Red Awakening: (Red Knight #2)

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Red Awakening: (Red Knight #2) Page 2

by L. C White

  I yank my coat sleeves down over my damp jumper, when the house phone rings again. I growl out as I answer.


  “Lizzy, have you forgot?”

  “Forgot what Mum?”

  Her long sigh travels through the receiver. “We have a table booked for eight at Le Gavroche. Do you think I’m going to wear a bin bag to one of the classiest joints in London?”

  “Fuck!” I hang up, sliding the phone across the work surface, like it has just scorched my hand.

  Adrien book this weeks ago. I swear I’m going to rip my own hair out I’m so cross. I can’t believe I forgot.

  I dash through the lounge. Adrien is picking me up in thirty minutes. I have pig snot on me, my hair’s a frigging mess, and I stink of that farm.

  There’s a knock on the door, and I know it very well. He’s early. Cate peeks over the sofa, realising I need a miracle makeover. I see that excitement flash across her eyes at the thought of the challenge.

  “You get the door; I’ll go get my stuff,” she orders, springing off the sofa.

  I open the door, hyperventilating, as a rampant heat takes my body. Wow, he’s all suited and booted. Looking so fine in his charcoal suit, pale blue shirt, fitted trousers that make his thighs and backside very tempting to grab. His eyes grow wide and lips pucker at the sight of me.

  “You forgot.” He marches by me, and like a mouse to the pied piper, his scent makes me follow. “Have you been mud wrestling or something? Not that I have a thing against mud wrestling, but you won’t be allowed within ten feet of Le Gavroche dressed like that.”

  This day is just about as bad as it gets, and it’s not going to get much better. I storm by him, seizing the last drop of wine I have left. He steps in front of me and looks down with that obliging thoughtful gaze of his.

  “I have had the most horrendous day. If you give me half an hour, I’ll be ready,” I whisper in exhaustion.

  “Well I did tell you, you should work for me.” His brow creases as he eyes me up and down. “At least it’s clean work.”

  I blow out an annoyed breath. I have told him, I don’t want to be some kept woman. I have also told him, I need to make my own way in this world, without living off his riches.

  “I don’t mind getting dirty from time to time.”

  He bends to my ear, his soft sweet smelling cheek brushing against mine. I hold in a breath, struggling not to be distracted by his lethal sexiness.

  “I’m well aware of that,” he says in a deep naughty tone. “But we would not be having this problem right now, would we?”

  “Adrien, thirty minutes,” I say, adamantly.

  “Fine… calm down, and go wash that stink off you.”

  I rush into my half boxed up bedroom, and pull my little black dress out of the wardrobe. Tonight will be the official meet and greet between Adrien and Mum. She knows we’re engaged, and when she did find out, she wanted to throw us a party, but I point blank refused. This way, she’ll have to be on her best behaviour. There will be no party games, and no sex toys flying around the room. Tonight it will be five star cuisine and adult dialogue only, but that still doesn’t make me want to go. I can foresee a calamity. My mother is a calamity.

  Chapter 2: Bad to Fantastic


  I lean back in the passenger seat, looking through the window. We’ve arrived at Le Gavroche, and with five minutes to spare. Once upon a time, I would have been all excited about him bringing me to one of these posh eateries. But I’m exhausted. And jeez, I’ve got to spend all night making sure my Mother remains compos mentis. I don’t mean to sulk, but I can’t help it.

  “Hey,” Adrien’s gentle voice lures me to turn. “This is supposed to be a happy occasion.”

  “Sorry,” I shrug, deflating rapidly.

  “You had the day from hell, I get that.” He reaches across and tucks my straightened hair behind my ear. “It’s done with now, so let’s enjoy the evening.”

  “My idea of hell hasn’t finished yet,” I whine. “If I was like you, today would have been a breeze. I could have flit through it.”

  He shakes his head at me, his disposition frosty. “I thought you had got that out of your head. Why bring it up now?” He stares, and no matter how beautiful his eyes are, that gold glint is not best pleased with me.

  “Well it’s true,” I maintain. “I mean, how long before you start to see me differently; when my nipples are touching my knees?”

  His lips curl into a light laughter. He seems very amused at my complete cheerless state.

