Daemon Gates Trilogy 02 Night of the Daemon

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Daemon Gates Trilogy 02 Night of the Daemon Page 12

by Black Library

  'Karitamen?' Dietz asked, but Alaric shook his head.

  'No, the king would never reverse his steps,' he told his friend. 'He's moving forwards, not back. Strange.'

  The others were descending the stairs and Alaric and Dietz hastened to join them. The steps were plain granite, not marked or decorated in any way. So was the granite floor beyond. The room itself was short but as wide as the rest of the burial chamber, with white plaster walls bearing a green wave motif along the bottom third. The ceiling showed the scarab constellation again, and the sun beginning to rise in the east. Two plain wooden doors were set into the back wall. Alaric noticed these details in passing because most of his attention was drawn to the sarcophagus.

  It occupied most of the crypt. Made of some red stone, its top had been carved to show the Death Scarab, stretched out as if asleep although his eyes were open, dressed in full armour over funeral wrappings, the crook and flail crossed upon his chest. The lid had been set aside, however, and was leaning against the far wall between the two doors. A coffin rested inside the sarcophagus. It was made of wood inlaid with gold, and its lid was painted to show Karitamen but it had also been removed. A third coffin lay within that, and then another, although this last was made of gold and precious gems rather than wood or stone. Its lid leaned against the side wall as well, so that four Karitamens seemed to stand around the room watching them.

  The innermost sarcophagus was open, and Alaric's eyes were tugged in that direction. The coffin was lined with crimson silk, including the small headrest, and a figure was laid out there, its head upon that cushion, the flail and crook in its hands. It was Karitamen.

  The Death Scarab had certainly seen better days. Unlike his carved and painted doppelgangers the king's body had crumbled away, the bandages rotting off to reveal bleached bones beneath. His armour hung about him loosely, empty air visible between its blue-enamelled metal and the white of his ribs. Below his blue helm was a bare skull, its sock­ets empty.

  Then the skull turned towards them.

  Alaric froze, as did the others. He stared, unable to move, as the skeleton shifted and hauled itself upright. Then one foot flopped over the edge of the sarcophagus, followed by the other. With a faint creak and the clatter of bones against metal, the long-dead king rose from his coffin and stood facing them. A fiery light glowed in its eye sockets, bright as the sun but no larger than a pinprick.

  Then it opened its mouth, the jaws groaning, and words issued forth from between its rotted, blackened teeth. Alaric knew he was hearing true Nehekharan spoken for the first time, although the voice was little more than a rusty croak. He could not decipher the speech but it was clear that the long-dead king was speaking to them, and somehow the tone sounded less angry than... welcoming? Hungry?

  It lurched towards them.

  'Grungni's beard!' Thorgrek gasped, almost falling as he back-pedalled rapidly, his pickaxe rising to present its axe blade to this new foe. 'Tis a liche!' The name made Dietz's skin crawl. He had heard stories of the foul undead crea­tures, although he had always thought them mere legends and ghost stories.

  'Back, foul creature!' Therese shrieked, her hands work­ing in some intricate pattern. Dietz could only hope it was meant to protect them.

  Most of the others stood frozen in fear, Alaric among them. Dietz swallowed his own terror and shouldered into his friend, knocking the younger man to the floor just as the skeletal king swung his flail. The heavily beaded lashes whipped past Dietz's shoulder, right where Alaric had stood an instant before, one of the beads bruising his upper arm as the creature pulled its arm back for a second strike.

  'Kill it!' Gunther shouted, drawing his own blade, appar­ently not realising the folly of his statement. How could you kill something that was clearly already dead?

  There was no doubt about it, Karitamen was long since deceased. Dietz could see the king's bones clearly through armour and wrappings, and the king's skull stared out at him from its imposing blue helm.

  The guards understood their lieutenant's command. Two of them fired their crossbows at the approaching king, but the bolts passed harmlessly through its body. The others dropped the ranged weapons and drew their axes, swords and maces, clustering around their commander. Woldred had his sword out, and Goran drew his longsword, leaving the larger blade on his back because the crypt was too tight to wield it effectively. The two men and Thorgrek arrayed themselves in front of Therese, who was once again chant­ing.

