Colin and Martin's Christmas Collection Box Set

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Colin and Martin's Christmas Collection Box Set Page 8

by Drew Hunt

  “I would. You’re mine.” Colin gave Martin a particularly deep kiss. “And I don’t share what’s mine.”

  Martin shivered. He loved it when his man got all possessive on him. His arse started twitching in anticipation. He knew without a doubt he was going to get fucked.

  “Not tonight, Colin, I’ve got a headache.”

  “And I’ve got an aspirin.” Colin pressed his hard dick into Martin’s thigh.

  “And what a big aspirin it is, too.”

  “You better believe it, baby. I’ll be giving it to you all night long.”

  Martin shivered again.

  * * * *

  Even though he was hot, sweaty, and tired, Colin knew the first order of business was to show Martin around their bedroom. He didn’t want his husband crashing into something accidentally if he needed to get up for the loo or something. Looking around the small space Colin knew it wouldn’t take his man long to get the lay of the land, so to speak.

  “How do you expect me to concentrate on learning my surroundings when you keep feeling me up?” Martin protested a few minutes later.

  “It’s your fault…you shouldn’t have such a beautiful arse.” Colin pinched said arse, making Martin jump.

  Martin shook his head. “It’s not beautiful.”

  Colin sighed, they’d had this discussion so often, he wasn’t going to waste time having it again. Martin had a huge inferiority complex about his body, though Colin had to admit Martin’s self-esteem issues had lessened over the years.

  “Want to shower now or afterward?” Colin asked, determined to change the subject.

  “We’re not paying extra for the hot water are we?”

  Colin laughed, knowing exactly what his husband was thinking. Kissing Martin on the side of the neck, he said, “Nope, it’s all in the cost of the room.”

  “Good, so we’ll shower now, then again before bed.”

  Colin shook his head. “Spoken like a true Yorkshireman.”

  “You better not be rolling your eyes at me, Colin Rogers.”

  “Absolutely not. No eye rolling here.”

  “Uh huh.” Martin made his way confidently to the bathroom, stripping off his clothes on the way, but Colin noted his man was careful to not drop anything.

  The water temperature in the shower was quite tepid, but that was all that was needed. The heat came from Martin’s expert hands as they found every sore and tired muscle in Colin’s back and eased the pain away. Martin was such an expert masseur Colin didn’t know why his man didn’t take it up professionally. Blind people did massage, didn’t they? And as Martin worked as a medical secretary in a doctor’s surgery, surely he could set up a massage practice there? But every time Colin had brought up the idea Martin had said something about how he only wanted to touch Colin.

  “There, I think you’re clean now,” Martin said, gently slapping Colin on the bum. “And your arse is more beautiful than mine.”

  “You wanna top tonight?”

  Martin seemed to think about it. Generally Colin was the more aggressive bed partner, but every now and again Martin would assert his dominance and give Colin’s arse a good workout.

  “No, I need this big aspirin of yours to cure the itch I got high up inside me.” Martin reached around and gave Colin’s dick a couple of strokes.

  Colin laughed. “I hope that nickname doesn’t stick.”

  They dried themselves—and before Martin knew what was happening Colin had picked him up and was carrying him to the bed.

  “Put me down, you bloody fool. If you put your back out you’ll be sorry.”

  Colin’s only response was to slap Martin’s bare and still damp arse before gently laying him on top of the bedclothes.

  Martin’s sightless eyes gazed up at him, love and total devotion shining in them.

  “Where did you pack the slick?” Colin growled.

  Martin laughed. “You’re such a romantic.”

  Colin knew he could be romantic when he put his mind to it, but at the moment he was more concerned in getting inside his Martin. It had been too long since they’d last been alone and could get down and…

  “It’s at the back of your case, on the left.”

  When they’d packed the cases back in Britain—it seemed like days ago—Martin had insisted that as Colin was the hornier one of the two he should take the bottle of lube and thus have to suffer the embarrassment of discovery if the customs officials wanted to examine their luggage on arrival. Thankfully they’d just been waved through, the staff seeming more interested in a Middle Eastern family who were before them in the queue.

