Savage Revenge

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Savage Revenge Page 11

by Shelli Stevens

“People die every day.”

  “Yes, but these women, oddly, are all along the same path Nathan Larson seems to have taken in his haste to escape.”

  “Is that so?” Had the drug in his system stayed longer than intended? A spark of excitement lit inside her. “Please, do tell me more…”

  Chapter Twelve

  Sage woke up alone in her bed, and wanted to kick herself for being disappointed in the fact.

  Nate had taken the spare room, insisting again that if she wanted to leave he wouldn’t stop her. Jeez. If he wanted her safe so badly, why didn’t he just leave her?

  Clearly he struggled with the guilt of staying and putting her in danger, but she knew he was desperate. He literally had nowhere else to go.

  And apparently he was up and about. The smell of coffee had her sliding out of bed and going to take a quick shower.

  When she arrived downstairs fifteen minutes later she found Nate sitting at the computer, the screen up on a shifter website of sorts.

  But when he turned to look at her, she realized he hadn’t been staring at the monitor, but instead the book in his hand.

  Her book.

  “You’re reading one of my books?” She gave him a quizzical glance.

  “What? I was just checking it out.”

  The speed of which he closed it had her eyebrows rising.

  “There’s coffee if you want some.” He nodded his head toward the kitchen. “And I tried to make pancakes, but it didn’t really happen.”

  “Oh. Okay, thanks.” She went to grab coffee, wondering what he’d meant by didn’t really happen.

  But then a glance in the garbage can showed mushy and burnt chunks of pancakes and it made sense. Wow. It was like you really had to try to mess up pancakes.

  “I’ll hard boil us some eggs and that’ll take us through a few days. Plus, there’s always toast.”

  He was silent as she pulled the carton of eggs from the fridge.

  “You’re a nice girl, Sage. Too nice.”

  “I’m logical too. I know what you’re thinking. That you think I’m crazy to help you, but you’re grateful for my help.”

  His gaze darkened. “You’re also pretty damn astute.”

  She gave a self-conscious laugh. “I think that might be genetics. So what are you looking up online now?”

  Nate glanced back at the computer. “I was trying to figure out if my fiancée’s cell phone was taken into evidence.”

  “Any luck?”

  “Not really. I can’t access the P.I.A. site with my login without getting flagged.

  She filled a pot with water and set it on the burner, turning it to high. “Hmm, but one of your agents could.”

  “They could, but it’s not an option.” His hard tone meant he wanted the subject dropped.

  Wow, if he had any idea of the phone call she’d made yesterday to the Donovans… A shiver ran down her spine. Nope. Completely pointless thinking about it. That phone call was over and done with, and she had more faith in Nate because of it. So no point in even thinking about that what if.

  “Well, I’m going to see what I can find out. I’ll ask my br—umm, check around with my pack. Do some digging to see if anything has changed.”

  “Careful. We don’t want you raising any red flags.”

  “I’m great at discretion.”

  “You have no idea how much I appreciate that. Look, I don’t want to take over your life any more than I have.” He grabbed the book off the desk and waved it toward her. “So if you’re supposed to be writing one of these or have work to do—”

  Oh son of a biscuit. She’d totally forgotten about her deadline. A wave of dismay and panic rushed through her as she set the eggs into boiling water.

  “I’ll probably do some work.” Did her voice crack from anxiety? “But if I can help you in any way—”

  “You’re fine. I’ve got a few ideas of what to do next.”

  “All right.”

  Breakfast was quiet, but not uncomfortable, and when they were finished Nate insisted she go work while he did the dishes.

  Sage grabbed her laptop and curled up on the couch, dreading the inevitable return to her writer’s block. A few minutes into writing, though, she discovered the words were flowing. Inspiration had hit hard, and she suspected it had to do with all the excitement that had entered her life.

  She was so engrossed in her writing it took a few minutes to recognize the subtle shuffle of movement outside her window.

