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Bladen Page 14

by Arcadia Shield

  Grace pressed a finger against Bladen's lips and a smile slid across her face. “I understand the risks, and I know what the Fraken are like, which is why I want to help you. Well, one of the reasons I want to help you.” She stood on her tiptoes and placed a tentative kiss on Bladen’s cheek.

  Bladen moved his face as she drew back and touched his lips to hers. She was so incredible, too incredible for him. He hoped he was good enough to keep her, keep her interested in him, and keep them both safe. If anything bad happened to Grace, it would be the end of him, too.

  “So, are we good?” whispered Grace, her breath tickling Bladen’s mouth. “No more fighting about trying to do the noble thing and keep me protected?”

  He pulled her to him and kissed her firmly. “You’re perfect. But I’m always going to protect you.”

  Grace gestured over her shoulder. “Let’s start by protecting us both and getting onto that ship.”

  Bladen released his hold on Grace. The Fraken were still standing in front of the comms screen, none of them watching the ship. It was the best opportunity they were going to get.

  He grabbed Grace’s hand, and they ran across the sand, crouching low to make themselves a small as possible.

  His heart thudded at an unusually fast pace, and he knew the reason. His own safety didn’t concern him, but the wonderful, intelligent, beautiful woman by his side had to stay safe.

  Bladen risked a glance at the sky and cursed as he saw two drones. They would pick up their movements and transmit them to the Fraken on the ground. They had to hurry.

  Grace’s breath rasped out of her, and Bladen realized how much strain this was putting on her infected lungs. He was going to take such good care of her, get her the best medical treatment, show her how amazing the star system was, treat her to the best food available, and make sure she knew how loved and valued she was.

  They only had another twenty paces to go, when several of the Fraken standing in front of the screen jerked around and a shout of alarm went up.

  “Hurry!” Bladen increased his speed and pulled Grace alongside him.

  The first laser blast landed when they were less than ten paces from the ship, the open docking bay enticingly close.

  Bladen grabbed Grace and hurled them both to the ground, rolling over several times in the hot, skin scorching sand.

  “Keep going,” yelled Bladen. He drew a blade and turned towards the Fraken, who were advancing towards them. He deflected several blasts from their lightning sticks with his blade, each strike ricocheting through his solid wrists. “Get to the ship.”

  “Not without you,” shouted Grace.

  Bladen backed up until he felt Grace touch his shoulder. “Get on board. I’ll be right behind you.”

  “Make sure you are.”

  A few seconds later, he heard Grace’s footsteps on the docking bay ramp, and a small knot of fear left him. If she was on the ship, she’d be able to defend herself using the on-board lasers. She could lock herself in and be safe.

  A laser blast skimmed past Bladen’s face, and he threw himself backwards, hitting the docking ramp as he did so. He pulled a flash bomb from his bag and hurled it towards the approaching Fraken.

  Bladen scrambled backwards, slamming his fist onto the button to close the ramp. It started to rise as he continued to roll along the ramp, just escaping the door closing and crushing him by inches.

  Grace flung herself on top of him and let out a shaky breath as they lay tangled in each other’s arms. She pulled back and smiled at him. “We did it.”

  Chapter 20

  Bladen smiled and pushed Grace’s sweat soaked hair off her face. “We did. Now, we need to fly out of here, and everything will be okay.”

  “You know how to fly one of these?” Grace climbed off Bladen and held her hand out to him. Although her lungs burned, she felt good. They were finally somewhere where they could defend themselves. This was their chance to get out together.

  Bladen smiled and accepted her hand as he stood. “Basic training only. It’s going to be a bumpy ride and a lot of guesswork.”

  “So long as it gets us out of here, I don’t care.” She stood on her tiptoes and kissed him.

  “Let’s get to the controls,” said Bladen, “and see if we can figure this thing out.”

  Grace couldn’t stop smiling as Bladen led her swiftly through the Fraken ship. It was all sleek lines and metallic grey. They passed a room that looked like a weapons armory and several others that were restrooms. She couldn’t believe they were almost out, and they were together.

