J.M.W. Turner

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J.M.W. Turner Page 57

by Anthony Bailey

  At the last, we accept the extravagance of his contradictions; the determination which did not resolve those contradictions but defined him as a person; the discontent that kept driving him to attempt the impossible and make his dreams real; the ‘dark side’ but also that which was sun-lit.


  1 Eastlake, Journals, i, p.273.

  2 Whittingham, Ruskin as Turner’s Executor, p.7.

  3 Eastlake, Journals, i, p.235.

  4 Will, 2, p.27.

  5 Ibid., p.32.

  6 Times, 24 December 1851.

  7 Jones, ‘Recollections’, in Letters, p.10.

  8 Whitley, 1821–37, pp.282–3.

  9 Ruskin, Modern Painters, v, pp.v-vii.

  10 W. M. Rossetti, Rossetti Papers, 1903, p.383; Falk, p.233.

  11 Harris, Life and Adventures, pp.288–9.

  12 Robertson, Sir Charles Eastlake, p.303, citing letter of Ruskin to Wornum, 3 May 1862, in National Gallery archives.

  13 Ruskin, Diaries, II, p.619.

  14 Ruskin, Modern Painters, v, p.372.

  15 Gowing, introduction to Finberg, Sketches and Drawings, p.xx.

  16 Jones, ‘Recollections’, in Letters, p.10.

  17 The huge collection of watercolours presented a separate problem of selection. A committee met at the National Gallery in December 1856 to choose 102 items for display at Marlborough House. Warrell, Through Switzerland, p.148.

  18 Hawthorne, English Notebooks, ii, pp.382–9.

  19 Finberg, p.450.

  20 The first codicil, 1832, refers to ‘the object of keeping my works together.’ Will, 1, p.29. One cannot help but think that Somerset House would have made the best home for Turner.

  21 Whittingham, Ruskin as Turner’s Executor, p.27.

  22 Th. 1877, pp.362–5.

  23 Wilton, p.248.

  24 Dossier.

  25 Jones, ‘Recollections’, in Letters, p.3.

  26 Roberts, TS, 9, 1, p.7.

  27 Ibid.

  28 Wilton, Life and Work, p.470.

  29 Letters, p.xxvi n.2.

  30 Will, 2, p.20.

  31 Ibid., p.21.

  32 Walbrook, ‘Light on an Old Mystery’, Daily Telegraph, 27 June 1924.

  33 Th. i, p.40.

  34 G. Jones’s copy of Th. i.

  35 Th. i, preface.

  36 Walbrook, ‘Light on an Old Mystery’, Daily Telegraph, 27 June 1924.

  37 Will, 2, p.21.

  38 Ibid., p.22.

  39 Th. 1877, p.127.

  40 Dossier.

  41 Ibid.

  42 Ibid.

  43 Stillman, Autobiography, i, pp.162–5.

  44 Schuyler, American Architecture, pp.289–90.

  Portrait of Turner, by J. Hogarth after Count Alfred D’Orsay, 1851


  47 Queen Ann (or Anne) Street

  Although Turner (and subsequently many writers) refer to it as number 47, his property seems to have been given other numbers by various authorities. For a while in the early nineteenth century, it was considered part of 44 Queen Anne Street and later was one of several properties included in number 47. Turner’s first use of ‘47’ occurs in a note to T. J. Pettigrew, watermarked 1824. Turner mostly favoured the then common spelling ‘Ann’ but sometimes used ‘Anne’, which is the way the Queen herself spelt it, and the way it is spelt now.

  In Richard Horwood’s map of the 1790s, the site where he built his Queen Anne Street house and gallery is shown as part of a gap between 44 Queen Ann Street and 64 Harley Street.

  In the St Marylebone parish rate books for 1811–12, Wimpole Ward, 44 Queen Ann Street is an address shared by five different tenants and/or ratepayers: the Earl of Effington, rent £260; William Brown, £14; Robert Bennett, £45; John Jones, £20; and Joseph William Turner, Esq., £20. Turner’s section of the property seems to have been a mews building which had a door giving access to his first gallery running back over the garden behind his house at 64 Harley Street; ‘47 Queen Anne Street’ is in quite different hands at this date.

  In Peter Potter’s map of 1832, Turner’s Queen Anne Street property is shown without a number between 47 Queen Ann Street and 64 Harley Street, facing north, near the south-west corner of Queen Anne and Harley Street.

  In the 1841 census, Hannah Danby is listed as the only inhabitant present on the night preceding 6 June at one entry for 47 Queen Anne Street. In another entry, on a different page, for presumably another house named 47 Queen Anne Street, many people in another household are listed.

