Candy Kiss: Freedom’s Fire

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Candy Kiss: Freedom’s Fire Page 2

by Willa Okati

  What Mama Luck would say if she could see him now…

  Nanashi pushed the curtain aside and strode in. He was still naked, streaked with come and glistening with sweat. He grinned broadly, white teeth and fangs gleaming. “I am your servant for this night.”

  Silken scowled, pulling his face down into an exaggerated expression of displeasure. “You will never do. Go back and send me someone worthy.”

  “Truly?” Nanashi looked taken aback. “What is wrong with me?”

  “Do you truly want to know?”

  “I do.” Nanashi put his hands on his hips, an aggressive posture but one that suggested curiosity in his nature. “What did you see that displeased you?”

  “For one, you are covered in fluids. Sweat and semen are signs that you are haphazard in your personal care, and that you have likely just come from a previous customer without bothering to wash. No one wants a Courtesan who is… well…”

  “Sloppy seconds?” Nanashi suggested, looking wicked. “Very well, I am unacceptable. But let us say that you called for me in a rush, and I had no time to stop and bathe.”

  “That might happen,” Silken allowed. “You would still try, at least, to run a cloth over yourself.”

  “I’ve had no time. You wanted me here immediately. But once you have me, are you the patient sort who is willing to let me clean while you wait?”

  Silken considered the question. “It’s not beyond the realm of what might happen. Very well. Wash yourself while I wait and watch.”

  “Yes, my Lord.” Nanashi’s eyes twinkled wickedly as he took broad strides toward the small waterfall in the corner of their bedroom.

  Silken cleared his throat.

  “Oh, for the love of -- what have I done wrong now?”

  Getting up, Silken tried to demonstrate. “A Courtesan never rushes so obviously. Every movement is meant to seduce. I have heard of those rare few who are excited by seeing a body in this sort of disheveled shape, though I never saw them at Mama Luck’s. You bounded over here like a hare. Watch me as I walk.” He took careful steps, swinging his hips. “Like so. Quickly enough to get you there, but with grace.”

  “So many rules for such a simple thing.” Nanashi shook his head. “And as for washing?”

  “We will assume, although this much is impossible, that you were in such a hurry that you did not put on the simplest of robes. You have arrived naked and covered in the detritus of lovemaking.”

  “Such romance.”

  “Do you wish to learn or not?” Silken asked quietly. Nanashi seemed more annoyed and less amused as their game went on. “We may stop at any time.”

  “No.” Nanashi gave Silken a firm look. “Continue. How would I wash myself?”

  “You would make every move a dance. Reach for a cloth in the rack as if you were performing an intricate step. Every time you do something, remember that this is art. Grabbing the cleaning supplies and scrubbing yourself down like a floor is not an option.”

  Nanashi sighed. “And folk say that Nightwalkers are particular creatures. Very well. It becomes obvious to me that I cannot learn everything in one night. But you, you’ve had a lifetime of practice.”

  “A Courtesan in training never gives up. They might be whipped.”

  The light that came on in Nanashi’s eyes was quickly filed away for future reference. Really, Silken found that he was learning all sorts of interesting and mildly alarming things that night.

  “I will copy you, then.” Nanashi managed to pluck up a cloth with the grace of his breed, although he did not approach the artfulness of a high-caste Courtesan. “Soap and water, water and soap?”

  “Only enough to cleanse what has gotten dirty. This is no time for a proper bath.”

  Nanashi chewed at his lip in thought, then nodded. He prepared the cloth and rubbed it over his belly, his cock and balls, and across his chest. When he’d finished, he glanced up at Silken. “Will this do?”

  “It’s good enough,” Silken allowed. “Now. Your next move would be to ask what would please me most. If you were a woman --”

  “Which I thank the gods I am not.”

  “There is no harm in women. I have enjoyed many of them in the past.” Silken thought longingly of Aliana and her gifts of tea. “If you were a female, I would ask if you preferred my lips, fingers, or cock.”

  “Would you ask a man the same thing?”

  “With one exception. I would ask a man if he preferred for me to bend over.” Silken demonstrated, grasping his ankles. “This is the preferred position.”

  “I see.” Nanashi sounded as if he were having a hard time getting the words out. “By Lalasa, Silken, what a picture you make.”

