Recovered Love

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Recovered Love Page 15

by Chrissy Snyder

  “Damn Peanut, even your back is damn sexy.” My face is hidden in my arms so he can’t see the stupid grin that I’m sure is gracing my face. I squeal when he squirts cold liquid directly onto my back.

  “Hey,” I start to sit up.

  “Whoa! Pretty sure I’m not supposed to see your tits,” Carter says.

  I immediately lie right back down and hide my face back in my arms. Oh my gosh, his brother just saw my naked breasts, can I be more mortified?

  “Well he can’t take both of us, cause I saw them too,” Deacon says.

  So I was wrong, I CAN be more embarrassed.

  “You fuckers, leave her alone,” Reid barks out immediately protecting me.

  “Hey don’t feel bad Van, you’ve got great tits,” Carter says, totally oblivious he’s making things worse by saying anything at all. I groan out loud and mutter “why me” with a dramatic little sigh.

  “I second that,” Deacon says taking a huge bite of an apple. Big bits of apple fly out his mouth as he goes on to say, “High and firm, really great tits.”

  Reid can’t see my face from where I’m sitting, but I can’t control the movement of shoulders as they shake uncontrollably.

  “Peanut, don’t cry,” he says patting my back while kneeling at my side. I love that he wants to comfort me, but I need to put him out of his misery. I sit up and he can see that my face is wet with my tears, but they are happy tears because I’m laughing uncontrollably. I see the relief cross his face and he finally relaxes and laughs along with me.

  “S-t-s-taaahhhppp! I can’t breathe,” I say my shoulders shaking from my laughter. I use a corner of the towel to wipe my face not realizing I’ve exposed myself again.

  “Yup,” Carter says pointing at my exposed breast, “Like I said. . . . that is grade-A tittie right there.” A large unladylike snort flies out my mouth and I grip my ribcage, I’m giggling hysterically at this point.

  “I agree,” Deacon says, “Firm and bouncy. Each giggle bouncing it even more.”

  I’m pretty sure I sound like a braying donkey, I’m laughing so hard I’m wheezing.

  “Pl-e-a-ssssse sttaahhp!” Even Reid is laughing at this point.

  When it all dies down I take a deep breath and say, “Well . . . so THAT happened.” I square my shoulders and give a slight nod of my head, giving myself permission to accept that they saw me naked and I didn’t die of humiliation.

  My girl gets easily embarrassed until she’s shown an alternate way of looking at things. I love my brothers, but after today I love them even more. They took what could have been a potentially awkward moment and diffused it and for that I’ll forever be grateful.

  I’ve got a few errands to run before the big surprise tonight so I’ve put Deacon and Carter on alert. Savannah’s having a nap right now so hopefully she won’t even be aware that I’m gone.

  First stop is the local clinic so I can get updated blood work to show Savannah that I’m clean. I should have thought of that sooner and could kick myself for missing something so big and important. I’m used to being with women who have at least some experience, so a lot of Savannah’s firsts are all firsts for me too.

  I hurry and grab my keys and wallet, heading out the front door, whistling as I lock up behind me. I’m anticipating a good evening and can’t wait to see her face.

  I woke up about half an hour ago to find an envelope on the pillow beside my head, addressed to me. I sit up yawning, pushing hair off of my face as I grab it in my hands. Inside is an invitation to a “Fairytale Come True.” Inside are instructions for me to wear the outfit that is hanging inside the walk-in closet. I hurry to climb out of bed and open the closet and gasp when I see the gorgeous red strapless gown hanging there. On a hook beside the dress is a strappy pair of black Jimmy Choo’s and a clutch.

  What the hell is he up to? Reid’s been full of surprises the last two weeks and I’m falling hard and fast for him.

  I hurry and tie my hair up in a knot and climb into the shower, eager for the evening. I’ve just stepped out of the shower when the doorbell rings. I hurry to throw my robe on and I’m halfway down the hall when I hear Lacey’s voice. I run the rest of the way down the hall, eager to see her.

  “Lace!” I throw my arms around her and squeeze her tightly. “I’ve missed you like crazy. We have so much to catch up on,” I tell her breathlessly.

