The Next Ten: Beginnings Series Books 11 - 20

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The Next Ten: Beginnings Series Books 11 - 20 Page 302

by Jacqueline Druga

  Knowingly, Lars gave a nod to Michael. “I knew he was inadequate. Some man named Frank fathered his children.”

  “Frank?” Michael asked. “Deep voice, flies for Beginnings, Security, has a brother named Hal and one named Robbie?”

  “That’s him.” Johnny stated. “How do you . . .”

  “We monitor Beginnings radio. What’s Frank like?” Michael questioned.

  “Hey!” Lars interjected. “This is my moment to learn about the little shit.”

  “Sorry,” Michael apologized. “Later on that Stew.”

  Johnny looked at Lars. “If you hate Dean now, you’re gonna hate him even more when you find out he’s pretty much responsible for the Society.”

  With a ‘what?’ both Michael and Lars turned to Johnny with full attention.

  Johnny was trying not to laugh, but it was too good of a story not to tell. “I guess in a sense Beginnings lived up to its name. See, the Society was planned ages ago. They were the ones that actually planned the release of the virus to lower the population. It got out of control. So preparing for its release, they had multitudes cryogenically frozen prior to the onset of the plague. Dean defrosted the main batch, cured them of the virus, they stole the antiserum, left, and defrosted all of their buddies. Hence, the Society as we know it.”

  Michael breathed out heavily. “I’m killing him myself.”

  “Let’s go,” Lars said. “Right now.”

  Michael just shook his head.

  “Stew?” Lars questioned, “You don’t by chance have any pictures of Dr. Hayes, do you?”

  “No, why?” Johnny chuckled.

  “Ours are getting ratty. In my obsession to prove his responsibility in the world’s end, I clipped his picture from newspapers and we use them as dart entertainment every once and a while here in Lodi.”

  Chuckling, Johnny’s head went from Michael to Lars. “You’re kidding?”

  “Nope.” Michael pointed to a closet. “Show him, Lars.”

  Lars walked across the room to a wooden door. He opened it and exposed the inside of the door covered with Dean pictures. Some had small dart holes and some had mustaches, black eyes, and scars drawn over Dean’s face.

  To Johnny it was hysterical, and at that second, all he could think about was how much Frank was going to love Lars Rayburn.


  Her clothes were laundered and Ellen was grateful for that. Her jeans and shirt felt a lot more comfortable than the robe style garment Creed had given her to wear. Plus, she wanted to wear the shoes. With all the pacing Ellen did she was sure she’d wear them out.

  “He’s on his way up,” Creed told her.

  “What is taking so long? I want to see Robbie.”

  “You will,” Creed said. “Momentarily.”

  Ellen couldn’t wait. She ran past Creed to the door, flung it open, and bolted into the hall. She needed to see Robbie and know that he was all right even though she was certain he was being treated just as well as she.

  Until she saw him.

  “Robbie!” she screamed in horror. She ran down the hall just as Creed reached for her, but Ellen was fast. She sped toward Robbie who was escorted by four Drunes. Escorted in shackles and chains. He wore only a pair of pants. “Robbie!” she screamed his name as she approached him. “Back off of him!” she blasted just before she flung her body into Robbie in an exuberant embrace.

  Robbie’s eyes closed and his arm reached as best as it could to grip onto Ellen.

  Neither of them even noticed that the moment that their two bodies collided, every Drune in the hall screamed out, scattered back, dropped to the floor, and covered their heads in fear. They screamed, ‘The gods collide, the gods collide!’

  “Oh my God. Oh my God.” Ellen kissed Robbie frantically, then slid down and back. “Creed,” she growled his name and turned, “You will let him go.”

  “I will do no such thing.”

  Robbie finally looked to the voice that spoke. There should have been fear of the huge man, but there wasn’t. With no words, Robbie, with Slagel instinct and anger, lunged at him.

  “Grab him!” Creed ordered and immediately Robbie was accosted by four Drune men.

  “Let him go!” Ellen cried out, then spun again to Creed. “You said they wouldn’t hurt him. You said.”

  “They won’t,” Creed responded.

  “Then why is he like this?” Ellen pointed.

  “I said they wouldn’t hurt him, I never said they’d treat him fair.”

