Charged: An Otherwordly Reverse Harem (The Otherworlds Series Book 1)

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Charged: An Otherwordly Reverse Harem (The Otherworlds Series Book 1) Page 7

by Gillian Zane

  She was on a spaceship.

  She had been purchased in some weird mating ritual by an alien.

  He was an overly horny, hot alien, but he still thought he owned her.

  She didn’t know where to start when digesting this. Bobbie had never been an adventurous girl. When her friends had gone on white water rafting trips, she had stayed in the cabin and read. When her bestie from high school had set up a backpacking trip through South America, she had bowed out at the last minute. That time Viv wanted her to join her and her boyfriend in the sack, because she wanted to give him a lesbian fantasy for his birthday, Bobbie had said “hell no,” even though she had had a few bi-curious fantasies that revolved around Viv.

  She was a coward.

  Bobbie had always wanted to be adventurous, though. She loved to read science fiction books where the heroine was fearless and explored the far reaches of the universe. She also liked the ones where the handsome alien swooped down from the heavens and rescued the heroine from her drab human existence.

  Which was kind of what had happened to her, if she thought about it from a different perspective? Hadn’t she been thinking how tragic her life was only a few hours earlier? How her love life had taken a wrong turn ages ago? How boring her job was? How she was a hot mess and a waste of a human?

  And look where she was now. On a spaceship, headed to some alien world, with two hot aliens, one of which thought they had a spark.

  Mind. Blown.

  “Weakling,” Bobbie mumbled to herself, as even the hint of giving in crossed her mind.

  She needed to get home. She needed to fight this guy until he was too tired to even bother with her and he sent her on her way. She wanted home. She wanted her drab life and her boring job. She wanted her non-existent love life. She didn’t want some spark that ignited her entire body and turned her on more than she had ever been turned on before.

  A sob escaped Bobbie’s lips and she staggered to the bed and fell onto its soft expanse. The material clung to her body, snuggling her in, comforting her as if it was made out of Xanax and unicorns. She felt the stress of the day leach out of her, and the lights in the room dimmed as if reading her mind. She couldn’t process what was going on, she was so tired. It had been a long day. The room around her churned and she felt her body sucked further into the mattress. It was too much. She couldn’t hold on to things anymore. She closed her eyes.


  Rule No. 1: No Sex With Aliens

  Roc tapped into the human flight traffic system and began to monitor the paths of their flying ships. He could only fold space around the ship when it was stationary. Once he was moving he would be visible, and could possibly be tracked on radar. It was always a risk he would be spotted by a human on take-off, the inevitable UFO spotting, but his biggest worry was inadvertently crashing into an airplane, or more importantly, one of their military vehicles that sometimes did not appear on his radars. All he needed was a crash landing and questions from governments he couldn’t answer. The less the governments of Earth knew about his kind, the better. There were rumors that one of the other planets in their family of solar systems was in contact with the Earthlings, which accounted for their rapid progress in the last hundred years, going from animal powered contraptions to microchips in the blink of an evolutionary eye. But, that was only supposition because of the rapid advancement, and the prevalent conspiracy theories revolving around alien contact and crashes.

  Before the Polaridi people were a space-faring race, there were never rumors of aliens or UFOs, so the human concept of Occam’s razor comes into play with the humans—the simplest explanation is usually the answer. They see UFOs and have numerous reports of alien crashes; therefore, aliens are most likely visiting Earth. There are at least seven space-faring races in this section of the universe, all with access to the Earth wormhole. His people were pretty convinced that one of the other alien races must have made contact with the people of Earth and they might even have inadvertently, or purposefully, advanced their technology. It was a highly debated topic on his planet. They always landed on the side of natural progression and no interference, but other races of people did not believe in the same principles. There had been talk by the Planetary Space Commission, a ruling board that oversaw the realm’s space travel, of investigating the matter, but nothing had come of it. In Roc’s year on this planet, he had gathered information about the sightings and human theories, which were mostly conspiracy theories and discounted as paranoia by the majority of humans. He would turn in his research to the commission on return and they could study the information provided and make a decision. He was grateful they had not opposed his mission to Earth, so he had to repay their kindness, even though permission was probably only given because he was heir to the most powerful throne on Polaridis.

