True North

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True North Page 9

by Beth D. Carter

  “Durango is a trucker’s stop,” Detective Harmon replied grimly. “Even if women go missing, most of the time the police chalk it up that they hitched a ride.”

  “And he was meeting someone at this mill, in my county, turning them over for payment. Fuck! How was this happening right under my nose and I didn’t know about it?”

  “Sixteen women in my backyard and I never connected it either,” Detective Harmon muttered. “If you hadn’t saved Allison Evening, we might never have caught on.”

  “And when she was rescued, he came back to her hospital room to finish the job, only someone walked in and saved her a second time.”

  “So Hiller was killed because he failed,” Detective Harmon finished.

  Givon thought over the hypothesis. His intuition was telling him this was right and he was inclined to believe it.

  “I’m going to investigate the mill,” Givon said, handing over the notebook. “If I find anything I’ll let you know.”

  “I appreciate it. Likewise if I find more here.”

  He shook the detective’s hand and headed out of the door, more than happy to leave the hovel. Michael Hiller had been killed to shut him up because Allis could’ve identified him and, if he’d been caught, he could’ve turned evidence against the man or men he was working for. Destiny had to be a pit stop for whomever it was who wanted the women and that brought to mind a prostitution ring.

  Givon’s stomach turned sour. He hoped like hell North hadn’t any knowledge of this, because if he did, after the talk they’d had, he would wring his friend’s neck.

  * * * *

  That night, Allis cooked dinner for the men. She’d been living with them for one week and so far, both men had kept their distance from her. The sexual tension had begun to invade her dreams each night. Dreams of North and Givon touching her, kissing her—fucking her. Her fantasies had always run a little risqué but she’d never acted upon them, never had the opportunity, especially once Daniel Two Feathers had shown his interest. She’d often wondered what it would feel like to be part of a ménage, sandwiched between two men as they explored her body, one in front taking her pussy and one in back, fucking her ass.

  The images were so potent that they left her waking up shaking, on the verge of coming and craving their touches. Now, just being around them left her panties in a perpetual state of wetness.

  Givon had called earlier and told her and North that he was bringing home steaks. It was time for their long overdue celebration. So she got to work whipping up a feast worthy of two strong men. Potatoes, corn on the cob, green beans with chunks of ham, homemade biscuits and chocolate cake for dessert. North tried to steal the rich batter and she laughingly slapped his hands away on more than one occasion.

  When Givon finally made it home with the steaks, North fired up the grill while Allis marinated the rib eyes in rum to soften the meat. She was pleased to see Givon had bought, in her opinion, the best cut of the cow. After fifteen minutes, she handed them to Givon, who gave her a quick kiss on the cheek—one that made her pulse sing—before grabbing two beers in his other hand and heading out to the grill.

  She stared out of the kitchen window at both men as they talked and cooked the steaks. She’d never been happier in her life than she was at this moment. Of course, it came with a price. The past few months had been a nightmare, and she hadn’t even told her two men half of what Daniel had put her through—the taunts, the bullying, the sneers and snickers throughout town. Called derogatory names in both English and Shoshone, she’d become an outcast. Without family or an older male to protect her, she’d decided to escape.

  Life was funny sometimes, throwing curve balls. She’d run from one disaster into a nightmare and the persistent ache in her back reminded her of that fact every day. She’d been lucky. She could be dead. She could be rotting in an unmarked grave, forgotten by the world. Instead, she was fixing dinner for two men who had not only saved her but also made her heart beat wildly for them and desire pool in her belly.

  And now she was living a life that was on borrowed time, because when she was healed, she was going to have to leave. Daniel knew where to find her and he’d come. There was no doubt in her mind about that. He’d pretty much told her she was a dead woman.

  She just hoped that she had enough time to heal properly before he came for her.

  * * * *

  North first took the beers from Givon and opened them as Givon placed the meat on the open flame. He shook garlic salt on all three steaks and instantly, the delicious smell wafting up made his mouth water.

