Charged: An Otherwordly Reverse Harem (The Otherworlds Series Book 1)

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Charged: An Otherwordly Reverse Harem (The Otherworlds Series Book 1) Page 27

by Gillian Zane

  She had never been one of those girls her grandmother had described as “hot in the ass,” the girls from high school who acted like they were in heat the way they fucked their boyfriends or any guy they could get their hands on. Bobbie had never felt that way with any of the guys she had dated, enjoying sex, but never craving it, never wanting to spend days in bed making love. Now, she couldn’t get enough of it. She would have been perfectly content to lock herself in a room with her four men and not come out for few days.

  Four men. Her smiled grew broader. Bobbie Flemming was sleeping with four absolutely gorgeous guys. Sure, they were aliens, but who was judging? And they weren’t just hot, they also knew how to make her body purr. She threw the covers off her naked body and pointed her toes, feeling the delicious soreness between her legs. If someone would have told her that she would be having threesomes left and right a month ago, she would have called them a lunatic and written them off as deranged. Now look at her.

  She laughed at her own thoughts and slinked out of bed, looking around the room to find the entrance to the bathroom. Nothing indicated another door, and she knew the one across from her led to the hallway.

  There was an actual mirror hung on the wall, and she patted at her hair, which had a very just been fucked five, maybe six times look, and then gave up. Scooping up her clothes from the floor, she gave up on any underwear and slipped on the flowing dress she had worn yesterday, not knowing where her clothes she had packed for the trip were. She needed to find the boys.

  Instead of finding Roc and Von, she ran into Mea in the hallway, who was looking resplendent in a teal jumper looking outfit with her dark hair piled on top of her head.

  “Where’s the bathroom?”

  “Looks like you need your clothes as well. Roc loaded them into the palace central intelligence.”

  “Central intelligence?” Bobbie asked as she tried to catch up with Mea.

  “Yes, the main network in a large home. No one explained?”

  “Um, no,” Bobbie said. “Where the hell is the bathroom?”

  “Sorry! Our bathrooms are in the basement area because of the elevation, I should have told you that yesterday. Roc and Von are down there in the men’s rooms.” She slapped a hand on a control panel and a door slid opened, Mea stepped in and disappeared. With a quick prayer, Bobbie followed and her stomach flew into her throat as the floor dropped out from beneath her and she was deposited on her feet in a dark room, lit with iridescent lighting, but no windows.

  “Where are we?” Bobbie asked, looking around the room. There were large pools in the center of a room as big as a warehouse.

  “The bathing rooms. There are personal bathers at the end of the room, though, if you do not want to get in the pools; those are more for luxury. The water comes from underneath the mountain, and bathing with water is a bit taboo, but all of this is recycled and is naturally fed from the underground heated tubes.”

  “Are we on a volcano or something?”

  “That word didn’t translate. What’s a volcano?”

  “A mountain that spews fire,” Bobbie tried.

  “Um, what in the galaxy? You have mountains that spew fire?” Mea looked at her shocked.

  “Yes, it’s how land masses are formed on Earth. Molten rock is what exists at the center of our planet, what is in the center of yours?”

  “Well, not hot rocks,” she laughed. “Our land masses are formed by a living one-celled creature that binds together and becomes more,” Mea explained as if it was totally normal. It was Bobbie’s time to stare at her.

  “That’s insane.”

  “You just told me your world has exploding hot rock mountains, who’s world is insane?”

  “You’re right,” Bobbie shrugged and clapped her hands when Mea revealed a bathing room.

  “Let me get your clothes.” She tapped out a command on the panel and a rack shot out of the wall a few moments later with Bobbie’s folded clothes on display. She picked a nice outfit and laid it out on the counter. “Clean up and I’ll come get you in a few. I think Nasha mentioned he wanted to do something before we all left.”

  Mea’s communicator beeped and she frowned at the screen.

  “What is it?”

  “I don’t know, looks like we might have a visitor, but I don’t know who it is. Crazy week.” She laughed and it was Bobbie’s turn to frown. Mea wasn’t telling her something.

  “I’ll come and get you in a bit. The palace can be a maze since they built it around the mountain instead of excavating the mountain.” She waved her hand in front of the door and it slid closed with a hiss. Bobbie was on her own in the bathroom and since it wasn’t exactly like the palace in Thames, it took her some trial and error before she got it to work properly. She managed to get clean and dry with fresh clothes and her hair styled in a basic arrangement. It would do.

  Mea was waiting for her in the main bath area, impatiently tapping her chin with manicured fingers. They weren’t big on colored nails on Polaridis, but they liked to shine them up and add jewels to the end.

  “About time,” she huffed. “The boys are doing their boring political talking. I want to show you the gardens, you’ll love them.” Mea grabbed Bobbie’s hand and began another tour of the palace.


  Flaunting emotional instabilities

  “Can you imagine the implications when this gets out?” Nasha was pacing the meeting room, his head bowed. Roc and Von had slipped out of the room they were sharing with Bobbie, leaving her sleeping off her active night. They had gotten used to only sleeping a few hours a night, but knew she required more, especially with the changes happening with the charge.

