Excerpts from Onward and Upward: A Biography of Katharine S. White, copyright © 1987 by Linda H. Davis, by permission of HarperCollins Publishers.
The quotes here, here, here, and here from “Once More to the Lake,” “Clear Days,” “The Wave of the Future,” “Intimations,” “Cold Weather,” “First World War,” “Control,” and “Compost,” respectively, in One Man’s Meat, text copyright © 1941 by E. B. White. Copyright renewed. Reprinted by permission of Tilbury House Publishers, Thomaston, Maine.
Correspondence from and work by James Thurber reprinted by arrangement with Rosemary A. Thurber and the Barbara Hogenson Agency, Inc. All rights reserved.
Excerpts from “University Days” by James Thurber from My Life and Hard Times, copyright © 1933.
Excerpts from “A Box to Hide In” by James Thurber from The Middle-Aged Man on the Flying Trapeze, copyright © 1935.
Excerpts from “What Do You Mean It ‘Was’ Brillig?” by James Thurber from My World—and Welcome to It, copyright © 1942.
Excerpts from “The Cane in the Corridor” by James Thurber from The Thurber Carnival, copyright © 1945.
Excerpts from “Gentleman From Indiana” by James Thurber from The Thurber Album, copyright © 1952.
Excerpts from “The First Time I Saw Paris” by James Thurber from Alarms and Diversions, copyright © 1957.
Excerpts from The Years with Ross by James Thurber, copyright © 1958.
Excerpts from “Dogs I Have Scratched” by James Thurber from The Dog Department, copyright © 2001.
Excerpts from The Thurber Letters, edited by Harrison Kinney with Rosemary A. Thurber, copyright © 2002.
Excerpts from letters of Louise Bogan are quoted by permission of the Louise Bogan Papers, Amherst College Archives and Special Collections, Amherst College Library; and by permission of Elizabeth Frank, trustee, the Louise Bogan Charitable Trust.
Credit is further gratefully acknowledged for permission to reprint material from the following archival sources:
New Yorker Records, Harriet Walden New Yorker Papers, James M. Geraghty Papers, Joel Sayre Papers, S. N. Behrman Papers, and Yaddo Records. Manuscripts and Archives Division. The New York Public Library. Astor, Lenox, and Tilden Foundations.
E. B. White Collection, #4619. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.
James Thurber Papers. Yale Collection of American Literature, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library.
Katharine Sergeant White Collection, Special Collections Department, Bryn Mawr College Library.
John O’Hara Papers, RBM 2409, Special Collections Library, University Libraries, Pennsylvania State University.
The Joseph Hergesheimer and Alec Waugh Collections, the Harry Ransom Center, the University of Texas at Austin.
The Collections of the Tee and Charles Addams Foundation.
Nancy Hale Papers, Sophia Smith Collection, Smith College, Northampton, Massacusetts.
John Mason Brown Papers, MS Am 1948, Houghton Library, Harvard University.
Page numbers listed correspond to the print edition of this book. You can use your device’s search function to locate particular terms in the text.
ABC television network, 336n
Abide with Me (play), 163, 308
Abie’s Irish Rose (play), 200
“Across the Street and Into the Grill” (E. B. White), 333
Adams, Althea, 38, 125, 222
Adams, Franklin P., 18, 29, 79
Adams, John, 19
Adams, Samuel Hopkins, 152
Addams, Charles:
