Her Vampire Love

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Her Vampire Love Page 2

by M. J. Perry

  How could I be so turned on? How could I enjoy his dominance?

  He leant over me and ran his nose from my ear down my neck and to my collarbone. My body went into overdrive, goose bumps rose on my skin causing me to shiver. What the hell was going on?

  “Fuck, you smell good.” He groaned against my skin. My whole body felt alive and I wasn’t sure if he was making me feel like this. He had to be didn’t he? I’d never felt all these things before not even with Craig.

  Dexter growled a feral sound. “When it comes to your feelings and your body, know that nothing we do will be by force.” He said angrily. I believed him. The force of his rage could have knocked me over and I tensed. He was so angry.

  “Ok," I said more to calm him than anything else.

  “You’re trying my patience, Georgina.”

  “If you stopped listening to my thoughts you wouldn’t be annoyed,” I pointed out.

  “Smart ass. I can’t help but listen; you project your thoughts so loudly. Besides if I didn’t listen I wouldn’t know what you were thinking.

  “That’s kind of the point. You shouldn’t know my thoughts; they're supposed to be private.”

  “Nothing is private when it comes to you.”

  I tugged my hands, but he only tightened his hold on them. “Will you please let me go?” I begged quietly. I had to move away so I wasn’t touching him; his touch did things to me.

  “I’m not leaving. I’ve told you this already, and now I’m going to show you how good it will be between us.”

  Before I could protest my bra vanished and his mouth was on my hard nipple. My body arched into his. He sucked strongly and then switched to the other nipple. I whimpered. I felt like I was going to explode, I’d never been so close to orgasm by just this touch before. Dexter let go of my wrists and my hands immediately moved to his silky soft hair and fisted it. He looked up at me then, his face filled with lust. He cradled my face in the palms of his hands and touched his lips to mine. They felt hard against my soft ones, his tongue slid into my mouth caressing my tongue gently and I melted into him. If his arms hadn’t been around me holding me up I would have ended up on the floor in a heap. “That’s it, Georgina; I told you your body knows me. It knows we are right together.”

  I heard the satisfaction in his voice and it annoyed me, but it was like I wasn’t in control. My body wanted to be close to him and his warmth, and my mind had no choice. And I knew it was all me. There was no buzzing in my mind, no force from him at all. My mind still fought the suddenness of it all even as my hands left his hair to move to his shoulders so I could push his leather jacket off him. My hands went to the hem of his t-shirt next and gripped it ready to pull it over his head. When his hands clasped mine stopping me I looked up confused. Wasn’t this what he wanted? He smiled at my confusion. I heard a noise and I struggled to understand what it was until I heard my name being called. I looked back at Dexter, he squeezed my shoulders and then in a blink of an eye he disappeared. What the fuck?

  The banging on my door increased and I rushed to it and pulled it open. Janey barrelled into me and we nearly ended up on the floor.

  “Thank god, oh thank god.” She cried before she raised her head from my shoulder to look at me. Her face stained with tears.

  “What’s the matter?” I asked panicked by her expression.

  “You left without saying goodbye. I couldn’t find you anywhere and you didn’t answer your phone.”

  “I texted you,” I told her, I had texted, her hadn’t I?

  “I thought something had happened to you and I would have been my fault because I dragged you to that stupid club in the first place.”

  “Oh, Janey, I’m fine. Nothing bad happened to me.” I reassured her.

  Did it? I asked myself, as I looked down my body and realised I had my shirt on. Maybe I did imagine it all. I shook my head. I’d deal with my craziness later.

  “Come in and I’ll make us a hot chocolate. You can stay with me tonight.” I guided her into my house and closed the door behind her. She was still sniffling “Sit here and I’ll make the drinks. Honey, where is Heather?”

  “She went home. She wasn’t feeling well.”

