Ruined by the Marquess: A Forced Marriage Historical Romance (Arranged Marriage Historical Romance Traditional Regency Romance) (Alpha Male Matchmaking Romance Historical Victorian Romance)

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Ruined by the Marquess: A Forced Marriage Historical Romance (Arranged Marriage Historical Romance Traditional Regency Romance) (Alpha Male Matchmaking Romance Historical Victorian Romance) Page 9

by Paige Parker

  “Listen I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have been so direct. It’s that I have this idea about love too, it isn’t exactly my own. “Lucas stood suddenly, and walked across the table towards Ava’s chair. Her eyes widened when he did not reach for his cane and Ava could tell he was working hard to walk while downplaying his limp. Lucas held his hand out to Ava, motioning for her to take it. When Ava placed her hand in his, she noticed that her hand was trembling slightly. He led her down a small hallway, switching on the light as they both entered the room. Ava gasped as she turned and looked around them. From floor to ceiling around the entire space were ornately crafted, dark wood bookshelves. There didn’t appear to be an empty slot on a single shelf left. Ava had always been a bookworm and enjoyed literature just as much as she did science, but this was something above and beyond. She felt almost like Belle from the Beauty and The Beast, standing in a grand library tucked away in a castle. “This is beautiful,” she whispered, her voice barely audible. “You like it? I built all of it myself,” Lucas gushed. Ava was in awe, Lucas may have appeared to be just another country bumpkin but he was indeed a man of many secrets.

  He led her over to one particular set of bookshelves, pausing before it. “Here, are all love stories that I’ve collected from around the world, new and old. In each myth, tale and fable there is some miracle or phenomenon that takes place. It’s like a metaphorical meteor shower, a tidal wave or shooting stars. It is unexplainable, undeniable and irresistible to all those it infects. These stories have taught me love is never what we expect it to be and that is what makes it so grand. It is flawed and often time brought about, or goes hand and hand with tragedy. That is what true love is and what makes it so beautiful.”

  He had stood behind Ava while he spoke, his body pressed up against hers but she was surprised to find herself very comfortable with his closeness. She turned to face Lucas, seeing him in a completely different light than she ever had before. Lucas had previously revealed to Ava that he had been Special Ops but she had never realized exactly what that meant other than what he had told her, his missions with the Army were all top secret and that he had very specialized training. He had been injured on his way back to base from one of those top secret missions when his envoy encountered road side bombs. She had never imagined him as a world traveled and educated man, Ava felt bad for her assumptions. There was a lot more to this man, and she had a warm and pleasant feeling in her stomach that it was all wonderful. Ava felt like in that moment she was witnessing that meteor shower, tidal wave or shooting stars from Lucas’ stories.

  “If the way you feel about me is true, than just like the heroes in many of these sagas and stories, prove your love to me. I don’t care if you have to slay demons or dragons, partake on a dangerous and perilous quest or just plain old treat me with respect and affection, then do it. Prove to me that I’m who you want to be with forever, prove to me that love and romance are real.” Lucas quickly placed his hand on Ava’s lower back, pulling her close to him as he gazed into her eyes. He kissed her deeply and passionately, taking Ava’s breath away once more. She placed her hands tenderly on either side of his face, returning the kiss with equally as much passion and desire. With a singular motion, Lucas swept all of the books and papers from a grand cherry wood desk that stood in the center of the room just behind them. He seemed to move so fluidly despite his disability; to the point the pair mutually almost forgot he even had one.

  Ava moaned softly into his mouth as Lucas lifted the petite woman from her spot and hoisted her up onto the desk. Ava had seen his every muscle work and strain before and his effortlessness did not surprise her. Lucas nudged Ava’s legs apart with his body, roughly pulling her closer to the edge of the desk. As he pushed them further apart, her short dress rode up above her hips revealing her black lace panties. Ava blushed, moving to pull her dress back down but Lucas pushed her hands away, gently scolding her. He kissed her neck softly, causing Ava to moan louder this time. Lucas’ mix between dominate and sweet was even more of a turn on. He was controlling Ava in the only way she ever wanted to feel controlled by a man. Lucas traced his kisses down her chest, stopping at the dress’s neckline. He took both of Ava’s hands, slowly raising her arms above her head before he slipped her dress up over her head as well. Carefully dropping to his knees, Lucas placed kisses on the insides of Ava’s thighs and she helped lift herself off of the desk so that he could remove her panties. He teased her softly with his tongue, peering up at her through steely blue eyes. He moved his tongue expertly, reaching around her body and grasping Ava’s bottom as she draped her legs over his shoulder, wrapping her legs loosely around his head. Ava threw her head back in ecstasy as Lucas sucked and licked her more feverishly. Her entire body trembled as orgasm after orgasm rippled through her.