  In the 1850 rate books for St Marylebone parish, Turner’s property is called ‘44c Queen Anne Street’.

  name of occupier Josh Mallard William Turner

  name of owner Duke of Portland

  description of property house

  gross estimated rental 72

  rateable value 65

  poor rate 6.10.

  rate for repairing,

  cleaning, and lighting

  streets 2.16.10

  In the 1851 census (30–31 March), the only inhabitant listed at ‘47a Queen Ann St.’ is Hannah Danby, serv. age sixty-four. At ‘47 Queen Ann St.’ are Edward Bullen, married, age fifty, magistrate, his wife Mary Ann, forty-eight, two daughters and nine servants. At ‘64 Harley St.’ are Edward Harran, forty-six, inn-keeper, his wife Sarah, daughter Sarah (age ten), three servants and two lodgers. One wonders what Magistrate and Mrs Bullen thought of their neighbours the artist and his solitary servant. In several legal papers in the Turner family dossier 47 Queen Anne Street is also referred to as 46a. It is described as ‘a messuage or tenement, gallery, outbuildings, and other erections on the south side of Queen Ann St. West’. The papers concern ‘the residue of a 60 year lease from April 1822 at a yearly rent of £60’.

  The house was thirty-five feet wide but had only five windows at the front, presumably to avoid window tax. It was built of the yellow-brown bricks known as London Stock and (unfashionably) was not stucco covered. In 1859, when the street was renumbered, it became number 23 Queen Anne Street. Jabez Tepper, the lawyer for the relatives in the Chancery case, lived in the house some of the time between 1868 and 1871. The house was demolished in 1882.

  Turner’s death mask, attributed to Thomas Woolner, 1851

  Abbreviations (see Select Bibliography for full details)

  AR C. R. Leslie, Autobiographical Reflections

  B&J Martin Butlin and Evelyn Joll, The Paintings of J. M. W. Turner

  Century Richard and Samuel Redgrave, A Century of British Painters

  Dossier a collection of MS material kept by Turner descendants

  finberg A. J. finberg, The Life of J. M. W. Turner

  Geese Selby Whittingham, Of Geese, Mallards and Drakes

  IGI International Genealogical Index

  Letters John Gage, ed., Collected Correspondence of J. M. W. Turner

  Lindsay Jack Lindsay, J. M. W. Turner: his Life and Work

  Monkhouse W. Cosmo Monkhouse, Turner

  Powell Cecilia Powell, Turner in the South

  Pye-Roget John Lewis Roget, ed., Notes and Memoranda

  TB Turner Bequest

  Th. Walter Thornbury, The Life of J. M. W. Turner, R.A.

  TS Turner Studies

  TSN Turner Society News

  Watts Alaric Watts, biographical sketch in Leitch Ritchie, Liber Fluviorum

  Will Selby Whittingham, An Historical Account of the Will of J. M. W. Turner, R.A.

  Wilton Andrew Wilton, Turner in his Time

  Selected Bibliography

  All titles published in London except where cited.


  Armstrong, Sir Walter, Turner, London and New York, 1902

  Ballantine, James, Life of David Roberts, 1866

  Bayes, Walter, Turner, a Speculative Portrait, 1931

  Berger, John, About Looking, London and New York, 1980

  Boswell, James, London Journal, 1950

  Bretherton, F. F., The Origins and Progress of Methodism in Margate, Ma
rgate 1908

  Broughton, Lord (J. C. Hobhouse), Recollections of a Long Life vol. iii, 1910

  Bryant, Arthur, The Age of Elegance, 1954

  Burnet, John, Turner and His Works (incl. memoir by Peter Cunningham), 1852

  Butlin, Martin and Joll, Evelyn, The Paintings of J. M. W. Turner, 2 vols, 1977, rev. edn 1984

  Butlin, Martin with Mollie Luther and Ian Warrell, Turner at Petworth, 1986

  Carey, William, Some Memoirs of the Patronage and Progress of the Fine Arts, 1819

  Cobbett, William, Rural Rides, 1830, repr. 2 vols, 1908

  Colvin, Howard, Biographical Dictionary of British Architects 1600–1840, 1978

  Cooper, T. Sidney, R. A., My Life, 2 vols, 1890

  Creevey, Thomas, The Creevey Papers, ed. H. Maxwell, 2 vols, 1904

  Cunningham, Peter: see Burnet

  Disraeli, Benjamin, Sybil, 1845, rep. 1954

  Eastlake, Lady, Journals and Correspondence, 2 vols, 1895

  Emerson, Ralph Waldo, English Traits, 1856 (in Collected Writings, vol. 5, Cambridge, Mass., 1994)

  Falk, Bernard, Turner the Painter, 1938

  Farington, Joseph see Grieg; and Garlick, Macintyre and Cave

  Finberg, A. J., A Complete Inventory of the Drawings of the Turner Bequest, 2 vols, 1909

  The History of Turner’s Liber Studiorum, 1924

  In Venice with Turner, 1930

  Turner’s Sketches and Drawings, 1910, repr., New York, 1960

  The Life of J. M. W. Turner, 2nd edn, Oxford, 1961

  Turner’s Watercolours at Farnley Hall, n.d.