  “Look.” His hand sweeps up my leg. “I’ve told you before, over and over, come work for me.”

  “It’s not just the job Adrien, it’s this.” I wave my hand at the window. “My Mother is probably in there right now, trying to seduce the chef.”

  Smiling, he unclips his seatbelt. “I’m sure it will all go smoothly.”

  Yeah, as smoothly as sandpaper on skin. God, he has no idea. I’m beginning to regret choosing this place. It’s really busy. Maybe I should have took Mum up on her offer, and had dinner at her house with Adrien, out of the public eye.

  “Good evening, Mr Knight,” a male waiter greets behind the booking stand, as we stroll through the doors.

  “Good evening, Josh. Has the rest of my party arrived yet?” I do love his decorous stance, it’s all very la-de-dah, and sexy.

  “I’ve just this second started, so let me see.” Josh peers down at the reservation list.

  Adrien glances at me with a brief smile as my eyes scan the full room. This place is Adrien all over. It’s refined, with elegant furnishings, and deep coloured walls. It’s warm, and the smells in here are mouth-watering.

  “I’m afraid they haven’t arrived yet,” Josh says. “Would you like me to show you to your table anyway, or would you like drinks in the bar.”

  “We’ll wait in the bar, Josh. Thank you.” Adrien takes my arm and we make our way into the bar area.

  Adrien greets the bartender with a nod. “Can I please have a double malt?” He turns to me. “Elizabeth?”

  I wouldn’t mind a bottle of bud, but I think I’ll keep that one to myself.

  “Wine please.”

  “And a glass of Pinot Blanc as well please.”

  Oh no, I can hear her, and Geoff. Why does he sound like he’s choking when he laughs? And he’s so loud with it. What are they doing out there, fighting? All I can hear is Mum’s squeaky voice, and Geoff spluttering.

  I incline, using Adrien’s body as a shield, watching his wet supple lips on the crystal glass. I’m hoping they might not see us and leave.

  “Lizzy!” Too good to be true.

  Adrien turns to look over my shoulder. I can’t follow his eyes; I’ve sort of got myself stuck this way. My brain is refusing to acknowledge their presence. He gazes down at me with a grin, bending to my ear.

  “Your mom is waiting. It should be you telling me to be nice, not the other way round, Elizabeth… Remember, no matter what I learn tonight, I’ll still always find you completely fuck-worthy.” He kisses my cheek.

  I giggle, turning to my mum, but stop when I see what she’s wearing: a fuchsia pink puffball dress. Oh my god, why Mum. This is not eighties retro night down at the local pub. And her hair, it’s been backcombed to death.

  “Adrien.” She slants across and gives greeting kisses.

  “Ah Mrs Ruby, you look ravishing.”

  For fuck sake. He really shouldn’t flirt with her. It’s a slippery slope, and the outcome will be disastrous. I nudge his arm lightly, hoping he understands the shameful warning lines on my face.

  “You have got yourself a good un here, Lizzy.” Mum tugs on my hand. “You look after him, if you know what I mean,” she winks enthusiastically.

  “Good to see you again mate,” Geoff shakes hands.

  “Okay, have we to find our table.” Adrien takes the lead and I remain behind, with one excited Mother glued to my arm.

  We’re shown to a large bo
oth with royal green tufted seating. Adrien and I sit at one end, and Geoff and Mum the opposite. All diners thankfully appear oblivious, that an actual eighties middle-aged call-girl has just entered the room. Small mercies I suppose.

  “So Adrien, is this a regular venue for you.” Mum looks around with her mouth ajar. “Is this like your version of pizza hut?”

  I exhale, angrily. “Mum, you’re drawing attention to yourself.”

  “Oh Elizabeth, lighten up will you.” Adrien gently squeezes my hand under the table. “I do business here once in a while,” he replies to Mum.

  Geoff has had the menu in his hands since we sat down. He’s scanning it to see if there’s anything on it at discount price, like a two for one meal deal. His reluctance to breathe is telling me no. It can’t be that expensive. I open my menu to take a look. Wow, okay, it’s a little steep, but I guess you get what you pay for. There are no french-fry and burger deals served at Le Gavroche.