  Ava felt weak by the time Lucas had finally released her, gently helping her off the desk and to her feet. She felt like a baby deer trying to walk on unsteady legs as Lucas guided her towards his bedroom. His room wasn’t at all what Ava had expected either; it was decorated with exquisite style and taste. Then again Lucas was not what Ava had expected, but rather a man with many gifts and surprises. She felt like a queen as she lay in his large bed, surrounded by soft silk sheets and plush pillows. Ava yawned, trying to hide her tiredness from Lucas. She knew he wanted more, she wanted more and more still, but he had worn her out. Ava had never been with a man that was so skilled with his tongue or that had made her orgasm so hard and so many times in a row. She could only imagine what the rest of his body could do to her. Instead of climbing on top of her as she expected, Lucas stripped down to his boxers and got into bed next to Ava. He pulled her body close to his and Ava placed her head on Lucas’ chest. Lucas pulled a sheet over her body before sweetly kissing Ava on the forehead. She had also never been with a man who took pleasure in pleasuring only her before, and it was certainly something Ava could see herself getting used to. She drifted easily off to sleep listening to the sound of Lucas’ heartbeat, feeling safe and secure for the first time in days. She only hoped that this time it was for real and that this time it was forever.

  Ava awoke to the delicious aroma of food filling Lucas’ apartment and the faint sounds of someone moving about in the kitchen. She found one of Lucas’ t-shirts lying on a nearby ottoman and threw it on, remembering her discarded panties in the library but deciding not to bother to fetch them. She stopped just before the kitchen door, watching Lucas move about the room. He didn’t bother to hide his limp when no one was looking, but still he moved with such manly grace and liquidity. The previous night’s meal and tantalizing scents that filled the space were her first clues, but after seeing him in action Ava could tell that Lucas was indeed a culinary master of sorts.

  Ava’s mouth began to water, for breakfast and for Lucas both. As much as she was enjoying the view for the doorway, Ava suddenly felt the urge to wrap her arms around the amazing and hunky man that had literally just fallen into her life. Ava found herself hoping more and more that he never fell back out of it again. “Good morning” Ava said softly, giving into her desire and wrapping her arms around Lucas’ waist from behind. He stiffened with her touch and Ava could feel the panic begin to rise up in her chest. Maybe her fairytale romance was no more than just a fairytale, perhaps Lucas had changed his mind about her, or she had misread him all together. She didn’t have much experience out in the dating field, but Ava couldn’t imagine that Lucas or any man would go through so much effort to woo, or cook breakfast for a woman if he only planned on having a one night stand with her.

  All of her panic and insecurities were erased the second that Lucas turned to face her however. He took one look at Ava, wearing only his oversized t-shirt and his entire demeanor seemed to soften and become brighter, happier even. Lucas wrapped his arms around the small of her back and Ava could see how happy he was to see her and to hold her close in his arms. She wondered what his moment of tension had been about, but guessed that she had either surprised him, or may
be Lucas was just feeling more pain in his leg due to the previous night’s activities. Ava caught herself turning red as she recalled in detail exactly what those activities were.

  The omelet Lucas had prepared for them tasted even better that it had smelled. Ava wasn’t exactly sure how someone could make eggs taste better than anything she had ever eaten, but she had the notion that everything tasted, smelled and felt better when Lucas was involved. Ava wondered if she thought that way because she was being bias or if she was being blinded by love again. Ava was shocked to find that she was not nearly as afraid as she thought she’d be of giving her heart away so easily to another human being, especially after all of the damage that Ethan had done to her. She was equally as shocked to realize that she thought of what Ethan and her had between them as love. It was all so crazy and had happened so fast, but just as Lucas said, that’s what makes love such an amazing phenomenon.