  “Gotcha!” Colin said in triumph when his fingers closed around the plastic bottle. Martin had persuaded him plastic was better than a metal tube, less likely to show up on x-rays. That was his Martin, always thinking ahead.

  “Who’s been got, me, or the lube?”

  “Both,” Colin said, launching himself on the bed beside Martin, Colin’s tiredness of a few minutes earlier totally forgotten.

  Martin turned onto his stomach.

  Through years of practice Colin had found he could get in deepest if he ploughed Martin into the mattress while lying on the man’s back. However, the downside was that they couldn’t kiss very easily. And Colin suspected bearing all of his weight wasn’t comfortable for Martin either. But it was just like his man to put Colin first.

  “Want to try face-to-face for a bit first?” Colin asked, running a loving hand down Martin’s arm.

  Martin turned over, took hold of Colin’s hand and kissed the palm. “Anything you say, stud.”

  Being so used to taking Colin’s cock, it was a matter of only a few moments before Martin was prepared. They’d long since dispensed with condoms, so all Colin needed to do was slick himself up, climb on, and slide in. But before doing so he spent a few minutes kissing and caressing his husband. Martin soaked up affection and gave back more than he received so Colin was more than willing to indulge his lover in foreplay.

  Finally Colin couldn’t wait any longer, and judging from the needful whimpers coming from his man, neither could Martin.

  Finding his target Colin slid home in one slow, steady movement.

  Martin sighed in satisfaction.

  Colin kissed him. “Glad we got our own room now?” he asked.

  “Uh huh.” Martin smiled up at him. “Though I still think your uncle wouldn’t have objected.”

  “No way.”

  Martin smiled and kissed him. “Just teasing. What we have is just ours.”

  “Damn right,” Colin said, pulling out partway before pushing back home.

  They stayed in the same position for about five minutes, but Colin could tell his man’s legs were starting to cramp so he suggested Martin turn around.

  Another deep sigh of satisfaction followed once Colin had settled on Martin’s back and had slid his dick back where it most loved to be.

  “Yeah, this is it,” Colin groaned, beginning to pick up the pace.

  “Yes,” Martin whimpered in pleasure.

  “Tight arse.”

  “Big dick,” Martin automatically replied.

  The motel bed squeaked as Colin pounded into Martin’s passage. A small part of Colin—a very small part—worried that the people in the next room could hear them.

  Just then Martin squeezed his anal muscles and Colin focussed completely back on their room, their bed, and the fuck he was giving to his man.

  Feeling he was getting too close too soon, Colin rested.

  “Col?” Martin panted.

  “Let’s roll over for a bit.” Colin worked his arms under Martin and rolled them over so Martin was on top, Colin’s dick still buried deep inside Martin’s chute.

  Colin’s right hand then strayed down and grasped Martin’s hard dick while his left found and began to play with Martin’s nipples.

  “Oh, yeah,” Martin gasped.

  “Like that, huh?” Colin asked before biting down on Martin’s ear. He bucked upwar
d, making sure every millimetre of his hard dick was inside Martin’s hot hole.

  “Oh, God, yes!” Martin gasped.

  Colin stepped up the pace on Martin’s cock, chest and arse.

  “Ahhh!” Martin soon yelled, Colin feeling the man’s dick fire several ropes of come into the air, the first going over their heads.

  “Oh, God!” Martin panted a couple of minutes later.”That was… Well I don’t know what it was.” He chuckled, then grew serious. “You haven’t come yet.”

  “No, love.”

  “Can’t have that.” Martin sat up and slid up and down on Colin’s hard shaft.

  A few minutes later Martin paused. He leaned forward and, with hands resting on the sheets, began to ride him once again.

  “Yeah, you got it, love.”

  Although the rhythm had changed, the bed still protested the movement and groaned its disapproval.

  Knowing his man couldn’t keep up the pace much longer, Colin suggested they lie flat, Colin on top of Martin.

  The change took some accomplishing as neither man wanted to separate. But once back in their favourite position Colin went to town pistoning in and out of Martin’s now looser hole.