  “I never displayed myself this way with you,” Silken explained, still holding his legs. “You required a different approach.”

  “Let us say that the rules have changed.” Nanashi’s voice grew rougher. “You, the client, have decided that you want to be plundered. To be taken.”

  “It is not likely --”

  “But it might happen?”

  “On occasion.”

  “Good. Because the sight of your ass is far too tempting for me to withstand.”

  Silken couldn’t help but feel a ripple of pleasure -- and of amusement -- at the words. He would have wagered a gold coin that Nanashi was starting to regret his challenge.

  Two could play, though, and he’d been given permission.

  “Be graceful in your preparation,” Silken warned. “I happen to be slick already, but most would come dry and unstretched. Gentle hands -- warm hands -- and a light but firm touch.”

  Nanashi groaned. “I begin to think this was a bad idea on my behalf,” he said, confirming Silken’s educated guess.

  Silken surprised himself by chuckling. “You did ask, and I am doing my best to demonstrate what a Courtesan does best.”

  “You are temptation incarnate,” Nanashi grumbled. “First, since we have stretched the rules so far, allow me to clean you. Would that be permitted?”

  “Encouraged, even, if the client were worn after a day’s hard work.”

  “There is a mercy.” Silken heard Nanashi move to the waterfall and wet, then soap a new piece of cloth. He waited until he felt Nanashi’s gentle touch on his ass, the cotton soft against Silken’s own tender entrance. He sighed with pleasure. Nanashi did have some skill there, and he even went so far as to wash Silken’s prick and heavy sac.

  If he were still a proper Courtesan, Silken would have held himself utterly still, awaiting his client’s pleasure. But since he happened to be playing the part of a client, he let out little ooh and ahh noises of appreciation and spread his legs further to give Nanashi better access.

  Behind him, Nanashi chuckled. “Were they all always this eager for you?”

  If Nanashi could have seen his face, Silken thought he might have been bold enough to wink at the Nightwalker. “More than this.”

  “So I see what I have to live up to now.” A last, lingering stroke, and Nanashi withdrew the cloth. “What next? That which comes naturally?”

  “Lubrication.” Silken’s head was starting to ache from maintaining his position, so in the spirit of fun he deliberately straightened and headed for the bed. Gracefully, because his body and muscles were so well-trained that he couldn’t be clumsy, he draped himself across the rich bedstuffs and raised his ass in the air. “Get me ready.”

  “We are pretending, I am to suppose, that you are coming at this as if it were your first fuck of the night?”

  “A client saves himself for the pleasure of being entertained by a Courtesan.”

  “So if I were to say that you looked utterly debauched already, that would be inappropriate?”

  Silken laughed softly. “Yes. But you waste time. A man or woman --”

  “Do stop referring to me as a potential woman.”

  “A man, then, who came to a Courtesan, would be one of duty and responsibility. They come to take their pleasure, but it is often merely
a resting break between duties that need their attention.”

  “In other words, they preferred quick action?”

  “And rapid satisfaction.” Silken wiggled his ass. “You’ve already wasted far too much time.”

  “Then by all means, let me repair my mistake.” Silken heard the muted clinks and clanks of various jars being lifted for examination, and then the pop of a cork coming loose. “I have a very fine oil for us, my Lord,” Nanashi said, his voice sending ripples of excitement through Silken’s cock where it lay nestled against the bed, already stiff. “It smells of almonds. Do you favor that scent, or shall I choose another?”

  “Almonds will do.” Silken moved again, searching for friction against the fine embroidery of the bedcovering. “Make haste.”

  He felt the weight of Nanashi sitting on the bed next to him. “As my Lord wishes,” Nanashi said before drizzling a cool stream of oil down the small of Silken’s back into the valley between his ass cheeks. Long, strong fingers began to work the slippery stuff in, the scent of fresh almonds filling the air.

  His hands felt so good that Silken’s cock throbbed with anticipation. “Penetrate me,” he managed to order. “Now.”

  “I must make sure the way is prepared, my Lord.” Nanashi sounded so demure that Silken was sure the Nightwalker was grinning from ear to ear. “I realize you have many affairs of state waiting for your attention, but I would not hurt you in any way.”

  He was getting it exactly right, but Silken found himself growing too impatient with these games. Had any of his clients ever felt this way? “No,” he growled. “Your organ. Your cock. Inside me. Now.”

