The Honourable Maverick / The Unsung Hero

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The Honourable Maverick / The Unsung Hero Page 15

by Alison Roberts / Kate Hardy

  She would have sworn that nothing could make Max look more irresistibly sexy than his motorbike gear but the dark dress suit was the polished version of a bad boy. The other side of the coin and it was, most definitely, equally irresistible.

  Especially given the small, white bundle he was holding. Three-month-old Mattie was wearing that pretty, smocked dress with the embroidered flowers that Max had given her that day, on her one-week birthday. It was still a bit big and her face was entirely hidden by the matching bonnet but it was perfect for today for all sorts of reasons.

  ‘Is he here yet?’

  ‘Um…no.’ Ellie felt her forehead crease with a tiny pang of anxiety. If she’d known what she had learned only last night, would she have asked Sarah to be her bridesmaid? It had seemed the obvious choice. The news about Marcus had hit the papers just as Sarah and Josh had returned from the States and it had been enough to re-establish contact between them, albeit via email and phone calls while Sarah had been in Auckland. Catching up on all that had happened to both of them since they had shared a house had been enough to re-establish their friendship so, yes, she had been the obvious choice.

  ‘You…won’t say anything, will you?’ she added quietly. ‘Not today?’

  ‘I promised, didn’t I?’ Sarah was threading the stems of the flowers into her hair. ‘Besides, it’s a great opportunity to meet him first. To have him meet Josh.’

  ‘Who’s going to meet me?’ Josh was climbing off the bed.

  He was wearing a scaled-down version of Max’s suit and looked absolutely adorable. Sarah was right. This would be a perfect introduction because nobody could meet this child and be unmoved. And if what Sarah suspected was the truth then a huge amount was riding on what could happen after this meeting. A life was at stake, no less. No wonder Sarah was lost for words.

  ‘Lots of people,’ Ellie said into the short silence. ‘Doctors and nurses from the new hospital that Sarah’s going to be working in soon. And…and Max’s friends, Jet and Rick. You know…You saw that picture of them all with their motorbikes last night.’

  ‘Oh, yeah…Cool.’ He had a real urchin grin, this kid. ‘Can I have a ride on a bike?’

  ‘Not today,’ Sarah said firmly.


  ‘We’ll have to see.’

  ‘That means no, doesn’t it, Ellie?’

  ‘Not necessarily.’ Another sneak peek through the window showed that final arrangements were being made on the lawn. Max was standing by the flower-covered gazebo with the marriage celebrant. Rick was standing beside them and…good grief, Mattie had been given into the care of Jet. Ellie smiled.

  ‘Is he there?’ Sarah asked again.

  ‘Who?’ Josh demanded.

  ‘The best man,’ his aunt responded.

  Ellie’s gaze was back on Max. She hadn’t realised she’d stepped into view until he looked up. He was seeing her a tad too soon but what did it matter? He would be seeing her every day for the rest of her life and if he always looked at her the way he was right now she would be the happiest woman on earth. For a delicious moment, she basked in that love, in the strength of the connection between them. It was time to go downstairs and into the garden of their family home. Time to tell the world just how much she loved Max McAdam.

  ‘Oh, yes…’ she murmured.

  The best man was definitely there.

  He was waiting for her to arrive by his side. To stay there for ever.

  She took a deep breath and smiled brightly at Sarah and Josh.

  ‘Let’s go.’



  Praise for

  Alison Roberts:


  ‘I had never read anything by Alison Roberts prior to reading TWINS FOR CHRISTMAS, but after reading this enchanting novella I shall certainly add her name to my auto-buy list!’



  ‘Ms Roberts produces her usual entertaining blend of medicine and romance in just the right proportion, with a brooding but compelling hero and both leads with secrets to hide.’

  —Mills and Boon® website reader review

  About the Author

  ALISON ROBERTS lives in Christchurch, New Zealand. She began her working career as a primary school teacher, but now juggles available working hours between writing and active duty as an ambulance officer. Throwing in a large dose of parenting, housework, gardening and pet-minding keeps life busy, and teenage daughter Becky is responsible for an increasing number of days spent on equestrian pursuits. Finding time for everything can be a challenge, but the rewards make the effort more than worthwhile.

  Recent titles by the same author:







  *Part of the Baby Gift collection

  ‡St Piran’s Hospital


  TIME stood still.

  Rick Wilson had never actually understood that phrase before this moment but, man, he did now.

  It was kind of like one of those three-hundred-and-sixty-degree shots in a movie where something was frozen in space but the rest of the scene continued around it. He was part of that scene but where he was and what he was here for became suddenly and completely irrelevant.

  It seemed extraordinary that nobody else had noticed but why would they? The only thing that had really stopped was in his head. A stun-gun effect on his thought processes from that first sight of…perfection, that was the only word for it.

  Some kind of goddess in a floaty blue dress. Long, long blonde hair, some of which had been wound around her head and adorned with tiny, white flowers. She was tall and slim and he’d put good money on her eyes being blue. Dark blue.

  Who was she and where the hell had she been? Nowhere near his world, that was for sure, because he would have remembered.