  They had found Nasha in the kitchen and had begun discussing their differences. He was fascinated with the changes happening between them.

  “It’s not going to get out,” Roc said roughly.

  “It will one day, there is no disguising your…” Nasha waved a hand in their general direction.

  “Our differences,” Von said, taking a seat in one of the overstuffed chairs.

  “People will see what they expect to see. You only see it because you know me so well,” Roc said.

  “You’ll have to prepare for it getting out one day, Roc,” Nasha argued.

  “Among other things,” Von said under his breath.

  “What is that supposed to mean?” Roc growled.

  “Exactly what I said. It seems to be our routine in the last few sun phases, secrets and lies,” Von countered.

  “Now, that’s enough,” Roc said. “I thought you would be over this emotional instability that you have been flaunting since we broke apart.”

  “Flaunting,” Von huffed.

  “You two are far worse than brothers,” Nasha sighed. He glanced at his wrist comm and shook his head. “Maybe not.”

  “What is it?” Von picking up on Nasha’s change in demeanor quicker than Roc.

  “There is someone approaching the palace. They have not declared themselves to the navigation, so I’m assuming it’s Kravitz. He and my father are the only ones who could bypass the security protocols.”

  “Should we leave?” Von asked.

  “I fear that if you were to leave now, it would only enhance my brother’s paranoia. Better stay and we shall act the recreational royals.”

  “You should stay out of sight,” Roc said to Von.

  “Oh, won’t that suit your needs,” Von said under his breath.

  “I don’t understand your issue. Why must you constantly argue? You are like some thirty-something fighting against parental overstep.” Roc shook his head in exasperation, and he saw his words only increased Von’s ire. The man looked at him red-faced, so unlike Roc’s schooled features. Had none of his practice and training rubbed off on the man? The countless forced social engagements where he wasn’t allowed to show a single bit of emotion or he would be torn apart by his father.

  “Do not show them a thing, Rochford, your emotion will be their currency,”
his father had told him over and over again. Yet here was this man who was his exact replica, down to the birthmark that graced his forearm, who wore his emotions on his sleeve. So alike, yet so unbelievably different. How could they ever make this situation work?

  Bobbie and Mea wandered around the beautiful gardens of the winter palace. There was so much to look at. The blooms were all stunning colors and shapes. So unbelievably different from the flowers on Earth, yet she found similarities in each plant. How one bloom had the layered complexity of a Hibiscus, how another bud had the shape of a rose, the coloring of a gardenia. There was one plant that looked similar to a daisy but had the smell of mint. She leaned over and took in a deep breath. Not quite, but close. She rubbed the leaf of the flower between her fingers and the aroma filled her nose.

  “You must employ a lot of gardeners,” Bobbie mused, looking at the size of the gardens.

  “You mean people that tend a garden? There are no such people here,” Mea said.

  “Then how do you keep the weeds down?”

  “They are programmed not to grow here.” Mea tilted her head in a matter-of-fact way.

  “I can’t get over how you guys have control over everything like that,” Bobbie said.

  “The programming of the genome catapulted our society into a new era of technology; everything changed after that.” A tone on Mea’s wrist comm beeped and she looked down, again she frowned at the screen. “We should probably find the boys.”

  “Is something wrong?”

  “I fear my brother Kravitz is paying us a visit.”

  “We should probably leave then, I don’t want our visiting here to get you in trouble.”

  “Probably too late for that,” Mea sighed.

  When they neared Nasha and Mea’s wing, Bobbie could hear voices raised. Mea hurried to join them, but Bobbie grabbed her arm and held her back, holding a finger to her lips. She wanted to hear what the men were arguing about, and didn’t want their presence to stop them.

  “I am only acting like you treat me. Boss me around like the parent and I will act like a child,” It was either Roc or Von’s voice and she assumed it was Von because of the way he spoke.

  “Is that why you ran away? To defy and rebel?”

  “I came here so I can get some perspective on this new life I have. It is not easy, if you think about it. I am like a child.”

  “How can you be? You have all of my experiences.”

  “Think what you will. This is how I feel and it doesn’t help that you act like you can’t stand me and won’t accept us.”

  “Is that what this is about? To give me some guilt trip over how I’m not happy that this has happened—that we’ve all become autonomous?”

  Mea whispered something Bobbie couldn’t understand and Bobbie waved a hand for her to shush.

  “You’re not getting it. I don’t want it to be an issue. I don’t want you to treat us like a burden.”

  “I’ve already said that we can approach this as an asset and not a hindrance. What aren’t you telling me? I thought we were over this, last night…”

  There was silence, and Bobbie braced herself against the door, trying not to make a noise. She wanted them to hash it out, without her in the middle.

  “Roc, Von, maybe we should figure this out at a later date. The ship approaches,” Nasha interjected.

  “You’re right, Nasha, we will handle this later. Von, can you table this for later? We’ll figure it out. I don’t think of you as a burden, but I also don’t want our enemies to find out how we are separate. If you are unwilling to play the mindless split, then please just stay away.”

  “I don’t care about playing mindless,” Von said with a sigh.