  A waiter stands at our table with the wine list. Adrien takes it and studies it in great depth. He’s working out what each of us would like. He’s good at this wine connoisseur stuff. I’ve learned not to disagree when he chooses. Every time he takes charge, whether it be red or white, I always enjoy it.

  As Adrien reads from the list, I catch Mum ogling him. I screw up my face at her. If I could reach under this table, I’d kick her.

  “We’ll have a bottle of Dormaine Laroach Chablis, and a Rio Crianza, please.” Adrien hands the list back to the waiter.

  God, if Mum’s eyelids widen any further, her eyeballs will fall out onto the table. And Geoff, well, he’s acting like I once would in a place like this, fidgety. He’s messing with his brown suit lapels, perspiring, with an uneasy bobbing leg knocking the table every once in a while.

  “So, when is the big day then?” Mum beams.

  She’s not even aiming that question at me. Adrien has dug himself a huge hole flirting with her. He’s given her the ammo so she can use her middle age hormones on him. For the rest of the evening, she will bat her lashes, toy with him, and make this as awkward as possible for me.

  “Well, when everything has come together, you’ll be the first to know,” he says.

  Tilting my head, I look under my brow at him. Has he been playing wedding organiser without me? The last time we discussed the big day, he swept it under the carpet. I wasn’t upset, we’ve both been busy, so I thought we’d be having a long engagement. He notices my confused glare, offering me a faint suspicious smile as the waiter arrives with our wine.

  After the ritual of wine tasting before the waiter, to see if all is satisfactory, Adrien has gone for the red like always, and Mum and I the white. Geoff, well, of course he’s lowered the tone, and is now holding what I wanted: a nice chilled bottle of beer.

  Mum consumes an entire glass as though she’s arid, then pours herself another.

  “A toast,” she lifts her glass. “To my baby girl and her prince charming.”

  I roll my eyes as we all clink glasses. The wine has started to have an effect on her already, and we’ve not even ordered food yet. So to prevent her from having the whole bottle to herself, I empty the rest into my glass.

  “So Ruby, how’s business?” Adrien asks as a dread grabs hold of me, burning me up inside.

  I mean, who the hell wants to talk about sex toys and latex in a classy place like this. Has he lost his damn mind bringing it up? He knows how much I hate the subject. I feel a bathroom break coming on.

  The waiter returns to the table. This should neutralise the conversation, surely. I pick up my menu and look at the starters.

  “I’m sorry,” the waiter says. “I forgot to introduce myself. I’m Marcus, and I’m your waiter for the evening.”

  “It’s fine Marcus,” Adrien says.

  Mum is not even looking at the Menu.

  Why are you not looking Mum… please don’t speak. I can see it in your face. You are actually going to answer Adrien’s question, right in front of this nice waiter.

  “Business has never been better,” she says, as I pull the menu up in front of my blushing face. “The sex industry always does well in the summer period; warm enough for us girls to fashion sexy lace for you gents.”

  Now she picks up her menu.

  “Good. We’ll have to come and take a look, won’t we Elizabeth?”

  Oh my god, is he doing this on purpose.

  “Yes you should,” she beams.

  Marcus releases an interruptive cough. “Can I take your order then?” He fumbles with his pad and pen, awkwardly.

  Geoff orders first. He seems very keen, probably after realising he’s not paying for any of this. Mum orders hers, then Adrien, and finally me. I go for the soufflé for starters, and fillet beef for the main.

  It’s all gone quiet in our booth, and what happens when there is an awkward silence: you drink more. Three bottles have been brought to our table, and I’m still only on my second glass. Adrien knows I’m not liking this. The shop talk has put me in a real foul mood, and I just want to go home.

  “So Geoff, what is it you do?” Adrien asks as I glare at Mum, drinking wine like water.

  “I’m a telecom engineer. Shit job, shit pay, and…”

  Mum pushes his arm. “Less of the language.”

  “Well, I’ve worked for them for twenty years now,” he whines. “Nothing changes. The fat cats get huge pay rises, and I’ve only been offered a measly two and a half percent.”

  Our food arrives, thank god. At least I can stop minding Mum for five minutes, while she puts something other than wine into her mouth.