  Ehrl, unfortunately, was as stunned as Alaric had been, and Woldred could not reach him in time. They all heard the sickening crack as the liche's crook flashed out, its gold and blue bands gleaming, and struck the scholar solidly in the temple. He fell like a sack of flour, dark blood spilling from his shattered skull to seep across the floor.

  'Damn you!' Thorgrek roared, his pickaxe describing a fierce arc as it sliced through the air. But the liche was too fast and sidestepped before the blow could land. It swung its flail in return, the lashes striking the dwarf solidly across the helm, and he staggered but did not fall.

  Two of Gunther's guards stepped forwards, wielding an axe and a mace respectively, and attacked Karitamen from either side. The liche shrugged off their blows and his crook

  and flail struck in return, the former caving in one guard's chest while the latter crushed the other guard's throat. Only six guards were left around Gunther and Hammlich, and they seemed less inclined to attack after seeing their com­panions' fates.

  Unfortunately for them, Karitamen was not willing to wait. The liche king advanced up the steps, closing on the guards before they could retreat. Gunther's sword licked out, only to be blocked by the liche's crook, but the lieu­tenant had his dagger in his other hand and used it to block the responding flail attack. His guards attacked while the liche was occupied and managed to score several hits, although the creature's bone somehow withstood the attacks from blade and mace.

  Alaric had slipped down the stairs and behind the sar­cophagus while this occurred, and Dietz hastened after him, even though he was torn when Glouste suddenly chose this moment to vacate her safe haven in his jacket. His pet leapt free and dashed back up the stairs and across the burial chamber, chattering as she went. Dietz almost ran after her, but decided she could probably look after her­self better than Alaric could.

  It proved to be a wise choice. The young nobleman was peering into the inner coffin, and as Dietz approached he reached in and lifted something from the cushions there. It was a gauntlet of some sort, although Dietz had a hard time seeing it clearly. Perhaps it was the lighting, or the confu­sion from battle, but all he could tell was the general shape and the presence of sharp spikes down its length.

  Unfortunately he was not the only one who noticed Alaric's find. The liche had just impaled a guard on his crook, hooking the curved rod into the man's abdomen right through his mail, but it turned as Alaric lifted the gauntlet clear of the sarcophagus.

  Karitamen shrieked something, dropping the crook where it lay imbedded in the dying man and turning towards them. It screamed in obvious rage and leapt down the stairs, tossing aside its flail as it came and drawing two

  hook-swords from scabbards at its side. Alaric ducked in time to avoid being split by the first bronze blade and Dietz's mace blocked the second, even though the force drove the mace back into his head and nearly downed him from the impact.

  The liche spat something in its native tongue, swinging again. Dietz ducked the blow and dodged towards the stairs, seeing as he did, that Gunther and his men had already taken advantage of the respite to quit the crypt for the relative safety of the larger room.

  Unfortunately they had forgotten about the statues there, and Therese was busy mumbling something and flinging lines of wavy light at the bloodthirsty liche. Apparently whatever she had done before had worn off or required her constant attention, and without her protection the statues awoke to their presence. One guard did not even have time to scream as a hawk-faced stone guardian's sword s
evered his head from his torso with a single swipe.

  'Get out of here!' Gunther shouted, retreating. He side­stepped a blow from one statue and returned it with a strike that would have killed a man but bounced harmlessly off the guardian's stone torso. He and his guards ran across the room, another dying under a guardian's attack. The remaining three reached the far door with Gunther and Hammlich and burst through it.

  That left Woldred, Goran, Thorgrek and Therese trapped with Alaric and Dietz, and the liche.

  'Go!' Dietz shouted at the other explorers. 'Get out while it's distracted!' Woldred hesitated for a second, and then nodded. He and Goran made a break for it, charging across the room, dodging the statues and reaching the far door safely.

  Thorgrek had turned to follow them. As he did, however, he spied a large ruby sitting upon one of the steps. Dietz had not noticed it either, but he saw it sparkle in the torch­light as the dwarf bent down to retrieve the gem.