  “How was work?” North asked him, holding out a beer bottle.


  “Hiller’s house?”

  “Yeah. Evidence seems to suggest he was paid to find women.”


  “And he was delivering them to someone here in Destiny.”

  North was silent for a moment. “So…Daniel Two Feathers isn’t involved with Allis’s abduction.”

  “It would appear not.”

  “Fuck. We told him where she is for no reason.”

  “He’d be a fool to come after her.”

  “When a man wants vengeance, he can be a little nearsighted.”

  Givon had to acknowledge that was true. “I’ve been curious about how that bar in Durango is connected to two different cases,” Givon replied then took a long drink. “It couldn’t be a coincidence, especially when ballistics from the bullet in Allis’ back matched a cold case from Durango, so I’ve been doing a little digging.”

  “Yeah?” North asked.

  “I discovered that in the past four years, sixteen women have gone missing in and around that area.”

  North frowned. “Four women a year seems a bit extreme.”

  “Especially with the fact that these disappearances began as soon as Michael Hiller got out of jail.”

  “Did the women have anything in common?”

  “Just that they were loners. No families to speak of, not that many friends.”

  “So no one to really care if they disappeared,” North concluded. “Just like Allis. Damn, Hiller had been scoping her out. Targeting her. But if was just about rape then why hadn’t he raped her before trying to bury her?”

  “I think it’s interesting someone shut him up before we could ask him that question.”

  “Something is going on and I don’t believe it landed here in Destiny as a coincidence,” North murmured. “Remember when we talked a few days ago about him possibly working for Gray Dog?”

  “Yeah, I get where you’re going with this because I already went there. On paper, Gray Dog—or Perry Lester as he’s legally known—doesn’t have shit. In that regard, he’s like you.”

  “You compare me to him again and I’ll deck you.”

  “But the bar itself is owned by an LLC and I’m going to delve into that tomorrow, see if I can convince a judge that I need to check finances.”

  The backdoor opened and both men turned as Allis stepped outside. “Are the steaks ready? Because everything is set in here.”

  “Few more minutes,” North told her.

  “Okay,” she said. “I’ll pop open the beer.”

  When she went back inside, Givon closed the porch door behind her.

  “We keep this to ourselves for the time being,” he said, giving North a pointed stare. “I don’t want Allis to get freaked out.”

  They didn’t have to say the obvious. She would have been woman number seventeen if she hadn’t kept a clear head and had taken the initiative to save herself. It was a sobering thought.

  “Hey, listen, I have a question,” North told him. “About Allis.”


  “You mentioned you had feelings about her.”


  “What if I do too?”

  Givon gave him a rueful grin. “I kind of expected this.”

  “You did?”

  “How can I feel something so strongly for her
and you not? We’re more alike than you think.”

  “So we’re good?”

  “Anyone else, no. But you and me? Yes, we’re good,” Givon told him and saw North visibly relax.

  Once the steaks were done, North got three clean plates and put a steak on each. He turned off the grill then he and Givon carried the meat to the dining room.

  “I hope you didn’t wear yourself out,” Givon said, as they began to pile food onto their plates.

  Allis waved his comment away. “I’m fine. Just a little ache that ibuprofen can handle.”

  “Well, Giv and I will wash up,” North stated, as he plopped a large dollop of butter onto his open baked potato.

  “We will?” Givon asked.

  “There’s a dishwasher, dude.”

  Allis rolled her eyes. “Well, at least we’re eating something decent. I don’t know how you two survived eating junk for so long.”

  “Junk?” Givon asked, eyes going wide. “With frozen dinners I can precisely calculate how much sodium, calories, fat—”

  “It’s preserved frozen food,” she interrupted. “How can that possibly be healthy? Or taste good?”

  “I didn’t say it was good,” he replied. “They’re quick and easy.”