  “Oh hon,” she says cupping my face, “Your poor face.” I forget it about now, but Lacey hasn’t seen me since I’ve been captured. I’m sure my smile must have slid right off my face because Lacey goes on to say, “You look beautiful.”

  “Oh, I’m being so rude. Guys, this is my friend Lacey. Lace, these are Reid’s brothers Deacon and Carter.”

  “It’s nice to meet you,” she says smiling.

  “Great to meet you Lacey,” Deacon says with a smirk.

  “I second that Lacey, very nice to meet you,” this from Carter with his usual sweet smile.

  “You boys will have to excuse us, we need to catch up.” I grab Lacey by the arm and that’s when I notice she has a garment bag over her arm. I look at her in question asking. “What have you got there?”

  “C’mon nosey,” she says grabbing my arm while grinning sheepishly at the guys.

  We head down the hallway to the bedroom and I watch as she lays her garment bag over the chair in the corner of the room.

  “What’s going on Lacey?” She can tell I’m worrying and if she doesn’t say something to me, I’ll only think of the worst possible scenario and make myself sick. I smile softly in relief when I see that she has a huge grin on her face.

  “Babe,” she says laughing, “It’s all good. I’m here for a fun night. It’s a surprise and it’s on a need to know basis. You don’t need to know.” She taps me on the nose with her finger and at that and I scrunch my face at her, pissed that I got nothing from her.

  “Alright,” I say dramatically, “I can see I’ll get nothing out of you, but since I’ve got you here I need to catch you up.” I giggle and waggle my eyebrows at that and watch a smile bloom across Lacey’s face.

  “Did you give up your V card?” She’s almost breathless as she asks me that and I have to laugh at the look of wonder on her face.

  “No,” I say shaking my head, “But I’m certainly gaining more experience, if you know what I mean.” She shrieks and laughs before grabbing me in a hug and jumping us both up and down.

  “I think we might soon,” I tell her while nervously picking lint off of my robe.

  “Oh sweets I’m so happy for you,” Lacey crows then cups my face and drops a quick kiss on my forehead. “You deserve it hon.” I see a quick flash of pain or something in her eyes and wonder what it’s all about, but I know Lacey enough to know that she won’t share, especially if she is considering tonight as MY night.

  “C’mon, let’s get ready.”

  I watch as she pulls her garment bag over to the bed and unzips it, revealing a gold halter style dress that will complement her honey toned skin, green eyes and auburn hair.

  “Oh Lacey it’s beautiful,” I breathe out. She’s going to looking amazing in it. We both hurry to undress to our underthings when Lacey suddenly startles me by saying, “Shit!”

  “What?” I say immediately concerned.

  “I almost forgot to give you this,” she says handing me a box that was unzipped inside of her garment bag.

  I frown and use my finger to peel open the tape and open it to reveal a gorgeous red corset, with panties and garter.

  “Holy shit,” Lacey says with her mouth in a round little “o.”

  Reid really likes me in red, that much is obvious. I shake my head feeling slightly off kilter, my hands shaking as I lift the delicate underthings out of the box and carefully put them on. Lacey helps do up the corset and her eyes bug out of her head when she sees the finished result.

  “He is going to lose his shit,” she says with a little laugh.

  I blush, feeling the heat creep up my en
tire my body, giggling nervously.

  “Lace? What if he wants to tonight?” I’m so nervous and I don’t know what to expect. Lacey immediately comes to my side and rubs my arms looking me right in the face.

  “Babe, if you aren’t ready you just tell him. He will understand. He isn’t some horny teenager who has trouble with the word no.” Immediately my shoulders fall as I let out a sigh of relief. She’s right. I’m working myself up into a frenzy for nothing. He’s been nothing but good to me, why would tonight be any different? I nod and then reach for Lacey’s dress, holding it for her to step into so I can help zip it up. The halter style is perfect for Lacey’s full breasts. Aside from the tie at the neck, the back is open entirely. The entire dress fits her like a second skin, the gold shimmering with every movement.

  “You’re stunning,” I say softly. She’s gorgeous, but unattached and I don’t understand why. A mystery to solve another day I guess. I hurry to grab my dress while she slips her shoes on her feet. I step into the dress and pull it up my body asking Lace to zip me. The dress is a strapless sweetheart neckline, mermaid style and is absolutely gorgeous. I feel so sexy in it as I take a step and the slit that runs up the skirt opens to reveal my legs and my garter. Lacey lets out a wolf whistle and waggles her brows and I giggle. I feel really great in this dress. I may be tiny, but I have an hourglass figure and this dress really amplifies it.

