This Is War, Baby

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This Is War, Baby Page 5

by K. Webster


  He doesn’t stop though and he plows into me over and over again. It feels like he’s using that wicked knife of his instead of his cock. I’m cursing his very existence when his hand slides back between us. He continues his relentless pounding but now his fingers are on my clit again.

  A few days ago, I was a normal virgin teenager who obsessed over her boyfriend and worried about getting into a good college. Now…

  Now I’m some thing for this man to use and abuse.

  Except now, instead of feeling sorry for myself, I’m gasping as he touches my clit that he’s so easily mastered. The way he drove into me hurt at first but now it’s dulling to a stinging sensation as another orgasm delightfully teases me.

  He brings me to bliss and the only thing that exists is him.

  Exactly like he promised.

  I’m messed up—just as sick as he is.

  “Oh God!”

  His low, guttural grunt is the only precursor to his own orgasm. Shortly after, his cock seems to grow impossibly larger as he spurts heat inside of me. The warmth of it seeps out and stings my sore sex.

  “I love you, Baylee. Say it back.”

  A sob catches in my throat as he dips to kiss me. With him still inside of me, it feels like we’ve somehow become one person. Like I am nothing more than an extension of him now. The thought terrifies me. I don’t want to be a part of him.

  But now…

  Now he’s a part of me.

  “I love you too, Gabe.” The lie on my tongue is just that, a lie. But dread washes over me as I wonder if it will one day become truth.

  SHE’S MORE THAN perfect. She’s all mine. For now.

  I didn’t have to steal her virginity—she begged me to take it. And oh how fucking tight she was. I knew she’d be worth it…worth the wait. It was like we were meant to be. She would have been tight simply from being a virgin, but that coupled with the butt plug secured inside of her, it was like fucking bliss wrapped around my dick.

  I can’t stop thinking about that first time.

  I say first time because I’ve fucked her over and over again for days now. Each time she gets braver. Says dirty things that still sound innocent coming from her lips. She claws at me and bites back. It’s hot as fuck.

  And she loves me.

  This complicates things but it doesn’t change the plan.

  The plan is to sell her in less than a week.

  I need the money.

  But once I get it, I’ll get her back. Baylee may be a pawn but eventually I will take back what belongs to me. And she does. Boy fucking does she. Never have I had a woman who complies so easily to my commands. Never have I ever had a woman who comes so easily from my touch.

  She’s no longer a girl. I stole that innocence away when I broke through her the first time. Now, she’s completely woman.

  A whimper from the other room startles me from my thoughts. The glow from my laptop is the only thing lighting up the living room. She has nightmares and I’m not delusional to think they aren’t about me. Soon enough, she’ll get past those. After this is all over, I’m bringing her back here and claiming her as my wife. She’ll bear my children and life will go fucking on.

  Another whimper.

  I read through the e-mail again about the WCT or White Collar Trade location information. A wealthy San Diego real estate agent allows for the WCT to hold their monthly trades under the guise of a business convention. It’s a black tie affair and the theme this month is “Innocent Flower.” For Sandy and Brianna and Callie and the others, it would have been laughable. Those women were anything but fucking innocent. The dirty things they promised to do would scare the shit out of Baylee.

  But my sweet girl, she’ll steal the show. I might’ve stolen her virginity but innocence still radiates from her pores. I’ll dress her up in a demure, white gown and affix gardenias to her silky hair.

  Purity and sweetness.


  Secret love.

  That flower is perfect and will draw the eyes of the richest men in the room. Most fucks will choose calla lilies or daisies but my Baylee is special and unique.

  She whimpers again and I groan. Quickly, I place an order at the flower shop online so I can make sure they’ll have what I need before closing my laptop to go to her. In her sleep, she’s managed to kick off the covers and her perky tits point up toward the ceiling. I’ve been gentle with her until now. The occasional bite or bruising have adorned her pure flesh but I haven’t hurt her like I promised.