  She had looked a bit peaky earlier, but she’d convinced us she was fine. I pushed Janey into my armchair and threw my blanket over her. “I’ll be right back.” I’d ring Heather to check on her tomorrow. I picked my phone up to check my messages and I had twenty just from Janey. How the hell had I not heard it ringing?

  I made our drinks feeling off balance from everything that had happened. Janey was my first priority, though. I’d never seen her so upset. Once she was calm I needed to work out what the hell had happened to me. I wasn't sure if I had imagined it, but there was no other explanation that I could come up with. I had to put it out of my mind, my crazy mind that conjured up a sexy man who scared the crap out of me as well as turned me on, a man who could read my thoughts.

  “Janey, baby, drink this,” I held out the mug for her.

  “I'm so sorry I came over here in such a state. I was just so worried. You never disappear like that.”

  I shook my head; I couldn’t tell her the truth. Did I even know the truth myself?

  “I’d had enough of being hit on by pretty boys trying to act like men. I’m the one who’s sorry, I should have come and found you instead of texting you.”

  She sniffed and lifted her mug to her mouth to take a sip. I did the same except my sniff was in appreciation of my chocolate and it accompanied a groan. Boy, did I love chocolate. I finished it and waited for Janey to finish hers before I got up to rinse the mugs. I had a spare room, but I knew she wouldn’t want to sleep alone and I was glad because I didn’t want to either. She followed me into my bedroom and we both got ready for bed, taking it in turns to use the en-suite. I crawled into bed and waited for Janey to do the same then reaching over I turned the lights off. I felt her hand reach for mine and she clasped it tightly. “Are you sure you’re ok?”

  “Yes, sweetie I’m perfect,” I reassured her, trying to reassure myself in the process.

  “Love you, George.”

  “Love you too. Now go to sleep. Everything will be better in the morning.”

  I hoped.

  Chapter Three

  I woke up warm and toasty which was a surprise because my heating never worked properly in the mornings leaving me cold and not wanting to climb out of bed. I opened my eyes expecting to see Janey, but instead, I saw him. Dexter.

  “Where the hell is Janey?” I screeched while I tried to cover myself with the duvet. Dexter yanked the duvet out of my hands and threw it to the floor. Before I could protest he rolled me over and pinned me to the bed, with him on top of me I could feel every hard inch of him.

  “Good morning, sweetness.” He bent his head and placed a kiss on my parted lips.

  “Where the hell is Janey?” I asked again trying to hide my reaction to his kiss.

  “I think the better question would be where are you?”

  I blinked at his smirking face then looked around the room.

  “What the fuck?” I whispered.

  “I told you not to curse.” He warned me in a hard voice.

  His words didn’t penetrate my shock, but him grabbing me and arranging us both until I lay across his lap sure did. I struggled; pretty sure now of what he was planning to do and definitely not wanting it to happen. There was no hope of escape though, he had me pinned, held down by a hand in the small of my back and his leg over the both of mine. I was going nowhere. I opened my mouth to scream, but closed it quickly; I didn’t want to invite more of what was to come.

  “Good girl.” Dexter praised.

  I tensed up, sure he was going to smack me hard, but he didn’t. Instead, his hand stroked my bare bum cheek. Bare cheek? I went to bed with knickers on, did he take them off?

  “Yes.” He answered my unspoken question before he brought his hand down hard on my behind. I yelped loudly, I couldn’t help it
, I’d never been spanked before and it hurt.

  “It’s supposed to hurt; it’s your punishment for defying me.” He brought his hand down again and this time I managed to hold in my yelp by biting my lip.

  “One more Georgina,” He warned before his hand came down again.

  I felt wetness on my cheeks and realised I was crying, from the pain or the fear I wasn’t sure, but it pissed me off. “Where am I and how did I get here?” I asked Dexter. I was still lying across his lap; I didn’t get up because I didn’t want to look at him. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to claw his eyes out or snuggle into his arms.

  “You’re in my home. I brought you here after your friend left a few hours ago.”

  “Janey left?” She wouldn’t go without saying goodbye.

  “I may have suggested that she should go home.”