  Back when they were waiting in the game, trying to find a way to get to the comms link or the ship, she thought Bladen had changed his mind and no longer wanted her with him. But she realized he was trying to protect her and keep her out of danger. But that was impossible here, and she was strong enough to stand by his side.

  “This is the cockpit.” Bladen smashed open the access panel, and the door slid open.

  He flung himself backwards, slamming into Grace and knocking her to the ground, just as laser fire shot over his head.

  Grace ducked, her heart thudding in her chest, as more laser fire flew past.

  “Stay down,” ordered Bladen. He crouched onto his knees, blade raised as he waited for the next attack.

  Grace looked back along the corridor, remembering seeing the weapons room. She shot away from Bladen back to the room and grabbed two lightning sticks before skidding back to Bladen and handing him one. “Point and shoot?”

  He grinned at her. “That’s my girl.”

  Grace sucked in a huge lungful of air before aiming the lightning stick towards the open cockpit door.

  “You’d better come out,” said Bladen, his tone low and threatening. “There’s only one of you and the rest of your squad is trapped outside.”

  There was silence, followed by a scuffling sound as the Fraken pilot moved out of his seat. He came into view, wearing black body armor and a helmet. His lightning stick was still in his hand, but he raised it and held his hands up. “I was defending myself.”

  “Come out where we can see you.” Bladen gestured the Fraken closer.

  His yellow gaze shot from Grace to Bladen before he took a step forward, his sharp teeth bared.

  “Nice and slowly,” said Bladen.

  The Fraken edged forward again, his tongue sliding out of his mouth as if he was testing the scent in the air.

  “Put down your weapon,” said Bladen.

  The Fraken hissed, slammed the lightning stick into his other hand, and discharged it.

  Grace fired at the same time as Bladen, the lightning stick kicking back with the power of the blast, and the Fraken fell to the ground, the smell of burning lizard flesh drifting towards them.

  Bladen glanced over at Grace. “I’ll drag the body out of our way. You get settled in the cockpit, and then we can get out of here.”

  Grace stared around the cockpit as she entered it. This was her first time inside an alien vessel cockpit. The screens were lit with different colors, and she could feel the engine throbbing gently beneath her feet as if the pilot expected to take off at any moment.

  She sat in the right-hand seat and looked out the cockpit window. Her stomach dropped as she saw a dozen Fraken in front of the vessel. Their lightning sticks were pointed at the vessel as a Fraken shouted at them. She couldn’t hear what was being said, but it looked like they’d be attacking at any moment.

  “Bladen, I think we need to get out of here.”

  When he didn’t respond, Grace turned in her seat and squinted out the door.

  Bladen stood in the middle of the corridor, his posture and face tight. Behind him stood Tyran, and he had a long blade held at Bladen’s throat.

  “I thought it was time I caught up with some old friends,” said Tyran.

  Grace jumped from her seat and stared with wide eyes at Tyran. Her panicked gaze settled on Bladen, and instinctively, she moved towards him.

  “I don’t
think so.” Tyran waved a finger at Grace. “You stay where you are.”

  Grace’s gaze shifted to the lightning stick by the side of her seat, and she took a step towards it. She’d blast Tyran off his feet if he hurt Bladen.

  “Don’t even think about trying to save him,” said Tyran. “I’m quicker than you and will pass this blade across Bladen’s throat before you’ve even picked up your lightning stick.”

  Grace gritted her teeth, her hand flexing. Even if she could reach the lightning stick, she risked striking Bladen. Tyran was being careful to keep most of his body concealed behind Bladen, like a true coward.

  “What do you want with us?” asked Grace.

  “We have some unfinished business,” said Tyran.

  “We have no business with you,” growled Bladen.

  Tyran pressed the blade closer to Bladen’s throat, drawing blood. “Just give me an excuse to slice you open.”

  “Wait!” cried Grace. “You must be here for a reason. Tell me what it is. Maybe we can come to an arrangement. We can fly you out of here if you no longer want to work for the Fraken.”

