Red Awakening: (Red Knight #2)

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Red Awakening: (Red Knight #2) Page 11

by L. C White

  “Excuse me,” the vampire stops me. “You can’t go down there.”

  Crap, now what do I do? I don’t know what I’m dealing with here. Whatever it is, it’s bad, I can feel it. If Adrien is in trouble, I have to help him.

  “Why the hell not?” I try not to show my unease.

  “You are not to go down there,” he insists, standing at least two foot over me.

  Okay, that’s it. I’m not going to let this beanpole tell me where I can and cannot go on my wedding day. I want to see Adrien, and find out what the hell is going on.

  “And who are you?” I ask, with my hands on my hips.

  “I am here to stop you, going through that door,” he condescends.

  I glare at him then take the leap, thrusting my way through the door. With haste, I dash down a small warm hallway as the beanpole pursues me. My ankle twists in the stupid four inch heels I have on, but I manage to regain balance as I reach the glass doors. I stop, my eyes finding Adrien sitting with a woman. I gape at them talking as I’m grabbed by cold hands.

  “Get your hands off me right now,” I yell at the beanpole. “You fuckin freak!”

  Adrien turns to see me thrashing to get through the doors. He shakes his head in embarrassment, but that doesn’t stop my anger, only fuels it. He’s with another woman on our wedding day, all secretive. I want to scratch her eyes out.

  The woman stands up. She’s wearing a long white dress and a black leather jacket. I manage to yank myself free, and burst through the doors. I scowl at her. God, she’s only about seventeen. Is this what he’s hiding from me; he’s having an affair with some kid.

  She’s expressionless, with long sleek black hair, and dark blue penetrating eyes. My frown falls down her body. Why the fuck has she got no shoes on? I stare at her dirty bare feet, then look up at her from beneath my livid brow.

  “What?” I snap at her mannequin like face.

  “Elizabeth,” Adrien’s deep unimpressed voice calls me.

  “Who are you, and what are you doing at my wedding… with my husband, can I just add.”

  Adrien looks at the girl warily, as she continues to gaze at me. She doesn’t even blink. I’m still waiting for some sort of explanation, for one little change in her frozen features. But there is nothing there. She’s like one of those freaky porcelain dolls.

  Adrien comes to stand at my side. He bends to my ear, making me flinch away from him slightly.

  “Elizabeth, stop with the eyes,” he utters. “You’re sizing up someone who will kill you without a second thought.” My breath is instantly taken, as I gingerly move my view onto Adrien. “Elizabeth - Selene. Selene - Elizabeth,” he says, blowing out.

  Oh shit. I’ve just pissed-off a pure blood. Adrien’s maker. How the hell was I supposed to know who she was? She looks like a kid who’s just come here from some wild Goth night out. I can’t even look at her now. She’s probably listening to the terrified blood pumping through my veins.

  In complete shame, I gawp at the empty breakfast bar, avoiding eye contact. I inhale, cramming my lungs with air as I hesitantly turn to her.

  “Adrien,” Selene’s high, but eerie voice says, “Your wife is a remarkably beautiful creature.”

  I tremble, feeling any moment I’ll quiver to the floor. Wow, I have to be the most inferior being she’s ever been near. I sure feel that way.

  “Elizabeth, I came to congratulate you both… please sit.” She almost floats down into the high back leather chair.

  Adrien follows suit, as I remain stood in a state of astonishment at who I’m in the room with.

  “Sit!” Adrien yaps at me.

  I inelegantly fall down into the seat next to Adrien.

  “Wine?” she asks, unscrewing the cap from a bottle of red.

  I nod a yes, and have to force myself to stop nodding.

  She slides the full glass before me, and waits for me to drink. I unclench the fabric of my skirt, lift the glass to my lips, and take a large mouthful. My eyes crease as I swallow, trying not to gag. It has to be the worst wine I have ever tried. It’s definitely gone off, it tastes foul. In my lifetime, I’ve experimented with some pretty atrocious alcohol. But this stuff is by far the worst.