Brennan and, 321
Davis and, 354
death of, 350
Fire Island and, 229–31
Gibbs, E., and, 324
Gibbs, W., and, 101–2, 111–12, 229–30, 232, 311, 342–43 349
illustrations of, 3, 99–103, 262, 329, 349
parodies of, 101
personality and characteristics, 333, 349–50
Shawn and, 349
World War II and, 262
Addams Family, The (musical), 349
Addams Family, The (television series), 349
Adler, Polly, 228, 232, 307
Adler, Richard, 234
Ah, Wilderness! (play), 202
Alain, Daniel, 89
“Alamogordo” (E. B. White), 286
Alarms and Diversions (Thurber), 337
Albany, New York, 44, 150, 183, 240, 347
Albert, Katherine, 208
Alcock, John, 268
Alexander, Harold, 271
Algonquin Hotel:
Algonquin Round Table, 18
Author’s Workshop for Veterans donation, 152
demise of regulars, 218
drinking culture and, 237, 246
Foord, Fritz, and, 254
McKelway and, 347
meeting people at, 213, 295
owner of, 64
Parker and, 18, 222, 254
Ross and, 295
Thurber and, 49, 125, 222–23, 254, 259, 295
White, E. B., and, 304
Allen, Ariane, 124, 318
Allen, Fred, 118, 331
Allen, Frederick Lewis, 279
Allen Cove, Maine, 9, 182, 219–20, 280, 333
“Alumnae Bulletin, The” (O’Hara), 75
Ameche, Don, 297
American Academy of Arts and Letters, 350
American Federation of Musicians, 142
American Jitters, The (Wilson), 138
American Legion News Service, 28
American Legion Weekly, The, 16, 173
American Mercury, The, 210
“American Romance, An” (Thurber), 38, 125
Americans for Democratic Action, 290
Anderson, Maxwell, 191, 212
Angell, Ernest, 32–33, 122
Angell, James, 214
Angell, Katharine Sergeant, see White, Katharine
Angell, Nancy, 33, 47
Angell, Roger, 33, 186, 236, 279, 304, 322, 346
Another Part of the Forest (play), 248
“Another Such Victory—” (W. Gibbs), 187
Anton, Henry, 89
Apple of His Eye (play), 208
Appointment in Samarra (O’Hara), 76, 112, 299
Arbolino, Jack, 305
Arden, Elizabeth, 139
Are Women People? (Miller), 19
Armstrong, Louis, 142
Arnold, Henry “Hap,” 271
Arno, Peter:
areas of contribution, 12, 83, 156
Bogan and, 217
Frazier and, 238
Geraghty and, 103–4, 121
Getz and, 121
Gibbs and, 91–92
Lobrano and, 185
Long and, 119–20
Maloney and, 115
Ross, H., and, 86, 87
Ross, L., and, 321
Aronson, Boris, 310, 313
Artist and Writers’ Restaurant (“Formerly Club”), 240–41
Aspen, Colorado, 14, 218, 225
Assembly (O’Hara), 348
Associated Press, 54
Astaire, Fred, 111
As the Girls Go (play), 209
As To Men (The New Yorker), 78
Atkinson, Brooks, 211, 312
Atlanta Journal, 15
Atlantic Monthly, The, 13, 118, 346
Austen Riggs Associates, 251–53
Avalanche (Boyle), 184
Award of Merit Medal, 348
AWARE, 336n
“Axis Sally,” 203n
“Back Where I Had Never Been” (McNulty), 295
Bad Seed, The (play), 308
Baer, Julius, 318
Baer, Max, 148, 225
Bailey, Seth, 151
Bainbridge, John, 141–43, 193, 292
Balisand (Hergesheimer), 305
Bangkok Daily Mail, 55–56
Bankhead, Tallulah, 208–9, 217, 218
Bara, Theda, 304
Barb, Barbara,
“Barkeep Won’t Let Anybody at All Shove This Handyman Around” (McNulty), 239
Barlow, Perry, 89, 103
Barnes, Djuna, 63–64
Barnes, Howard, 211, 212, 312
Barrie, Barbara, 197n
Barton, Bruce, 44
Batista, Fulgencio, 1
Battista, Miriam, 116–17, 118–19
Beard, Charles A., 140
Beautiful People, The (Saroyan), 138
“Beauty and Gutzon Borglum” (W. Gibbs), 170
Bed of Neuroses (W. Gibbs), 188, 340
Bedroom Companion, The, 47
Beebe, Lucius, 214–15, 238, 243, 247, 331
Beerbohm, Max, 81n, 209, 305