  “Perhaps, the reason I’m here is you.” Tyran’s gaze slid over Grace. “There must be something special about you if Bladen is so interested in keeping you alive and risking his own life for you. Could we come to an arrangement over you? Would you be willing to share your prize with me, brother?”

  “You cannot have her,” muttered Bladen.

  “Is she yours, old friend?” sneered Tyran. “Because if she is, then I will be very interested in making her mine.”

  That comment drew another growl from Bladen.

  “Ignore him,” said Grace. “He's only saying that to make you angry. Tyran, what do you want?”

  Tyran barked out a laugh, ignoring her question. “Yes, I think I will have her as my own. It will show you who’s really in charge. You and your self-righteous squad enjoy taking away things others enjoy.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” said Bladen.

  “You had a hand in stopping me from joining Axen’s elite squad,” spat Tyran. “I tried to get him to accept me, but I was blocked. And you were the one blocking me. What was it, afraid of the competition? Afraid Axen would see me as the better warrior and remove you from his services?”

  “You weren’t ready to be a part of the squad,” said Bladen. “It takes more than knowing how to swing a blade to be successful. You have to have discipline and know how to follow orders. You have to be loyal and always watch other people’s backs.”

  “I can be all of those things for the right price,” said Tyran.

  “You’re showing now that you can’t be relied upon,” said Grace.

  “That depends on which side I’m on,” said Tyran. “The Fraken consider me loyal.”

  “You’re a disgrace,” spat out Grace.

  “Hold your tongue, woman,” snarled Tyran. “Bladen, you need to put a leash on this one. She’s too feisty for her own good. She’ll learn her place when she’s mine.”

  “You’re never going to have anything to do with me,” said Grace. She clamped her mouth together as she saw Bladen give her a warning look.

  “Tyran, if you do the right thing, now, Axen will consider you in the future,” said Bladen. “I will ask him to find a place for you.”

  “It’s too late for that. If only I’d had the proper guidance when I was younger,” said Tyran, sarcasm oozing through his words. “If Axen had shown me the right path, I wouldn’t be here now, about to take your life and destroy your woman.”

  A grumble ran through Bladen’s chest, and Grace saw his fists clench.

  “Think about what you’re doing,” cautioned Tyran. “You’ll be dead before you can move. And then, who will look after your woman? Unless you want to leave her in my tender care.”

  “I can look after myself,” said Grace, her own hands trembling with rage.

  “Perhaps you’d like to look after your Vorten, as well,” said Tyran. “How about we do a deal? You come with me, and I’ll let Bladen go.”

  “Not going to happen,” snarled Bladen, his gaze fixed on Grace. “Don’t make any deals with him.”

  “What do you want with me?” asked Grace, hearing Bladen hiss with anger.

  “He can’t be trusted,” said Bladen.

  “I know,” said Grace. Still, she hesitated. If there was a chance Tyran would let Bladen go, give him an opportunity to get out of this and back to his friends and continue the mission they were on, it would be a risk worth taking.

  “I can see you’re interested in me.” Tyran’s dark eyes glinted at Grace. “Are you already bored of this Vorten? I must admit; I find him tedious to be around as well.”

  Grace bared her teeth and snarled at Tyran. “He’s worth a dozen of you.”

  “Don’t provoke him,” said Bladen.

  The sneer fled from Tyran’s face and was replaced with a flat, dark anger. “Bladen is nothing. Without his squad and Axen to back him up, he’s just another rogue fighter going it alone with no support. He won’t last on his own, and you’re a fool to think he’s going to get you out of here. Right now, the Fraken are mobilizing more troops. They will destroy this ship, rather than let you have it.”

  “Then we go down fighting here,” said Grace, as she drew back her shoulders. “You are not going to beat us.”


  A mixture of pride and fury dashed through Bladen’s veins. He could see the fear in Grace’s eyes, but she refused to back down to Tyran’s demands.

  “Aren’t you interested in coming with me?” Tyran cocked an eyebrow at Grace.

  “I’d rather be dead than have you anywhere near me.”