  “You fuck.” Ellen revved back her open hand for a slap to Creed.

  His hand shot up and grasped onto her wrist. Creed smiled with arrogance at his halting of her.

  Enraged, Ellen didn’t struggle to free her wrist. Without hesitation, she reared back and kicked her booted foot straight into his shin. The second he released her with an ‘ow’ and bent down in reaction, Ellen, as hard as she could . . . decked him.

  The gasps of the Drunes filled the halls as Creed’s face turned to the side from the impact.

  Shaking her hand, and backing up, Ellen watched as Creed slowly looked back at her with a hard glare in his eyes. “Fuck,” she whispered and hurried back.

  Growling in frustration and anger, Creed reached out, grabbed Ellen, and snatched her up in a hold. Quickly, despite her fighting, he lifted her and all but tucked her under his arm against his hip. “Bring the defective god. Follow me,” he commanded to the Drunes and in a storming manner, toting a kicking Ellen like a sack of potatoes, Creed moved back down the hall.

  “Enough!” Creed yelled. He set Ellen down harshly and slammed the door.

  Ellen immediately hurried to Robbie’s side and stood with him in a protective mode. “I want him unchained.”

  “You will make no such request.”

  “I thought you said you were nice,” Ellen said.

  “I am,” Creed replied.

  Ellen scoffed a laugh. “This is nice? What you are doing to him is nice?”

  “I am nice to you. You will be the queen I have been searching for.”

  “I highly doubt that.”

  “In time,” Creed said confidently. “As for him, I have no use for him.”

  “I want him unchained and cleaned up,” Ellen demanded.

  “And I said . . .” Creed’s voice was strong. “You will make no such request! He is fine. As far as being cleaned up.” Creed shrugged, “He was hosed down earlier. How do you think we woke him up?”

  “Oh my God.” Ellen turned to Robbie and laid her hand on his face. “Are you OK? Are you hurt?”

  Robbie opened his mouth.

  “Robbie?” Ellen questioned.

  Again, Robbie opened his mouth and tried to speak. Mouthing the words, ‘I can’t’, Robbie shook his head.

  “They took away your voice?” Ellen turned with a vengeance to Creed. “What have you done to him?”

  “I’ve done nothing. The loss of his voice is merely a repercussion of the drug. His voice will return. But for time being,” Creed smiled sadistically. “He has no complaints about his accommodations. Isn’t that right . . .” he raised his eyebrows. “Bright eyes?”

  “Asshole!” Ellen charged for Creed.

  “Hey!” He held out his hand and moved her back. “Do not hit me again! You hear me?”

  Ellen stepped closer to him and looked up. “I don’t fear you.”

  “Fear or no fear, where do you get the idea that somehow your little female body can . . . take me?”

  “I can.” Ellen said smug.


  “One word.” She crossed her arms. “Frank.”

  Creed laughed. “Frank? This is the second time you said his name. Frank is not here and I do not fear Frank.”

  “Oh you should. Frank is his brother and the love of my life,” Ellen said smugly. “When he gets here, he will kick your big sorry ass. Make no bones about it. He will tear you apart, limb from limb. Fear Frank? Probably not, because he’ll be finished with you bef
ore you have time to fear him.”

  With a snide smirk, Creed rolled his eyes. “You’re talking nonsense. Your point is moot. Frank will never find you. He’ll never show up.”

  “You don’t think?” Ellen asked. “Don’t test his ability in finding me. Don’t. And don’t underestimate the power of Beginnings. Frank and our people will find us. They’ll be here before you know it. We have one of your people. We have directions.”


  “M-O-O-N. That spells home,” Christopher Columbus said as he stood in Hal’s hospital room. Frank, Elliott, and Dean were also in attendance. “Near the body of water where God’s tears flow. M-O-O-N, that spells the name of our city.”

  Hal nodded with a ‘hmm’, while rubbing his chin. “Thank you, Christopher, for that valuable information.”

  “You are welcome, God of the Effeminately Dressed.” Christopher moved toward the door. “If you need anything more . . .” He stopped. “I could tell you the old street name where that entrance is located.”

  Frank looked up. “Would that be spelled M-O-O-N, as well?”

