Savage Revenge

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Savage Revenge Page 5

by Shelli Stevens

  “You think?” Her soft snort had him smiling a bit. So he hadn’t killed her spirit completely.


  “Don’t celebrate yet. I need to make sure you don’t try anything stupid—so we’re sleeping close tonight.”

  Her body stilled. “How close?”


  He removed the ropes from her and she gave a cry of relief. She moved to sit up, stretching her hands and legs.

  “I don’t sleep with men.” Her gaze averted from him, but not before he’d caught her checking out certain parts of his anatomy.

  If possible, her cheeks turned even pinker.

  “Really? You prefer women?”

  “That’s not what I meant!”

  “I know. Relax. I’m not trying to seduce you.”

  “You couldn’t. Look, I’m used to sleeping alone.”

  “I can understand that, but tonight you don’t get to.”

  She stared at him. Hard. Her jaw lifted and she held her wrists together out in front of her.

  “I think I’d prefer you to tie me up again. Go sleep on the couch in the living room.”

  He didn’t bother trying to hide his short laugh. “You have one minute to either change into pajamas, or sleep in your clothes.”

  Her lips parted. “I’m not changing in front of you.”

  “In your clothes it is.” He hit the lights in the room and climbed onto the bed.

  Ready for her to bolt, he had an arm around her waist before she could get away.

  Within seconds flat he had her body spooned up against his as if they’d just made love and were ready to fall asleep.

  Though the tension in her body and small gasp of shock she made was anything but romantic.

  “Relax, Curls.”

  “I can’t. You know, usually a guy buys you dinner before this kind of thing.”

  God, she amused him, and he wasn’t the easily amused type.

  “We’re not playing by the rules, in case you missed it.”

  “No. I’m quite clear on the fact you’ve broken into my house and are holding me hostage.” She paused and her shoulders lifted with a big breath she drew in. “Please just be honest. What are your intentions with me? Are you going to—”

  “Don’t even say the word. I swear I don’t want to hurt you, Sage. I would never force myself on you. On any woman.” He sighed, frustrated that he even had to have this conversation, but this was his current reality. One where he had to assure a woman he wouldn’t rape her. “Look, I’m exhausted. Can we talk tomorrow? Maybe I can try and explain some things. My motivation.”

  “I won’t run. Please, you don’t have to hold me like this.”

  It was kind of nice actually. The thought raced through his head before he could stop it. With his relationship being strained the last few months, it’d been a while since he’d been with a woman. Of course his body was perking up at the idea of having one in his arms.

  Get your fucking hormones under control, Larson. This isn’t a date.

  “I wish I could. I just can’t trust you.” He didn’t trust anyone right now.

  “Welcome to the club.” More silence. “Will you at least trust me with your real name?”

  He shouldn’t, and yet, it was the one thing he could give her that would risk nothing. She would ultimately learn who he was anyway. “Nate.”

  “Thank you.”

  Her whisper helped ease him into sleep. Into a hazy world where dreams and memories collided into a cloud of red.

  Chapter Six

  He’d given her his name. Maybe it was his real name, maybe not, but it was a morsel she’d keep handy the minute she found a way to get to her spare cell phone she used for hiking.

  It was clear that Nate had already fallen asleep. His solid chest rose and fell against her shoulders in steady rhythm, even as the arm around her waist may as well have been made of iron.

  There was no way she was getting away from him tonight. Even if she had the chick balls to try and escape.

  Never ever, in her wildest novelist dreams, could she have imagined her first time cuddling with a man would be in this kind of situation.

  She couldn’t analyze how it felt to be held against such a strong, virile male body. She needed to keep her thoughts clinical and her mind sharp.

  So stop trying to use this situation as research for your books, Sage, because there’s a good chance your stupid ass is going to end up dead anyway.

  It was so like her, though. Everything in life ultimately became research or inspiration.

  She closed her eyes, even though she knew there was no way she’d fall asleep. Because beneath the exhaustion was the fear she wouldn’t wake up.

  But as the minutes ticked by and Nate stayed in his heavy sleep, the tension eased from her body.

  All too soon the choice wasn’t hers, and nature took over and pulled her under the thick web of slumber.

  With morning came disorientation. When Sage finally blinked open her eyes, it took a few minutes to remember everything.

  Shock slid through her, tightening muscles that had been relaxed a moment ago. When Nate had locked an arm around her waist last night, she’d scooted as far from him as he’d let her.

  But this morning, sometime in the night, either he’d pulled her back against him or she’d scooted back.

  Their bodies were curved intimately together, skin against skin. Her head was tucked just under his chin in a position that made her feel almost protected.

  What felt anything but safe was the arm around her waist that had drifted higher, so his forearm rested on the underside of her breast. Her bottom was nestled against his hips, and she would not think about his thing just hanging out there.

  My God, what was that? A damn third leg?

  Thank God she still had her clothes on.

  Was he awake? He had to be awake. No way could he be sleeping through this position. This situation.

  Her mind drifted back to the night before. What had he done after he’d tied her up? He’d been gone nearly two hours.

