Alien's Captive: A Science Fiction Alien Warrior Romance Collection (TerraMates Book 15)

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Alien's Captive: A Science Fiction Alien Warrior Romance Collection (TerraMates Book 15) Page 8

by Lisa Lace

  “Oh, my god!”

  He does not reply. He is too busy working at my pussy with his lips, tongue, and even teeth. I shudder when I feel the hard edge of his teeth against my sensitive, bare skin. There’s no pain, but the unspoken threat thrills me. Part of the gratification is from how powerful Rasulus is. He could tear me apart but only wants to give me what I need.

  My legs start to shake, and a familiar heat rolls over me. I want to give myself over to the pleasure his mouth is forcing on me, but he pulls back.

  “Don’t stop!” I cry out in shock, my climax receding enough for me to look at him with bewilderment.

  He can tell I am worried that I have done something wrong. He smiles at me. “You won’t come until I say you can. Otherwise, you might be learning about that switch sooner than you want.”

  He leans down to my aching pussy again. I try to keep a rein on my desire, but I can’t help the heat rising from my body. He is utterly relentless. He works me up to peak after peak. Each time, I manage to pull myself back from the edge. I have no idea how I can hang on to the straps above me. I am a creature made of pleasure and need, groaning loudly for the alien who has claimed me.

  An eternity later, when I think my mind has split in two, he finally gives me permission to come. At the next touch of his tongue to my clit, I spill over, crying out with a voice that has gone hoarse. I am still clinging to the straps, but I have been wrung dry. I am nearly sobbing at my release. My entire body is shaking and covered with sweat.

  Rasulus does not have any mercy for me. He grabs me in his arms, pulling me away from the straps with ease. He places me on the bed, sprawled on my back with my limbs out of my control.

  For a moment, he stops and looks at me. There is something uniquely serious about his gaze. He sees what a mess I am, and it makes him break into a sharp, wild grin. When he comes down over me, I can smell my own arousal on his skin.

  “Mine,” he says, and he’s inside me.

  I am so worn out by my satisfaction that it is shocking to feel the passion rekindling between us. Instead of feeling too sore to continue, my body tightens around him. My hands come up, clinging to his shoulders, and I hold on for dear life. That one simple motion is all it takes to drive him wild. He loses control, and the man who was intent on giving me pleasure and dominating me disappears.

  Rasulus ruts over me like a wild thing, filling me completely with long and powerful strokes. I feel him deep inside me, and I cry out, calling his name repeatedly.

  When he finally spills inside me, he buries his face in my neck. I feel his liquid burst inside me, perfectly claimed.

  He collapses on top of me, and we cling to each other. I can hear him saying my name. He is touching my face with a gentleness that borders on reverence. There is no world except the one we have made together. For the moment, it suits me just fine.


  Perri and I fall asleep in each other’s arms. I find myself awake again only a few hours later. She murmurs restlessly when I pull away from her, but a few words soothe her back into a deep slumber. Before I rise from the bed entirely, I stop to stroke her hair, gazing at her sleeping face.

  I feel a need for her that is becoming second nature by now, but it’s not my only emotion. I also feel pity wracked with guilt. Last night’s duel wasn’t particularly enjoyable for me. It must have been terrifying for her.

  I know what TerraMates promises the women from Earth. They come seeking affection and kindness, everything a well-matched mate should provide for a woman. Perri had no idea she was walking into a power struggle that might end with her new husband dead and herself on the execution block right behind him.

  While I bathed, I thought about how she acted last night. A noble born Arietan woman could hardly have done better. She was brave and strong. Perri hadn’t fallen apart until we were alone together.

  I had started to think of her as a queen because she acted like one. Of course, the problem is that if I saw her potential, others might have as well. It would have been far better if she had been a childish flirt or an angry virago. Either one of those would have been a good cover for a man who only cared about drinking and fucking. But she is wonderful, and I know that she is a danger to herself and me.