  “Then for the love of the Creators, what is it?” Roc said in frustration.

  “You don’t get it. We’re going to lose her, and it’s all your fault.”

  “How can we lose her? What do you mean?” Bobbie went completely still now that the conversation was about her.

  “She’ll leave us, you know she will, when she finds out the truth.” Mea tugged on Bobbie’s arm, trying to get her away from the door. Bobbie didn’t budge, she had to know what they were talking about.

  “She doesn’t want to return to Earth, she’s said that. We are all joined, Charge Mates,” Roc’s voice was low, barely audible. She swallowed, holding her breath so she wouldn’t be heard, so nothing would give them away. Mea was staring at Bobbie with huge eyes, knowing they shouldn’t be there. Guilt from spying on them swirled in Bobbie’s stomach, but this was about her. About some lie. She had to know what they were lying about, especially if it involved her.

  “What happens when she finds out you exaggerated the truth about the time period? When she realizes she’s only been gone from Earth for a few weeks? She’ll want to return, she’ll leave us.” Von’s voice was raised, and the truth carried loud enough that there was no mistaking what he said.

  The emotions that overtook Bobbie did not let her remain silent. She gasped, her hand slapping against the doorframe in a distinct whap as she involuntary reacted to what she had heard. There was a clatter from the room, and Bobbie knew they came for her. What would they do? Would they try to hold her here? They had kidnapped her to begin with. Would they go back to keeping her against her will? She stumbled back into Mea and the smaller girl grabbed her arm and held onto her. She tried to shake it away. Would Mea help them?

  “You idiot.” She assumed Roc said those words to Von. Roc who had lied to her, Roc who had taken her against her will and brought her to this planet that was so different from Earth. Roc had made it seem like years had passed on Earth, and that there was nothing left for her there. He had made it seem like he was her only option, her best option, that she should feel okay for falling for him, instead of guilty for leaving her world behind, since no one on Earth would even believe she was alive.

  “Bobbie,” Roc and Von were in the doorway staring at her, with Nasha behind them. He looked concerned, but he was another large male. Three against one. She glanced behind her at Mea. Four against one.

  “Don’t.” She held up her hand. “How could you? Wait, I don’t want to hear it. I know why you did it, I get it. I hate that you did that, but I’m pretty sure I know your stupid reasoning.” She did. She knew he would say something about her being his Charge Mate, how they were meant to be together and that he would do anything to prove they belonged together. Even lie to her so she wouldn’t do something stupid. Because she wasn’t capable of making an informed choice. It grated at her. Of all the misogynistic, heavy-handed bullshit.

  “Let me explain,” Roc said in a soothing and placating voice. She couldn’t look at him, she was so angry.

  “Bobbie?” Von this time, the anguish in his voice so painfully heard. She kept her eyes down. She didn’t want to look at him, didn’t want to see the emotions in his face that matched his voice. She could not feel sorry for him.

  “I don’t want to hear it from either of you. How do I get back to Thames?”

  “With me,” Roc said and she looked at him this time and glared.

  “No,” she stated firmly. “I want to get back to Thames, and not have to sit within three feet of you for the entire ride, and then I want to start making plans to get back to Earth.”

  This time she did glance up and look at the two men who had brought her such pleasure last night. Von hung his head and Roc looked ready to explode. He should, he should explode from the pain. It served him right. He shouldn’t have lied. He should have taken the time to convince Bobbie about their connection, instead of being a fucking caveman and dragging her away with lies. No matter how wonderful they were, no matter how good they made her feel, she couldn’t let them treat her like another possession to be handled.

  “I can get you back to Thames, but after I take care of my brother,” Nasha said and both Roc and Von turned to glare at him.

  “I’m coming!” Mea piped up, slipping her smaller hand into Bobbie’s.
  “Don’t you dare, Nash.” Roc turned on his friend.

  “I think this is the best option, and you know I’m right. I’ll get the transport ready, once my brother docks. I suggest everyone calm down and act bored until we can get away.”


  The Whip Thing

  Roc was so angry he could have killed Von. He thought seriously about drop-kicking him from the landing platform and watching with glee as he hit every rock on the five thousand breath drop down to the valley below. They stood on the balcony that wrapped around Nasha and Mea’s wing, staring at the clunky transport of the Polari heir to the throne. It was an over-equipped atmosphere breaker, meant for long-distance orbit travel. Expensive and showy, but not practical for inner-realm travel.

  Nasha and Mea had gone down to the reception bridge to greet the visitors. Von and Roc had stayed behind to watch. Roc glanced behind him at how Bobbie was lounging on a sun seat like she didn’t have a care in the world. He knew her, though, could see worry that crossed her forehead, the puffiness under her eyes, and he could have killed Von when he saw her wipe at a stray tear that ran down her face.

  “I don’t understand your actions,” Roc said in a voice that wouldn’t carry to his Charge Mate. He wanted to understand his double. He wanted to know what had caused him to act this way, which led to the exact thing they all feared. He could feel the heartache coming from Finn and Tam, as well as Von, all of their emotions so strong and whirling around him like a cyclone. It was overpowering and something he was not used to dealing with.


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