  More than his brain had been stunned but it wasn’t until the need for oxygen made Rick suck in a rather deep breath that he realised his chest had also been immobilised. The sound he made elicited a nudge from the man standing close by his side. And a look. He might as well have had a bubble over his head like a cartoon character as well. One that said, Do me a favour and try and keep your hands off her for the duration of the ceremony at least.

  No worries. Rick’s grin flashed back. How long could a ceremony last, after all?

  Suddenly, the annoyance of wearing the ridiculous bow-tie and the vaguely trapped feeling that weddings in general, and this one in particular, always gave him became worthwhile. He was actually pleased he was dressed up to the nines. That he would be here for hours and that one of his official duties was to partner the bridesmaid. The goddess, no less.

  She was much closer now. With a supreme effort, Rick tried to stop staring. He managed to switch off the mental zoom lens and take in some of the wider picture. He could hear the music and see the way the small gathering of guests in this garden setting had twisted in their seats to watch the bride and her bridesmaid approaching. A small boy was in front of the two women, throwing handfuls of rose petals from the basket he was carrying.

  The sight of the child triggered a process of recalling snatches of conversations he now wished he’d paid more attention to. Worry over the choice of a bridesmaid because…that’s right, she had a kid who was very sick. Only it wasn’t her kid, exactly. He was a nephew or something but she was his only family and she was clearly some sort of saint because she’d been travelling the globe trying to track down his biological father so that the kid’s leukaemia could be treated with a bone-marrow transplant.

  What was her name?

  Rick was thinking hard as he watched the boy being directed to sit in an empty seat in the front row.


>   That was it. Nice name.

  He had to wait while the bridesmaid positioned herself beside the bride and took charge of the bouquet but, finally, she looked up and caught his welcoming smile. Her eyes widened a fraction and she held the eye contact for a heartbeat longer. Then she looked away as the celebrant began to speak and welcome those gathered to witness the ceremony. It took Rick a few seconds to realise why he was feeling oddly poleaxed again.

  She hadn’t smiled back, that was why.

  Sarah had to take a deep, deep breath.

  It was good that she had the bouquet to hold because it effectively hid the slight tremor she could feel in her hands. She hadn’t expected him to look at her like that—as though he couldn’t wait to launch a campaign to jump her bones. A stupid oversight, really, because she ought to be used to that kind of reaction from men by now. It was just so wildly inappropriate at this moment that she had an insane urge to slap his face. So she held on to that bunch of flowers for dear life and listened to the familiar words of a traditional wedding ceremony.

  ‘I, Maxwell McAdam, take thee, Eleanor Peters, to be my wife. To have and to hold…’

  Maybe she’d misinterpreted the look. He was probably just a nice guy, as Ellie had assured her he was. He was the best man and it was his job to look after the bridesmaid, wasn’t it? To be friendly.

  ‘To love and cherish from this day forward. This is my solemn vow.’

  Sarah found her gaze drifting sideways in the tiny pause as the bride, her friend Ellie, prepared to take her turn to recite the vows. If Rick was doing his job properly, he’d be focused on the ceremony. Thinking about the rings he would need to produce very soon. To her consternation, however, she found herself catching his direct gaze again. How long had he been looking at her?

  At least he was looking suitably serious this time, with no hint of that confident, playboy smile but there was a question in those dark eyes that had nothing to do with what they were a part of at this moment and if she simply turned away it would be a rebuff that could have repercussions.

  Enormous repercussions.

  Her tiny smile might have been hesitant but it was enough for that unspoken question to vanish. For Rick’s face to soften a fraction in that split second before they both looked away.

  ‘I, Eleanor Peters, take thee, Maxwell McAdam, to be my husband. To have and to hold…’

  The first kiss as husband and wife was a moment that would be etched on Rick’s brain for ever. The way Max and Ellie looked at each other. The soft intensity in the way their lips touched to seal their commitment. The way the kiss went on…and on.

  Impossible not to feel the power of the link between this newly married couple and it was strong enough to give Rick an odd twisting sensation in his gut. A combination of recognition and…loss?

  Recognition was automatic. He’d known Max since high school. Since, along with Jet and Matt, they’d formed a brotherhood that had become true family for all of them. Labelled the ‘bad boys’, they’d had the kind of bond that meant you’d put your life on the line for them in a heartbeat and life without the strength and power of that support crew was unimaginable.

  Loss came from the uneasy feeling that the order of his universe was changing because one of the ‘bad boys’ was no longer a single entity. He had a ready-made family, in fact, what with Ellie’s baby Mattie. Fast bike rides and nights out with fabulous women were a thing of the past. Max was now committed to sharing his life with a woman and the bond between them was clearly cemented with the same kind of soul-deep glue that Rick had only known with the brotherhood.

  Was it really possible to feel that way about a woman?

  The guests were clapping and cheering. A whistle or two could be heard. Rick glanced sideways to where Jet was seated in the front row. The third ‘bad boy’ had been given the responsibility of caring for baby Mattie during the ceremony and he was still holding her with the kind of expression that made Rick think of a bomb-disposal expert in the middle of a dangerous mission. A focused scowl that suggested appreciation of both the significance of the mission and its less-than-desirable potential.