  The notion of wanting to lay everything at her feet in the open startles me. The conspiracy is something kept under tight secrecy. It had taken months before I decided Tasmeen was a reliable contact. Why did I want to trust Perri even though I had only known her for a few days?

  I could have dismissed my feelings as infatuation or raw animal attraction that simmered between us, but I am wise enough to know there is something else at play. Whether it is some alchemical magic from TerraMates or something far stranger, I cannot say.

  “I love her,” I murmur to myself. Almost surreptitiously, I glance at her sleeping form to make sure she has not heard me.

  Love is a liability for royalty. It is a tool that can be used for or against you. I shudder to think about Crucis’ actions if he learns about my acute longing for my wife, let alone the fact that I love her. If my plans come out, and he gets his hands on her, her suffering would be terrible. There would be absolutely nothing I could do to protect her.

  My first instinct is to flee with her. There are places we can go on Arietus where we will never be found. If my homeworld becomes too limiting, I can find smugglers who specialize in moving people off-world. With the thought comes the realization that I want to leave Arietus behind. The possibility exists for me to take to the stars with a woman who thoroughly captured my heart.

  Reality intervenes. I know I cannot leave if I want to look at myself in the mirror in the morning without being ashamed. Arietus deserves a better king, and Perri deserves a better man than a coward.

  But one thing is clear. There is no way Perri can stay in the capital. Every moment she stays here is dangerous, and the primary source of peril is me. I know where to send her immediately. It’s a place where she will be safe.

  First, I must get her there. The woman who decided to intervene on my behalf last night by charging onto a field of combat will not be intimidated by the dangers posed by Crucis.

  I will have to resort to other means, and my stomach turns over.

  Perri rises slowly. From the living quarters of my chambers, I hear her stir, and she softly calls my name. My heart aches at how shy and tentative she sounds, and I ask her to join me. She looks adorable with a blanket wrapped around her body.

  I steel myself for what comes next.

  “There you are. I hope you have rested well, my dear, because you have a trip ahead of you.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “Not we. You. You are taking a trip. I suggest you clean yourself and get dressed. The transport will be waiting for you at the gates in an hour. I’ve had the palace women put together some clothes for you, as well as other things you may need.”

  “But why? Where am I going? And why aren’t you coming along with me?”

  “Where is the easiest to answer. You are going to be staying with the Savi clan on the western reach. They’re good people. They’ll take care of you.”

  “Why do I need someone else to do that? Isn’t it your job to watch over me?”

  When she brushes my arm with her fingertips, I nearly relent and tell her everything. The way she looks at me with apprehension makes my heart ache with pity for her. Instead of comforting her, I decide to shake her off with a faintly impatient look.

  “Darling, I know you have some inflated ideas of what it means to be a princess on Arietus.”

  “I don’t think that’s true. What are you talking about?”

  “Frankly, I can’t be expected to cater to some Earth girl’s whim, can I? You arrived here as a prank from my brother. I’ve enjoyed having you around for a few days, but really, I need my own life back. You can see that, can’t you?”

  “TerraMates said we would be soulmates.”

  “TerraMates will say anything to g
et you on a ship. We certainly pay them enough to do whatever we want. Besides, we’ve fucked a few times already. There’s a good chance something took. Isn’t that what’s important? Pleasure and sons?”

  Perri turns pale, stepping back from me so fast she inadvertently treads on the edge of her robe. She stumbles, and I must catch her. Even while in the depths of the charade, I can’t stand to see her fall. She struggles so hard to get out of my arms that she nearly topples over again. I decide to let her go before she hurts herself.

  “Oh, my god. I’m such a fool.”

  “Perri, wait.”

  “No! Don’t try to smooth this over with pleasant words. You don’t have to lie to me. You made your position perfectly clear, Rasulus. Don’t pretend something is going on to make yourself feel better. It’s unbecoming of a prince.”

  She has her back to me. I can only admire the proud set of her shoulders and her perfectly straight posture as she composes herself. When she speaks again, there is a deadly clarity to her voice.

