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Gemini Page 13

by WL Knightly

  “In some things, I know that.”

  “So, where are you?” He hoped he wasn’t on his way to New York.

  “A place where I can be me, a place where I belong, with a good woman. I’ve finally found my happiness, Darek, and it’s shadowed by all of this other shit.”

  “We’ve all had that darkness looming over us, man. It’s our curse.”

  “I don’t believe in curses. I believe in consequences. That’s what we all have to live with and some bigger ones than others.”

  “So, I guess I won’t be seeing Alan at our little meeting, will I?”

  “No, you won’t. I’m not proud of that. But you know what was up.”

  Darek had known. He had called to warn Corey. “I guess you beat him to the punch. I don’t blame you, man. I’d have done the same thing. Any of us would have. My only concern is that you’re not going to do that again. I know the killer is trying to get us to take each other out, and that’s why I want this meeting to happen, so we can all agree that isn’t going to happen. So, if you’re coming with the intent to kill again, I’ll tell you now: don’t bother coming.”

  “I’ve already decided it stops with me, so no worries. I told the killer I had nothing to lose, and I meant it.”

  “We all do, though. Our lives are something, and you said it yourself, you have happiness now and a woman. Those are things to live for. Are you sure the killer won’t be able to press you into a corner over that?”

  Corey was quiet a moment. “She’s a big girl and can handle it. Besides, she’s something to fight for. I’d like to find this asshole myself and kill him with my bare hands.”

  Darek gave a half-hearted laugh, knowing he’d thought the same thing and how bittersweet it was to put a person you cared about in the middle. “Sounds like you’ve found a keeper.”

  “I think I have,” said Corey with a smile in his voice. “She’s more than I deserve. That’s for sure.”

  “We all deserve happiness, whether we believe that or not.” He had to believe that, or else he didn’t think he’d be able to go on. “It’s going to be odd to see everyone all together. Assuming everyone shows.”

  “Justin will be there,” said Corey. “I don’t know if he called you.”

  Darek thought it interesting he mentioned Justin in such a familiar way. “Are you with Justin?”

  Corey laughed. “We’ve been in touch, but no. Could you imagine me in his world?”

  Darek thought about Corey living in the woods, hunting, and fishing to eat and chopping trees to keep warm. He couldn’t see it. “Well, you might do well contacting aliens and tracking Sasquatch.”

  “Right, what would I do for a living? Sell guns and sporting goods?” Corey tried a little too hard in Darek’s opinion to make it all sound ridiculous, and it was just crazy enough that it had to be where he was. If he knew Justin, he lived as close to nature and as far away from others as possible. The Zodiacs’ quiet giant had always been that way.

  After a moment, Corey cleared his throat. “I hear that you’ve had a change in the case over the past couple of days. A man turned himself in for the crimes?”

  “He did, but I wouldn’t be so quick to think that he’s the real killer. We’ve learned he’s a narcissistic, aging wannabe rockstar, who is most likely looking for a little attention and willing to do anything to get it.”

  “Well, if it means anything, I haven’t heard from the killer for days now. I wondered when the last time was you made contact.”

  “Come to think of it. It’s been a while.” Darek had been so busy, he hadn’t tried to contact the killer, nor had he gotten any new messages. The silence was welcome, but Corey had a point.

  “So, maybe you have the right man?” Corey’s voice sounded hopeful.

  “I am skeptical, but if so, we’ll find out. The man says he has followers, and they are doing his bidding. But to be honest, his insane story is making it really hard to trust anything he says.”

  “Well, I just hoped that we’d be done with this. If you have him, then I have less to worry about, but if that’s true, then I have a lot to answer for if he runs his mouth. I’m certainly not some crazy follower. But if he’s still out there, I want to find him. I want this asshole stopped.”

  “Don’t worry about it, okay? I’m going to find him. And I’ve been doing my part to deter anything I can from us, and with the way this guy is talking, no one is going to believe half of what he says.”