  Finley, Gerald, Turner and George IV in Edinburgh, 1981

  Forster, John, Life of Dickens, 3 vols, 1873

  Frith, William Powell, My Autobiography, 3 vols, 1887

  Gage, John, Colour in Turner: Poetry and Truth, 1969

  J. M. W. Turner: ‘A Wonderful Range of Mind’, 1987, New Haven, Conn. and London

  Turner: Rain, Steam and Speed, 1972

  ed., Collected Correspondence of J. M.W. Turner, Oxford, 1980

  Garlick, K., Macintyre, A. and Cave, K., eds, The Diary of Joseph Farington, 16 vols, New Haven, Conn. and London 1978–84

  George, M. Dorothy, London Life in the Eighteenth Century, 1925, repr. 1966

  Goodall, Frederick, Reminiscences, 1902

  Gotch, Rosamund, Maria, Lady Callcott, 1937

  Gowing, Lawrence, Turner: Imagination and Reality, NY, 1966

  Graves, Charles, Leather Armchairs, 1963

  Greaves, Margaret, Regency Patron: Sir George Beaumont, 1966

  Greig, J., ed., The Diary of Joseph Farington, 8 vols, 1922–8

  Hamerton, Philip Gilbert, The Life of J. M. W. Turner R.A., 1879

  Hampden, John, ed., An Eighteenth Century Journal 1774–76, 1940

  Harris, Frank, His Life and Adventures, 1947

  Hawthorne, Nathaniel, Passages from the English Notebooks, Boston, 1870

  Haydon, Benjamin Robert, Autobiography and Journals, 1853, ed. M. Elwin, 1950

  Hazlitt, William, Selected Writings, ed. R. Blythe, 1970

  Collected Works, 1903

  Herrmann, Luke, Ruskin and Turner, 1968

  Hibbert, Christopher, The Grand Tour, 1987

  Hill, David, In Turner’s Footsteps through the Hills and Dales of Northern England, Oxford 1984

  Turner in the Alps, 1992

  Turner on the Thames, New Haven, Conn. and London, 1993

  Turner’s Birds, Oxford, 1988

  Homer, The Odyssey, trans. R. Fitzgerald, New York, 1961

  Hunt, J. D., The Wider Sea: a Life of John Ruskin, 1982

  Hutchison, Sidney, The History of the Royal Academy 1768–1968, 1968

  Jones, George, MS ‘Recollections of J. M. W. Turner’, in Gage, Collected Correspondence of J. M. W. Turner, pp.1–10

  Sir Francis Chantrey R.A., 1849

  Kennedy, Ludovic, Nelson and his Captains, 1975 (first published as Nelson’s Band of Brothers, 1951)

  Kitson, Michael, Turner, 1964

  Leslie, Charles Robert, Memoirs of the Life of John Constable, R.A., 1845

  Autobiographical Reflections, 2 vols, 1860

  Leslie, George D., The Inner Life of the Royal Academy, 1914

  Leslie, Robert C., A Waterbiography, 1894, repr. Southampton 1985

  Lesure, F. and Nichols, R. eds, Letters of Claude Debussy, 1987

  Lindsay, Jack, The Sunset Ship: The Poems of J. M. W. Turner, 1966

  J. M. W. Turner: his Life and Work, London and Greenwich, Conn., 1966

  Lloyd, Mary, Sunny Memories, privately printed, 1880 (pp.31–8 repr. TS 4, 1, p.22)

  Marryat, Captain Frederick, Jacob Faithful, 1929

  Marsden, Christopher, The English at the Seaside, 1947

  Mayhew, Henry, London Labour and the London Poor, 4 vols, vols i–iii 1851, vol. iv 1862

  Miller, Thomas, Turner and Girtin’s Picturesque Views, 1854

  Monkhouse, W. Cosmo, Turner, 1879

  Moore, Thomas, Memoirs, vol. iii 1853

  Nevill, Ralph, London Clubs, 1911

  Nicholson, Kathleen, Turner’s Classical Landscapes, Princeton, 1990

  Owen, Felicity and Brown, David Blaney, Collector of Genius, New Haven, Conn. and London, 1988

