Home > Science > ARTIS PRIME > Page 18

by Tobias Roote

  Finally in the same system as the enemy ship, Gossie had managed to cool the engines sufficiently, so that the moment she detected RIGA’s distress beacon, she was able to act. Gossie red-lined the drives again to get to the area of local space quickly enough to extract her.

  When Gossie had read the explosion of the ship on her sensors, she had at first thought that RIGA had been destroyed with it. A day later, when she approached the debris field intending to search the remains, she picked up the failing transponder signal.

  Gossie watched as her friend’s life-signs stabilised. Using her own links into RIGA’s sub-systems, she established that all the vital areas had been safeguarded, including her memory core, which so far appeared undamaged. The signs were good, and Gossie began to feel reassured that RIGA would have no lasting problems resulting from her experience in the cold vacuum of space.

  Some days later, RIGA was sufficiently recharged to awaken. She immediately began processing background data she had uploaded from the Dan’s computers. It contained information on their home worlds and some information on their sociology, but nothing on their military objectives.

  The Tochin were an old race, with major drawbacks in their technology development. Their beliefs excluded the use of artificial intelligence, so wouldn’t allow progress beyond a limited computer ability, which they accepted as a tool, like any other. They had a deep-seated abhorrence of artificially sentient beings. They responded aggressively against any of their own worlds that tried to develop computer power approaching AI potential. From the little that RIGA could evaluate in the data, there appeared to be strong religious aspects to the Tochin Empire that controlled its industrial expansion.

  This explained RIGA’s access difficulties on the DAN where computers were restricted to smaller hubs which only provided limited uplinks that could be strictly controlled. It made for a slower reaction throughout the ship, but they made up for it by having dedicated computers in charge of non-sensitive sections.

  None of this explained the actions of the DAN in kidnapping her, and where was Osachi? There was mention of a spy-base in a system within Empirum space, but no coordinates. In fact, there were allusions to many things, but the Tochin, being extremely cautious, paranoid, or both, placed little trust in their computers. Beyond the spartan information on their home systems and social order, there was little of use. She had only linked to non-essential consoles, with their tendency to compartmentalise everything; RIGA was left with nothing worthwhile to show for her efforts.

  As RIGA continued to recover her energy reserves, she mulled over the material recovered and the actions of the Tochin ship, the Dan. Was it part of the same conspiracy that she and Gossie had uncovered, or was this another thing entirely? She recalled Wright’s comments, and decided that the Tochin had to be heavily involved. Where did the kidnapping of Osachi put them, and what did they want with him?


  The GEN Vasta signalled that their group hyper-jump would end in three minutes. Its sister ships the GEN Brew and GEN Callan were either side of RIGA’s courier vessel, which was by itself, completely insignificant next to the large battleships.

  A signal had been sent ahead, for the Empirum’s Navy to run interference for them at Epsilon Gamma’s hyperspace arrival point. They needed to ensure there would be no surprise fleet of enemy ships waiting to blow them up as they emerged.

  In light of RIGA’s incident with the DAN, the Empirum Navy had, as a cautionary measure, upgraded to a pre-war footing. They were currently running on a ‘shoot first’ basis where they came across any ships in their sectors that either, didn’t show proper IDs, or failed to respond to demands to board. It was all very trigger happy out there.

  RIGA had no idea what the Terran forces were doing. Her only contact was with the Space Navy, and they were proving antagonistic towards the Empirum while Osachi was missing. RIGA had no intention of sharing anything she currently knew about the Tochin as it was increasingly likely that the Empirum would seek war with the Terran Empire; something that RIGA was set against, but might be unable to stop. She was not yet certain the root of the problem lay with Terran aggression, suspecting that ships like the Tesperadus, were operating outside of government policy, in an increasingly unstable environment. That might have a lot more to do with the Tochin, than the Empirum.

  “Are you ready, RIGA?” the AI asked, pulling her from her continuing analysis.

  RIGA, still recovering from her depleted batteries, was plugged into the pilot chair while she continued to suck and compress energy into the modules that housed her reserves. Her normal system was powered through chemical conversion to energy. She only needed to replenish that once, or perhaps twice a year; it was very efficient.

  “Yes, let’s see if we can scrape through unnoticed while the big boys play war games,” RIGA responded. “Initiate shield and cloaking device and hug up close to the rear of the GEN Vasta, we should be able to hide between the drives which won’t go to full burn unless the Vasta needs immediate speed. The shields will protect us and the cloak should keep us undiscovered.”

  “Affirmative,” Gossie responded. It was a risky move, but one they had planned for earlier. They had already decided that a single jump would take them out of harms way once the Vasta broke through into normal space.

  “Advise the Vasta where we will be and thank them for the escort, we will slip away as soon as possible and contact them once clear,” RIGA commanded.

  “Done,” the AI confirmed.

  “Exiting Hyperspace... NOW.”