  “Close!” Colin gasped.

  Colin noticed his man had worked a hand under his pelvis and was no doubt doing what he could to stimulate his dick.

  “Doggy style.” Colin grasped Martin’s hips and lifted them.

  Martin whimpered, but this soon turned to sighs of pleasure when Colin knocked Martin’s hand aside and began to wank him in rhythm with his renewed thrusts.

  “Yeah,” Martin growled. “Nearly there.”

  Even though Colin had wanted them to climax together, a sudden clamping of Martin’s anal muscles sent Colin over the edge a few seconds before Martin.

  Martin collapsed to the bed, Colin falling on top of him.

  Kissing the back of Martin’s neck, Colin said, “Love you so much.”

  “Love you, too.”

  Colin had gone limp inside his lover, but due to their close proximity had remained inside. Pulling his hips back had Colin slipping out, and judging by the whimper of protest, Martin hadn’t wanted him to leave.

  “Back in a minute.” Colin got up and went into the bathroom. After wiping himself with a warm washcloth he rinsed it out and returned to the bedroom to take care of Martin.

  “Thanks, love,” Martin mumbled once Colin had finished cleaning him up.

  Feeling restless and not wanting to disturb his lover, Colin got dressed in shorts and T-shirt. After slipping his feet into a pair of sandals—which Martin had insisted he buy for the trip—he kissed Martin and said he was just nipping out for a minute.

  Martin yawned. “Don’t be long.”

  Checking he had the key, Colin repeated that he’d be back soon, then left.

  Colin looked over at his uncle’s door opposite but realised it was late and Matt would most likely be asleep. The man had insisted on doing the majority of the driving, despite having driven long hours to meet them at the airport. Part of Colin wished he’d stuck to his guns about getting a connecting flight to Broken Hill and maybe hiring a car from there and driving to the sheep station.

  Crossing the almost full car park Colin hoped the small supermarket at the end of the road next to the petrol station would still be open and that they sold what he wanted.

  He was in luck on both counts.

  Without regular doses of melatonin his lover’s sleep patterns slowly drifted until he started falling asleep during the day and stayed awake at night. Colin had read something about how totally blind people with no light perception often had trouble maintaining their sleep patterns and how many had found melatonin helpful.

  Unfortunately the stuff wasn’t available over the counter and their doctor wasn’t willing to prescribe it, so they’d found a supplier online. But Martin—unusually for him—had forgotten to bring his pills with him, and consequently, because of the jet-lag, he wasn’t sleeping at the right times. Heck, neither was Colin.

  Quietly letting himself back into the room Colin found his lover fast asleep. He shrugged and got undressed. Paying a quick visit to the bathroom to pee and take one of the pills himself, Colin got into bed, pulled Martin close, and closed his eyes. His last conscious thought was how they hadn’t showered after making love. Poor Martin, he’ll probably want to take an extra-long shower in the morning to make up for the hot water he hadn’t used tonight.

  * * * *

  “What’s up with you?” Colin asked his uncle over breakfast at the nearby diner, which he had assured Martin wasn’t called The Tucker Bag.

  “Got a headache,” Matt said, rubbing at his temples. “Either of you two got an aspirin?”

  Colin looked over at Martin who was looking down at his bowl of cereal, a smile playing on his lips.

  “What?” Matt asked.

  “Uh, nothing. But, no, we don’t have any aspirin. I’m sure they’ve got some at the little supermarket down the road. I’ll go get you some.”

  As Colin made his way across the car park he knew his uncle must be feeling ill because he didn’t immediately say he’d get the pills himself. Colin determined he’d be more insistent about taking on more of the driving.

  Not sure which pain relievers would work best, Colin got a few types. This caused the woman at the counter to raise an eyebrow but once Colin explained, the woman nodded and told him which worked best whenever she got one of her heads.

  Colin paid, thanked her, and jogged back to the diner.

  * * * *

  Despite also travelling on the left, driving in Australia was quite different from the UK. The almost empty country roads where you could go for kilometres before seeing another vehicle coming in the opposite direction made for a pleasant change. The scenery was pretty different, much more open and arid, with hardly a tree much less any houses. The amount of road kill was a surprise, too.