  Powell, Cecilia, Turner in the South, New Haven, Conn. and London, 1987

  Raistrick, Arthur, The Pennine Dales, 1968

  Rasmussen, Steen Eiler, London: The Unique City, 1934, repr. 1961

  Rawlinson, W. G., Turner’s Liber Studiorum, 1878, 2nd edn 1906

  Redding, Cyrus, Fifty Years’ Recollections, Literary and Personal, 2 vols, 1858

  Past Celebrities Whom I Have Known, 1866

  Redgrave, Richard, A Memoir, ed. F. M. Redgrave, 1891

  Redgrave, Richard and Samuel, A Century of British Painters, 2 vols, 1866, 2nd edn 1890, repr. 1947

  Reynolds, Sir Joshua, Discourses, ed. P. Rogers, 1992

  Richardson, Jonathan, Works, ed. J. Richardson Jr, 1773

  Ritchie, Leitch, Liber Fluviorum, 1853

  Robertson, David, Sir Charles Eastlake and the Victorian Art World, Princeton, 1978

  Rogers, Samuel, Table Talk, 1856

  Roget, John Lewis, A History of the ‘Old Water-Colour’ Society, 2 vols, 1891 ed., Notes and Memoranda respecting the Liber Studorium by John Pye, 1879

  Ruskin, John, Praeterita (including Dilecta), 1885–9

  Elements of Drawing, 1857

  Notes by Mr. Ruskin on his Drawings by Turner, 1878

  Modern Painters, 6 vols, 1897–8 edn

  The Works of John Ruskin, Sir E. T. Cook and A. Wedderburn, eds, 39 vols, 1903–12

  The Harbours of England, repr. 1907

  Diaries, J. Evans and J. H. Whitehouse, eds, 3 vols, Oxford, 1956–9

  Ruskin Today, K Clark, ed., 1964

  Sandby, W., The History of the Royal Academy of Arts, 2 vols, 1862

  Schetky, S. F. L., Ninety Years of Work and Play, sketches from the career of John Christian Schetky, Edinburgh, 1877

  Schuyler, Montgomery, American Architecture and Other Writings, Cambridge, Mass. 1961

  Shanes, Eric, Turner’s Picturesque Views in England and Wales, 1979

  Turner’s England 1810–38, 1990

  Turner’s Human Landscape, 1990

  Sickert, Walter, A Free House!, ed. O. Sitwell, 1947

  Simond, L., Journal of a Tour and Residence in Great Britain during the years 1810 and 1811, 1815

  Smith, J. T., A Book for a Rainy Day, 1845, repr. 1906

  Nollekens and his Times, 1829, repr. 1920

  Smith, Sydney, Selected Writings, ed. W. H. Auden, 1956

  Smollett, Tobias, Travels through France and Italy (1766), Works, 1872

  Stainton, Lindsay, Turner’s Venice, 1985

  Stillman, W. J., Autobiography of a Journalist, 2 vols, 1901

  Stokes, Adrian, Painting and the Inner World, 1963

  Summerson, John, Georgian London, 1962

  Swinburne, C. A., Life and Works of J. M. W. Tu
rner R.A., 1902

  Thomson, David, England in the Nineteenth Century, 1950

  Thornbury, Walter, The Life of J. M. W. Turner, R.A., 2 vols, 1862, one-vol. rev. edn 1877, repr. 1904

  Timbs, John, Lives of the Wits and Humourists, vol. ii, 1862

  Anecdote Lives, 1872

  Trevor-Roper, Patrick, The World through Blunted Sight, 1970

  Trimmer, Sarah, Some Account of the Life and Writings of Mrs Trimmer, 2 vols, 1814

  Turner, Charles, Diary, MS in Osborn Collection, Beineke Library, Yale University; repr. Whitman 1907 and Will, 2, 1995

  Uwins, Thomas Mrs, Memoir of Thomas Uwins, 2 vols, 1858

  Virgil, The Aeneid, trans. R. Fitzgerald, 1983, repr. 1993

  Walden, Sarah, The Ravished Image, 1985

  Walton, lzaak, The Compleat Angler, 1653, repr. 1962

  Whitley, W. T., Art in England 1800–20, Cambridge, 1928

  Art in England 1821–37, Cambridge 1930

  Artists and their Friends in England 1700–1799, vol. ii 1928

  Whitman, Alfred, Charles Turner, 1907

  Whittingham, Selby, Ruskin as Turner’s Executor, 1995

  Of Geese, Mallards and Drakes, 3 vols, 1993–6

  An Historical Account of the Will of J. M. W. Turner, R.A., 5 parts, 2nd edn, 1996

  Wilkinson, Gerald, Turner on Landscape, 1982

  Turner’s Early Sketchbooks, 1972

  Wilton, Andrew, The Life and Work of J. M. W. Turner (with catalogue of watercolours), 1979

  Turner Abroad, 1982

  Turner in his Time, 1987

  Woodforde, James, Diary of a Country Parson, ed. J. Beresford, 1935, repr. Oxford 1978


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