  Tucked up alongside the drive exhausts of the GEN Vasta, RIGA was unable to see what was happening. However, the sensors linked into the Vasta were clear enough. A battle had commenced as soon as the anomaly had been detected. The Empirum Navy were surrounded by enemy ships, who were setting up a barrage of fire, flooding the arrival area with target seeking missiles. She didn’t need to count, her mind automatically tallied forty.... thirty eight. She watched the numbers go down, as the defensive fire of the battleships took out the inbound missiles several at a time. Some would get through, but the shields should hold, unless...

  As RIGA watched, deep in thought and unable to act because of their proximity, she saw what the Vasta was seeing, that the missiles were ignoring all of the sentry ships and heading directly towards the three newly arrived ships. It took RIGA several seconds to realise they were homing in on the Vasta particularly, which didn’t make much sense.

  RIGA reacted immediately. “Open a channel to the Vasta.”

  “Captain Xandarl, I believe those missiles are locked onto a ship’s drive signature - mine.”

  Xandarl came on screen, he looked pensive.

  “RIGA, you could be right, but there is nothing you can do. Just stay where you are and let us handle it. That’s an order.” He gave her a grim smile and then returned his attention to the Vasta’s bridge where they were battling the unknown fleet.

  As RIGA continued to watch, the wave of missiles diminished as the three battleships kept up a continual barrage of defence that whittled the incoming missiles into single figures. Of the original forty, only two now remained, and they were homing in on RIGA’s drive, slipping alongside the Vasta, evading her point defences. They would not only take out RIGA’s ship, but also the drives of the Vasta, if they got through.

  How had they overcome the cloaking technology? RIGA thought she knew; Osachi - he must have been forced to give them the information they needed to identify her ship. He would have known the cloaking frequency, even the variable codes. The Tochin ships had them.

  RIGA knew she had no choice, but to act. “Gossie, when I give the word, teleport us back to the point of entry, then hold for my next command.” She wanted to wait until she was 100% certain that was what had happened, before reacting. There was sufficient time.

  “On your mark,” Gossie responded without argument. She knew RIGA would only act if she felt there was good reason; there was always a sound strategy behind h
er thinking. There was never a millisecond of doubt in the AI’s mind.

  As RIGA watched, the two remaining missiles shot past the Vasta’s point defence systems. Just as they prepared to loop into a curve that would bring them behind, and onto the Vasta’s drives, RIGA gave the command.


  As the small ship jumped, the GEN Vasta reappeared, now smaller in the view screen and further ahead of them. RIGA was already directing her sensors to monitor the missiles. She watched as they wavered a few seconds, appearing to lose momentum. Then, regaining the target signature of RIGA’s ship, they recalculated their course and trajectory. Now aiming directly towards her, continually adjusting their trajectory, they sped towards the ship.

  “Missiles are broadcasting shield disruption signals AND increasing speed,” Gossie informed her. “However, the frequency is incorrect, it will have no effect on our shield.”

  RIGA monitored the missiles progress toward them. She immediately understood the ramifications. Osachi must have had to give them the frequency of their new cloaking system along with the shield, Had he also given them the proper shield frequencies as well, they would now have no shields and be at the mercy of the enemies weapons. Someone else, possibly the Tesperadus, must have told them the ship had been fitted with commercial shields.

  “Target the missiles with lasers. Fire on my command,” RIGA instructed.

  The missiles, now flying so close together they were almost touching, sped at lightning speed towards her.

  “RIGA, what are you doing? - you can’t outrun those missiles.” Captain Xandarl’s concerned voice came over the tactical channel.

  RIGA ignored him while she maintained her countdown, she had taken a calculated risk and it was about to pay off - she hoped.


  The left missile exploded. The close proximity of the other missile caused it to explode as well. The resulting blast sent the explosive force directly into them, bucking their ship backwards. RIGA managed to hold onto the console where she was still plugged in, but the aftershocks affected her sensors and left her reeling. But, the shields had held.

  Staggering in an effort to maintain her upright position, she issued her next command. “Gossie, as soon as systems permit - jump us beyond detectable rang,” she said as she tried to recover her view of the outside universe.

  “Jump completed,” the AI responded a few seconds later.

  As RIGA’s sensors came back on-line she saw nothing but empty space around them. The threat board was clear. The Vasta would no longer be targeted, and hopefully the fleet could manage the invaders. RIGA now had her own mission to continue.

  “Code the following message to ESSG, Chief’s eyes only,” RIGA instructed.

  “Begin Message [Code ALP675/432/GHF-FFT3].

  Empirum security compromised. Third human Empire likely infiltrated all military and political sectors. Suggest section 42a of the Emergency Security protocol is enacted. Confirm details soonest.

  End Message [Code ALP675/432/GHF-FFT3].

  Send as soon as compiled with the encrypted material,” RIGA commanded.

  The reply wasn’t long in coming. The message was simply a set of numbers. RIGA knew what they were, and ordered Gossie to proceed to a set of coordinates and to remain cloaked and shielded.

  Two hours later a small ship, similar to RIGA’s dropped into local space. RIGA knew it would have left Epsilon Gamma’s system two hours previously, jumping into hyperspace and several other cut-out jumps before doubling back to arrive at its current location. It remained uncloaked and Gossie moved until the two ships were nose to nose. RIGA could see Bollida in the other cockpit. She uncloaked.