  “You picked this out for him, didn’t you?” No guy in his right mind would know how to select a dress for a woman. I see I’m right when she smiles.

  “You did great hon,” I tell her with laughter in my voice.

  “I had strict instructions,” she tells me seriously. “Now let’s go do your hair.” She pulls me into the bathroom and her chin hits the ground when she sees how huge it is.

  “You could fit ten people in that shower,” she says in wonder, looking at me with big round eyes. I laugh and nod at her while rummaging in the drawer for my hairbrush when I notice Lacey looking at me with a strange look on her face.

  “You’ve got your own drawer here? And I notice your tampons and shit are all put away too. Things going too fast for you?” I see that she’s worried about me so I hurry to reassure her.

  “You know how my mom packs too much, well Reid thought it would be easier for me to find everything if it had its own place.”

  “Ok,” she says still looking at me dead in the eyes, “But you avoided telling me if this is too fast for you.”

  “Lacey,” I tell her smiling, “I appreciate you looking out for me, but at some point I have to grow up.” I take a deep breath and blow it out. “I’m falling for him. Big time. Is it too fast?” I shake my head because I really don’t know if it’s too fast. “I don’t know if it’s too fast, because I have nothing to compare it to. I decided I’m going to enjoy this. Whatever “this” is.”

  I see the look of relief and pride cross Lacey’s face as she reaches for my hairbrush and plugs in my curling iron, heating it up.

  I watch as she pulls out all my makeup as she lays it all out on the counter and pulls the chair from the corner of the bathroom in front of the mirror and motions for me to sit down.

  “I’m glad hon,” she says brushing through my hair. “You deserve to find love.” She sounds almost desolate and that flash of pain is there in her eyes again, and then it’s gone just as quick. She clears her throat and starts humming so I change the subject.

  “Do you think you could do a bit of makeup or is it a lost cause with all the bruising?”

  She looks me over with a critical eye, turning my face right then left looking me over with a discerning eye.

  “I think I can do a little bit,” she says rummaging through the makeup bag. We chat companionably while she finishes with my makeup, then starts curling my hair. My iron comes with a large box of rollers that all plug into one large unit. So the larger rollers are put into my hair and the tendrils around my face are left to the smaller handheld iron to get the right amount of curl. I spritz some perfume on while Lacey does her own makeup in a smoky eye with ruby red lips. She even applies false eyelashes to plump up her own ridiculously long and thick lashes. Lacey’s perfume is a muskier/spicy scent from Giorgio Armani while I wear a scent from Burberry, something softer. We’re both giggling as we walk to the kitchen, ready to have a glass of wine. I’m curious as to what’s next, other than receiving the invite for the “Fairytale Come True,” I know nothing. Lacey and I both barely take a sip before we hear a bunch of commotion from the other wing of the house and Deacon and Carter come down the hallway, dressed in tuxedos.

  “You ladies look fantastic,” Carter is beaming and looking so handsome in his tux. The doorbell rings and Deacon opens it, welcoming Kalina who is smiling nervously, looking unsure of herself. I notice she’s wearing one of my dresses and I look to Lacey in question and she subtly nods her head at me, so I smile to show her I’m ok with her lending something of mine out. I had said I would when we met before and I meant every word. I hurry to pour Kalina a glass of wine when the doorbell rings again. Carter opens it to reveal the man I had seen at the gym with him is a gorgeous red headed woman and I immediately feel a pang of jealousy wondering who she is.

  “I’ll do intros,” Carter says pointing first to me, “That’s Savannah, Lacey, Kalina, and you know Deacon. Everyone, this is our really good friend Connor and his sister Sloan.” I breathe a little easier hearing she’s a sister of the friend. Jealousy is a new feeling to me and I’m not all that sure I like it. We all do our ‘hellos’ while I hurry to pour some wine for Sloan when I hear footsteps approaching from direction of the garage. I turn my head and smile when I see Reid, my mouth watering at him in a tuxedo. He’s so damn gorgeous, whether he’s in jeans or dressed up, although my favorite look by far is him in his security gear. I have to clench my legs, trying to alleviate the throbbing in my pussy to no avail.