  I needed for her to get comfortable with sex first.

  And boy is she comfortable. Earlier today, her wild blue eyes found mine and blazed with curiosity when I told her to ride my cock. Despite being unsure, she did. She was quite a vision with her head tossed back in pleasure.

  I fell more in love with her in that moment.

  But now, as the moon blankets her pale flesh through the window, I crave to prepare her. Those fuckers will hurt her. There’s no stopping them. But I can ready her for the pain. And when it’s all over, I’ll bring her back to me so I can kiss away all of it.

  “Baby, wake up,” I whisper as I shed my clothes and walk over to her. “It’s time to train.”

  Her eyes flutter open and she gazes at me as if I’m her whole fucking world. It causes an uncharacteristic ache in my chest but I push it away. I want the look gone because I’m about to destroy the pedestal she has built for me.

  “Take your butt plug out.”

  I SQUINT AT him in confusion. He never lets me take it out—when I need to go to the bathroom, he removes it for me. I’ve grown used to the way it feels inside and I’m almost worried to remove it on my own.

  “I’m afraid to do it myself.”

  My admission seems to excite him. “Pretend you’re taking a shit,” he sneers.

  I gape at him. “What? Why are you being mean?”

  His eyes take on that bored stare that infuriates me. The past few days I’ve stupidly lulled myself into an irrational state of safety. I’ve allowed myself to slip into his trap and assumed he was really falling for me. Enough so, that he’d forget his whole idea of selling me.

  “I’m not being mean. You have more training. Take it out now or I’ll dump you back into the cellar.”

  I study his face for a moment longer and realize he’s not kidding. Fear clutches at my heart but I sit up on my knees and spread them apart.

  “Good girl. Push it out. Your body will know what to do.”

  Closing my eyes, I attempt to focus on relaxing and soon, I can sense that it is almost out. As soon as it drops to the bed, I gasp in relief.

  He grunts his approval. “You have a three second head start, little girl.”

  I scrunch my brows together in confusion. “What? But you said—”

  “I know what I said. Consider this permission. I’m going to count to three and then I’m coming for you.”

  We hold each other’s stare for half a second longer.


  His barked order jerks me to life and I scramble from the bed.


  I’ve been outside of the bedroom but never outside of the house. I’m not sure where he wants me to run but I make a beeline for the front door.


  Crap! I fumble with the lock and jerk the door open. Tonight, the February air is beyond freezing and my body wants to shut down the moment a cool wind swallows me.

  “Three!” he shouts from within the house. “Ready or not, here I come!”

  My feet make purchase on the wood porch and I run. The steps, I easily hop down, and then tear off across the grass. Having been fed and hydrated over the past few days, my strength is up. I don’t have much time to take in my surroundings but I do notice we’re completely surrounded by woods like I’d determined.

  I head for the thickest part of the woods hoping I can lose him in the trees. A normal girl my age might fear being greeted with bears and coyote
s. Not me, I fear for what Gabe will do when he catches me.


  We both know it’s going to happen.

  Neither of us are dressed, and running naked through the woods makes no sense, but here we are. Having not run in nearly a week, my chest aches and my calves burn with each long leap toward the trees. I can run through the grass easily, but I know once I hit that brush in the forest, my feet are going to hate me.

  Why is he doing this to me?

  I’d foolishly allowed myself to get caught up in the way he’d owned my body. Had allowed myself to be possessed by him. In those moments, my body had no longer been made up of skin and bones. I’d no longer held a conscience, the ability to think, tell right from wrong. No. My body had been reduced to a pool of want. It had wanted what it wanted and it didn’t care how it got it. That’s how good Gabe made it feel. Now, I’m worried there is hell to pay.

  A thumping behind me that is quickly closing in lights a fire beneath me. I can’t let him catch me. Finding my inner fury, I power through the edge of the trees and ignore the bite of a stick as it stabs my heel.