Behrman, David, 230, 344
Behrman, Sam:
drinking culture and, 255
Gelb and, 229
Gibbs, W., and, 190, 230, 233, 234, 325
McKelway and, 324
O’Hara and, 136
Shawn and, 319, 352
Belasco Theatre, 199
Belle of New York, The (play), 305
Bell for Adano, A (Hersey), 284
Benchley, Nathaniel, 202, 329
Benchley, Robert:
Algonquin Hotel and, 18
areas of contribution, 27
death of, 6, 136
drinking culture and, 237n, 255
Gibbs, W., and, 111, 228, 340
O’Hara and, 10, 113
Ross and, 278
single-spacing copy, 106
theater reviews and, 3, 201–2
Thurber and, 223–24
White, E. B., and, 111, 237n, 255
Benét, Stephen Vincent, 36
Ben-Hur (play), 201
Benson, Sally, 63, 108
Bentley, Eric, 206
Bergman, Ingrid, 297
Berlin, Irving, 26–27, 198
Bermuda, 174, 223
Bermudian, The (newspaper), 175
Bernhardt, Sarah, 207
Bernstein, Walter, 237, 244–45, 263, 295
Berry, Michael, 91
Bester, Alfred, 230
“Be Still, My Heart” (W. Gibbs), 188
Biggest Thief in Town, The (play), 205–6
Big Laugh, The (O’Hara), 348
“Big Nemo” (W. Gibbs), 149–50
Billingsley, Sherman, 144–45
Biltmore Theatre, 199
Bird Life at the Pole (W. Gibbs), 187
Birmingham, Bill, 231–32, 234, 328, 330, 339, 342–43
Bishop, William Gerald, 145
Black Lamb and Grey Falcon (West), 296
Bleeck, John, 240, 241–42, 243
Bleeck’s, 240–42
Blithe Spirit (play), 200
Bloomgarden, Kermit, 248
“Blowing of the Top of Peter Roger Oboe, The” (McKelway), 272
Boas, Franz, 142
Bodengiem, Maxwell, 107
Bogan, Louise, 80–81, 217
“Boo, Beau!” (W. Gibbs), 189
book reviews:
Chandler and, 206
Fadiman and, 78n, 115
Fraser and, 140
Leonard and, 107–8
Maloney and, 115, 118
Parker and, 27
Wilson and, 115
Borden, Lizzie, 146
Bored (play), 44
Borglum, Gutzon, 157, 170
Boston Herald, 311
Botsford, Gardner, 53, 64, 245n, 321
Bowen, Croswell, 245
Bowers, Fredson Thayer, 133
“Box to Hide In, A” (Thurber), 61
Boyer, Charles, 297
Boyer, Richard O., 244
Boyle, Kay, 71, 184
Boy Who Lived Twice, A (play), 199
Brando, Marlon, 212
Brennan, Maeve, 321–23
Brice, Fanny, 228
Briggs, Clare, 241
Brokaw, Clare Boothe, 157–58, 163, 169–70
Brooklyn Eagle, 16, 54
Brooks, Mel, 207, 326–27
Brooks Brothers, 47, 289, 355
Broun, Heywood, 18
Brown, Arthur, 268
Brown, Cassie, 344
Brown, Harry, 262
Brown, John Mason, 61–62, 209, 344
Bryan, C.D.B “Courty,” 299, 329
Bryan, St. George, 329
Bryn Mawr College, 32, 33
Bull, Harry, 183
Bull, Sandy, 245
bunk and critical put-downs:
Gibbs, W., and, 138, 141, 149–50, 152–72, 197, 199–216
Josephson and, 140–41
McKelway and, 141–45, 157–58, 160, 162–64, 213
Ross and, 138, 141, 144–45, 152
White, E. B., and, 139, 141, 156
Wilson and, 138–39
Woollcott and, 145–52
Burchfield, Alice, 122, 278
Burke, Billie, 118
Burr, Courtney, 307–8, 344
Busch, Niven, 155, 235
Cagney, Jimmy, 308
Cain, James M., 50–52
Caldecott Medal, 223
Call & Post, 15
Campbell, Alan, 254
Campbell, Frank, 318, 344
“Cane in the Corridor, The” (Thurber), 295
Canfield, Robert, 325
Capote, Truman, 111, 352
Carnera, Primo, 126, 148
Carney, Art, 197n
Carroll, Earl, 27
Carroll, Lewis, 60–61
Cartoon Cavalcade (Craven), 83–84
“Cartoon Situation, The” (W. Gibbs), 90
cartoon template, 90–91
Case, Frank, 64, 254, 334
Case, Jack, 333–34
Cassidy, Claudia, 312n
Cassidy, Estelle, 126n, 323
Cass, Peggy, 345
Castro, Fidel, 1
“Catbird Seat, The” (Thurber), 223
“Cat on the Roof, The” (W. Gibbs), 233
CBS News, 218
CBS Radio, 118, 125, 146