  “Peanut,” he rasps out, “You look gorgeous.” He drops a kiss on my forehead and puts the box he was carrying onto the center island opening it to reveal several wrist corsages. I watch as Carter reaches in and gives one to Sloan, sliding it on her wrist as Deacon does the same for Kalina. Connor smiles at Lacey and reaches into the box for hers, reaching for her hand and sliding it onto her arm. I watch as a look crosses Lacey’s face, it’s one of yearning and my heart hurts for my friend. Kalina looks unsure of herself and watches Deacon like a hawk, not taking her eyes off of him. Carter’s heart is in his eyes, that much is obvious, but I’m unsure of Sloan, she seems so aloof and untouchable.

  I’m startled when Reid reaches for my hand, sliding a corsage on my arm before dropping a kiss on the pulse point on my wrist.

  “Welcome to your Fairytale Come True Peanut. This is the prom you never had.” I gasp as my hands fly to my cheeks, my eyes welling with tears. This man describes himself as a monster, someone not deserving of things that other people have. I don’t know why he feels that way, he isn’t sharing with me, but what I do know is that he is the furthest thing from a monster. I throw my arms around him as everyone around us laughs while I pepper his face with tiny kisses. Reid looks into my eyes and smiles before bending down and giving me a thorough kiss his mouth swallowing my sigh. I pull back from him and giggle nervously then notice we’re alone in the kitchen.

  “Right this way,” Reid says, giving me his elbow and guiding me through the house to a set of closed doors.

  I’m so eager to see what’s beyond those doors.

  Fuck me, she looks gorgeous in red, I have to actually resist the urge to adjust myself as my cock grows in my pants. I guess tonight will truly be a re-enactment of prom if I walk around with a boner all night. I shake off thoughts of prom and turn my attention back on Savannah. She’d worn a red dress to Oblivion that night, the night we met and although I wouldn’t describe myself as the sentimental type, I know I’ll never forget that night so I asked Lacey to find something in red. The lingerie I picked out myself, and fingered the soft lace between my finger
s, imagining how it would look on her. I’ve been having such a good time planning fun dates for Savannah, eager to share in as many of her firsts as I can.

  We come to the game room which Deacon and Carter have been transforming the last few days and I’m eager to see what they came up with. I can hear the music through the doors, each beat matching the thumping of my heart. I take a deep breath and push open the doors and my jaw drops to the floor in shock, my brothers have outdone themselves. This is confirmed by the gasp from Savannah and when I look over at her, she’s got tears in her eyes that have spilled over and onto her cheeks.

  “Its beautiful Reid,” she says softly, “I love it.” I pick up her tiny hand in my large callused one and kiss it softly, smiling

  The entire ceiling is covered in what looks like a million tiny twinkle lights. A Cinderella type carriage is in the corner of the room with soft lights illuminating the interior of the carriage. An area is set aside for dancing and there is a large round table for sitting. A photo booth is set up along one wall with masks, and costumes as props. Savannah claps her hands and pulls me in the direction of the photo booth and picks out a beautiful black and red face mask and grabs a black top hat and a black half mask and hands those to me. She pulls me into the booth and immediately sits on my lap making several faces at the camera, giggling the entire time. I watch her, hungry, my cock throbbing in my pants. She’s so beautiful when she let’s go and enjoys the moment, like she is now. I turn her face to give her a light kiss and then all my good intentions fly out the window as my mouth closes over hers. I groan loudly as we kiss each other, devouring one another. She pulls back breathless then stands up and pulls my arm saying, “We’d better get back out there.”

  We come out of the booth to see the various couples chatting. There is a long table with a punch bowl and I see Carter wink at Savannah as he pours liquor into it, pretending not to get caught when every single one of us can see what he is doing. I shake my head and laugh as Savannah lets out an unladylike snort of laughter as Carter waggles his eyebrows at her. My chest puffs with pride as I hear her sigh happily when I tuck her into the side of my body, sliding my arms around her waist. Every so often I slide my hand down and caress her ass, giving it the odd squeeze.


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