  Thorgrek, no!' Dietz shouted, but it was too late. The dwarf clutched the ruby in his thick fingers, and as he lifted

  it from the step they heard a click. Then a large stone block smashed the dwarf onto the step, crushing him beneath its weight. Blood oozed out from between the stones and Therese screamed.

  'Sigmar's hammer!' Dietz cursed. 'Alaric, get out of here!'

  Alaric nodded and ducked back around the sarcophagus, still clutching the strange gauntlet. He sidled past Thorgrek's grisly remains and grabbed Therese by the arm. 'Come on!' he told her urgently.

  The mage nodded and reached up to sketch a new pat­tern on Alaric's brow. Then she dashed over to Dietz, barely avoiding a stroke from the liche's sword, and did the same to him. Then she began to chant again...

  ...and Karitamen lowered his sword, turning this way and that in confusion, his glowing eyes peering right through Dietz and past him.

  The spell! Therese had somehow rendered them invisible to the creature! Dietz took back everything bad he had ever said about magic and about mages in particular as he turned and made his way carefully back up the steps and across the pillared room. Alaric was right beside him, guid­ing Therese across.

  Fortunately the spell worked on the statues as well, and they returned to their stances by the pillars, convinced that the intruders had all been dispatched. Karitamen knew bet­ter but could not locate them. The liche did climb the steps, however, and stalked across the floor, his blades spinning around him. If those swords came close enough he wouldn't have to see them.

  Just as Dietz reached the far door he heard a familiar chattering sound. He looked up and saw Glouste on the doorframe above him, a strange amulet hanging from a chain in her mouth.

  'Get down here!' he told her sharply and the tree-fox leapt onto his shoulder and curled up, buzzing happily about her find.

  Unfortunately Therese had not marked Glouste with her magic, and Dietz saw the liche's head swivel around, until

  its glowing eyes locked upon her, there on his neck. The dead king charged towards them, both blades held high for the attack.

  'Out! Now!' Dietz grabbed Alaric and all but tossed him through the door. Then he did the same with Therese and darted through after her, shutting the door just before the first sword connected. He heard the thud of bronze on stone and a low hiss as the liche voiced its frustration.

  They were out.

  "Will that hold it?' Gunther asked. The others were all clustered in the room before the burial chamber, weapons up, faces pale.

  'It should,' Alaric gasped, catching his breath. 'The door has been warded.' He grimaced. 'Now we know why.'

  'Time to leave,' Dietz insisted, and everyone nodded their agreement.

  'If Levrellian wants anything else from that room,' Gun­ther added, glancing at the door behind them, 'he can get it himself!'


  They passed back through the treasure room, Gunther and his remaining men collecting more gold and gems as they went, and from there out into the pits.

  They would have run at that point. Alaric certainly wanted to and he was sure the others felt the same. The urge to abandon all reason and flee full-speed for the entranceway and the calm, rational world outside was almost overwhelming. Fortunately cooler heads prevailed. One guard started to bolt once they'd climbed from the pits but Gunther and Hammlich caught him before he could take a single step.

  'Don't be a fool,' Hammlich hissed. 'The floor is trapped, remember?' The guard froze, eyes wide. 'Now,' the scout said, 'follow me.'

  He retraced the route Thorgrek had plotted exactly, an impressive feat, but stopped halfway across, staring at something atop one of the latticeworks. Alaric looked as well and saw a mummified cat. It had not been there ear­lier. As he watched, it turned glowing eyes towards them

  and uttered a series of sharp meows, the sounds strangely like words.

  'Kill it!' Therese said behind him, gasping. Her efforts in the crypt had exhausted her. 'Quickly!'

  One of the guards obediently raised his crossbow but the creature had leapt across the grille work and was upon him before he could pull the trigger. The man screamed, the cloth-wrapped feline's jagged claws having sliced open his face, but the screams turned to shrieks as the wounds burst into flames. The others backed away as the man fell to the ground, convulsing, and half-rolled, half-jerked off the path, the lattice snapping open to drop him into the near­est pit. After a moment he stopped moving. The cat, meanwhile, sat daintily in front of them and began licking its claws with a desiccated tongue.