  “I need to clean myself and get dressed. Have someone pack my bags. Let me know when the transport is here, and I will leave quietly. There is no need for you to say anything else.”

  She’s wrong. There are a thousand things I want to say to her, but right now, all I can do is nod. “As you wish.”

  I want to leave while she showers, but I end up lurking in the living area, listening for the sound of her movements. I know she is crying as she washes. She came to Arietus believing things would be better for her on an alien planet. Her life is certainly different now, but better? That’s debatable.

  If she can bear me sending her away, I owe her my presence. I walk with her to the transport, a large carriage pulled by a team of four kashaks. Stonily, she takes my hand and allows me to help her into the carriage.

  “Perri, I hope you have a good journey.”

  “Thank you. I wish things were different.”

  I have nothing to say in response. I bow my head slightly and close the door after her. Without another word, the kashaks begin to run, and she disappears in a cloud of dust.


  I thought I would cry my eyes out when I entered the carriage. No tears are coming. I feel empty, like a hollowed-out bone. Even if I have no idea where I am going, I am strangely calm. It feels like the worst has already happened, and there is nothing left for me to worry about.

  I manage to keep myself from thinking about Rasulus. I am afraid that if I do, I will only remember the terrible things he said to me. He seems like two people to me. By night, he is a lover who touches me sweetly. By day, he is a pompous asshole.

  If I were more innocent, I might imagine he was treating me this way because Crucis had forced him to do so. However, I know enough about men and about Rasulus himself to know that isn’t the case. Rasulus cannot be forced to do something he doesn’t want to do.

  He must want to be rid of me. The thought is a dull ache in my heart.

  Grief is exhausting, and I fall asleep to the sway of the carriage. I wake up a few times throughout the day. I roll up the blind so that I can watch the sunset.

  I see no sign of the hidden moon Rasulus shared with me.

  The temperature on Arietus drops quickly after the sun sets. The carriage is heated, but when I step out to stretch my legs at a way station, my breath frosts in the air.

  “It won’t be long now, my lady.” The coachman has a soothing voice, and I smile at him. There are other people in the world besides those at court. It will do me good to remember them.

  The moon is far above the horizon by the time we pull up to the gates of a castle. The palace at the capital is built for luxury. This place, with tall stone walls and the clear fields surrounding it, looks like it is built to win a war. A hurried conversation takes place between the coachman and the guards before we can pass.

  I peek at the guardsmen through the window as we go by. Unlike the gorgeously attired people at the palace, they wear plain, dark blue clothes. There is an aura of danger about them. I sit back in the coach, my heart beating faster. It doesn’t take much to remind me I am alone on this alien planet.

  Rasulus would not send me into harm, would he?

  I take a deep breath. When the coach comes to a stop, and the coachman opens the gates, I manage to step out without trembling.

  As soon as my feet hit the ground, I am swept into a warm embrace and surrounded by the aroma of freshly baked bread.

  “My dear, I am delighted you have arrived safely!”

  The speaker is an Arietan woman who is nearly as tall as Rasulus himself. She is plump and strong, dressed in dark blue clothes that hardly seem more elegant than those of her guards. My first instinct is to smile at her. She pulls back after the initial embrace, but she does not let me go.

  “Why, what a beautiful wife Rasulus has found for himself,” she says approvingly. “You’re Perri, right? Or do you prefer to go by another name? I suppose your title is properly ‘my lady,’ but I am afraid we do not stand for ceremony out here.”

  “Perri is fine, thank you. And I’m sorry, but I do not know what I should call you?”

  “I am Lady Cascaron Umaua Savi of clan Savi, but that’s a mouthful. Unless you are in trouble, you can call me Casca.”

  “I think that will be just fine.” I try to stifle a laugh. A warmth comes from the woman that relaxes me immediately.

  “Mother, you are smothering the poor thing!”