  “My Lord is certain?”

  Silken nodded vigorously.

  “Then as my Lord desires, so shall it be.” Nanashi shifted position, kneeling behind Silken with a knee on either side of Silken’s thighs. Silken raised his ass again and finally felt the hard, blunt pressure of Nanashi’s cock against his back passage. “Does my Lord wish for me to treat him roughly or with care?”

  “Gods! Roughly. Hard. Please.”

  “As you desire,” Nanashi murmured. He put slippery hands on Silken’s hips and pushed forward, his cock plowing deep into Silken’s channel. Silken arched his back and cried out in ecstasy. He never got tired of this, of being so incredibly filled. Automatically, he clenched down to better feel the cock plundering him.

  Nanashi hissed. “Silken?”

  Silken managed a questioning noise.

  “May we cease playing now?”

  “By Lalasa, I wish you would.” Silken collapsed in relief.

  And Nanashi, with the strength of the Nightwalkers and the power of a man deeply in lust, began to pound Silken with all of his might. His cock slammed in and out without care for refinement, each push/pull feeling as if it tugged Silken’s insides along with them. Nanashi swore, words in the Common Tongue and in the language of the Nightwalkers. His hands tightened on Silken’s hips until Silken knew he’d have bruises, but he -- didn’t -- care.

  Nanashi might not have been a good Courtesan, but as a client and a partner, he fucked like a professional. Better than, even -- he had heart in what he did. He found a rhythm with Silken’s humping and bucking against the bedspread, both of them riding each other through wave after wave of shocking power.

  It felt like standing outside in a thunderstorm.

  They were both soaked with sweat. Great fat drops dripped off Nanashi’s chest to land on Silken’s back, where they slid down into his crevice. The almond oil had been joined by slick pre-come, but Silken’s hole was still snug enough that Nanashi cursed in glee as he thrust to and fro.

  When Silken came, he spurted over the priceless bedspread with a shout of delight. Nanashi made an astonished noise, then snapped his hips forward quick, quick, quick, and came with a shout.

  Silken lay there, breathing heavily. He felt dizzy. He’d had his share of memorable fucks with Nanashi, yet this one outdid all but the first time they were together.

  “Silken? Are you well?” Nanashi’s voice was shaking. “Did I damage you?”

  “Oh, no.” Silken let the words tumble across his tongue like the juices from ripe berries. “I feel as if I’m flying.”

  Nanashi sighed in contentment as he withdrew. “Lest I forget, we clean up before we rest,” he said wickedly.

  Silken lay there, utterly boneless, as Nanashi fetched cleaning supplies and took care of them both. Nanashi further broke Courtesan rules by tossing both cloths to the floor, but Silken wasn’t inclined to protest. Not when his Nightwalker was rolling him into his arms and pulling him tight against his hard, breathless, deathless chest.

  Nanashi hummed for a moment, then chuckled. “I suppose I did very poorly for a Courtesan.”

  “You did,” Silken said boldly, encouraged by the spirit of play. “And I am a very good Courtesan, even if I happen to be a free man as well. Serving brings me pleasure, free or no. Now do you see why I go on as I began?”

  “I think I begin to,” Nanashi said thoughtfully. “I have learned something after all.”

  “Then that is all I have ever hoped for. Pleasing you is the fire I warm myself by.”

  “Freedom’s fire,” Nanashi replied. “Yes. I understand now.” He stroked Silken’s back. “Rest for a moment.”

  Silken closed his eyes and rested his head against Nanashi’s chest.

  He was almost asleep -- a second time -- when Nanashi reached down and popped him on the ass with the flat of one hand. “The moment is over. What do you say -- one more time before we go out to meet the builders of the new Courtesan House?”

  Silken laughed in disbelieving delight. “For you, my Lord? Anything.” He reached up for a rough, wet kiss. As their lips parted, he grinned and repeated himself, meaning every word, “Anything.”

  Willa Okati

  Willa Okati is one hundred percent in love all things vampire and supernatural. However, she’s an even bigger fan of stories that feature beautiful men exploring their desires for one another. Casually known as the “blue-haired, tattooed wench” among Changeling folks, she lives for the fun of acting just as young as she feels. She’d love for you to visit her website at or join her reader’s loop for fun and chatter at [email protected]. Happy reading!




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