Clean Regency Romance: The Earl's Temptation (The Pure Heart Triumphs Series Book 1)

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Clean Regency Romance: The Earl's Temptation (The Pure Heart Triumphs Series Book 1) Page 5

by Pearl Goodfellow

  Unbeknownst to her, William stood in the shadows across the cobblestone street and had spied the whole miserable spectacle. The young Lord had followed Louise to this sad place. His horse had been saddled and ready to go and he followed the carriage from a distance and through the night, until it dropped Louise off on this side of the sprawling city. He had followed her straight to the orphanage and he witnessed Louise crumple outside the home's gates. As he watched her anguish, he could do nothing but go to her side. Her pain was alive in him, so her comfort meant everything to his fearful heart.

  As he stepped to her and took her hand in his, she looked up with disbelief, followed by obvious relief. He took her in his arms and let her cry while he embraced her fully. As he rubbed her back and stroked her hair, he murmured into her ear soothing words to still her shaking frame. After several long minutes, Louise finally gained control. She turned away from William and pulled out a handkerchief to wipe her eyes and face. Once she had collected herself, she turned back to her rescuer.

  Without a word, he took her arm in his and led her away from the orphanage. They said nothing as he guided her through the streets of the poorer quarters back toward the better neighborhoods. Finally, he stopped in the middle of a park with flourishing trees and gardens, and he looked down at Louise.

  "Why were you at that orphanage, and what pained you so?" he asked her gently.

  Louise ignored his question and replied with one of her own. "What on earth were you doing there, William? What business had you in London?"

  William shrugged and smiled gently at her, "I told you that I think of you and nothing else. I wanted to see what was bringing you all the way to London, so I followed you."

  Louise breathed in sharply. "Oh, God."

  William led the way to a nearby bench and Louise slumped down on it. She was obviously crestfallen, and he noticed the distress heavy in her usually delicate features. He took her hand in his.

  "This anguishes you a great deal. Please. Tell me. Perhaps there's something I might do to comfort you?"

  Louise warmed to him and struggled not to lean against him. Instead, she squeezed his hand thankfully, and stared out over the park. She realized she had to tell him, even though she was terrified he would tell the Earl, and then who knew what would happen. She looked into William's eyes, and saw genuine concern for her.

  She took a deep breath. "I'm sure I don't know where to begin." Her voice trembled and she continued despite her hesitation.

  "Of course, you know my parents died and left me penniless and in the care of relations."

  William nodded, and Louise forged ahead, knowing it was useless to hide her past from him now that they had come this far.

  "What no one knows is the cruelty of my aunt and uncle, and what followed while I was in their care. When I moved into their home, they treated me no better than a servant. They still had me educated and put up a great show for others in parading me in fancy clothes and taking part in all the expected parties and studies, but it was all for spectacle only. My uncle had a horrible temper and my aunt a vicious tongue. They lost no love on me and made sure I knew how indebted I was to them."

  "They could not know, nor did they care, how desperate I was to feel loved again, like I felt with my parents; as irresponsible as they were. So I guess I was easy pickings for the first dashing young man to cross my path. I was only fifteen, and so desperately wanted to believe he loved me. I felt safe and happy with him and nothing else mattered. Until I found out I was pregnant, and he promptly disappeared."

  Louise grew quiet and waited for William to express his shock and disappointment. When he said nothing, he simply nodded at her to continue, she sighed and a single tear made it's way down her already stained cheek.

  "My relatives insisted I have the child, but also insisted I could not keep her. It might have been okay if they allowed me to give her up right away, but part of the punishment was that I was to nurse her and then give her up. So I named her, and loved her, and then when she was weaned, they forced me to bring her to that awful place and put her up for adoption. I have watched her grow in that hideous orphanage. I have watched her smile and laugh and play despite the pitiful conditions. She has never worn a pair of shoes. She had never had a decent dress. She has no idea that I am alive - that she is not truly an orphan."

  Louise stopped and sat up straight. "What must you think of me?"