  “Like a mind order?”

  I felt his body move when he chuckled. “If that’s what you want to call it.”

  “How on earth did you manage to bring me here without me waking up?”

  He shifted my body so I sat across his lap and cupped my head with one of his big hands. “I may have other gifts that you aren’t aware of.”

  “Other gifts, like the disappearing act, you pulled yesterday?”

  “You don’t need to know them all right now. You just need to accept me as your mate.”

  “How do I do that?” Was that my voice all breathless? I didn’t want to accept him as my mate, did I?

  “It will be much easier if you do. I don’t want to force you, but I will for both our sakes.”

  “Force me?” I asked suddenly frightened.

  “You’d enjoy it trust me, but I’d much rather you accepted me.”

  I tried to wriggle off his lap, but he held me still. “I need time to think.”

  I watched him shake his head. “There is no time. Make a decision.” He ordered.

  “I can’t,” I whispered. “I don’t know you; I don’t know what being your mate means. I don’t know anything.”

  “You’ll learn. It’ll be fine. Now make your choice.”

  I shook my head. He made it sound so easy, but nothing made sense.

  Dexter sighed and I watched as his face turned to stone. “Fine,” He said in a rough voice.

  He moved quicker than my eyes could catch and I found myself tied to the headboard of the bed. I stared wide-eyed as he stood at the side of the bed and stripped naked. I closed my eyes against the sight of his huge cock even though the image didn’t leave my mind.

  I tugged on the silk wrapped around my wrists, but it didn’t budge. The bed dipped and I froze waiting for him to do something, not knowing what to expect. When his hand skimmed up my thigh my eyes flew to his. The look in them caused my body to shiver from my head to my toes, it was screaming for release even as my mind looked for a way to escape. Dexter grinned at me, he knew how I felt, could read my thoughts, he knew the fight I was having within and he loved it.

  “Your answers will come sweetness, but first you will.”

  I wanted to, boy did I want to. His hands skimmed higher, missing where I really wanted them to touch and up to my stomach, my muscles clenched at his soft caress and I shivered again as the cold air hit my breasts. I was naked without having to take my t-shirt off. “I didn’t imagine it earlier did I?”

  “No, you didn’t, it’s another gift of mine.” He replied as he cupped my breasts in his hands. I arched into him as pure sensation ran through me. When he took my nipple into his mouth and sucked hard my thoughts scattered. All I felt, all I could think about was him.


  She was perfect. As soon as she’d walked through the door of that shitty club she’d been mine. One look at her and my cock had been hard and my brain had screamed for me to take her. Her brown hair, green eyes and curvy body were a sight that called to me. When I’d heard her friend’s thoughts, I’d been even surer she’d been made for me.

  Her lush, curvy body was begging me to fuck her and it wouldn’t be a hardship. My mate was made for me, and I for her. She needed to accept it and fast; I couldn’t allow her to walk around unmated. From the first touch of our skin, she became more attractive to other supernatural beings and if I didn’t put my mark on her I would have to fight to keep her safe. It didn’t worry me, I knew I could do it, but I didn’t want her in danger and at risk. I couldn’t tell her any of this either until I’d made her mine because I knew she would freak out. She took the mind reading easy enough, but the mind orders she'd pushed to the back of her thought, not thinking about it helped her deal I guess.

  Her body begged for release and I switched from one nipple to the other, listening to her unspoken words screaming at me to suck harder. I moved my hands up to cup her face lifting my head to stare into her eyes. “Mine. You are mine.” I growled. She stared at me with wide eyes. “Say it,” I ordered again, needing her to say it, to admit it.

  “I’m yours.” She whispered. Relief and pride rushed through me. I felt her confusion, she didn’t know why she’d said the words, but she would understand as soon as the mating was complete.