  Had Nate slipped outside without her realizing it? He hadn’t, she realized, as he came out of the backroom, his brows drawn together.

  He gestured toward the door and tilted his head in question. Clearly he’d heard the person’s approach too.

  She shrugged and closed her laptop, mouthing, “I’ll check.”

  As she approached the door, she faltered. Of course. It had to be the package of clothes Nate had overnighted.

  There was a sharp knock on the door and she quickened her stride to answer it. Nate disappeared into another room, and she couldn’t fault his caution.

  Opening the door a crack just in case, she was soon glad she did. The blood quickly left her head as she muttered a weak, “Jim.”

  “Sage.” Her brother nodded and his gaze slid past her into the house. “You mind if I come in?”

  Panic slammed into her, and her laugh was much too high. “Actually, you’d better not. I’m still fighting the flu. Can you believe it?”

  Her big brother just stared at her, before folding his arms across his beefy chest.


  “Yup. So what’s going on? Any reason you’ve come by this morning?”

  “Do I need a reason to check on you?”

  She bit her lip. “Umm…”

  “All right. Let me put it this way. Your cell phone has gone to voicemail for the last thirty-six hours and your landline doesn’t even ring.”

  Crap. Her cell phone was in a bazillion little pieces and her home line was cut.

  “I have no idea on the landline, I’ll check into that. But I dropped my cell in the toilet. Right after puking. It was so—”

  “Gross. Enough said.” Jim lifted his hand and grimaced. “You sure everything’s okay?”

  “Besides this flu business, yeah I’m good.” She shoved a curl behind her ear. “How about I call you in a few days and we can have dinner.”

  “All right.” His gaze slid beyond her again, and she had a moment’s panic that Nate had come into the foyer.

  “Well you know where to reach me if you need me, Sagey.”

  “Yup. I sure do.”

  When her brother still seemed hesitant to leave, she began to shut the door on him and made a gagging noise.

  “Sorry to rush you, Jim, but I think I may be about to get sick again.”

  He didn’t protest this time when she slammed the door completely. She pressed her forehead against the cool frame and groaned.


  She finally lifted her head, turned around, and found Nate standing in the hall behind her.

  “Who was that?”

  Shit. How much had he heard? Swallowing hard, she gave a stiff shrug. “No one.”

  “I can smell another alpha, Sage.” He approached with slow deliberation, his gaze burning with icy rage. “Who the hell were you talking to? A lover? A fiancé?”

  “No.” Was he insane? What the hell? “I told you I’m a virgin.”

  “You could’ve been lying. Maybe it was a way to—”

  “Just stop, Nate.” She slapped her palm on his chest to stop his advance. “He was my brother. Okay? My brother.”

  His gaze probed hers, and the intensity in his stare unnerved her.

  “Your brother is an alpha? Somehow you failed to mention that.”

  Yeah, maybe she should’ve divulged that bit of information. Her heart thumped harder in her chest, and she forced a laugh.

  “I thought I did.” Lie.


bsp; “Well, we didn’t really ever talk about him besides in passing, and I didn’t think it was all that relevant.” No, she knew how relevant it was, which was why she’d kept her mouth shut.

  He was silent a moment. “It’s pretty damn relevant, Sage, and I think you know it.”

  “Fine, I did. Maybe I didn’t tell you because I know you alphas can get a little competitive.”

  “It’s not just a competitive thing. You’re the sister of an alpha.”

  “As we’ve just established. What’s your point?”

  “My point is why didn’t you tell him about me?” He covered her hand that was still on his chest with his own. “It should’ve been instinctive. Almost duty for you.”

  “Look. Maybe because he’s my brother I don’t bend so easily to the rules. I don’t respond well to getting pushed around.”

  He gave a soft laugh, but there wasn’t a lot of amusement in it. “Not big on authority, are you, Curls? I called it from the start.”

  Her heart thudded at his proximity. “No, I’m not. So really, you shouldn’t try and boss me around.”