  “Funny, that’s what your last girlfriend said about you,” North teased.

  Givon picked up his biscuit and threw it at him. “You just wish you’d had a girlfriend other than Rosie Palm.”

  “Wow, harsh!” North said with a laugh as he dodged the bread. “Allis, Givon’s first girlfriend was Susie MacMillan. She had boobs out to here, legs that wouldn’t quit and every guy wanted to bang her.”

  “She sounds like a dream,” Allis replied dryly.

  North held up one finger. “One date and she dumped his ass.”

  She turned wide eyes toward Givon. “What happened?”

  “Yeah, Giv,” North prompted. “What happened?”

  “You had to bring up Susie? Fine. Nothing happened. She dumped me because nothing happened on our first and only date, Mr. Shot Too Soon.”

  “Hey!” North said, scowling. “I was fifteen! Of course I shot too soon!”

  Allis began laughing at them. “There’re a lot of secrets you two know about each other.”

  “Well, we’ve known each other our entire lives,” Givon said. “We’re three months apart in age and our moms would put us together to keep each other company.”

  “Who’s older?”

  Givon raised his hand. “North’s the baby.”

  “Fuck you.”

  “No cursing at the table,” Allis reprimanded. “That’s our first rule, gentlemen.”

  “First?” North questioned. “What’re our others?”

  “I am always right,” she quipped.

  He raised an eyebrow. Givon laughed.

  The light banter continued through dinner and when they were done, Allis rose. “I have a birthday cake for you, North.”

  “Aw. You didn’t have to do that,” he said, although he smiled.

  She headed over to the refrigerator and opened it, pulling out a large sheet cake. “I found one large candle in the pantry so that’ll have to do instead of small birthday candles.”

  “I didn’t even realize I had a candle in this house,” Givon replied.

  “It was in a basket with crackers, so maybe it came with it as a house warming present?”

  Givon shrugged. “I do seem to recall Sandy giving me something.”

  Allis quickly lit the candle and stuck it on top of the cake then carried it to the table, singing Happy Birthday slightly off key. Givon joined her, wincing as their equally off-key singing voices mingled. North clapped once the song ended, and Givon wondered if it was because he was tickled or because they’d finally stopped. North easily blew out the candle.

  “Thank you,” North murmured. He grabbed her hand and kissed her softly on the lips. “This is the best birthday I’ve ever had. Really. I’m feeling very blessed.”

  Givon cut the cake and dished out slices then Allis drizzled the strawberry sauce on top. After eating the rich, moist cake, North let out a satisfied moan of enjoyment.

  “I’m stuffed,” he announced.

  Allis stood and reached over to grab his dirty dishes, but North took her hand and carefully tugged her over to his side. He scooted back and had her sit on his lap.

  “North?” she questioned softly.

  “The only thing that would make this birthday even better would be if I could kiss you. May I kiss you, Allis?”

  She swallowed and nodded. Satisfaction turned his blue eyes into dark sapphires. He cupped the back of her neck and held her still. She had a slight height advantage in this position so he brought her mouth down onto his. North kept the kiss light and fresh, more of a chaste touching of lips. When he lifted his head, his gaze locked with Givon’s. Givon held out his hand. When she placed hers in his, he led her to the couch. North followed, and when she sat, he and Givon sandwiched her between them.

  “Make my birthday perfect,” North whispered against her lips. “Give me your cream, lovely Allis.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  North’s gentle kiss took her by surprise. She was even more surprised by Givon’s hands upon her shoulders, rubbing them, trailing his fingertips down her back, where he followed her ribcage upward until he was able to cup her breasts. Even through her shirt, his touch electrified her and caused her nipples to tighten in response.

  North kissed her again. The kiss melted every bone in her body and turned her brain into mush. Her body lit up like a Roman candle waiting to explode as his tongue tangled with hers.