  Corey let out a long breath. “It’s the half they do believe that worries me. So, if you could keep me posted, I’d appreciate it.”

  “Hopefully, by the time we get done with the meeting, we’ll all be on the same page and up to speed.”

  “Do you think that it’s one of us?” Corey wasn’t the first to wonder.

  Darek still didn’t know if that was possible or not. He’d gone through theories a hundred times, and while anyone could have done it, it didn’t seem likely, and their motives weren’t strong enough. He wondered what kind of theories Corey might have. “Who would be likely to do something like this? Have you thought about that?”

  “Well, Carter and Ethan have too much to lose. Justin wouldn’t do anything to draw attention to himself, and frankly, he’s not sophisticated enough to pull it off. He’s swamped with his businesses and preparing for the end of the world. Bay has it in him, but I think he’s too sophisticated for this shit.”

  Darek laughed. “You’re right about that. As for Justin, tell him I said hello.”

  Corey laughed. “If I ever get out his way, I will.”

  He smiled and shook his head, knowing that if he kept talking, the man would give himself away even more. Fortunately for him, his stomach felt like a hollow pit and let out a tremendous growl. “I better head out while I can still take a lunch. Keep in touch.”

  “Will do, man.” They said their goodbyes and ended the call.

  Darek slumped in his seat. Alan Lowe wouldn’t be joining them, just like he suspected, and while he trusted Corey wasn’t going to do anything crazy, he was going to have to keep his guard up.

  He thought about the contact and took out the burner phone. Despite not using it, he’d kept it charged and handy at all times. He glanced at the screen, and there wasn’t any activity after Corey and Alan’s situation. Could Corey be on to something? Could Ken Sin somehow be the real killer? Darek still couldn’t fathom it, and if so, the man didn’t seem to know of Darek’s involvement like he should. Or maybe he had been fucking with him all along. Regardless, the man was about to get the attention he craved and maybe more than he bargained for.

  He started the car and then headed out to find a place to eat. He was sick of the local grub, and with Raven unable to join him because of work, he couldn’t force her to decide.

  He thought of a place he and Max had tried with the best sushi in town, and that was where he headed.

  As soon as he got lined out on the road, his phone rang. “Hey, Bay,” he said, after checking the ID and answering. “Please tell me you pinned down a location.”

  “I did. I’m going to text it out the day of. That way everyone can get to New Orleans, but no one will have time to plan anything devious, just in case there is one of us working closer with the killer than we think.”

  “Corey said that the killer has been quiet lately; no contact in days. He knew about the man who was arrested and wondered if that’s why he’s been out of touch.”

  “Did he tell you Alan won’t be joining us?” Bay didn’t elaborate.

  Darek could be vague too. “He did, and why. I think that’s why he’s concerned.”

  “I’d have done the same thing,” said Bay.

  If Darek had been in the same position, he’d have done the same too. He hated to think about being pushed in a corner and how horrible it felt. It was why Tad jumped out that window, why Logan felt the need to burn off his mark, and why he wanted to stay in jail. Desperation could make you sick. It could make you do horrible things
and test your morals. Survival didn’t always win out over the struggle. “Any of us would have done the same thing, Bay. We’re all human.”

  “Yeah, but some of us wouldn’t have given him a chance.”

  As Darek took the exit to the restaurant, he could imagine Bay putting a bullet in Corey before he could say hello, and if Alan had done that, he’d be the one showing up to the meeting. Suddenly, he got a cold feeling, realizing what Bay might be suggesting. “Corey doesn’t sound like a threat. He seemed remorseful and sincere.”

  “So did Alan just before he put a bullet in Seth. That’s why I’m making sure there are safety measures in place to ensure that we are all safe and unarmed for the meeting.”

  “And not wired, I suppose? Please tell me you’re not suggesting strip searches.” He had always hated the way Bay liked to humiliate them with that bullshit.