  A leggy Arietan teen is striding across the courtyard toward us. She is taller than me and possesses a face of exquisite beauty. In the back of my mind, I realize there are women her age at the palace, and the realization makes me faintly ill. She bounds toward us with the grace of a half-grown filly, her eyes lively with interest as she tucks her arm in mine.

  “I’m Miruska. There’s no need to worry about titles. You must tell me all about where you come from. I have never been off-world. And of course, we will want to hear about—”

  “There will be plenty of time for that later.” I wonder if Casca is keeping her over-exuberant daughter in check, but I see her glance furtively at the coachman before hustling us inside. “Don’t exhaust our guest, Miruska. She’s had a long trip. Come along, both of you.”

  Being with Rasulus is exciting and passionate. With Casca and Miruska, however, I feel as if I have come home, and I wonder all over again why he has sent me here.

  I sleep throughout the night, not waking up until late in the morning. As soon as I get up, Miruska appears, ready to show off the castle. Her pride and joy in the place are obvious. Casca is busy with the running of the Savi clan’s home, but she still finds time to eat lunch and dinner with us.

  “Make sure that my daughter does not run you ragged. You are here to rest, after all.”

  Recuperation must be the reason Rasulus gave them for my visit. Thinking of Rasulus still hurts, but the more time I spend with Casca and Miruska, the easier it becomes to see why I am here.

  Casca gives me a room of my own close to hers and Miruska’s. In the evening, as I am getting ready for bed, there is a tentative knock at the door. I open it cautiously to see Miruska’s hopeful face.

  “Can I come in?”

  “Of course!”

  She flops on my bed, and I remember the sleepovers I had with my friends when I was her age. I feel fiercely protective of her.

  “How is Rasulus doing?”

  I think about Rasulus leaving with a beautiful woman and his rejection of me. I push away those memories, but I am only left with the images of Crucis’ decadent court.

  “He’s doing well, I suppose. Busy as ever.”

  Miruska gives me a wry look. “You’re not telling me anything. Has he given up wearing blue?”

  “I saw him wear many colors. I’m afraid I don’t know what you mean.”

  “You must not know since you’re not from around these parts. Blue is a mourning color. The more blue you wear, the deeper your sorrow.”

  I realize Mirusk
a is still wearing a blue tunic. The guards dress entirely in blue, as does Casca.

  “Have you lost someone recently?”

  “My brother, Atrixan. Rasulus was mourning with us. My mother told him not to put on the full attire while he was at court, but he insisted.”

  “He wasn’t wearing blue when I was at the palace, at least not like you and your mother are wearing it. He doesn’t seem like the grieving type.”

  “That’s not true at all! When Atrixan was killed, Rasulus was nearly mad with sorrow.”

  I try to imagine the man who told me we had fucked a few times and were done in a different light, going mad with grief. The two pictures don’t match up. I am beginning to realize something is going on here I don’t understand.

  “Who killed your brother?”

  Miruska looks uneasy. “Well, you’re Rasulus’ wife. You should know these things. Crucis killed him in a duel.”

  I gasp. Crucis had an air of malevolence that was easy to see, but I had not thought him capable of murder. The idea of him wearing a terrible, evil grin as he killed a man makes me shiver.

  “I don’t understand a lot of it. Mother said it was about land. Crucis wanted to take over some Savi territories. My brother resisted, and something happened where he felt forced to challenge Crucis to a duel. Crucis killed him.”

  I hear a never-ending sadness in Miruska’s voice. I hug her, pulling her close. She is silent but clings to me for a moment before sitting back.

  “Rasulus took it hard. He brought Atrixan’s body back home, and he paid for the funeral arrangements. He kept Crucis from taking over the lands he wanted. The whole time he was here, he wore blue like one of us.”

  It is hard to imagine the man who smelled like alcohol and who I had first met at the palace having empathy. However, the man who challenged Seyonn to the duel for hurting me? I can easily see that guy doing it.

  I do not have all the pieces to the puzzle. “I haven’t known Rasulus for a long time, but he has been kind to me. He showed me the hidden moon. He has protected me at court, sometimes at great expense to himself.”


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