  Noticing the direction of Rick’s gaze, Jet rolled his eyes as the kiss finally wound up. It took him back to the conversation they’d had only last night, over a few beers. To them both vowing to avoid the kind of commitment Max had chosen. They’d keep their bikes, thanks very much. They’d work hard and play hard and take all the fun life had to offer because they knew damn well how short it could be.

  The boy beside Jet was making a disgusted face but then he grinned repentantly at Sarah, who had also looked away from the couple. It was inevitable that their gazes brushed as they turned back to their duties. With the image of that kiss still burning itself into Rick’s memory cells, along with the reminder of that vow to play hard and get the most out of life, it was just as inevitable that his gaze dropped from Sarah’s eyes to her mouth.

  Such a soft-looking, deliciously kissable kind of mouth.

  He felt his breath leave his lungs in a soft sigh as he wondered…

  No, make that anticipated. And, knowing he could trust that very pleasant curl in his gut, he knew that kissing Sarah was something he had very good reason to look forward to. All he needed now was a smooth opening line and that shouldn’t be a problem given the amount of practice he’d had over the last decade or more.

  First, there were the congratulations to be given to the newly married couple. Rick thumped Max on the back to accentuate his hug and then kissed Ellie, whose eyes were shining with joyous tears.

  ‘Thanks, Rick.’ She turned from him to receive Sarah’s hug. ‘‘Bout time we introduced you two,’ she said. ‘Rick, this is—’

  ‘Sarah,’ he cut in, smiling. ‘I’ve heard all about you.’

  She looked disconcerted, turning back to Ellie, but the bride was being taken to a small table on one side of the flower-covered gazebo to deal with the paperwork.

  ‘W-what have you heard?’

  ‘You’re an old friend of Ellie’s.’

  ‘We were flatmates in Auckland.’

  ‘And didn’t you sublet your apartment here to Max?’

  ‘Yes. I was away in the States for a while.’

  Rick nodded. ‘So, really, you’re responsible for this wedding happening. If Ellie hadn’t come looking for you, she would never have met Max.’

  And he would never have met Sarah. Now, that could have been a smooth opening gambit except that he didn’t have time to deliver it. The signatures of the witnesses were now required and both Rick and Sarah had duties to perform. After that, group photographs were taken with the lovely backdrop of this garden that Max and Ellie’s new property boasted, the photographer’s attention focused on the bride and groom. Rick had more time to think but, annoyingly, inspiration wouldn’t strike.

  Maybe that had something to do with the munchkins. Mattie was back in her mother’s arms now, much to Jet’s obvious relief, and the boy was glued to Sarah’s side as they watched some family shots being taken. Ellie held Mattie and Max held Ellie and nobody who saw those photographs in years to come would ever guess that Max wasn’t Mattie’s biological father.

  It didn’t even seem that crazy any more, though Rick certainly couldn’t see himself putting his hand up to adopt an infant. He took another glance at the boy standing beside Sarah. Weird that her living accessory wasn’t the deal-breaker it would have been even a few months ago but this was a kid, not a baby, and, anyway, he was a special enough case to make allowances for.

  ‘Let’s get a photo of all the boys in their suits,’ Ellie suggested. ‘Josh, come and stand with Max and Rick.’

  ‘Do I have to?’

  ‘Yes.’ Sarah gave him a stern look but then smiled winningly. ‘Please? For me? And Ellie?’

  Oh, man…That was a real smile. One that no man could possibly resist. Even a half-grown one.

  ‘All right. I s’pose,’ Josh grumbled.

  He was soon standing betw
een the groom and the best man, a miniature version of the two tall men in his small suit and bow-tie. He had dark hair, too. What was left of it. Rick could see the pale skin of the boy’s scalp and knew it wouldn’t be long before he was completely bald. He could also see that Sarah was watching him watch Josh and she had an odd look on her face.

  Did she know that he knew the history? Was she worried that it might colour the way he talked to the boy? She needn’t worry. Rick dealt with a lot of seriously ill children and he wasn’t about to talk down to the lad or exude sympathy. The smile he gave Sarah was intended to reassure her but, strangely, she looked distinctly uncomfortable.

  If it hadn’t been too weird a thought to entertain, he might have even interpreted her expression as vaguely guilty.

  Did she think he was directing sympathy at her, maybe? As if. He had enough sensitivity to know that she wouldn’t appreciate that. She was clearly a strong and capable woman. Someone who’d taken on the responsibility of a child who wasn’t her own. Who was having to cope with the disaster of that child becoming gravely ill and who was doing everything she possibly could to put things right.

  He respected that. Good grief, she’d gone to the other side of the world to try and track down the boy’s dad and when she’d discovered he wasn’t the one, she’d headed back to chase up another lead. Hopefully, that had proved successful. What with all the drama of Max and Ellie in recent months and then getting them shifted to this house and the wedding being planned, Rick hadn’t caught up on any further news about that. He had heard that Josh had been in hospital again in Auckland, which was why Sarah had only just made it to Dunedin in time to be Ellie’s bridesmaid. Maybe that had been for the transplant.


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