  She watches with great interest, waiting for me to swallow again. I have to force it down without groaning out in disgust.

  “Here,” she slides a full glass to Adrien. “Your turn.”

  Oh, he’s going to absolutely hate this. I’m just as fixated on him as Selene seems to be. He places the glass to his lips, and tips it all into his mouth in one go.

  “Now, drink up Elizabeth, and then we can finish what we were discussing.” She smiles strangely at me.

  I look at my half-full glass. The one thing I don’t want to do, is offend her. I’m picking up that vibe from Adrien as he shuffles in his seat, deeply disturbed by the wine he’s just consumed.

  “Do you not want a glass?” I ask.

  “Elizabeth, Selene does not drink,” Adrien says.

  “Well we all know that’s a lie, Adrien. I drink several times a day, just not what you humans are accustom to,” she explains.

  I pick up my glass, feeling foolish, and do exactly what Adrien did, down it in one. It’s travelling down my neck, leaving a bitter metallic taste coating my throat.

  “Right, where were we,” she says. “Oh yes, your service to us over the years Adrien, is appreciated by all twelve members of the Sange Pentru.”

  I’m kind of awestruck. She’s so detached, cold, and superior. She’s nothing like Adrien at all; not one shred of human in her. Even her words don’t sound real, more machine like, fake. I don’t understand why she’s come all this way just to congratulate a Demi vampire, at what must be a mediocre event to her.

  “I wanted to see you before your honeymoon, and introduce our new Executive,” she says, looking through the glass doors. “Vincent is one of our best, and I’m sure one day he will do for the order, what you have done.”

  “I’m sure he will, and I’ll make the change over as smooth as possible,” Adrien adds.

  Vincent, the lanky vampire outside. Yeah, sure he looks reliable. He’s about as shifty looking as a second hand car dealer, whose hobby is mass murder.

  “You’re unsure?” Selene quizzes me.

  Oops, clearly my thoughts are written all over my face, or she’s a mind reader.

  I gulp. “I just think Adrien does a very good job here,” I quietly say. “And I really think he should continue.”

  I dread to think of the whole system going down, vampires running around the city because Adrien is not there to take charge.

  “Elizabeth, you are overopinionated sometimes,” Adrien grumbles. “This is what I want.”

  “Maybe one day, I’ll have female Executives like you, Elizabeth. Adrien, I can see why she means so much to you.”

  Even though this is all getting very complimentary, it’s still the most uncomfortable encounter I’ve ever been a part of. I look to Adrien’s disgruntled face. I’ve put him on the spot. I take his hand under the table by way of an apology.

  “I agree with you.” She pays a strange attention to us holding hands, like she’s getting off on it. “But I think such a valuable asset as yourself, Elizabeth, needs to be taken care of.” She stands up, and so does Adrien. “But you will remain on call if Vincent needs you?”

  “Of course,” Adrien bows to her.

  “I hope that this will not be our last meeting.”

  Selene slowly saunters across the carpet. Vincent opens the door for her. I have never seen anyone walk so lightly. She’s on air, barely moving her legs at all. I stand up from the chair to view her better.

  She turns to look at Adrien and me over her shoulder. “I’ll be very sad to see my best move on. However, I know it will be a very worthwhile decision in the long run,” she smiles. “Now, you enjoy your honeymoon, and I’ll be in contact, soon.” She and Vincent leave.

  I watch Adrien. He’s motionless, confused,
still looking at the doors. I’ve never seen him like this.

  “That was so bizarre,” I say.

  He turns, his eyes changing from puzzled to tender. “Timing is nothing to her,” he says. “I’m sorry. Business haunts me,” he sighs. “I never thought for a second she’d turn up like that.”

  “It was only a matter of time before we crossed paths, Adrien,” I say. “So what did all that actually mean?”