  William said nothing but he withdrew his hand and stood up. He looked down at Louise, her beautiful tear streaked face shredding his very soul.

  Barely above a whisper, "This situation is beyond rebuke," he said and then without another word, he rushed away leaving Louise alone in the park with all her fears rising to overwhelm her. Convinced William ran off to tell his father the truth, Louise rose to her feet and rushed to find a coach back to the estate.

  Chapter Eight

  When she arrived late the next day, she made it up to her room without anyone knowing. Skipping dinner after making excuses that she was not feeling well, she slipped into her nightgown and prepared to go to sleep. The resignation she felt as she saw her life and her best laid plans fall apart was too exhausting to be ignored. She started when a loud knock shook her door. She moved quickly to see whom it was when the door flung open and the Earl stepped in.

  Clearly drunk, the Earl staggered into Louise's room.

  "Why are you hiding, my dear? Look at you, all ready for bed, looking so heavenly and demure."

  He moved to her and Louise backed up. The Earl stood in front of her and gripped her chin in his hand. He tried to kiss her, but the stench of his gin-fumed breath overwhelmed her and she pulled her head back.

  "Why you ungrateful wench," growled the Earl, as he pushed her back roughly onto the bed.

  Frozen with fear, Louise lay shocked as the Earl undid the belt of his trousers and flopped heavily on top of her. Unable to breathe under his heavy, drunken weight, and feeling his hands groping to feel her flesh, Louise cried out. The Earl plastered her face and neck with slobbering kisses and his hands finally found their way under her nightgown. As she realized his intentions, she let out a blood-curdling scream.

  "Shut up, girl! Did you think I would marry you without first knowing if I like the way you feel?" the Earl snarled down at her.

  Not knowing what to do, Louise tried to scream again, but the Earl shoved some of the blanket in her mouth. "I said to shut up!"

  Just as Louise was certain all was lost, she heard William shout.

  "What on God's green earth is going on here?"

  Suddenly, the Earl was not lying on her, but was sprawled on the floor next to the bed with William standing over him. The rage on William's face was something that made Louise feel both relieved and very afraid. She grabbed her gown and pulled it back down to cover herself, then she moved to the other side of the bed and stood up.

  The Earl recovered his wits and glared up at his son. In an even tone, he growled at William.

  "Get out."

  William remained where he was. "Father, I will not warn you again. Keep your roving hands off of her."

  The Earl looked to Louise who stood staring at them both. Then he looked back at William.

  "You want her, do you? Too bad. Get out. Get out now. Leave this house. Leave this estate. Now... NOW!!!" The Earl ended yelling at the top of his voice.

  Louise jumped at the shrill screech from the older man, and watched as William turned to her with clear longing in his eyes, a beseeching request as he reached out his hand to her. Louise stared at his outstretched hand, but all she could see in her mind's eye was her daughter. She cleared her mind, looked at William with sadness, and she sank back down on her bed, head slumped forward in defeat. William's face grew red with anger, frustration, and then a broken sadness. He looked at his father as the Earl rolled to his knees and then struggled to stand up. The outright hatred that passed between the two was not lost on Louise, and when William turned on his heel and stormed out of the room
, Louise felt her heart shatter.

  Looking back at his bride to be, the Earl smirked at her.

  "Never mind, I supposed I can wait a while longer,” and he stumbled out of the chamber, leaving Louise trembling on her bed.

  Chapter Nine

  Louise barely slept that night as she appreciated William was no longer there to protect her. The Earl was a hateful old man, and torrid images of their matrimony and following conjugation kept her from the sleep she so desperately needed. Completely torn, wanting a better life for her child, but no longer certain it would be found in the home of the Earl, she tossed and turned wishing against everything she knew to be true that things could be different. After she rose and ate breakfast, she determined to face the Earl and tell him the truth of her situation; her final effort at trying to make the whole situation right. She went to the study and knocked on the door.

  "Enter." called the Earl.