Celibate at Twilight (Mosher), 45
Celler, Emanuel, 208
Century Association, 41
Cerf, Bennett, 146, 332
Chalmers, Stephen, 90
Chance Has a Whip (Holden), 72
Chandler, Raymond, 206
Chaney, Lon, 70
Chapman, John, 212, 312
Chappaqua, New York, 184
Charlotte News, 54
Charlotte’s Web (E. B. White), 10, 302–4, 354
Chasen, Dave, 218, 347
Cheever, John, 61, 185, 320, 347
Cheever, Susan, 320
Cheshire Academy, 22, 214
Chicago Sun, 118
Chicago Tribune, 37, 55, 312n
child labor, 54
“Children’s Game, The” (Stafford), 72
“Child’s Play” (E. B. White), 30
“Christmas Caller, The” (W. Gibbs and Addams), 102
Chrysler, Walter P., 153
Church, Francis Pharcellus, 174
Circle, The (play), 208
Claflin, Philip, 226, 266
“Clear Days” (E. B. White), 186
Clemens, Sam, 8, 221
Cleopatra (play), 208
Cleveland Playhouse, 33
“Cliché Expert” (Sullivan), 232
Clurman, Harold, 212
Coates, Robert M., 60, 222
Cocoanuts, The (musical), 17
Coffee House, 41
Colbert, Claudette, 142, 297
College Humor, 16
Collier, John, 320
Collier’s, 17, 118, 300–301
Collins, Bill, 355
Colonel Blimp (film), 275
Columbia (film studio), 296, 297
Columbus, Ohio, 35, 37, 176, 225, 346
Columbus Dispatch, 37
Columbia University, 42, 140, 221, 305, 328
Comment (The New Yorker), see Notes and Comment (The New Yorker)
Communism, 1, 77, 153, 287, 290
Connelly, Marc, 18
Cooke, Charles, 205
Coriolanus (play), 195
Cornell Daily Sun, 183
Cort, David, 13, 154, 173, 247, 335
Cort Theatre, 199
Corwin, Norman, 283
Costello, Tim, 238–40
Cotler, Gordon, 72
Coughlan, Robert, 171
“Courtship of Milton Barker, The” (W. Gibbs), 196
Cousins, Norman, 290
Coward, Noël, 171, 190, 200
Craven, Thomas, 83–84
Crawford, Cheryl, 249
Crawford, Elizabeth Ada, 129–30, 341
Creekmore, Schoolboy, 181
Crime in Car Thirteen, The (Chalmers), 90
critical put-downs, see bunk and critical put-downs
Crosby, John, 59, 331
Crouse, Lindsay, 102
Crouse, Russell, 210
Crowninshield, Frank, 167n
Crucible, The (play), 248
“Crusoe’s Footprint” (W. Gibbs), 233
Cummings, Bob, 297
Cuppy, Will, 73
Curtis, Cyrus Hermann Kotzschmar, 154
“Customer Is Always Wrong, The” (W. Gibbs), 216
Dartmouth College, 42
Daly, Edith Iglauer, 246
Darrow, Whitney, Jr., 83, 115, 331
Daughtery, Celius, 194n
Davenport, Marcia, 105, 120
Davies, Marion, 160
Davis, Elmer, 318
Davis, Linda H., 354
Day, Barbara Jean, 350
Day, Clarence, 68–69, 71, 73, 178, 221, 232
Day, Robert, 331
“Death in the Rumble Seat” (W. Gibbs), 4
Death of a Salesman (play), 200
Death Takes a Holiday (play), 130
Debuskey, Merle, 248
Decker, Richard, 89, 103
“Defense of the Bronx River” (E. B. White), 30
Dell, Floyd, 44
de Mille, Agnes, 208
Denver Post,15
Des Moines Register, 354
DeVoto, Bernard, 5, 168
De Vries, Peter, 319
Dewey, Thomas, 4, 101, 192–93, 340
Diana (play), 325
Die Fledermaus (Maloney), 118
Diener, Joan, 308
Dietz, Howard, 44
Diogenes, 169n
Disney, Walt, 146
Douglas, Susan, 136
Dramatists Guild, 248
Dream with Music (musical), 214n
“Dropping the Pilot” (cartoon), 90–91
Duer, Aline, 20
Duer, Angelica Singleton, 20, 274
Duer, John, 20
Duffy, Brian, 354
Dumbo (film), 146
Duncan, Isadora, 37
Dunn, Alan, 98, 331
Durant, William Crapo, 154
Durante, Jimmy, 142, 228
Dylan, Bob, 245
East Norwich Enterprise, 23, 128, 224, 329
E. B. White (Elledge), 353
“Eden, With Serpents” (W. Gibbs), 252
Ederle, Gertrude, 174
Cast of Characters Page 47