  “Well met, RIGA,” Bollida welcomed her across their private vidscreen link.

  “Bollida,” she nodded acknowledging his welcome. “I’m glad you were able to make it so quickly. I believe time is critical for what is required.”

  Bollida looked at RIGA without emotion, his demeanour was serious, as was the reason for their meeting, which he now opened officially. The encryption between their two ships was a single use system, that would only operate on a short range signal. Only their two ships would receive the transmissions. When he next spoke it was with the gravity of his position and the knowledge that what came next might well represent a grave threat to the Empirum, requiring that he, the Director, take action that had so far been unprecedented in the history of the Empire.

  They both knew that what she had discovered meant a war was coming, whether that was external or internal, was currently irrelevant. This meeting was to establish the facts and draw a timeline. There would have to be justification for what was to come. This set the measure of their response.

  “This meeting is called by RIGA, Senior ESSG Agent, under Section 42a of the Emergency Security Act, which covers actions required to be undertaken when a threat to the Empirum is uncovered, and where there is evidence that internal security is compromised by said threat. It requires that those involved in substantiating the claim, and/or those making the accusation, meet with the head of ESSG, or their officially cleared representative, at a secret and secure location, to produce evidence of such conspiracy sufficient to convince the Director, or his representative, of the validity of the claim.”

  The Director of the ESSG looked at his control panel for a second, probably making sure that it was recording everything, then looked back at her. “Agent RIGA, for the record, please state why you have invoked Emergency Security section 42a.”

  RIGA had known he would be recording the debriefing for further analysis, and to substantiate any action resulting as an outcome of this meeting. They both knew that the seriousness of the situation may demand it, and he would need a complete record of everything to show the Council, should an investigation be necessary. Also, it was essential to physically talk this through, and not transmit mentally, as all knew Bollida was an AI, few people were aware of RIGA’s abilities. The whole statement had to be verbal.

  “Director Bollida, I have reason to believe that there are enemy agents working within Empirum and Terran military, as well as political sectors that have possibly been infiltrated over a long period, possibly years.”

  “What evidence do you have to substantiate this claim?”

  RIGA began her statement.

  “I recently attended a meeting with the Council on Artis Prime with the intention of bringing a Terran world into the Empirum. During this meeting I was physically in contact with only two of the council members. On return to the ship I discovered that I had been impregnated by one of those members with a section of human DNA specifically designed to infect me with some form of virus agent, the details of which we are still trying to establish. Had I not been diligent and recorded every action of the council, the knowledge of the infection would probably never have come to light. As it was, the DNA sequence had an interesting aspect of its own, which I am certain was provided completely unintentionally,” RIGA paused for any questions.

  “Go on,” Bollida directed her.

  “The DNA did not match that of the humans of the Empirum, nor did it match the DNA of the Terrans. The provided sequence indicated that both of these had parental inheritance indicating that there is a third ‘unknown’ race of humans operating within the Empirum without our knowledge.”

  “How can you be certain that this new DNA doesn’t belong to our own humans, or even a small unknown sector of the Terran Empire? You know very little about them.”

  “Because I know who they are. They call themselves the Tochina, or Tochin, and their DNA perfectly matches the sequence provided by the council member on Artis Prime, indicating there is working contact between them. The Tochin are operating in the Empirum, as well as the Terran Empire,” RIGA answered.

  “How can you be sure of the fact that the Terrans are being infiltrated by these ‘Tochin’ and not actually allied with them?” Bollida questioned. Knowing this would go to the heart of those in the Security Council ad
vocating war with the Terrans.

  “Because one of their agents was responsible for kidnapping me along with a royal member of the Terran Empire, Raachi Osachi. The person concerned is posing as a Political Officer of the Empire and he referred to the Tochin in the ‘common’ sense. When I checked his credentials he disappeared many years previously, then reappeared a changed person, posing as the original Wright. If his DNA is tested against the Terrans I am certain it would not match; however, I believe it WILL match the Tochin.”

  “Hmm! You are suggesting that he is part of an enemy infiltration of the Terran forces. Do you have any further evidence to support this?” Bollida showed impatience, but RIGA knew this was for the record. He knew where this was headed, and he trusted her analysis, because he knew she also had QDE - which never failed.

  “The Tesperadus appeared promptly along with enemy ships when the clandestine switchboard was detonated, indicating they received the same call as the others at exactly the same time. This would also indicate that at least one person in command on the bridge had access to the signal, and responded immediately. The fact they discovered enemy ships there, then left without any investigation, indicates at the very least, their passive acceptance of those foreign ships in Terran space,” RIGA explained.

  “A valid point. Going back to your comment about the Political Officer, can that incident be supported with evidence? Did you record the event in any way, by chance?” Bollida asked. RIGA detected the glint in his eye.

  “As it happens, Chief, I had planned on recording my interview with Osachi so had a personal recorder on me, which for some reason was not recognised as anything, but a trinket by my kidnappers. I was able to retrieve it when I escaped the enemy ship and its contents are recorded in the ship’s log.” RIGA knew if necessary she could produce such a trinket, but for the record it was all that was needed.


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