  “No, but I do have a guard, and everyone will get the onceover with a wand. I’m not having anyone, not even you, Detective, entering with a firearm.”

  “Speaking of guards,” said Darek. “I’d almost forgotten to mention that Ethan wants to travel with his bodyguard. He says it’s the only way he’ll come. I told him that I’d mention it.”

  “Oh, of course, our little prima donna needs her bodyguard. Tell him whatever. I’ll allow everyone a traveling companion, but they stay away from the meeting. That’s non-negotiable. You’ll have a tough time choosing, won’t you? Your dark mistress or that fiery partner of yours.” Darek wasn’t about to admit which one he’d bring, and he didn’t have to because Bay didn’t pause for an answer.

  “That reminds me,” he said. “I should go find Mia. Her lunches are taking an awful lot longer than they used to.”

  “I’ll pass along your message.” Darek hated to have to tell Ethan what he said, but he’d be crazy to think his bodyguard would be allowed in a meeting where personal things would be discussed and decided.

  They ended their call, and Darek shut off the car. Just as he was about to open the door to get out, something caught his eye. Max sure looked happy as he strolled past with his new girl. The two of them laughed and held hands. Mia pulled him to a stop, and the two kissed like no one was watching.

  Fuck. There was no way he’d be the one to tell Bay, but he would have to talk to Max. The poor fool had no idea who he was messing with.

  Chapter 22


  “I think I got everything in one trip,” said Corey, who had packed up his things in the storeroom to move down to the trailer with Brandy.

  She looked up from the sink and shut off the water. “Drop it anywhere. I told you I’d help.”

  “It wasn’t much. Besides, I’m strong.” He flexed his muscles and earned a smile.

  She dried her hands and walked around to join him as he placed his bags near the little dinette space. “I can’t believe you’re actually moving in. I made myself a promise I’d never let a man move in with me. But you? You’re different. You’re special.”

  “Did you also promise Justin the same thing?” He had a feeling his friend wasn’t going to be excited about their latest decision.

  “It’s my house. Sure, he’s my landlord, but it really wasn’t up to him. At least, that’s what he said when I told him. I was sure he was going to come over here and cut your balls off, but he said he thinks we’re good together.”

  “Did you tell him anything else?” He gave her a sideward look and pulled her in close.

  She fell against him and brought her arms around his neck. “You mean about me moving the trailer or about us finding a bigger house?”

  “Both?” He had hoped that she’d broken the news to him gently, but he didn’t want to be around for it.

  “He said he’s going to kill you and hide the body in his crawlspace.”

  Corey knew she was teasing from the set of her mouth, which he promptly kissed. Then he pulled away and gave her a devilish grin. “You’d never let him, would you?”

  “Never. He’d have to get through me first.”

  Just then, a car door slammed outside, and Corey peeked out the curtains to see Justin walking from his truck to the door.

  “You better get ready. He’s here now.” He gave her another quick peck and slapped her ass as she walked to the door.

  She opened it and stepped aside as Justin came in, ducking his head to get through the door. “Hey, I thought I’d stop in on my way to the store. I’m going over the schedule so I can go on this trip of ours.”


  Corey pulled his lips in tight and winced. He hadn’t found the right time to tell her about the meeting and that he would be going to New Orleans for a couple of days.

  Justin rolled his eyes. “I thought you were going to tell her, man.”

  “I was. I just haven’t found the right words.” He didn’t think the man would come in and blurt it out.

  “Someone better start explaining.” Her voice grew louder.

  Corey opened his mouth, but he didn’t know how to explain that he’d been in a group since he was young and that he had to go talk to the others about the string of murders. He couldn’t very well tell her the truth, and he didn’t think he could lie to her either. He looked at Justin for help.

  Justin let out a long breath. “You know how I told you I’m a part of a brotherhood?”

  “Oh, this is related to that?” She nodded. “I’m sorry, I should have known. Where are you going?”