  'Now what do we do?' Gunther demanded, raising his hand to stop another guard from trying the same tactic. Most of the others looked equally confused but Alaric glanced at Dietz, who grinned.

  'You need to be the right size,' he said. Then he whistled. Alaric bit back a laugh as he saw some of the guards start at the small, furry head that popped up out of his friend's jacket. Apparently some of them hadn't noticed Glouste until now.

  He'd never been sure just how smart the tree-fox was but fortunately this situation didn't require any explanation. Glouste glanced around, spotted the strange mummy-cat, and hissed. The cat hissed back, spine arching, tail pointing straight up. Then the tree-fox leapt from Dietz's jacket to the ground and the fight was on.

  Glouste was hampered slightly by a chain she had clutched in her mouth, but the cat's bandages hampered it in turn, and of the two, the tree-fox proved to be the faster. They exchanged blows, claws raking fur and wraps respectively. Then Glouste ducked beneath an attack and, faster than Alaric could follow, somehow wrapped herself around her undead foe. All four paws fastened securely, claws deep in the bandages across the cat's chest, and then Glouste gave a fierce tug and the cat was

  torn open, what was left of its innards spilling out onto the walkway. Two of the guards and Therese were sick over the side, but the cat slumped, the glow in its eyes fading away. Glouste preened for a moment before returning to Dietz's shoulder and he scratched it affectionately.

  'Shall we?' Alaric asked Hammlich, who had been staring with some admiration at the tree-fox. His words made the scout start but the little man nodded and continued along his path. The others trailed him across the room, doing their best to ignore the feline remains off to one side, and to the antechamber beyond. Alaric was wondering how they would escape the small room, since the chute they had used ended well above their heads and was far too slick to climb, but Gunther had obviously thought of that. He nod­ded to Hammlich, who fired an arrow up the shaft. A moment later a rope appeared.

  'Smart,' Alaric admitted. The lieutenant had left one or more of his men up above for just such an eventuality.

  'I plan ahead,' Gunther replied, and something about the way he said it made Alaric uneasy. There wasn't much he could do about it now, so he followed Hammlich up the rope with Dietz right behind him.

  It was a relief to see the sky again, and Alaric allowed himself to breathe deeply as one of the guards gave him a hand out. He sprawled to one side of the tunnel entrance, staring
up at the night sky, thankful their journey through the amazing, awful tomb was finally over.

  They numbered eleven and all but the guards who had pulled them up were wounded to some degree. Therese had suffered a minor scratch from one of the statues and Dietz had taken a grazing blow to the temple from a skeletal guard. Alaric had a few small cuts and scrapes from the var­ious encounters, and Gunther and Hammlich looked to be in the same shape. Woldred had a cut to one arm and was limping from a blow to the leg and Goran's left arm was all but useless. Both of the guards who had been below had taken blows from skeletons and statues, and were bruised and bloodied. They were all a mess, but they had survived.

  Gunther and his men had all the treasure they had taken from the treasure room, and Alaric had the gauntlet. He wasn't sure why he'd taken it, but he had a feeling it was important.

  Everyone was out, and Gunther was speaking to the two guards who had remained above. Alaric turned to say something to Therese, who was sitting up next to him, sip­ping from a water skin Woldred had handed her. As he watched she jerked, the skin falling from her hands, her eyes grown wide as she stared down at the crossbow bolt blossoming from her chest.

  'No!' Alaric reached for her and caught her as she fell, her blood drenching his hands where the bolt emerged from her back. Even as he held her, the mage's eyes glazed and dimmed, and her face slackened. Her body shuddered one last time and went limp. Alaric stared down at her. He hadn't known Therese long but he had liked the quiet woman with her sparkling eyes and shy, lovely smile. For her to die now, after surviving the horrors of the tomb, was more than he could stand.

  He turned to Gunther, to demand an explanation, just in time to see the lieutenant draw a long knife and slash Wol- dred's throat from behind.

  'Damn you!' Alaric shouted, dropping Therese's body and scrambling to his feet, his hand reaching for his rapier. He had lost the bronze hook-sword somewhere in the tomb. The lieutenant just laughed as he and his men arrayed themselves against Alaric, Dietz, and Goran.


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