  He lies his hand below my ear. “It means now I’m all yours.”

  Chapter 12: His Terms


  We said our goodbyes to everyone at the party. Mum was intoxicated, wilting over the chair next to long suffering Geoff. I kissed her head and received nothing but a drunken mumble. Cate and Dom were getting a bit too close, leaving Pete talking trains with a very interested Kim. And Nathan and Sara were the only ones left on the dancefloor, uninterested by our departure.

  Now we’re travelling up the drive between the oak trees, toward Adrien’s home here in Killiecrankie. He once told me he plans to sell this place. But it’s so beautiful, I’m tempted to make him change his mind.

  Ben cuts out the engine of the black Mercedes, which has been decorated tastefully with ivory ribbon. I lift my head from Adrien’s chest, glancing up at the building my love for him took my heart.

  Ben gets out and opens the door for me with a sweet valiant bow. Poor Ben, he’s worked so hard today, catering to everyone’s whims on Adrien’s orders. Having his head bitten off due to the unwanted appearance of, Selene. I smile up to him as I step out onto the gravel.

  “Ben.” I hold his forearm. “You’ve been a star today, thank you.” I rise up on my toes and peck his cheek.

  “It’s his job,” Adrien jokes.

  “No it is not, he’s family, and you should credit him more.”

  “Elizabeth, getting a real thank you out of him, is like farting gold dust,” Ben laughs.

  Adrien grabs hold of Ben and they do the macho patting on the back thing.

  “See,” Ben pulls back. “That’s as good as it gets. Now you two, have work to do.” He winks cheekily, getting back into the Merc to drive away.

  I take a breath and rotate, to suddenly find myself up in Adrien’s arms. I giggle, cherishing his warm eyes.

  “Mrs Knight.” I laugh, because even though I love it, the name change is going to take some getting used to. “The first threshold of many.” I frown as he carries me toward the door. “We’ll only be here for one night. Then we move on.”

  “Move on where?” I’m impatient to know.

  “Ah,” he teases. “This is only our first port of call. I intended keeping it from you. But I know when tomorrow comes, you’ll give me a migraine, grilling me.” His pupils disappear under his lids, as he goes annoyingly quiet.

  My belly flurries. “You have to tell me now.”

  “It will be very private, with stunning scenery.” His lips seal with a cocky grin.

  “Adrien,” I squeal.

  “Tomorrow, we fly to Italy, and that’s all you are going to get out of me.”

  Okay, I’m not going to let my quivering happy lips release this excited scream I’m holding inside, no matter how difficult it is. But jeez, Italy and stunning scenery. I’ve kind of got a tiny inkling we’re going to one of the lakes. I could just blurt it out and dance around the room, but I won’t. I’m going to be mature like Adrien.

  “Hmm… and what clothes am I supposed to take with me?”

  I haven’t packed a suitcase. All I brought here with me is my small overnight bag, and that is back at the hotel.

  “It’s all been taken care of… thanks to Cate and Sara.”

  Shit. Cate packing my clothes. Sara organising my underwear. God, I dread to think what kind of outfits they’ve conjured up for me. I’ll probably have several ultraviolet mini dresses to choose from, an array of uncomfortable cheese string thongs, and transparent bras.

  “Stop worrying. I told them to purchase only what you would wear.”

  He sure knows how to throw a spanner into the works. My mind is now whizzing with eagerness. I must pull myself together, my giggling is not the greatest sultry look for him to witness on our wedding night. I tenderly nibble at his bottom lip. I have to do something, and imagining us consummating our marriage, is working very well.

  He places me down carefully and my breath is taken. The sofa and table have been removed. Now there’s a huge thick cream rug, with white scatter cushions and blankets set before the fire. Red and white rose petals are scattered beneath my satin shoes, which lead from the door to the rug. Candles are lit, warmly glinting all around our makeshift bed. And there’s a bottle of champagne with two flutes on the mantel. It reminds me of a scene from a woodland cabin on a winter’s night.