  Louise entered and found the Earl seated behind his desk. He looked up and sneered at her.

  "I suppose you think I owe you an apology."

  Louise said nothing, she merely met the old man's gaze determined to say her piece and see what would happen.

  "No? Well. What do you want then?"

  Louise cleared her throat.

  "Well, I wanted to tell you something about me before we move forward with the wedding. I think it is only fair that you know the whole truth..."

  "I already know. Did you think I would agree to marry a woman without knowing every detail about her? Did you think I didn't know about your bastard child? Did you think I didn't know that you are a good for nothing whore?"

  The Earl rose to his feet and with aid of his cane moved around the desk to stand in front of Louise who had gone white as a sheet.

  "Oh yes. I know all about your sordid past. I know you have no fortune. I know you were dependent on family who rightly could not get rid of you fast enough. Who do you think made this little arrangement?"

  Louise straightened her shoulders, "My uncle..."

  The Earl slapped her across the face so hard her teeth chattered. She tasted blood on her lip. She stood silent.

  "You uncle is on old colleague of mine. He made me an offer I could not refuse. I get pretty little you to bear me more children, and they, after weaning, are completely rid of you and the shame you have brought on them."

  Louise let the news sink in, dread filling her gut. She needed out. She could not marry the Earl. As she realized the truth, she also realized she would not be able to get Olivia. Fear riddled her and she desperately tried to remedy the situation.

  "Olivia... My daughter..."

  The Earl took Louise's bruised face in his sweaty hand.

  "I suppose you thought you would be able to bring the brat here. You were very much mistaken." He roughly let go of her face and leaned in, spittle leaving his lips and spraying her soft features, "That child will never have a place in this house. And you, you ungrateful strumpet, are out of options." Immense satisfaction dripped from the Earl's cruel words.

  Certain he had the upper hand, the Earl turned his back on Louise who was shaking in dismay, shock, and anger. She watched him sit back down in silence, too many things on her mind to say, but not knowing where to begin, she simply stared at the ugly fat man.

  He looked back up at her.

  "Get out of my sight." he hissed at her.

  Louise, as though set free, turned and ran from the room and to the stables. Not thinking, she grabbed the only saddled horse, and without a word to let anyone know where she was going, she rode away as fast as she could. Her head full of fear and shame, desperation, and longing for both William and Olivia, Louise rode until she realized she was nearing one of the small towns. She rode into town and saw a sign for a tavern. Determined to sit down and think her situation through, she tied her horse to a post and stepped into the tavern.

  Letting her eyes adjust to the dim light of the tavern, Louise glanced around the room with its small tables, large fireplace, and broad oak bar,. There were narrow, rickety stairs leading up to the guest rooms. She glanced around at the patrons and her eyes fell on a familiar figure standing at the bar. Her heart skipped a beat and she almost fled, but he turned in her direction and instead of fleeing she flew into his arms sobbing.

  "Oh, William!"

  William held her and lifted her chin.

  "Shhhh.... What has happened?" Then he saw the bruise on her cheek and her cut lip. His face darkened, a vicious light sparking in his eyes.

  "Come. Let's not talk here. I have a room..." He looked at the barkeeper. "John, please see to it that my lunch be brought upstairs, and bring something for the Baroness?"

  John nodded and William led Louise up the splintered wooden steps to his rented chamber. He helped her to a chair and sat himself on the edge of the four-poster bed dominating the room.

  "Now tell me all that transpired.” His request was assertive.

  Louise expressed the betrayal at the hands of her uncle, the Earl's clear dislike of her, and his refusal to allow Olivia to move into the manor. Overcome, Louise, found she had no more tears. All her hope seemed to have evaporated. All her desire to give her daughter a better life had been pointless. She felt like a dry husk, flung on the breeze of merciless windAs she sat there, after repeating everything the Earl revealed to her, she realized she could not stay. She would not stay. She stood up slowly and turned to William.

  "I must go." Louise said with a hollow voice.