  “She has good taste,” said Bladen.

  “Keep your mouth shut.” Tyran dug the tip of his blade into Bladen’s flesh. “Think yourself lucky we have some history or you would already be dead. Now, let me show you how you punish your disobedient female.”

  Tyran raised his hand as if to strike Grace, and Bladen jammed his elbow back into Tyran’s stomach. Tyran doubled over with the force of the impact, and Bladen spun around and slammed the weapon out of his fist, the blade clattering to the ground.

  He launched himself at Tyran, their fists flying as they slammed each other into the walls of the ship.

  Bladen smashed his fist into Tyran's stomach several times before being shoved away.

  He saw Grace grab a lightning stick and aim it towards them but could see the fear on her face as she tried to get a clear shot. “Don’t hesitate if you get the opportunity.”

  Grace gave a quick nod but still didn’t discharge the lightning stick.

  Bladen pinned Tyran against the wall, his hands gripping his throat. “This is the last time you insult Grace and the last time you disgrace the Vorten name.”

  Tyran landed a blow on Bladen’s head with the side of his hand, and he lost his grip on him, black spots darting across his vision. Both Vortens fell to the floor, slamming into the metallic grating.

  Bladen was up first, crouching low and ready for the next attack.

  “Catch this!” Grace threw the lightning stick towards him.

  Bladen barely moved his head as his hand shot out, and he grabbed hold of the stick, swinging it into position and aiming it at Tyran.

  But Tyran was fast and knocked Bladen off his feet before he’d fired a shot. They rolled along the corridor, a blur of muscular arms and shouted curses. All the time, Bladen was sure of one thing; he had to keep Tyran away from Grace. He knew how this Vorten operated and how he liked to humiliate anyone he considered his enemy.

  “Stay back,” roared Bladen, as he saw Grace following them as they continued to battle.

  “Winner takes all,” grunted Tyran. “If I live, then she’s all mine.”

  “And as I said before, that’s never going to happen,” growled Bladen. “She’s a free woman. But even if she wasn’t free, she’d never choose you.”

  Tyran dodged two punch
es from Bladen and rolled backwards, creating space between them. “One last time, for old time’s sake. Give me the girl and you can live. Surely, she’s not worth more than your elite warrior brothers. You’re inseparable. I sometimes wonder what actually goes on in that squad.”

  Hot fury danced through Bladen’s veins, and he lunged at Tyran. “It’s not something you’re ever going to find out. You’re not good enough to join us.”

  Tyran caught Bladen in a headlock and twisted around to stand behind him. He plunged a knife into Bladen’s shoulder.

  Bladen pulled away, but Tyran clamped his arm muscles around his throat, and a searing pain shot through Bladen’s stomach as he was stabbed again.

  “Looks like your moves are as tired as you are.” Tyran raised his fist to strike the death blow and then made a startled gurgling noise before his grip loosened on Bladen’s throat and he sank forward.

  Bladen shoved Tyran away and turned towards Grace. Her face was deathly pale, and she held a bloodied knife in one hand.

  Chapter 21

  Grace’s gaze went from the blade to Tyran’s body. “I had to kill him.”

  Bladen rushed towards her and scooped Grace into his arms, his wounds not seeming to bother him. “You did an amazing job.”

  “He was going to kill you.”

  Bladen rained kisses across her face. “You are a true warrior.”

  Grace sucked in a breath, and her gaze went back to Tyran’s body. “He deserved it.”

  “He did. And you did what you had to do.”

  Grace continued to stare at Tyran and realized she was glad he was dead. He did deserve to die. He had tried to turn Bladen against her, mocked everything the Vorten stood for and tried to humiliate her.

  “We need to get out of here.” Bladen was already pulling her towards the controls of the ship.

  “What about the wound on your shoulder?”

  “Treat it when we get moving,” said Bladen. “It’s not life-threatening.”

  Grace felt queasy as she saw the hilt of the blade sticking out of Bladen’s shoulder, but there was no time to argue. She followed him back to the cockpit. “What do we do to get the ship in the air?”


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