  And why had he even picked her? It made no sense. He hadn’t forced himself on her—which she’d been convinced was his motive—and seemed quick to assure her that he wouldn’t. But they were just words, and they could’ve been used as a tool to keep her calm.

  Though surely after the way they’d snuggled all night—because what the hell else could she call it?—it would’ve happened by now—

  “Oof.” The air choked from her lungs as the arm around her waist dug in painfully tight.

  Nate’s chest rumbled with a low growl of rage that clearly indicated his wolf was near the surface.

  “Nate.” She clawed at his arm, trying to free herself.

  In a heartbeat he’d flipped her onto her back and had his forearm across her throat. If breathing had been difficult a moment ago, it was impossible now.

  His eyes were narrowed with fury—focused, but she sensed he wasn’t seeing her. Even aware of what he was doing.

  “Fucking bitch.”

  Terror shot through her as she squirmed beneath him, each second without air making her more dizzy. Closer to passing out.

  Darkness rolled in and she could feel the fight draining from her body.

  “Sage? Oh fuck. Fuck. Come back to me, sweetheart.”

  The weight of him disappeared in an instant, and air rushed into her lungs. Beautiful, crisp, bringing her slowly back to the surface.

  She coughed in more air and struggled to sit up. Her heart still pounded with frenzied fear, and her body shook from the adrenaline rush.

  Pulling her knees up to her chest, she could barely form the words. “You nearly killed me.”

  His jaw, already rigid, flexed. Disbelief and regret flashed in his eyes.

  “I know.” He didn’t deny it.


  “I…think I confused you with someone else. I was dreaming.”

  She swallowed against the lump in her throat. Confused
her for someone else who he wouldn’t hesitate to kill? Was it another lie? Or had he intended to kill her and changed his mind.

  “Do you kill people often?”

  His lips twisted into a bitter smile. “Define often.”

  Oh crap. She wasn’t leaving this house alive. Tears burned at her eyes and she turned away sharply before he could see them.

  “It can be a result of my job.”

  “Yeah? What’s that? A fucking assassin?” Usually she tried to watch her language, but knowing she was going to be dead soon made that little life goal a bit more pointless.

  “I’m a P.I.A. agent.”

  She whipped her head around to look at him again. He was lying. He had to be. Nate worked for the government? His job was to protect the shifter species?

  Hope flickered deep in her, but she wasn’t stupid enough to nurse it.

  “I’m also the alpha of my pack.”

  She’d nailed the alpha bit. But, whoa, a P.I.A. agent? No way. It was just too farfetched to believe.

  “Why are you lying to me?”

  “I’m not.” He climbed off the bed and left her with the blatant view of his rock hard butt. “If I wasn’t with you now, you’d probably already have been warned about me.”


  “You’re in some kind of trouble?”

  “I am the trouble.”

  Oh she didn’t doubt that for a minute. Not with the way he’d nearly smothered the life out of her.

  “What did you do?”

  He paused at the door and then turned around, “I don’t —”

  “Ack! Before you answer, you need to put some clothes on.” She lifted her hand, covering her eyes. “I don’t need to keep staring at that.”

  “That?” Genuine confusion laced his tone.


  There was a moment’s silence, before he gave a low, amused laugh.

  “You’re uncomfortable with my nudity? You’re a shifter.”

  Oh dammit, she was blushing again. “Yeah, well, it doesn’t mean I like guys waving their business at me all day.”

  “Waving? Really?”

  She wasn’t going to look. If she even peeked, she suspected he’d literally be doing that very thing.

  “Find some clothes to put on.”

  “Are you offering up some, Curls? Because I got nothing.”

  Crap. Of course she didn’t.

  There was another, heavy silence, which he broke by saying, “I need to use the bathroom.”

  “I know you’re not asking me for permission.”

  “No, I’m not. I’m telling you because unless you’re coming with me, I need to tie you up again.”

  That had her lifting her hand from her eyes. Fortunately he was covering his junk with one massive hand.

  “Can I just say I don’t like those choices?”

  “You can. It won’t make much of a difference.” He sighed and regret flickered in his eyes. “I’m sorry, Sage. I can’t risk you running.”

  Where would she run? This guy was huge and obviously dangerous. If she even tried to escape she’d be lucky to make it to the front door.

  “Tie me up and do your business then,” she said warily. “But hurry, because I want breakfast. I get seriously cranky when I don’t eat.”

  His lips quirked and he gave a small nod. “Fair enough.”

  As if it weren’t humiliating enough, he insisted she use the bathroom first. Telling her she had ten minutes to shower and do what she needed.

  Alone in the bathroom—with him standing outside the door—she stared at herself in the mirror. Her hair was a wild mess of curls. There were bags under her eyes that went well with the anxiety in her gaze. She was an absolute mess.

  Shaking her head, she stripped naked and climbed in the shower. For the next five minutes she let her mind take over.

  You are better than this, Sage. You’re not a victim. And this might be her chance. Whatever Nate had done couldn’t be good if he was a wanted man. He hadn’t told her much yet, but it was enough. Enough for her to remember there was no guarantee she was getting out of here alive.

  She needed to at least try and escape. Right now she was being a little too accommodating at being his hostage. If she were one of the heroine’s in her book, she would’ve had his ass tied up by now and the cops on their way.