  “Good girl.” I praised before I leant down and kissed her softly on the lips. I kissed down her body until I crouched between her legs; I pushed my hands under her bottom and lifted it hearing the hiss of pain that left her lips as I touched where I’d spanked her earlier. It brought a smile to my face. She watched me with unease, but at the first touch of my mouth to her pussy, she sighed and relaxed. When I licked her clit she whimpered and I knew I had her. I ruthlessly licked and sucked until I had her squirming, pushing herself harder into my mouth searching for her release. Every time she got close I pulled away only to bring her right back to the edge. Finally, I dipped a finger into her checking her readiness, she was dripping for me.

  “Are you ready?” I asked.

  “Yes, yes, please.” She begged.

  I lined myself up and thrust into her in one go. She screamed and exploded into orgasm, it was a beautiful sight to see. I kept thrusting, and it wasn’t long until I was close, her tight, wet heat was too much. Her legs tightened around my waist and when the first burst of seed hit her insides, her muscles gripped me tighter and she climaxed with me. My teeth lengthened, and I felt them cut into my lip before I lowered my head and bit her neck just below her pulse marking her as mine. She tensed in surprise, her mind filled with pain for a split second before pleasure hit her and she screamed out. I licked the marks I’d left behind to seal the cuts and then licked her blood off my lips. I wouldn’t take any more than a taste, I would wait for her permission, I’d already forced her to accept me, I wouldn’t force her to let me drink her blood as well. My cock grew hard once again and I started to move, this time slow and steady, keeping to the rhythm when I felt her come down from her high. Her eyes opened I could see her shock. Her mind was trying to process what had happened. I needed her to relax so I could explain what was next, but I was afraid her panic would take her over. I cupped her face and gently tilted it so she had to look at me. My teeth had receded and I watched her eyes take that in before they met mine. I lowered my head slowly, as I didn’t want to spook her and I kissed her. She gasped and I slipped my tongue between her open lips caressing her little tongue with my own. She kissed me back, hesitant at first until I moved my cock in and out of her still kissing her, rubbing her clit as I did it. Her body subtly moved, chasing my hips when I pulled out. I nearly smiled. My rhythm didn’t change, but my kiss did. I ravaged her mouth, taking what I wanted, forcing my dominance on her, and showing her who was in charge. She needed to know otherwise she was going to be in for a rough time.

  We reached our peak together and I pulled my lips away from hers so I could watch her face. I growled her name as I came inside her again. I didn’t need protection with her, she is my mate and the thought of having a family with her, of seeing her grow large with my child was a dream I didn’t think would happen. In my four hundred years, I’d never believed I would find her,
my soulmate, but I was fucking glad I’d been proven wrong. She’d understand once she knew everything and if she didn’t I would make her. There was no getting away from me. I looked at her neck where my mark was and I grinned. Nope, there was no getting away from me.

  I reached to untie her hands, I could have removed the silk with a single thought, but she’d had enough for today.

  She opened her eyes and stared at me in awe, and a little fear. Looking at my mouth where my teeth had again extended she whispered, “Vampire.” and then she fainted.


  I touched her mind with mine. Her fear and confusion hit me hard. Her mind needed time to accept she was safe with me. I could easily help her with that, but I’d promised myself I wouldn’t force her feelings. Goosebumps appeared on her silky skin and I pulled the sheet over us both. I had no urge to leave her so I gathered her close and carefully curved my body around hers listening to her steady breathing. For the first time in four hundred years, I knew what peace felt like.

  Chapter Four

  I fought my way to consciousness, the first thing I became aware of was a warm body wrapped around mine, the second was a heart beating slow and steady in my ear. Why did he have a heartbeat if he was dead? I felt more than heard his chuckle. “Georgina, I’m not dead, I’m just a vampire.”

  “But vampires are dead,” I stated.

  “In your many books and films, they are, but not in real life. Vampires are very much alive we’re just harder to kill humans.”

  “Who drink blood.” I shuddered, remembering the flash of pain and then the intense pleasure I’d felt when his teeth had bit into my neck. I raised my hand to touch the spot and hissed at the tenderness I felt.


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