  “Want to stop somewhere to eat our packed lunches?” Colin asked the cab in general.

  Martin said he wouldn’t mind stretching his legs, and Matt nodded his agreement, too.

  “How’s your head?” Martin asked Matt. “Or should I say, you still crook, mate?”

  Matt laughed. “I’m doing a lot better, thanks. I can take over the driving after lunch if you like.”

  Colin shrugged. Driving never bothered him. But it was his uncle’s truck, so he’d hand over the wheel if that was what the man wanted.

  * * * *

  “And this is Bruce, my foreman,” Matt said, finishing the introductions.

  Martin felt a strong, calloused hand take his.

  “Pleased to finally meet you.”

  Bruce’s handshake was firm but not crushing. Martin could tell a lot from how a man shook hands, and he decided he liked Bruce. “Pleased to meet you, too. Matt’s told us a lot about you.”

  “The old bastard never did know when to shut up,” Nance said, laughing. She followed that up with a hacking cough.

  “Hear that, Martin?” Matt asked him.

  Martin nodded.

  “She gets that from smoking forty cigarettes a day. The woman’s a bloody chimney.”

  “Ah, rack off, ya old sod.”

  “I’m five years younger than you, ya fat ole chook.”

  Colin and Martin laughed as the playful banter continued.

  “Don’t suppose you left us anything to eat, did ya? Or were ya too busy in town playing bingo at the club?”

  “Can probably rustle you up something…if you ask nicely,” Nance fired back.

  “Bugger off then, I’ll make it myself. Don’t want my nephew and his partner coming down with food poisoning their first day on the station.”

  “Piss off.” Martin heard a slap, he assumed it was Nance hitting Matt. “You stay out of my kitchen. The last time I let you loose in there I couldn’t find my cheese grater for weeks.”

  Bruce showed Colin and Martin to their room. “The dunny’s just at the end of t
he hall,” he said, walking past Martin, and judging by the creak of leather he’d placed Martin’s suitcase on the bed for him.

  Martin had explained that he could carry it, but Bruce had seemed determined to help, so Martin had acquiesced. Sometimes it was easier to just give in.

  “Mum’ll have supper ready in a few minutes, so I’ll leave you two to it. But if either of you need anything,” Bruce said, putting a hand on Martin’s shoulder, “me an’ Matt are just next door and mum’s room is opposite this one.”

  “Thanks,” Colin said.

  “We feel awful about kicking you out of your room like this,” Martin added.

  “No worries, mate.” Bruce squeezed the shoulder. “Don’t spend that much time in here anyway.”

  “Oh, right,” Martin said, wondering if Bruce was meaning what he thought he was meaning.

  After Bruce left, Colin dutifully showed Martin around the room, describing the furnishings. It was quite spacious and well-equipped. The bed seemed large and sturdy. Martin hoped the walls—that Colin told him had a number of watercolours of rural scenes hung on them—would be thick enough to muffle any noises they might make.

  “Bruce seems nice,” Martin said.

  “Yeah.” Colin sounded distracted.


  “He’s younger than I expected.”

  Martin gave Colin a hug. “Maybe that’s one reason why Matt hasn’t said anything about…you know.”

  “Maybe.” Colin returned the hug. “He’s pretty hot, too.”

  Martin laughed. “Should I be worried?”

  Colin kissed him. “No way. If anything I should be the one who should be worried. Bruce seemed to take a bit of a shine to you, and he’s a cowboy…well, the Australian version of one, so—”

  “Nice.” Martin licked his lips.

  “Behave.” Colin delivered a light smack to Martin’s arse. “We better go to the dining room. If what I saw in the kitchen is any judge, Nance is laying out a big spread for us.”

  Martin sighed. He wasn’t that hungry. Even though the packed lunch had been several hours ago it had been substantial, and Martin wasn’t used to eating large meals so late at night. He assumed it was late at night, his body-clock was still all over the place. But hopefully with the pills Colin had got him he’d soon be back on track.


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