  William stood up too and moved in front of her.

  "What nonsense you speak, woman! Where will you go?"

  Louise shook her head.

  "I have no idea. I will have to find work. I will have to find a way to get Olivia out of that wretched home. I have no place here..." She looked at William and found him smiling at her.

  "You do have a place. A place with me. I don't know how, but we can overcome this challenge as surely as the day is long. We can make a home for Olivia. Together. You have to know by now, Louise. I am in hopelessly, irrevocably in love with you..."

  Louise stepped back and shook her head.


  William stepped toward her and embraced her.

  "I speak it plainly, baroness. I cannot think of another soul while you are in existence. I don't want anyone but you, my love. I could not bear to think of you with my father, and if you are determined to leave, then I will go with you, if you will have me."

  He looked at Louise and kissed her tear stained cheeks.

  "Tell me you feel the same."

  Louise could not find the words. Instead, she smiled and nodded.

  At her nod, William wrapped her tightly in his arms and bent his head to kiss her. As his lips neared hers, a ear splintering crash caused the pair to jump apart.

  They turned to the door, and saw the Earl standing there leaning heavily on his cane with a pistol pointed at William.

  "You ungrateful boy. You dare to touch the very thing you would rob me of? I will kill you."

  Louise and William saw the untempered rage in the Earl's eyes and knew he had gone stark, raving mad. William lunged forward in front of Louise, taking her out of the line of fire. She dropped to her knees and crawled quickly to hide beside one edge of the bed. As she peered over the edge, she watched William grab the Earls hand with the gun in it. As he tried to wrestle the gun away from his father, the Earl hit William over and over across the head and shoulders with his cane. The two men struggled for several minutes, and Louise shrieked as a loud shot rang out. She rushed to the two men as they both fell to the floor.

  The Earl lay on top of William, leaving the young Lord gasping for breath. Louise rolled the large man off of William hastily and checked William frantically for injuries. She saw blood on his chest and she nearly passed out, her head dropping onto his chest while her shoulders heaved with the effort of sobbing. Taking deep breaths, her eyes shut tight, she stilled her nerves enough to feel for the extent of the wound. She realized t
hen that it was not William's blood that was seeping sluggishly through her fingers. She turned to the Earl who was gasping and sputtering, the wound causing blood to pump out of his chest and onto the floor. Hot red liquid oozed from the corner of his mouth, blossoming scarlet at his starched, white collar. It was over almost immediately. The Earl cast one last hateful glance in an almost theatrical gesture at Louise and then he closed his eyes. They remained shut as he breathed his last hitching breath.

  William coughed and Louise hugged him to her as the patrons from the tavern gathered and stood in the doorway looking down at the tableau before them. The dead Earl with the smoking gun in his hand and the young lovers embracing one another for dear life.

  Chapter Ten

  Louise strolled through the gardens of the estate, laughter, sweet and sincere ringing in the air around her. She rounded a corner and saw her sweet Olivia giggling merrily as William chased her around some rose bushes. Louise laid her hand on her swelling belly, and smiled in lofty contentment.

  The past year had been a whirlwind of activity. Upon the Earl's death, William had become the Earl of Pennieshire. He immediately proposed to Louise, and they were married within that month. Once all the paperwork had been accomplished, they went to the orphanage together and brought Olivia home. William had insisted that the child not be sent for by some unknown servant. He maintained that it had to be both Louise and himself. It was an act of true love.

  His sisters were still proud and haughty with Louise, but they both adored Olivia, and even though both had gained betrothals of their own, Louise was glad to be able to see their softer sides before they stepped into their future lives.

  William spotted her walking toward them and he stopped chasing Olivia. The two of them instead ran to her. William kissed her passionately, while Olivia hugged her tightly.

  "Well, my love, what have you to say?" William asked her.

  Louise smiled at both of them, "There is not much really to say, my love." She spread her arms wide, " Except, maybe, this life is meant to be lived as a dream of your choosing."


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