley out, and he could here sirens in the distance.

  His plan had worked.

  No matter what happened now, Kelley would be safe.

  He aimed both weapons at Ronald and said, “It's over, Ronald. Give up now, and there's a chance you'll walk out of here.”

  Ronald grabbed his knife off a nearby table before he turned to face Daniel, and he sneered, “What's with the gun, Coleman? Can't you fight me like a man?”

  “I'm placing you under arrest.” Daniel told him, ignoring the taunt. “You're going back to jail.”

  Ronald growled and lunged at him, but Daniel was ready for it and he shot his brother in the knee. Ronald howled with pain and sunk to the ground, the knife now resting in the dirt as he clutched at his knee.

  The sirens were louder and he could see them flashing through the open front door just as Michael and several agents came into the warehouse. He eyed Ronald on the ground before smiling at Daniel. “Nice job, Coleman.”

  He handed over the guns just as Ric came into the warehouse.

  “You're needed, big man.”

  “What's wrong?”

  “Kelley's gone into labour.”


  Kelley lay in a hospital bed at Cairns General, sleeping peacefully.

  Despite her daughter coming into the world almost two months early, she was healthy and doing well.

  Daniel sat in a chair next to her bed, holding the little miracle in his arms and gently rocking her as he said, “So, little one. What are we gonna name you?”

  The baby whimpered softly and snuggled closer, making Daniel smile. It was hard to believe that this little bundle of perfection shared blood with a killer.

  Once he got out of the hospital, Ronald was back in jail, his sentence extended by a judge who just hated men who abused women.

  Everything was right again.

  Well, not everything.

  Daniel still had to tell Kelley that he loved her and that he wanted to be with her.

  That he wanted them to be a family and share their lives together.

  And once he told her, he had to convince her he was genuine.

  The baby started to cry just then, which caused Kelley to wake.

  Daniel instantly handed the baby over.

  “Hey, beautiful.” She whispered, cuddling the baby close to her. She looked up at Daniel and smiled. “Hi.”

  “Hi. How are you feeling?” He asked, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

  “Fantastic.” She smiled, then sobered and asked, “Where's Ronald?”

  “Under police protection two floors up.” Daniel told her. “I shot him in the knee.”

  Kelley smiled at that before looking down at her daughter.

  “Have you thought of a name?”

  “I have.” She said. “Her name is Annabelle. Annabelle Coleman.”

  “Coleman?” Daniel asked, surprised. “You're giving her her fathers name?”

  “Not Ronald.” Kelley looked up at him. “You.”

  That surprised him even more and he asked, “Are you sure?”


  “In that case, there's something I need to talk to you about.” Daniel said, suddenly a little nervous.

  “Go ahead.”

  “I'm in love with you. And I want us to be a family.”

  Kelley looked up at him in surprise and asked, “Are you serious?”

  “More serious then I've ever been about anything in my life.” He told her. “I've fallen in love with you and I don't want to go the rest of my life without you by my side.”

  Kelley swallowed and asked, “Are you asking me..?”

  “Marry me, Kel. Let me care for you and Annabelle. Let me love you both for the rest of our lives.”

  A big smile split her face and Kelley replied, “Absolutely. But there's something you should know.”

  “I'm listening.”

  “I'm in love with you, too.”

  Daniel grinned and leaned in to kiss her, careful not to crowd Annabelle. As he sealed the deal on their future, he felt confident in saying that now everything was right again.

  Because everything was perfect.

  Jessica Lawson is in Cairns to escape a bitter

  ex-husband who wants her back. After a few months of

  living in peace, she thinks her life is back to normal.

  Until she meets a Naval officer and discovers her ex-husband

  is on her trail …

  Chief Petty Officer Ric Jordan rescues Jessica one night,

  only to be drawn into the web her ex is weaving. As the former

  agent commits crime after crime in an attempt to get his revenge against

  Jessica, Ric does everything in his power to keep her safe.

  The only thing neither of them counted on was falling in love.


  Jessica Lawson tied the apron around her waist before grabbing an order pad and pen. The cafe was buzzing with activity as she started her shift, thanks to the R.M. Williams rodeo that had arrived in town over night.

  It was scheduled to be in Cairns for two weeks thanks to the closing ceremony being held there, and that meant the city was going to be over-run with cowboys and excited fans.

  Jessi worked the tables, taking and filling orders while helping the cashier take payments. The lunch rush lasted for about two hours, the tables filled with locals, tourists in town for the rodeo and employees of the rodeo.

  When things eventually died down around two in the afternoon, the cafe's owner, Judy, handed out the latest ros
ters, telling Jessi, “I've put you on the lunch shift for the duration of the rodeo.”

  “Sounds good.” Jessi said, tucking the roster into the back pocket of the jeans she wore. “How's the hunt going for a new cook?”

  “We haven't found anyone yet, but the kid seems to be doing a good job. We might make him permanent.”

  The kid was a twenty-seven year old Melbourne man who'd come north to be with his mother in her final days. He was a pretty good cook despite having no major qualifications.

  Three hours into her shift, Jessi took her break, heading out to the back balcony that was for employees only. It had a fantastic view of the beach in the distance and she always came out here when she was on her breaks, admiring the view as she recharged before heading back inside. She'd been in Cairns for little over three months now and she was still finding everything beautiful and as breathing as the day she moved here.

  She'd come north in an attempt to rediscover who she was and make a fresh start. She'd found a charming little apartment, this job that paid well and gave good hours and a nice city that would allow her to move on with her life.

  Her days a human punching bag were over.

  Jessi finished her break and headed back inside to finish her shift.

  At six that night, she was off the clock and, after saying goodbye to her boss and colleagues, she headed home. It was summer and the sun was still on it's descent, setting in the west and casting a golden glow over the city as a cool sea breeze blew in.