  Allis thrust her ass out to rub along Givon’s impressive bulge. He slipped his hands under her shirt and bra, found her nipples and rolled the hard buds between his fingertips. She let out a wanton moan, unable to keep herself from undulating between them.

  At the same time, North let go of her mouth to explore her cheek and down her throat. He dropped to his knees in front of her and undid her jeans. Allis had an inkling where this was going and she had a very brief moment of feeling overwhelmed, but one touch upon her naked thigh erased all her doubts.

  North pushed her jeans down and she wiggled her hips, helping him. Cool air rushed over her heated skin and she shivered just a bit, until North resumed his wicked ministrations. He skimmed the elastic of her panties to finger her mound. All she wanted to feel right then was him pushing into her, filling her, but coherent speech was beyond her ability, so she whimpered her need. North slid his fingers between her folds as he caressed the length of her sensitive lips, up and down, before finally flicking across her clit. Allis let out a gasp and bucked her hips. He thrust one thick finger into her cunt, pumping in and out as he searched for her G-spot. One area he brushed had her arching her back, so he stroked it over and over. He breathed heavily against the silk triangle of her panties, which barely covered her thatch of dark pubic hair. He sucked her clit against the barrier as he finger-fucked her and she’d never felt anything so erotic.

  “Oh, my God.” She moaned. With North working her pussy and Givon taunting her nipples, she was on the verge of coming.

  North slid a second finger inside her, stretching her. The burn felt oh so good and only increased her craving for more. The few lovers she’d had in the past had been pleasant enough, but North and Givon took her to levels she’d never experienced before. She didn’t have to fake anything with them.

  The orgasm that rose quickly within her was almost frightening. It was like a symphony building to a crescendo and Allis didn’t know whether she should ride it out or clamp it down. This moment was one of those special times that would change her forever—that much she knew instinctively. She’d never felt anything like this before, not even when she pleasured herself.

  North tore the panties from her and shifted her legs apart to allow him better access to her pussy. He rested his mouth directly on her mound and sucked through her wet folds to find the little bundle
of nerves that made her pant and buck more. She was beyond coherent speech or thought. Her body was a live wire with North’s mouth an unbelievable charger. He kept her right on the edge of another climax, backing away each time she was about to explode. How he read her so accurately, she had no idea, but she squirmed against his fingers, wishing he would just let her come. The denial wound her up so tightly she burned. Just when she could no longer stand it a second longer, he hooked his fingers inside her and sucked hard on her clit. The pressure erupted as another powerful orgasm shook her body and she screamed out his name.

  “That’s it,” Givon murmured into her ear, his own voice husky with lust. “Ride his fingers. God, you’re so fucking sexy, Allis. So beautiful.”

  The words only pushed her climax onward. The thought that Givon was watching her come undone only intensified the climax. North greedily lapped up the cream that ran until her overly sensitive pussy began to clench helplessly around his fingers and her body shuddered in climatic bliss.

  North withdrew his fingers and Givon wrapped his arms around her, holding her up. Otherwise, her wobbly legs would’ve collapsed. He scooped her up in his arms then turned, bounding up the stairs. She draped her arms around his neck and buried her face in his shoulder, breathing in his heady scent. She assumed he was taking her to bed, to finish what they had started, so she was surprised when he carried her into her own bedroom.

  “What about you and North?” she asked.

  “You gave me the only birthday present I wanted,” North answered from the door. He gave her a wicked smile as he licked his lips. Heat rose in her cheeks and she was mortified that she was blushing.

  “But you didn’t…you know,” she said.

  Givon leaned over and kissed her softly on the mouth. “You’re not up for a rousing threesome, sweetheart. We’ll have lots of time once those stitches are out and the doctor has given you a clean bill of health. Okay?”

  “Okay,” she whispered. Now that the orgasmic high had passed, her endorphins were crashing big time and she couldn’t hold back a yawn. Givon helped her take the rest of her clothes off, then he pulled the blankets up her to chin.


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