  The rehab center was closed on the weekends and Ava had the day off, which of course Lucas already knew. After all, he had attended therapy there twice a week for several months now. Still Ava couldn’t remember a time when Ethan had cared to spend her day off with her, let alone take note of her work schedule. Lucas had taken the initiative and planned what he promised Ava would be a lovely daytime date. He also insisted on keep it all a secret from her until they got there. She thought of how well his first surprise date had gone for her and decided that she could trust him fully with a second surprise. Lucas was spoiling Ava in ways that her ex-boyfriend couldn’t even come close to. Instead of trying to dazzle her with his social status and wealth, Lucas cared about what she was thinking, wanted, needed, or felt. It was both ironically sad, yet touching that the simple act of someone paying attention and genuinely caring about her made Ava feel like a princess.

  Lucas accompanied Ava into the bathroom for a shower. She watched him through the corner of her eye as Lucas dropped his boxers to the ground. Ava’s heart skipped a beat when she saw the size of him. His muscles were apparently not the only part of Lucas’ body that were very large. He caught her peeking and Ava tried to quickly and shyly look away, but she couldn’t keep her gaze from his amazing physique for long. Lucas seemed to enjoy that Ava was acting coy, finding her innocence to be even more alluring. He moved closer, removing Ava’s shirt above her head, just as he had done with her dress the night before. Her body shivered with anticipation as he shifted besides her, brushing her hair off of her shoulder as he reached behind Ava and turned the shower on. Steam quickly began to fill the room and Ava couldn’t help but notice that even Lucas’ shower and bathroom seemed extravagant.

  Lucas stepping inside the hot shower, beckoning for Ava to follow. The warm water felt amazing on her sensitive flesh but Lucas’ fingertips felt even better. He stood behind her, letting the water cascade down her front as he traced his fingers from behind Ava’s ear to her breast. He teased each of her nipples, making them grow hard under his touch. His skilled hands continued their dance down her body, her legs parted without hesitation as he nudged her thighs apart. Ava gasped as the hot water, combined with Lucas’ fingers reached her most sensitive of parts. She could feel herself close and cried out in pleasure, throwing her head back and one arm halfway around Lucas’ neck. He bent down and kissed her softly. Lucas placed a hand on Ava’s shoulder and lower back, moving her to bend over at her waist in front of him. She could feel the anticipation build up inside of her again as he pressed his erect penis up against her buttocks. He used his foot to gently kick Ava’s legs apart wider and she placed her palms on the shower wall to steady herself. His fingers found her once more, continuing their magic until her knees buckled from the waves of pleasure that took over her. Lucas scooped his arm around her stomach, steadying Ava as she climaxed. He simultaneously slid himself inside of her, as deep as he could. Ava practically screamed as images of tidal waves and shooting stars once more flashed through her mind. Lucas didn’t bother with gentleness this time around, although his touch was still tender and kind. His grunts greeted her moans as their two bodies met over and over again. Ava pushed herself harder and harder against him as he pounded her flesh mercilessly. It wasn’t until Ava felt like her entire world and mind were spinning rapidly that Lucas gripped her tightly, stilling her and finding his own sweet release. He held her there for several minutes, panting heavily and relishing the feeling of being inside of her.


  The pair had managed to get more dirty than clean during their shower, so they finished washing off and quickly dressed. Lucas told Ava that if she wanted to, he could drive them both back to her place so that she could pick herself up a bathing suit. “The bathing suit is completely optional, just so you know” Lucas added with a sexy smirk and a wink. He gave no further clues as to where they were going or what their date would entail. Ava decided to opt for no swimsuit, smiling coyly at Lucas again which practically made the man melt. Ava got into Lucas’ car excitedly, wondering what on earth he could have in store for her.

  He drove down the main road towards the outer part of town, turning quickly onto a woodsy looking path. The dirt road had been so well hidden that Ava wondered how Lucas even knew it was there or had seen where to turn. Ava had been born and raised in this town, but had never been in these parts of the woods before. Lucas explained that they were on private land that was owned by his father. The acres seemed to roll on and on and while it was beautiful, Lucas had no desire to build on it or live there. He told Ava that at one point there had been a house on the property, but it had been in such ill repair that he had to just knock it down all together.

  “My father passed away a year ago, he lived here up until then, but we had a strained relationship and didn’t keep in contact much. My mother passed away when I was only two years old and my dad drank every day since then. He wasn’t exactly abusive, at least not physically, but I think in a way it was easier for him to just pretend that I didn’t exist. I guess I reminded him of my mother and of his old life too much. I joined the Army to get away from all of that and never looked back again.”