  Entering her apartment, Jessi engaged all the locks before tossing her bag and keys onto the futon by the door and pulled off her boots. Everyday, after finishing work, she liked to take a long soak in a hot bath. It helped her relax and made sleeping that much easier.

  It also helped her to relax and not worry so much about being found, and right now, with the next two weeks going to be crazy, that's exactly what she needed.

  Two days later bought the weekend and Jessi agreed to accompany a group from the cafe that was headed to the show-grounds to watch the rodeo that Friday night.

  The place was crowded and noisy, but everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves as they watched the cowboys try and get the longest time on the back of the bulls and the mustangs.

  Hot-dogs, cotton candy and popcorn were on offer, along with cold beer and a wide variety of soda drinks.

  Eve, Jessi's new friend and a fellow waitress at the cafe, popped some cotton candy into her mouth before pointing and saying, “Holy God! Look at the body on that cowboy!”

  Jessi looked, but all she said was, “He's okay if you like that sort of thing.”

  “You mean you don't, Jessi?” Eve asked, sounding shocked.

  Jessi shook her head and took a drink of her lemonade.

  Her type of man was someone who knew how to handle himself and protect those he loved without using his muscles to hurt and intimidate others.

  Muscular guys who thought they were Gods and had a God-given right to hurt those weaker then them made her sick.

  A brief intermission was called and Jessi went with Eve to the toilets.

  The lines were long so Jessi waited under a tree while Eve spoke with a girl while she waited in line.

  Tucking her hands into her pockets, Jessi dug her boot into the dirt, making circles with the small as she waited. The rest of the group were off getting food and beers.

  A man walked by then, a cigarette dangling from his mouth as he patted his pockets. He spotted her and said, “You got a light, doll?”

  Jessie shook her head. “No.”

  But the man didn't move on. Instead, he came closer and leaved against the large trunk as her leered at her and asked, “You out here alone?”

  “I'm waiting for my friends.”

  “That's nice. You look incredible, doll.”

  Jessi smiled politely as she prayed he would just leave. She couldn't handle men well and it worried her that she was going to be a victim yet again...

  The man pulled the cigarette from his mouth and leaned in a little closer. “You smell good. Single, doll?”

  “Yes. But I'm not looking.” Jessi tried to leave, but the man grabbed her arm.

  “What's the rush, doll?” He drawled, pulling her back. His breath stunk of alcohol and had bad BO. One of his hands snaked up her side until it found her breast, and Jessi froze, her entire body going stiffer then a board.

  “Relax.” The man purred into her ear. “You'll enjoy this, doll.”

  A whimper escaped her and she clamped her eyes shut as the man moved, lifting his other hand to cup her other breast. She was panting and her heart was racing, and she knew that, at any minute, she was more then likely going to pass out, which would leave her vulnerable and allow this man to do anything he wanted to her.

  “Please.” She whispered. “Don't.”

  The man's mood shifted so suddenly, Jessi didn't have time to prepare for the blow. He slapped her, and the blow was hard enough to make her head snap to the right and hit the trunk of the tree with a loud thud. Stars danced in front of her eyes, but she didn't have time to recover as the man suddenly wrapped his hands around her throat. He squeezed hard, holding on until unconsciousness claimed Jessi.

  Neither of them saw the man coming to her rescue.

  Chief Petty Officer Ric Jordan – the mechanic for the Armidale Class Patrol boat HMAS Sydney and known to the crew as the Charge – was at the Cairns Rodeo with some mates from the ship, taking in the show as they docked in port for some much needed R&R.

  At intermission, while everyone headed to the eatery for something to eat, Ric headed to the toilets. When he found the ridiculously long lines, he decided to wait. He was hungry and he didn't wish to spend intermission in a line.

  As he headed back to the eatery, he passed two people fooling around under a tree. At least, that's what he thought they were doing. But when he noticed the woman seemed to slump over, something in him said this wasn't two people who couldn't keep their hands off each other. Slowing, he moved in a little closer and paid attention. When the man lowered the woman to the ground, making it very obvious she was no longer conscious, and started to pull her jeans down, Ric was shocked.


  His shout startled the man, who took off running as other people turned to see what was going on. Ric went over to the woman and straightened her clothed before lifting her and heading for the make-shift hospital that was on site.

  As he passed the eatery, his mates noticed what he was doing and followed. After he told the doctor what he'd come across, the ships Radio Operator, Steven Leigh, asked, “What happened?”

  “I think I interrupted a rape.” Ric said again. “It looked like they were just fooling around at first, but then I realised she wasn't moving.”

  “Did you get a good look at the guy who attacked her?” Ethan Conrad, the ships XO, asked.

  “No. It was dark and he took off before I could get close enough.” Ric said, crossing his arms over his chest.

  Kelley Harmon, Daniels fiance, patted him on the shoulder and said, “You did good, Charge.”

  Ric smiled at her and said, “Thanks, Kel.”

  The doctor came out then and informed them the woman was going to be fine; she just needed to wake up.

  Ric thanked him before telling his mates, “I'm going to stay here and make sure she's okay.”

  “Sure. Just make sure you're back at the ship by 2300 hours.” Ethan said, referring to the time they'd be heading back out.

  Ric nodded and headed over to the cot that held the woman as he mates left.


  Ric was napping when the woman woke up.

  She sat up slowly and took in her surroundings before her eyes landed on him and she asked, “Who are you?”

  “Ric.” He stood and asked, “You are?”

  “Jessi.” She stood as well and asked him, “Where am I?”

  “The medi-tent at the show-grounds.”

  She frowned. “I'm still at the

  “Yeah. Don't you remember what happened?”


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