  Roc was used to getting his way, but he also made it a point to either repay the favors that were given to him, or show some kind of gratitude. He engaged the engine, using the Earth’s own magnetic field to fuel his take-off. He fastened himself into the flight chairs and braced for takeoff. There was a slight tugging on his midsection as he accelerated into the upper atmosphere and then broke through the protective layer that kept all of Earth’s breathable air safe and sound. He was staring at the expanse of space in under five Earth seconds.

  When he had the ship in low Earth orbit, he sat back and let the view-screen go opaque, taking in the beauty that was this planet. His Charge Mate’s planet. A place she might not ever see again. Because of him.

  Something unfamiliar wrapped around his chest and squeezed—guilt. If he had to do it all over again, would this be the way he would find his Charge Mate? Was this the right way to get her to his planet? He couldn’t think of any other way. His patience wouldn’t allow him a slow seduction, he didn’t have it in him. He had been waiting a long time for her, had been searching for her for over a year. Now that he had her, it was hard to restrain himself. He wanted to touch her, wanted to find out about her life, know what made her happy. She slept, though, and that was how it should be, this was for the better when they entered light-speed.

  Plus, she had told him she didn’t want him to touch her.

  Roc frowned at the controls under his hand. They swirled under his palm as he accelerated, bringing the ship into light-speed travel. He tried not to think of her harsh words, of her accusations, but they bounced around in his brain like little needles. The ship stretched in two directions as it was bent and catapulted faster than the speed of light. Part of him slowed, while most of him picked up speed, and he took a deep breath as he let his mind acclimate to the schism in his brain. Part of him moved at a different time and speed until his brain rectified the shift and compensated for the difference.

  “She doesn’t want me to touch her.” Roc spoke aloud in his native tongue, so much more expressive than the words he knew in English, which felt like a heavy language full of double meaning and sarcasm. He had come to enjoy the nuances of the language, but he wasn’t very expressive with it, and sarcasm still went over his head.

  Could he live with his actions if she couldn’t stand him? If she kept him at arm’s length? Could he handle that? He didn’t think so. He must convince her that he was her destiny.

  “Bobbie, please wake up, you are very tempting all displayed on this bed in such a fashion,”

  “What?” She moaned.

  “I know you do not wish me to touch you, but seeing you like this…” Roc’s voice was warm velvet on her skin. She made a weird sleepy sound and stretched.

  A very male sound emanated from the space above her. It was hungry, and frustrated. Her eyes popped open. Roc stood over her. He had replaced his fashionable three-piece suit with a strange bodysuit. Bobbie’s eyes trailed down the mountain of a man, her eyes landing on his crotch. The material was skin tight, and he was erect, plastered against his stomach, leaning slightly to his right. The size of him had Bobbie gulping back a gasp. It was so evident, and right there. He wasn�
��t as big as some of the men Bobbie had seen, mostly in porn videos and random internet searches or unwanted dick pics sent on social media, but he was the biggest man she had seen with her own eyes.

  He closed his eyes with a groan when he saw what she was staring at. He slipped a hand down and adjusted himself so it wasn’t so obvious, but there was no hiding that monster.

  “You are making things worse, my fe—Bobbie, if you do not wish me touch you, can you fix your garments and look at my face, not my…” His voice was a rough stuttering as he trailed off. Bobbie frantically looked at her own body to see what he was referring to. The tiny scrap of material she called a dress had shifted in her sleep. One of her breasts was exposed, her nipple hard and erect like his cock. To make matters worse, her dress was up to her waist, and she had no panties on so yeah, she might as well be naked.