  “Maybe you’d like it if I did.”

  Running a tongue over her dry lips, she murmured, “You do remember I shot you?”

  “Yeah, I do.” His gaze lowered to her mouth. “I owe you.”

  “I hope you don’t mean a bullet.”

  “Not a bullet. I’ll take my revenge in a different way.” His lips brushed against hers once and she lowered her lashes as heat warmed her belly. “Much more sensual ways.”

  He kissed her again. The touch still gentle, even as his tongue slid past her lips to tease hers.

  She leaned into the kiss. Eager to taste and explore him as well. Each little stroke of his tongue, the way he sucked on hers, expanded that fireball growing in her belly.

  He lifted his head and touched her cheek with two fingers. “I want to take you upstairs.”

  “To my bedroom?” She glanced at him up through her lashes and her pulse quickened. “Does this mean you’ll do it?”

  “Do it. Damn, you amuse me.” He touched her bottom lip and she could feel how sensitive and swollen it still was. “I want to be your first lover. If you haven’t changed your mind.”

  Hot and cold rushed through her as his words registered. The flesh between her legs began to tingle as images of what would follow if she said yes flashed through her mind. Her heart had just accelerated to a ridiculously fast pace that was almost frightening.

  Her mouth went bone dry, and she could barely force out the words, “I haven’t.”

  Smoldering heat and something close to triumph flickered in his eyes.

  “Good.” He slid his hand from her cheek down to catch her hand, threading their fingers together. “Come.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Nathan led her up the stairs, pushing aside the sharp prick of guilt.

  This morning he’d still been convinced bedding her would be a bad idea, and yet now here he was leading her up the stairs to her bedroom.

  While he wanted her with a need that was almost painful, his motives weren’t completely pure.

  Just this morning he’d offered her her freedom, but now things were different. Sage wasn’t just a random shifter girl—she was the sister of an alpha.

  Nathan might have her support now, but that was a very delicate line. One she’d probably easily be swayed back over to support her brother.

  After how intimate they’d been this morning, the idea of her answering to another alpha made something dark rise inside him.

  His inner wolf demanded her alliance. Her unwavering support.

  You’re an asshole. Maybe, but he was an asshole determined to not only survive this experience, but prove his innocence.

  Sage had chosen to help him now on her own merit. While sex between them would bring pleasure, it would also help cement her trust in him.

  Because she must trust him far more than he realized if she was willing to give him her virginity.

  Just thinking those words sent another spike of shame through him.

  “You’re sure about this?” He glanced over his shoulder, knowing her answer would be the same.

  “Absolutely.” The excitement and sparkle of desire in her eyes reassured him as easily as her words. “I almost want to take notes. Make sure I’m getting it right in my books.”

  “If you’re making a living at it, then clearly you’re getting it right,” he replied wryly as they reached the top of the stairs and shook his head. “You must have a hell of an imagination, Sage.”

  “You have no idea.”

  It made a little more sense now that she was a virgin. Her brother was an alpha. When she’d said he was overly protective and wanted her to be mated first, he’d been skeptical.

  But being the sister or daughter of an alpha meant she was highly desired and sought after. She could be given as a gift to a loyal beta in the pack. Or often she would be used as a pawn to unite packs. Marrying her off to another alpha could be strictly a political move. Just as his marriage to Alicia would’ve been.

  They reached her room and he gestured for her to step in ahead of him.

  Once he had followed in after her, he closed the door. The click seemed loud and final, and she almost seemed to flinch.

  Her gaze darted to the bed and he didn’t imagine the way she swallowed hard now.

  “So, umm, how do you want to do this? Should I take off my clothes right away?” She spoke unnaturally fast as she reached for the buttons that ran down the length of her cotton dress. “Are you a lights-on, lights-off kind of guy—not that it matters, I suppose, being that it’s morn—”

  “Sage. Take a breath.” He closed the space between them and cupped her face in both hands. “Let me take care of this, okay? Just let yourself feel. Instinct will guide you.”

