Down to the Creek- Book 1 of the Colvin Series

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Down to the Creek- Book 1 of the Colvin Series Page 15

by Heather Morris

  "Thanks. I just feel such pressure to stand in for him where Mom and Karlie are concerned and today is definitely no exception. I know Dad would be so happy and proud that you two are getting married, but it's still a lot of pressure."

  Knowing he needs time alone, I head back to my room to finish gathering up my stuff. I should be nervous but I actually am very at ease. That is until I get to Moms. I chuckle to myself and concentrate on the task at hand.


  "Aiden are you on your way yet? You are going to be late to your own wedding and Ella Mae will ring your neck!"

  With a big smile I answer, "Yes Mom, I just pulled up out front."

  "Oh good!!" She exclaims and hangs up already running out of the front door towards me.

  "It's 2 o'clock young man! Are you trying to give me a coronary? Your father and brothers and Audrey are already ready to go and we aren't the ones getting married today!" She says giving me a stern look and opening the pickup door for me.

  "Calm down, all I have to do is get my tux on and go to town. What are you so stressed out for? Isn't it the bride who is supposed to be all stressed out today?" I say trying to hurry inside with my stuff to get changed. Even though I know we have two hours before the ceremony starts.

  "Aiden, just get ready please. Your father and I want to leave soon." And with that she storms away making me chuckle to myself again.

  I hope Karlie isn't this stressed out. She hasn't been a Bridezilla yet, I hope she isn't now. I decide to text her to see and let her know I love her.

  How are you? Mom is freaking out on me. All good here. I love you.

  I start to put on my tux and hear my phone chime for a text. That must be Karlie.

  I am great. Mom is freaking out too. Love you so much more.

  I doubt that but it's good to hear she is doing fine. Why are our mothers so on edge? Couldn’t be that they have waited eight and a half years for this day could it? That makes me smile.

  Finishing up my bow tie, I hear Dad say from behind me, "You look dashing, son. Gene would be very proud and happy that you are marrying his daughter. I believe he is smiling down from heaven today. Love you."

  "Thanks Dad. I think he would be too. Love you." I say giving him a hug. I don't know what I would do if it were my Dad not here to enjoy today with me. Poor Ella Mae it has to be super tough on her not having her husband to share in the joy of watching their daughter get married today.


  I'm out front. You have them with you in backyard?

  I send a quick text to Austin as I pull up in Karlie’s driveway. We are having the wedding in their backyard and Austin has a special bouquet for Ella Mae that I want to deliver before the wedding starts.

  Yep. You deliver or me?

  I get a fast response. He must have been waiting for my call.

  Is Ella Mae out there with you?

  Nope. I will go tell her you want her back here for a sec.

  I walk through the side gate of the yard and I am just blown away at what I see. Their backyard was gorgeous before but this is unbelievable. It's like a whole different place. Karlie is going to love this.

  "Aiden? Your brother said you needed me for a second? Do you not like something?" I hear Ella Mae say coming up behind me.

  I turn, smile and hug her while saying, "It’s beautiful Ella Mae! I just wanted to give you a little something before the wedding started. I had this bouquet made for you because I know that Gene always brought you yellow tulips on special days because they're your favorite. And since he isn't here to do that today, I wanted to make sure you still got them. There is a small picture of him hanging from the ribbon just like Karlie’s so you will have him with you today."

  "Oh Aiden!! I am so happy you are marrying our daughter today and finally joining our family. Gene loved you as if you were his other son. This is the most thoughtful thing, thank you so much."

  "Ok well now you better go take care of my bride. I can't wait until I can call her my wife and am proud to become an official part of your family." I say proudly while giving her one last hug and letting her walk back towards the house where I know my bride is getting ready. I don't think I have ever been so happy.


  "Reverend Lowell, how are you?" I ask seeing him stepping into the hallway outside the room where I am getting ready.