  Ava was floored by how open Lucas was being with her. It sure was a far cry from the shy and reserved man she had met at the V.A. Ava had been fond of Lucas before, but she really loved this new version of him. His sincerity and his willingness to share was such an exhilarating change for Ava. She was more accustomed to being told only what she wanted to hear, all of which her ex had proven was no more than pretty little lies. Lucas parked the truck and they traveled the rest of the way on foot. He looked flustered and embarrassed that he needed to use his cane to help him navigate and stay balanced on the uneven terrain. It even seemed to frustrate him a little, although Ava could tell he was working very hard to hide the fact. Lucas saw his disability as something that made him less than and he was afraid Ava would judge him for it. Ava saw things in a different life however, she was moved that Lucas would bring her to this intimate and special place despite the obvious physical pain the journey there was causing him. It was all the proof she had been searching for from Lucas. In Ava’s mind the action proved to her that his feelings for her were real. He led her deeper through the brush, to a small stream that was created by a waterfall formed from large rocks and river stones. It looked so majestic and beautiful, a small piece of paradise. She knew she shouldn’t have been surprised to find out that Lucas had built the stream and waterfall himself. There was a larger stream running above them and Lucas had diverted some of the water from it to his manmade waterfall, he then had a buddy use a backhoe to dig out a swimming hole directly beneath the waterfall. It looked like something out of an exotic travel magazine and not something handmade by a disabled vet. Bringing her here had been the most romantic, thoughtful and meaningful thing anyone had ever done for her.

  Ava didn’t know how else to respond to the gesture either than grabbing Lucas’ face in both of her hands, just as she had done during their first kiss, and kissing him passionately. She wondered to herself if there was an
ything that Lucas was unable to do and Ava doubted that there were many things on that list, if any. Even if she had seen any apparent flaws in him, Ava still was sure that she would feel this strongly about Lucas and that their union would still be as beautiful. Lucas was truly a good man with a good soul and all of his secrets thus far had only served to amaze her in the best of ways. Ava guessed that it was true, there really is a perfect person out there for everyone and she felt grateful and elated that she had found hers. Ava was not done showing her gratitude to Lucas however, and she intended to thank him very, very thoroughly. She took a few steps back from him and towards the water, turning to face away from Lucas. She dropped her panties to the ground first, and then slowly slipped her dress off, all while keeping just arms distance away from him. Ava walked seductively towards the water completely in the nude, with Lucas eager to follow. Lucas stepped into the water, trying to catch Ava in an embrace, but she kept slipping away from him, playing a sexy game of cat and mouse. Secretly she was hoping that the cat caught her very soon and made a meal out of her.

  It wasn’t until Ava heard the frantic splashing behind her that she realized Lucas had been struggling to keep up with her this entire time. He could swim and tread water but his leg was nowhere near strong enough for that type of chase or prolonged periods in the water. Ava cursed herself, she was Lucas’ physical therapist and she should have known better, she felt completely to blame. She swam towards Lucas, who reluctantly put his arm around her shoulder and allowed Ava to help guide him back to the waters edge. His mood had quickly turned to one she had never seen before and after witnessing it, one she hoped to never see again. Ava could feel anger and shame practically vibrating in the air around Lucas, and he was cursing and yelling in such a manner that it frightened her. Sensing that she was uncomfortable only seemed to make Lucas even madder at himself. He began picking up rocks and violently flinging them across the woods. He then foolishly attempted to punch a tree trunk, only injuring himself and his pride more in his fury. Ava didn’t like this side of Lucas; it reminded her of how Ethan had pulled a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde on her as well. She realized just how crazy all of this really was and how she had thrown herself fully into the arms of a man she barely knew. He could very well be a psychopath and a very good liar for all she knew and she had trusted him so blindly. Lucas had promised to give all of himself to Ava, but if this was what that entailed, she was no longer interested. Ava politely requested to be taken home, lying and saying she had business to attend to later that evening that was very important. Lucas drove her all the way home, still sopping wet because she hadn’t even taken the time to properly dry off before she hightailed it out of there. He didn’t speak a single word to her the entire ride or try to explain himself, and when Ava exited the car at her home, she did so hastily and with out a goodbye kiss. The entire situation was starting to feel like a sad repeat of her recent past.


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