  She nodded, and even though the tension in her body visibly eased, he still wasn’t sure if she was breathing.

  He stroked a curl off her forehead. “Does your brother have intentions for you to mate with someone, Sage?”

  Her nose wrinkled. “It’s looking that way, and I’m not happy about that.”

  His jaw clenched, and he pushed aside the surprising jealousy that stabbed through him.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to save yourself—”

  “For the guy my brother chooses for me? Umm, yeah, pretty darn sure, Nate.” She covered his hand with her own and tilted her cheek into his palm. “I want my first time—maybe first ten times—to be with a man I choose. Someone I’m attracted to and feel chemistry with.”

  “And you feel that with me?”

  “Seriously?” Her words softened. “You even need to ask?”

  No. She all but melted when he touched her. He allowed a slight smile. “Are you nervous?”

  “Extremely,” she whispered. “And excited.”

  Damn, it was almost as if she were about to go on a carnival ride, not have sex for the first time.

  He dipped his head and caught her mouth in a slow, thorough kiss.

  It had been different touching her today, knowing just how innocent she was. How much of a bastard he was for taking that innocence.

  But clearly she had no qualms about doing this, and if it wasn’t him it would be some other guy. Someone like Leaf. Or ultimately the potential mate her brother had picked out. The idea filled him with irritation and anger, and he had no way to explain it.

  Only that when Sage clung to him like this—kissed him back so sweetly—he didn’t like the notion that he could easily be replaced by someone else at this moment.

  Maybe it was because she believed in his innocence. Or maybe because she was more innocent than people saw on the surface, and so pretty she drew second and third glances. Or maybe it was just as simple as him having the pent-up urge to fuck. Right now all that mattered was Sage. Kissing her. Touching her. Being inside her.

  He walked them backward to the bed and then broke the kiss as he sat down on the edge
of the mattress. She stood before him, her body visibly trembling.

  With steady hands, he reached out and undid the top button on her dress. The curve of her breast cleared his line of vision and he moved his fingers deftly now to reveal more.

  When he had the whole dress unbuttoned, he slid it off her shoulders so that it crumpled to the ground in a heap of floral cotton.

  Beneath her dress she wore a matching purple bra and panty set. Sheer in some spots and satin looking in others. It only helped accentuate all her generous curves.

  Ah hell, just staring at her had his blood quickening and his dick growing harder.

  She started to reach for her bra, but he brushed her hand away. He wanted that pleasure himself. It was almost like unwrapping a present, and he never thought of sex so romantically.

  The last woman he’d been with was Alicia. The sex between them had been decent, but in no way mind-blowing. She’d been an arranged fiancée, not a choice, but a political move.

  For a moment, his thoughts slid back to that night. Alicia’s eyes bright with maniacal glee, and the way she’d curled her lips back in a laugh and blood had dripped from her teeth.

  A chill swept through him, and mentally he’d stepped into another place. Had left the woman standing before him.

  Until Sage murmured, “That bad, huh? I guess I should’ve worn the black lingerie set?”

  Blinking away the memory, he cursed himself for allowing the dark thoughts into his head at this moment. To interrupt this sweet, sensual moment.

  “You’re perfect, Sage.” And God, yes she was. Needing the distraction of her body more than ever, he slid his fingers beneath her bra and unfastened it.

  He tugged it from her breasts and let it fall to the ground.

  “Not a damn thing wrong with you.” He cupped her breasts in his hands and stroked the large, round pink tips with his thumb.

  She made a sigh of pleasure and shifted her stance in front of him.

  Wanting to hear her sigh again, he lowered his head and placed a kiss on each tip. They tightened against his lips and she reached out to grasp his head, pull him closer.

  She was definitely acting on instinct now. He hid a smile as he drew one nipple into his mouth and sucked.


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