  "It is almost 3:45 so I wanted to check on you one last time before I took my place outside. You look beautiful Karlie Mae!" Reverend Lowell says looking genuinely pleased. "The yard looks amazing too."

  "Thank you so much for being here today and agreeing to marry Aiden and me. We couldn't have asked anyone else. You have known us our whole lives therefore we found you to be the best fit for today."

  "Well if you are all set in here then I will find Aiden and the guys. See you out there."

  After the reverend walks away I can't help but replay events in my life that have led me to this day. All of the mistakes I have made have paved the way for my being able to marry Aiden today. If I hadn't have left for LA like I did I wouldn't be the person I am today either. Aiden and I were meant to be together but not until now. That was always hard to understand but call it wedding bliss or whatever, I clearly see it now. In less than twenty minutes I am going to finally marry the man I have loved the majority of my life. I don't think I have ever been so happy.


  Mom and I are standing inside the patio doors awaiting our queue to walk towards Jonathan and of course Aiden. The backyard has been transformed into a fairy tale with white lights and cream colored flowers of all kinds. There is sparkle and magic everywhere I look. The chairs are covered in silver fabric and tied with cream colored bows on the backs. Cream fabric and clear lights are draped over head to create a ceiling. Aiden is standing there hands behind his back and a content smile in a black tux. He looks so sexy up there. It takes all I have not to run to him. I have missed not being able to see him since last night.

  No one can see us yet but we can see them. All of our friends and family have shown up today to witness our union. I can't think of a person that isn't here that should be. That is except Dad. I touch the pin on my bouquet right beside the picture that Aiden put there for me of Dad. "Well Dad this is it."

  Mom opens the doors and I see everyone turn my way. The only person I see is Aiden standing at the end of the aisle with Reverend Lowell. I feel the emotion trying to bubble to the surface as I walk towards Jonathan. He takes my hand and Mom goes to her seat in the front leaving us alone to venture on.

  "I love you sis." Jonathan says with a smile and squeezes my arm. "You ready?"

  All I can so is nod for the fear of tears escaping if I try to speak. With that confirmation we begin the slow walk to my future. To Aiden.


  The patio doors open and I get the first glimpse of the most beautiful bride I have ever seen. Standing there in cream fabric that flows from her shoulders to the ground, she looks stunning. Her hair is swept up on one side and I see her smile from even this far away. She honestly took my breath away as she began her slow journey down the aisle towards me. Her skin is glowing and so is her face. I will never forget this vision as long as I live.

  "Jonathan. Thank you." I say as they reach me and I take Karlie’s arm from him. I want so bad to lean down and kiss her beautiful mouth but I know there is a time for that after we are pronounced man and wife. That seems like a million years away.

  Squeezing her arm once to hopefully convey my feelings to her, we turn to face the reverend.

  "Aiden and Karlie we are here today to witness your joining as man and wife. It has been a long journey to get to this alter today but the real and meaningful journey is about to begin. The love that the two of you share is priceless and very rare. Most men and women only dream of finding their soul mate. Not many find that soul mate as a child. The two of you were very blessed to have had that occur. While you both went about your own lives up until now, you were never far from each other's t
houghts and hearts. This union was meant to be and therefore will be."

  Aiden and I go through the ceremony fighting back tears and emotions as we pledge to spend the rest of our lives together.

  "Karlie with this ring I promise to love you and cherish you every day for the rest of my life." And I slide her wedding band on her left ring finger. That band matches perfectly to the diamond ring I gave her in LA. Like they were meant to be just like she and I are.

  "Aiden with this ring I promise to love you and cherish you every day for the rest of my life." And she slides my wedding band onto my left ring finger. As she does that I can't seem to keep the emotion at bay any longer and a few tears slip out.

  "Aiden, Karlie, I have the great honor of being able to pronounce you husband and wife. Aiden you may kiss your beautiful bride." the reverend says and all I can think is thank goodness!