  “To New Orleans for a few days. We’ll be back before you know it.”

  Her mouth hung open, and she gave Justin a pleading look. “I want to go! I love New Orleans.”

  Justin looked at Corey. “This isn’t exactly a pleasure trip, Brandy. We’ll be attending a meeting, and I don’t know how long that shit’s going to take.”

  Corey couldn’t get over the fact that she was so understanding about the group and the meeting. And he’d never exactly thought of the Zodiacs like a brotherhood, but he supposed that was accurate. Back in the day, it was a lot like a fraternity. He looked up, and Justin was shaking his head while Brandy gave him a hard glare. “Yeah, it may not be the safest trip for you since we’ll be so tied up with the meeting.”

  “I know New Orleans, and I have friends nearby. I could go see them, and it’s not like I’d get lost. Besides, you owe me time off. I haven’t missed a day since I started working for you.”

  Justin looked up to Corey and shrugged. “If your boy wants you along, I really can’t think of an argument.”

  Corey gave him a sharp look. He wished he’d made it easy and told her he needed her to hold down the store while he was gone, but instead, he left the burden on Corey to let her down.

  “I don’t know, babe.” He took a deep breath and died a little inside as her lips turned down in disappointment. He took a deep breath. “I don’t know any reason you can’t go, either.”

  Her eyes lit up, and she practically jumped into his arms. “Thank you! It’s going to be so much fun!”

  He looked up at Justin, who looked like he might kill him after all. “Yeah, it’s going to be great.”

  “Corey, you want to walk me over, and we’ll talk about the details of the meeting?” asked Justin, turning to grab the door handle.

  He had a feeling he might come back from that walk with a bloody nose, but Corey gave Brandy a kiss and hurried out behind him.

  Once they were halfway to the store, Justin let out a growl of frustration. “I have confidence with Brandy about a lot of things in my past, including what happened when we were younger.”

  That wasn’t what Corey expected to hear. “You told her!”

  “No, no details, but I did tell her I was involved with something dark, something deadly, and that she was safer not knowing about it. With all that’s happened with her ex, which she told me you know about, I know I can trust her. But what I never wanted was to put her anywhere near any of that past. And now, here we are, letting her go on this fucking trip.” He seemed to blam
e himself as much as he blamed Corey. He punched in the code on the keypad, and the door opened.

  Corey followed behind him and then caught up to his side to finish the conversation. “I couldn’t tell her no, any more than you could. I’ve got to live with her.” He still couldn’t believe that soon, they’d have their own house, and they had even talked about a wedding.

  Justin stopped in his tracks and placed his hand on Corey’s shoulder. “I know. I get it. Trust me. I mean, shit, we’re practically all any of us have when it comes to family, and I’ve always taken care of her. You’re going to have to promise me that you’ll be able to make hard decisions when it comes to her and her safety.”

  “I will. I promise, but do you think it’s really going to matter if she flies out with us? If you do, I’ll tell her to stay home, but if not, I’d like to spend the time with her.”

  Justin turned him loose and walked toward the office. “I’m not bringing the girls, so I’ll be able to help keep an eye on her. She should be fine.”

  “Good. I’ll tell her to pack light.”

  Justin laughed. “Well, go tell her. I’m going to have to find someone who can be in charge with both of us gone.”

  Corey didn’t wait for anything else and turned to go back into the trailer. He found Brandy in her bedroom, making space for his things. “I emptied out one of the drawers if you want to put your things in there. If you have anything that will hang, I can give you a third of the closet.”

  “I only need a quarter of it right now.” He walked over to stand behind her, the two of them barely fitting between the full-sized bed and the closet.

  “Are you sure you want me to go with you?” She glanced over her shoulder at him.

  “Yes,” he said, brushing his lips against her soft skin until he reached her earlobe. “I’d miss you too much if you stayed home.” His hands roamed her front, slipping up beneath her shirt.


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