  Unfortunately her spare cell phone, the cheap non-smart one she took camping, was in the extra bedroom. So that option was out.

  But still… She turned off the water and climbed out of the shower, glancing around the bathroom for a weapon. Nothing.

  She touched her wet hair and her eyes widened. Hairspray! Wait. She didn’t have hairspray. She had curly hair. She had hair mousse. And instead of aerosol spray cleaners, she used those stupid wipes.

  Dammit she was striking out on every count here.

  “Sage? You almost done in there?”


  “Yeah. Almost.” She pulled on the dress and underwear she’d grabbed before coming in, and then picked up the first weapon she could find.

  With the sink running to drown out the sound, she loaded her palm up with hair mousse and took a deep breath. Now or never, Sage.

  She opened the door and when Nate took a step toward her, she raised her palm straight toward his eyes.

  Unfortunately he was a little too tall, and her fingers just brushed his cheek before he caught her wrist and jerked it to the side.

  “What the hell?” Genuine dismay laced his words. “What is that? Is that…?”

  “Mousse.” Oh no. She’d screwed up and good. Her heart thudded quicker and she stumbled back to try and escape, but his grip on her wrist didn’t loosen.

  “You were trying to shove mousse in my mouth?”

  “No. Your eyes.” A whimper escaped and she flinched away from him. “Please, don’t kill me.”

  “Kill you?” he repeated, running a hand down his jawline to wipe off the glob of moose. The way his eyes glittered made her throat tighten with panic.

  His sudden laugh made her blink in dismay. “I’m not going to kill you.” He paused. “But I’m torn between tying your cute little ass up or spanking it, Curls.”

  Cute little ass? She wouldn’t focus on that part.

  “Look, you can’t blame me for trying,” she reasoned quickly. “What am I supposed to do?”

  “Escape is logical. I understand and expected you to try.” He tugged her wrist and led her back toward the bedroom. “You’re just terrible at it. You almost make this too easy for me.”

  Now he was just being insulting. “You’re a jerk.”

  “Absolutely.” With a grunt, he glanced over his shoulder at her. “Though you seemed to like me well enough last night. I swear I woke up once and we were cuddling.”

  He did not just say that. Her head began to pound from how hard her jaw was clenched. “Here’s a reminder: you forced me to sleep like that.”

  “Yeah, but I didn’t force you to like it.”

  “I didn’t like it!”

  “You sure?”

  There was a teasing note in his low rasp, and it seemed at odds with who he was. The impression he gave off of himself. Big, scary, took-no-shit-from-anyone alpha who was obviously in deep trouble. And yet the teasing—as strange as it seemed—diffused some of her fear. Some of the tension that had taken up residence in her muscles.

  Maybe that was his motivation? To put her more at ease. To gain her trust? Well, like hell she’d give it to him.

  Once in the bedroom, the tension came rushing right back when he grabbed the rope.

  “I need a shower,” he said quietly as he took a step toward her. “But I promise I’ll be quick.”

  She didn’t argue, but cooperated as he again began to tie her up. Fortunately he couldn’t read her mind and had no idea of what her next plan of action was going to be.

  Nathan was true to his word and took a quick shower. For a minute, while soaping up under the water, he’d stared at
her pink razor and considered using it on his incoming beard.

  But in the end he knew his face would probably end up looking like a cutting board, and besides the fact, a beard might help disguise him a little bit more.

  After the shower he made a quick stop in the linen closet and grabbed what he needed. When he opened the door to her bedroom a moment later, he froze, not immediately seeing her.

  There weren’t many places to hide in here—just the bed, an antique looking dresser, and a chair in the corner.

  A growl built in his throat. Son of a bitch, if she’d escaped—

  “Down here.”

  Frowning, he followed the sound of her voice and discovered her on the floor on the opposite side of the bed.

  “What happened?”

  “I tried to roll over and fell off the bed.”

  “No shit.” And for a moment he’d actually considered she might have succeeded in escaping? Not a chance.

  “Should’ve stayed put, Curls.” He strode over to her and lifted her into his arms.

  “Nice toga,” she quipped. “That’s my favorite sheet, I’ll have you know.”

  “I was accommodating your request to hide my thing.” He tried not to focus on how curvy the body was that he held in his arms, but his body reacted instinctively.

  “Thanks. I appreciate it.” Her words were husky and not quite even.

  Need flared to life inside him, small but there. Damn. Not good. She was a female, a shifter, and definitely not bad on the eyes. With her in his arms, their roles in the shifter society came into focus.

  Unmated shifter men always sought to find their mates. The need to conquer and claim was always dormant inside them, so it could be easily roused.

  The conquer part they eagerly indulged in. Shifter men were sexual by nature. It wasn’t hard to rouse a response from them—especially when the female was an attractive shifter.

  The claiming part, though, was a once in a lifetime deal. That didn’t just happen with anyone. Each shifter had one true mate. Sometimes, when you were the alpha, you didn’t get to choose. Duty overrode instinct and you could mate with someone you might not necessarily be driven to.

  Sometimes it all boiled down to politics and what matches were advantageous to the packs.


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