  I wrap my arms around Karlie and she wraps hers around my neck meeting me in the middle with as much emotion as I have. As soon as our lips touch I could swear there are fireworks going off. This is the woman I get to call my wife for the rest of my life. How did I ever get so lucky?


  As I wrap my arms around Aiden’s neck and meet his lips with mine I am overcome with emotion because I just married the love of my life and get to call him my husband until the end of time. How did I ever get so lucky?

  "We did it!" I whisper to him after the most powerful kiss we have ever had.

  "Yes we did baby! You look beyond amazing and I love you so much!" He says pulling me tight against him again.

  "You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. You do know that don't you?”

  "I am pleased to introduce to you for the first time, Mr. And Mrs. Aiden Blake!" We hear the reverend announce and pull apart to walk back down the aisle. We can see and hear the love and joy from everyone in attendance. Everyone was clearly as moved with emotion as we were.

  Aiden grabs my hand and we make our way to the back of the chairs and towards the patio doors. Mom and the rest of the crew will get the backyard transformed now into the reception area while Aiden and I meet with the reverend to sign the license and have a few minutes alone.

  "The wedding was just beautiful you two. I am very proud to have been the one to officiate. Now, if you two can just sign here and here I will get you off to spend a few minutes alone as husband and wife and take your photos. I will get Jonathan to sign as your witness then it will all be legal. Congratulations." The reverend says handing Aiden the pen then me.

  Aiden takes my hand and we head to what used to be my bedroom while growing up. He barely gets the door closed before I wrap my arms around his waist and lay my head against his chest. I can hear and feel his heart beating strongly and I know it beats with love for me.

  He wraps his arms around me and sighs. "I can't believe we finally did it. We're married Karlie!"

  I lift my head up and look straight into his eyes and say, "Aiden I love you so much and am so blessed to be able to call you my husband. Finally!"

  He dips his head and catches my lips again for a searing kiss that promises to never fade. The kiss turns into several and things start to heat up as we hear three knocks on the door. Jonathan.

  Knock. Knock. Knock

  "Ok you two, enough alone time. Gerry is ready for us." Jonathan says and Aiden reluctantly opens the door.

  Time to let the big city photographer have his way with us. I am so thankful Gerry agreed to come to Colvin and take our wedding photos. I couldn’t think of anyone better for the job. I think he is actually liking small town Oklahoma. He seems a lot more laid back that I think I have ever seen him before. This town has a way of growing on you. I can attest to that.

  “I am so grateful you agreed to come take the pictures, Gerry.” I say and hug my mentor and friend.

  “Well, I wouldn’t trust anyone else to do it for my girl! Now, stop stalling and get over there with that handsome husband of yours!” he says and winks. “People are out there starving! I am one of them!”


  “Please help me in welcoming for the first time, Aiden and Karlie Blake!” I hear the band leader say over the microphone. I take Karlie’s hand and see she has a gorgeous smile on her face that radiates how happy she is today. It makes my heart swell because I am just as happy if not more.

  It has been a magical night and I love looking out and seeing all of our family and friends enjoying themselves. After having the first dance with my wife, I sit down next to her awaiting the speeches. This should be interesting coming from Jonathan.

  "I think I knew the day that Dad brought Karlie Mae out to the 6AB with us that even at 5 years old she and Aiden were destined to be together. That day seems like yesterday but now my little sister is all grown up and I had the greatest pleasure of walking her down the aisle today. While we all would have loved to have had Dad here to do it himself, I was very blessed to be asked in his place. May the two of you be just as blessed if not much more for the rest of your years to come. Oh, and I would like nieces and nephews soon!" Jonathan says in a speech that brought tears to everyone's eyes. I stand and hug him with all the emotion I have.

  "Thank you." That is all I am able to get out before I break down in tears. Happy tears of course.

  Aiden seeing this is too hard for me stands and says, "That day was the best day of my life until today when I saw you bringing the most beautiful woman I have ever seen towards me. Thank you for entrusting me with your sister and your daughter Ella Mae. And most definitely you Gene in heaven." He says and raises his glass towards heaven. All I can do is raise my glass too and know Dad is up there raising his glass with us.