  A normal girl would have squealed and pulled her dress back in position, covering herself demurely, but Bobbie was frozen. She had done as was told and brought her eyes up to the man—err, alien—and now she couldn’t move, captivated by the deep green of his eyes when they opened and stared at her. They almost glowed and were the only alien thing about him. If she had been smart, she would have recognized that this wasn’t natural. Nothing about those eyes were human.

  The black iris wasn’t round like a human’s; it had a slight slit to it, not quite as prominent as a cat’s eye, but evident enough when you paid attention.

  “Bobbie,” he groaned. “I do not know how to handle your reactions.” He looked away from her eyes, taking in her body. His hand extended, his eyes again meeting hers, waiting for her to protest, but she was captured by his gaze and couldn’t look away. He ran a hand along her thigh tentatively. She jerkily looked down and this time she physically saw the sparks, they jumped from her thigh to his fingertips.

  “You see them,” he whispered. “This shows our compatibility, that we match. This is our spark. Only a charged pair makes sparks like this.”

  “I don’t understand.” Bobbie’s voice was hushed to match his low rumblings.

  “A being of my genetic makeup has only so many potential mates, a match that will bring about offspring. When we get near a female that holds this capacity, we can sense it, and it is confirmed when we touch. Sometimes when the charge is strong enough a small spark displays. It is the energy that will allow us to join and reproduce.”

  “Energy?” Bobbie gasped as Roc’s fingers slid millimeters over her skin, sending the sparks he spoke of careening off his fingers.

  The feel of him was electric, but he hadn’t truly made contact with her skin. He dragged his fingers a fraction of an inch over her body and where his fingers trailed, she felt it on her skin, deep in her body, and through her soul. Her skin heated, flaring in reaction to the near contact. When he finally laid his fingers upon her skin, jolts erupted, burrowing into her skin and traveling directly to her pussy. She fell back on the bed gasping as she reacted to the intensity. Moisture pooled between her legs, her body desperately wanting to fuck.

  To the alien’s credit, he didn’t push the issue. He knew she was reacting to him, but he only continued the light trail of his fingertips across her exposed skin and explained what was happening.

  “Your race is carbon based, so is ours. That is why we breathe compatible air mixtures to exist. Carbon based is the most common in our universe actually, but it is not the only kind.”

  “Sure,” Bobbie gasped. Proud of herself for being able to speak.

  “Another common trait our races possess is the electricity our bodies generate. I alone produce enough of what your people call calories, that I can power this ship.”

  “Like the Matrix?” Bobbie nodded like she knew what he was talking about.

  “No, I do not think it is a matrix. I believe it is more like your Wi-Fi internet. Or what you call a battery.”

  “Wait, you’re telling me, you’re like a battery? That’s ridiculous. That is like the Matrix, but that’s not real, it’s a movie,” Bobbie scoffed, finally finding the will with his ridiculousness to pull her skirt down and cover her lady bits.

  “We both produce energy.”

  “I think you might be mistaken, there is no way calories are powering this ship.” She managed to pull the dress over her tit and was happy now that she was covered.

  “My race has adapted to intake energy a little differently than yours. I would only power this ship with my own energy if there was an emergency.”

  “So, you’re an alien that is masquerading as a battery?” Roc’s hand froze and his mouth slipped into a frown, his fingers made contact with her calf, making her his as the sparks erupted further.

  “I do not masquerade as a battery. I am from a race of people that has learned to harness energy and use it to travel the stars,” he all but growled.

  “And you’re saying humans are the same?”

  “We of Polaridis and Earth are basically the same. We have only evolved so our intake and output has become different.” He broke eye contact and looked down at her splayed across the mattress. She saw that hungry look in his eyes and knew if he went back to the earlier ministrations she might not be able to tell him no. And she needed to tell him no, he had abducted her! Abduction is wrong; it shouldn’t be rewarded with orgasms.