  Don’t stop!

  I slow, only so I don’t break my ankle, and try to dodge a fallen tree and brush.

  “Sixty-seven, sixty-eight, sixty-nine, seventy!”

  Why is he counting?

  The realization literally has me screeching to a halt. No.

  “Good girl,” he snarls before he tackles me into the earth. Something stabs at my belly and I cry out in pain.

  “Y-Y-You told me to run,” I stammer as I fight to catch my breath. His naked body presses against mine and he grinds against me.

  “I know.”

  Anger explodes from me. “This isn’t fair! Please don’t whip me! You told me to run!”

  “I also told you not to beg. Such a naughty girl. Let’s get your punishment out of the way for disobeying me and then you can reap your reward for listening to me.”

  He knew I’d fail either way. I was going to receive punishment one way or another.

  “I hate you!”

  His dark chuckle echoes through the woods followed by the snap of a twig. “Hold still and keep your hands out in front of you. The less you move, the less it’ll hurt.”

  He slides off of me and digs a knee into my back which further causes the stick beneath me to stab me. The skin is broken but it doesn’t hurt—not like what he’s about to do to me.


  A howl more carnal than anything crawling in the thickest part of the trees rips from me. Before he can deliver the next blow, I claw at the dirt to no avail in a desperate attempt to get away from the searing pain that surges from where he brutalizes me.


  The world spins when the next hit is delivered. Licks of fire spread across the flesh of my ass and I’m helpless to douse the pain.


  The relentless, never-ending swats after that begin to blur into a burning roar of searing agony.

  “Stop! Please!” I scream into the woods. There’s no moving. He’s too strong and in a position where he has an advantage over me, pinning me in place. The next swat is ruthless and my skin feels like it is ripping apart. “Help!” I’ve never known pain like this. Never dreamed that this level of pain was possible. My hands itch to reach back and rub the sting away, almost involuntarily, but I fight to hold them in place.

  “Nobody,” he grunts, “can hear you.”

  Crack! Crack! Crack!

  “I’ll stop if you beg me to.”

  Another game. He wants me beg but he’s told me before not to. I try to go someplace else in my mind. I remember earlier tonight when he put his tongue not only on me but inside of me. It was slick and firm which drove me crazy. I loved it.



  Crack! Crack! Crack!

  How many has it been ten? Twenty?

  “Your ass is bloody. Beg me to stop!”


  He grunts and whips me hard until he slows. I may have seventy licks coming my way but I hope and pray he doesn’t have the strength to carry them out. Wait him out. Endure the pain and lick your wounds later, Baylee.


  This hit hurts so much that I black out.

  I’m sucked into the cold, dark reprieve and I gladly fall into it.

  One comforting person is forefront in my mind.

  Brandon. Brandon. Brandon.


  I smiled when my boyfriend crawled into my bed and stroked my cheek with a chilled hand.

  “You okay?”

  Nodding, I fluttered my eyes closed and accepted a soft kiss. “It’s not me I’m worried about.”

  He sighed and pushed a strand of hair out of my eyes. “I know, baby. Is there anything I can do?”

  I let out a dark, humorless laugh. “Sure, can you find a liver for my mother?”

  “You know I would if I could.”

  And it’s true. If he wouldn’t die from it, Brandon’s the type of guy who would offer his own if it meant he could save someone.

  “Mom is my world. If I lose her…” The words died in my throat and I choked on a sob. “I couldn’t handle it.”

  His lips found mine again and I took comfort in them. He darted his tongue out that tasted of cinnamon gum into my mouth and kissed me with promise.

  Promise to be by my side no matter the outcome.

  Promise to love me through the good times and the bad.

  Promise to hold me when I can’t hold it together.



  I’m jerked awake—away from my safe haven—and thrust into my painful present. I try to take stock of my injuries but there are too many to count. My mind begs to black out again and return to a comforting memory.