  Christopher smiled, “Yes.”

  Frank nodded. “Thanks.”

  After Christopher walked out, Hal looked at Frank who sat in the chair. “That was productive. However, it must be very heartwarming for you to finally find someone with whom you can relate.”

  “Shut the fuck up, Hal.” Frank stood up. “We look nothing alike.” Frank started to pace. “Be grateful. We have a direction.”

  Did he miss something? Elliott had to wonder. “Frank?” he asked “Direction?”

  “Um, yeah,” Frank said sarcastically. “Direction in finding Robbie and Ellen.”

  Hal’s mouth opened and he closed it. He wasn’t going to ask. In fact he was hoping the lot of them would be spared, however Elliott had to prod.

  “I must not have paid attention for a moment,” Elliott said. “You understood directions to find Robbie and Ellen in what Christopher said?”

  “Ok, well, he didn’t give a direction,” Frank stated. “But come on . . .” He looked about the faces in the room. “Really. We’ll just check our maps. How hard is it going to be to find a city named Moon?”

  “Dear God,” Hal said calmly. “You really are special.”

  With his eyes half closed, Dean slowly turned his head to Hal. “You’re making sarcastic comments, but what if the city really is named Moon.”

  Hal stared at Dean for a second, then he gave a single nod. “Yes. What if. What was it again you said your IQ was?”

  Dean growled and stood up. “There has to be a way to figure it out other than just figuring they are out west somewhere.”

  Elliott snapped his finger. “I got it. Ellen did that assessment for you. I distinctively remember her saying she was going to try to piece together in theory where she thought Chris came from.”

  “The assessment. Yes.” Dean nodded. “I have to go through it. It might be in there.”

  “You’ve never read it?” Elliott asked.

  “No.” Dean shook his head.

  “Can I ask why?” Elliott questioned further.

  After looking at Frank, Dean answered. “I was so wrapped . . . wrapped up, so-to-speak, in teaching Misha to do assessments, that I didn’t use Ellen’s.”

  “Begging your pardon, Dr. Hayes,” Elliott spoke rationally. “But you’re a dick.”

  Frank laughed.

  “Dick?” Dean repeated. “Did you just call me a dick?”

  Frank interjected,. “I believe he did.”

  “Gentlemen,” Hal stopped any ensuing arguments. “Can we refrain from the name calling? Dean, just review that assessment that you failed to review after my sister put her hard work into it.”

  After rolling his eyes, Dean nodded.

  Hal continued, “If we can get a viable direction and city, all we would need to do is start checking the underground areas. How long until you give the OK for me to go?”

  “Two days,” Dean said. “Your fever has broken. Two days.”

  Hal turned to Frank. “Can you wait?”

  “Yeah,” Frank answered. “I’ll use the time to map out, pack up, come up with a strategy. I’ll possibly get Danny Hoi digging in the computer shit to find out in depth information about Moon City. Ryder, you and I will sit down ASAP and draw up what we need and come up with a viable and capable security team to take over for us.”

  “Us?” Hal asked. “Sgt. Ryder is going as well?” He questioned. “New Bowman . . .”

  “Will be in good hands,” Elliott assured. “Sgt. Owens can handle it. We will not be gone all that long. Your father has requested me to go with you three.”

  Again, Hal was confused. “Us three?”

  Frank growled, “Hal, what the fuck? Pay attention. Don’t you know anything?”

  “Since I was out of sorts since yesterday when we returned,” Hal said, “no. Us three?”

  “Four,” Frank answered. “Ryder, you, me, and Dad.”

  “Dad wants to go?” Hal asked.

  “Yeah and I think it will be good.” Frank smiled. “Actually, what a kick ass fuckin team to go against the mutants. Ryder, you, me, Dad, and Robbie, when we join up. It’ll be a blast.”

  “And dangerous,” Hal whispered. “It might be dangerous for Dad.”

  Dean laughed. “Dangerous for Joe? Hal, come on. Your father is tough as nails. He is afraid of nothing and don’t underestimate his ability. He taught you guys a lot.”

  “My father’s ability is not what concerns me, Dean, and you know it,” Hal said seriously. “Can my father go?”