  "I will see what I can do about those nieces and nephews Jonathan!" Aiden says and everyone laughs out loud changing the mood back to a celebration. That is one of the reasons I love this man so much. He always knows what to say or do at just the right moment.

  Aiden sits down again and pulls me in for another kiss. With that kiss I tried to pour all of my emotion and love into it so that he knew without a doubt how I feel.


  At the end of the night and after many guests’ congratulations, we are starting to make our way out of the reception when we are stopped by a voice from behind us, “That was a beautiful wedding you two. I am very happy for you. I pray you always feel as happy and in love as you do right now.” Tracey says and turns to walk away. We both say thank you and look at each other not really sure if that just happened or not.

  “She looks like she is doing better doesn’t she?”

  “She deserves the best for showing me how much I loved you.” Aiden says back. “Mrs. Blake are you ready to sneak out of here? I have a surprise for you before we leave for Fiji.”

  “Fiji?? Are you serious?” she asks as her face lights up with a smile forgetting all about the surprise part.

  “You gave up Fiji to come home with me from LA so I thought that was the most fitting place we could go on our honeymoon.” I say while pulling my wife into my arms. How right does that feel being able to call her my wife?

  “Why Mr. Blake you are full of surprises! Yes, let’s go!” she says giggling as we run out the door before anyone can see us leaving.


  I drive us to the ranch and to our special creek. As we drive up I see that Karlie has tears threatening to spill out of her eyes. I reach over and grasp her hand. I kiss the palm of her delicate hand and thank God for showing me who I was meant to spend the rest of my life with.

  “Aiden you brought me to the creek where it all began… I feel closest to Dad here and you knew I was missing him didn’t you?”

  “Karlie there is a reason I own this part of the ranch. I bought it because it was the most special spot to me because of you. I brought you here tonight to ease your heart about missing Gene today. He was there and I think this is the best place for us to feel him. I just hope he approves of me marrying his baby. I had a plaque made and mounted here on the creek ban
k commemorating your Dad. Now when you are missing him, you can just come down to the creek and not only feel his presence, but see him also.”

  “Aiden I am so very thankful for you. I have wanted to be with you for most of my life and now I am able to go to sleep beside you every night and wake up and see your smile first thing every morning. I love you!”

  Just as she said that a slight breeze blew through the trees and a fish jumped in the water letting us know that Gene approved and it was his way of showing us just what we were seeking and what Karlie desperately needed.

  “Well there’s our answer! Now let’s get out of here and go on that honeymoon you chose so we can start making little Blake’s. I can’t wait to get you all to myself.”

  “Karlie Mae Doone how could I have ever been so lucky to have a woman like you? I can’t wait to see you pregnant with my children. Can we work on that now or do we really have to go?”

  “Hey, it’s Blake now! Let’s go before we miss our flight to Fiji!! I don’t want to miss out on it a second time. We can work on the pregnant part once we get there!!”

  “It will be so much better this time, you won’t be working. You won’t be wearing much clothing either. You might not see as many sites except the bedroom, but it will be worth it!”

  “And I will be there with my husband, the love of my life, and best friend! No matter where we are will be worth it as long as I have you by my side. I love you!”


  “Well, look at the happy couple. You two look tan and relaxed after your honeymoon.” Austin says as he walks into his Mom’s kitchen and finds Aiden and Karlie there fresh from their trip to Fiji. “You look like you were gone longer than a week.”

  “It felt like we were gone a day. It went by so fast!” pouts Karlie as she hands Austin a folder. “The wedding photos from Gerry juts arrived. The flowers were gorgeous Austin!”

  “I agree. It was a beautiful wedding and reception you two. Congrats, again.” Austin says opening the folder and eyeing the wonderful photos inside. “These are amazing. No wonder you are so good if he was the one who mentored you. Wow.”


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