  “Fuck,” he snarls, his labored breath the only sound around us. “I can’t hit you fifty more times. I don’t want to hurt you anymore, baby. I need to be inside of you.”

  The pain from him pressing into my back is gone as he yanks my legs apart. From behind, he enters my sex and groans. “How are you even wet? You fucking liked it.”

  His accusation sickens me. I don’t know how I could be wet because I hated what he did to me. “I-I-I’m c-cold. It h-h-hurts.” The tearstains on my cheeks have chilled and my teeth chatter noisily. There’s no way I can take anymore punishment from him. My body is shutting down and I pray for the dark reprieve I was granted only moments ago.

  He pulls all the way out and I expect him to slam back into me like he occasionally does.

  “This is going to hurt a lot worse.”

  His cock pushes against my asshole and I wail in agony. With each movement as he breaches the tight ring of muscles, tears stream down my face. He’s much too big—far larger than the butt plug. I claw at the earth to try once again to drag myself away from him.

  “If you want me to make it feel good then I want you to fucking beg for it. Convince me that you want me balls deep in your tight little ass.”

  I’m sobbing but I give up on trying to play his insane game better than him. In a game where only he knows the rules, I’m helpless in finding a strategy to win.

  “P-P-Please, make it feel good. D-Don’t hurt me.”

  Instead of going slow, he drives deep into me, nearly splitting me in two. Fire rages inside of me as I wonder how I’ll ever adjust to his size. My grip on the earth below me weakens as I give up against his brutalization. I can’t live like this. I can’t take this. I’m crying harder than I ever have in my life. The pain is unbearable. And the fear that more might follow is worse.

  “Get ready to come so hard you’ll lose your goddamned mind, sweetheart.”

  I struggle against him but he somehow manages to get his fingers between me and the ground. I’m sobbing in agony when his touch finds my clit.

  “Gabe, please!”

  The pain, at first, overshadows his attempts to pleasure me. But the bastard soon touches me in
an expert way that has me craving for it. Anything to drive away the throbbing in and on my ass. I focus on the way he massages me, becoming almost delirious with the need to come.

  My terrified pleas quickly turn into needy moans. I’m freezing and dirty and hurt and yet I’m squirming for that desired orgasm he seems to never fail in giving me. With each swirl of his fingers, he drives me closer to the edge.

  “That’s it baby,” he grunts, “push past the pain. If I gave it to you gentle, you wouldn’t be ready for some asshole later. Tonight, I’m that asshole. Find the pleasure, beautiful.”

  His words coupled with his skillful fingers send me crashing hard.

  “Ahh!” I screech as the most intense orgasm to date crushes through me. With him in my ass, I find myself clenching around him with my climax but it thrusts me right into another type of pleasure—one that resonates in another part of my body where he fills me.

  My body thrashes with the intensity and doesn’t stop. The clitoral and internal vaginal orgasms are intense but this one seems to devour my soul with ecstasy. I hate it but I love it. It’s too much and yet blissfully completes me.

  “Yes,” he groans and empties himself into me. I should be horrified at the feeling of having his cum pour out of my ass and down my thighs but I’m not. I’m cold and numb and quickly coming down from the high he gave me. Pain begins to resurface and I start crying hysterically. He’s gentle when he slides out of me and I’m grateful. I should hate him but all I can do is thank him for not hurting me worse.

  “Come here, my love. Let’s get you back to the house before you freeze.”

  He scoops my dirty, shuddering body from the ground and pulls me against him. I cry into his neck and snuggle against him for warmth.

  “Shhh, baby. I’m going to take care of you now.”

  I want to scream at him for hurting me but all I can do is pray for warmth and sleep. Soon. The trip back to the house is short and by the time we make it back inside the warm cabin, I’m in shock. I think.

  “Can you stand?” His voice is sweet and concerned. It melts me like butter. I cling to his loving nature.

  “I don’t think so. I can’t stop shaking and it hurts.”


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