  I dig into the soft soufflé. The steam from the centre smells wonderful. I slide it into my mouth, and notice Adrien eyeing my movements. He smiles slyly. I know exactly what he’s comparing my spoon to.

  Mum chews on her pasta. She is still downing the wine between mouthfuls, and now her eyes are showing that drunken glaze.

  “Lizzy, honey.” She wiggles her fingers at me. “Let me look at that rock of yours again.”

  I hold out my hand, begrudgingly. She pulls and angles my engagement ring under the light, examining the authenticity. I draw back my arm, leaving her with one eye shut.

  “That must have cost you a good bob or two,” Geoff adds.

  Jeez, what a tactless thing to say. Even if he slipped a plastic ring from a cracker onto my finger, I’d have said yes. This is beginning to get insulting, and Adrien doesn’t deserved to be scrutinised for his success.

  “Nothing, is too good for our Lizzy.” Mum cackles and snorts like a drunken witch.

  “Mum,” I snap “Maybe you should have a glass of water with the main.”

  Adrien frowns at me because I’m being a party-pooper, but I don’t care. She will end up on the floor if she carries on like this.

  “Elizabeth, your mom is a grown woman. If she wants wine, then wine she shall have.”

  Wow, what the hell is this? Have I to just leave them all to it. Seems Adrien has found himself a new BFF.

  Marcus removes the empty plates then serves the main. We all have the fillet of beef, apart from Mum, she opted for the spinach and haddock ravioli. I peer at Adrien’s plate, the meat is so raw, it could walk out of here. Mum stares, stunned by the blood oozing out as he slides his knife through it. This is normal for me to see when we eat out. He very rarely eats at all. He doesn’t need food. He’s never hungry. One bag of blood a day provides him with enough nutrition. ‘You don’t need food when you’re dead,’ he told me. What’s on his plate now, is just for show.

  “How did you two meet,” Adrien asks, wiping his lips on a napkin.

  Mum finishes her second bottle of wine, restless in her seat, wondering where the next one is. I leave half of my main course. I can’t stomach it over the shame, watching Mum growing garish. I’m no snob, and I don’t mind her having fun. But not here.

  “Well, I met Geoff here,” she nudges his arm. “Through one of those speed dating events, after I got rid of that bas
tard!” Oh great, now the whole room has gone quiet. “My second fella was good in the sack, but that was about it.”


  “Shush up Lizzy… Mummy can… hold her booze.”

  She’s doing the one eye trick and swaying in her seat. She’s going to face plant the table any second.

  “Coffee?” Adrien asks, understanding now what will happen if she continues.

  Mum snatches Geoff’s bottle of beer, swigs, and belches out for all to hear. Mad, I arch across the table cloth.

  “For god sake Mum!” I grit my teeth.

  “I think it’s about time we call it a night,” Geoff says, still relatively sober.

  Adrien pays the bill, plus a huge tip; a tip that makes my mum curse out loud. I’m so damn cross with her. One night and she couldn’t behave, not even for me.

  Adrien slips his wallet into his back trouser pocket.

  “Ruby, let’s get you home,” he extends his hand.

  If it were up to me, I’d just leave her here.

  “Don’t put yourself out. I’ll just call a taxi.” Geoff threads his arms into his brown cord jacket.

  “No need, I’ll drive,” Adrien insists.

  I remain silent on the way to Mum’s house. I won’t be ready to speak to her for some time after tonight’s events. She was acting like a hormonal teenager, rebelling in her forties. It’s always the same, a few drinks down her neck, and she thinks she’s eighteen again.

  Adrien calls goodbye as Geoff guides Mum’s staggering body up the driveway. I stay still. I refuse to help when she’s in that state. She knows I’m pissed-off with her. I think she got the message when I turned my head away when she tried to kiss me.

  Thankfully, after huffing out loud to let Adrien know I’m done with tonight, he pulls out onto the road.

  My head is banging. It’s probably high blood pressure, and all Mother inflicted. I run my fingers through my hair as I sink into the seat.

  “What is your problem tonight?” Adrien asks as we turn left.

  “Nothing,” I utter.

  “Yeah right… there was no need to be so cold to your mom.” His eyes flick on me for a second. “She’s really nice.”


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