  “Intake? You mean like eat? Drink? What does that mean? And I don’t even want to know about outtake.”

  “Your race relies on water, and a daily intake of food, our bodies have adapted to intake pure energy along with consumed substances, because our energy output is greater. We can process food, water, and things like that, but we also rely on solar energy to survive.” He clenched his fist and made a little explosion motion with his hand, trying to simulate something that wasn’t sinking in with Bobbie.

  “So, you eat sun explosions? That’s so different. How could you even think we could reproduce if you’re all like energy and I’m all like what, water?” Bobbie didn’t even try to overthink what she had just said.

  “We both produce energy, the difference is that my people have learned to harness that energy, and it has become an innate skill. Now that our charges have come together, they will mingle and your body will learn to harness the energy like I do. We will produce optimal offspring of great abilities since our charges are so similar.”

  “Whoa, mister—we just met and you’re already planning our offspring.” Bobbie ripped at the sheet under her and tried to pull it around her so she could cover herself more, but somehow Roc was leaning on the bed and restricting her from covering herself. She glared at him, trying to convey her full hatred of him in only a look.

  “There is one reason we possess this charge,” he dragged his finger along her arm and a spark shot from his finger to her shoulder, making her gasp. “To know that we are compatible mates who will produce children. This is why when one of my people find their Charge Mate, they stop at nothing to be with them. Our numbers are so small, our Charge Mates are precious,” Roc’s voice turned menacing with the last few words and his fingers got more aggressive, this time finding the sensitive skin of her inner thigh. He was getting too close to the part of her that ached for him to touch. She tried to squirm away, but it was half-hearted. Her body was a traitor.

  Her logical brain had slipped away. She heard what he was saying. She heard how wrong it sounded, but she didn’t care. All she cared about was his fingers, and those beautiful sparks he was causing to manifest around them.

  “Those sparks mean we are meant for each other? Like soul mates?” She met his eyes again.

  “It is not a sign of what you humans call love, or what my people call soul-matched, but it is the spark that starts it. It shows that our attraction will be immense if we acknowledge the pairing. It shows our bodies are matched, and when I enter you, when my cock slides into you, you will feel my energy fill you and you will never experience anything like it with another man.”

  “Fuck,” Bobbie whispered. She took a deep breath and t
ried to center herself. “But again, you are getting a little ahead of yourself. No sex with aliens; it’s like one of my rules.”

  “Let me show you how compatible we are. Let me claim you as my female,” Roc rumbled, his fingers inching toward Bobbie’s pussy. She wanted to give in. She wanted to say yes. She wanted him to show her about this spark thing. And she was kind of curious about this alien thing. Would he look human without clothes on?

  The thought made Bobbie’s heart speed with panic. She shouldn’t be thinking like this. She should be trying to get away from this crazy alien, not laying here with her naughty bits on display and practically begging for him. Why wasn’t her logical brain taking over? It was time to pull down the stupid too short dress and demand to go home.

  But if his touch could make her feel like this, what would his tongue feel like? His dick? The logical voice began to fade away into oblivion. She was curious about exactly what this spark meant, and what it meant about compatibility. She deserved some fun. Especially if that fun included orgasms. It had been so long.

  “Roc…” Her cheeks pinked as a lusty moan escaped her lips. She couldn’t help it. His fingers slowly traced circles on her thighs, getting closer and closer to the sweet spot. She was about to give him permission to touch her more, she was about to give in. If he continued those lovely touches, she would beg him to fuck her. The way he looked down at her with a slight smirk on his face, he could tell she was about to relent. Bobbie’s legs were spread slightly, only a little bit, but it was enough.

  He stood, his eyes still on her as he pushed the hair back from his face and tugged on the collar of his suit. Leaning over her, he placed both hands on either side of her body. Bobbie squirmed in anticipation. This was going to happen. She was going to do this. But instead of the ravishment that Bobbie expected, Roc sat back with a pained look on his face.


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