  More than anything Dean wanted to say, ‘Your father should go, Hal. He needs to go. He should do this., but Dean refrained from giving any answer that would indicate an increasing problem with Joe. “Yes, he can go,” Dean gave his reply. “He’s strong. He’ll hold up probably better than you and Frank. Nothing will interfere with his treatments.”

  “Good.” Hal nodded. “But I do have a concern, a big one. If my father goes, I go, Frank goes, and Elliott, who is the back up for both Frank and I, goes, what the hell is going to happen to Beginnings in our absence?”

  With a flutter of his lips, Frank laughed. “Hal, please. Beginnings is gonna be fine.”


  “Beginnings is going to be . . .” Over Joe’s desk, Jason ashed his cigarette into the dish. “For lack of a better word . . . fucked.”

  “Nah.” Joe waved out his hand. “You’re nuts.” He rocked in his chair. “Owens will handle Bowman. Jordan has their own leader. Doyle will handle security and protection between those two cities. I have deeply considered Frank’s recommendation and I am bringing John Matoose in tomorrow to talk to him about heading up Beginnings Security with Dan. I hate to do so, but I’m gonna go with Frank’s gut and mind reader capabilities here along with the fact that John has experience doing it.”

  “So security wise, we’ll be fine?”

  “Absolutely,” Joe said with certainty. “I got word from Jess that George is so caught up in the Johnny situation that we aren’t even a concern right now. So we have no threats with the Society. Savages, well, we have the killer babies for that. As far as the overall running of things, I know you have your hands full with the Dean trials coming up, but still, you, Dean, and Danny Hoi will oversee things here just fine.”

  “Hmm.” Jason nodded. “Repeating my earlier sentiment, Beginnings is going to be fucked.”

  “I still disagree. Everything will work out. Really, what all can happen? It’s not that long.”

  “We’re speaking of Beginnings. A lot can happen.”

  “I have to believe it won’t. I can’t worry about it. Right now, my mind and heart are elsewhere and my number one concern is leaving here, getting my kids, and bringing them home, where they belong.” Joe’s voice softened, “I want my family back, Jason. I want them home.”


  “Impressively, you were correct,” Creed told Ellen. “I found it very diff
icult to hide the fact that you, how can I say, nailed the situation.”

  Sitting incredibly close to Robbie, Ellen gave attitude. “So you admit you are a sadistic pig?”

  Creed lifted his hand up in confusion. “Where is this coming from? I helped these people. They were dying.”

  Robbie opened his mouth.

  Ellen spoke, “Helped them? Yeah, you saved their lives and made them think you were God.”

  “That was their doing. They were delirious. I do look like Jesus is depicted.”

  Ellen fluttered her lips. “An over sized Jesus.”

  Again, Robbie opened his mouth and again, Ellen talked.

  “You could have told them the truth,” Ellen said ignoring Robbie’s nudging of her leg.

  Robbie had to wonder. Didn’t Ellen see he wanted to talk. Why couldn’t she just convey a question he wanted? He nudged her once more.

  “I’m asking Robbie, I’m asking.” Ellen assured him. “Why didn’t you tell them the truth?”

  ‘That’s not the question, El,’ Robbie thought.

  “Why would I?” Creed responded to Ellen’s question.

  “Slavery is against the law, You made then into slaves,” Ellen argued.

  “What law?”

  Robbie tapped Ellen’s leg. Didn’t she have anything of value to ask? Such as, what about his and her lives?

  Ellen rambled. “The law of humanity. Moses freed the slaves. Aren’t you the big biblical guy?”

  “Yes, I am, and like Moses I freed them.”

  “Listen to you. So full of yourself and . . . ow.” Ellen jumped. “Hey.” She looked at Robbie. “You pinched me. I’m defending you here and you’re being abusive. I’m telling Frank.”

  Robbie tossed his hand in the air.

  Creed chuckled. “You speak of Frank often. Frank is not here.”

  “Frank will be here. In fact, he’s here now. Here, there, everywhere. Like . . . God.” Ellen snickered. “He’s the shit too. Let me tell you. There is nothing, I mean nothing, he can’t do. Aside from being extremely mean when it comes to those who hurt me, Frank can do any feat. Trust me, I’ve seen him do so.”


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