  He tugs my hand, waking me from my trance. “Elizabeth.” He kisses my outer ear, delicately. “I want to make love to my wife.” My chest flutters as I turn to him. “Go and freshen up.”

  “I need you… to untie me,” I nearly moan out.

  “Hmm.” His lips purse wickedly.

  His fingers snake around my waist and turn me with force, so my hands land shoulder length apart on the wall. I peer beneath my arm to see him removing his jacket, rolling up his sleeves, gazing like he’s about to do some serious work on me. God, this dress, no matter how gorgeous it may be, is now a hindrance. I dig my fingernails into the wall, waiting on tenterhooks.

  He sways side to side, lingering with predatory eyes. Then his finger, just one, winds down my neck softly. I angle my chin down with a silent gasp as he begins to unravel me, one button at a time. With each pluck, his touch creates a hypersensitive sensation all over my skin. I have to swallow the urge narrowing my throat, repeatedly. And I can sense the heat of the flaming candles on my bare flesh, as the back of my dress falls apart, like my whole being is doing right now. He stops, and I feel his eyes on me.

  “Elizabeth,” his low voice and cool breath excite my pores. “You have a bag in the bathroom… I want this to be perfect.” He kisses the base of my neck. “I want you to please me, slowly, deeply, all night long.”

  I turn to him in darkness, parting my eyelids to see his pleading expression, and wow, he’s so right. I want tonight to last; to be unadulterated and memorable in every way imaginable.

  I approach the stairs, knowing that this is a big deal; knowing that this isn’t just about a quick fuck. It is as important as sliding the wedding ring onto his finger. It’s a loving ritual. A commitment. Flesh on flesh.


  I unzip the black leather bag on the grey marble bathroom counter. Jeez, there’s all-sorts in here: toothbrush, hair brushes, make-up, and deodorant. There is even a brand new bottle of Hugo Red; the perfume I haven’t used since that night at The Mill, when I nearly hurled all over him. I smile, feeling overwhelmed as I step out of my dress. Carefully, I retrieve it from the cream floor tiles, and lie it over the edge of the bathtub. I squirt a little of the Hugo Red under each ear and over my wrists, then give my teeth a quick brush.

  Now I’m standing in my lingerie: lace ivory bra, lace hipster briefs, suspender belt, and stockings, but I’m unsure. It’s the belt and stockings that I don’t like. My feet just don’t look very sexy, and I feel like I’m wearing socks.

  I hum and argh for a few second, then quickly remove the belt, and whip off the stockings. Much better. I grab the white fluffy bathrobe from the door, inhale, and make my way out onto the landing.


  As soon as my eyes find him, my heart quivers at what I class to be: hot as hell, sexy as sin, beauty. He’s lying naked on his side, with a blanket strewed over his perfect pale skin. His view is static on me standing here, wrapped up in this thick bathrobe. Oh god, I feel like I’m being judged.

  Think sexy thoughts Liz. Okay, so you’ve never purposely modelled underwear for him. But he’s seen every inch of you. He’s tasted and touched you. Stop being so bloody uptight.

  I breathe out and reach up to the
pearl comb in my hair. Gently, I slide out the teeth and remove the clip to let down my locks. He watches as I position the loose curls over my shoulder, and place the comb on the mantel.

  “Ready?” His sultry eyes pull me in.

  My bare feet move across the cool parquet floor. I stop with the tips of my toes delving into the edge of the soft downy rug. His bicep tenses as he manoeuvres up slightly to see me better. I pull on the towel belt, revealing my lace clad skin, and let the bathrobe fall to the floor. The moments overwrought; hot and sensual. My lungs fill with carnal anticipation as his desiring golden gaze soaks me up.

  He swallows. “Elizabeth.” His jaw pulses. “Don’t make me wait.”

  The candle light fluctuates as I lie down by his side. I curl my toes into the rug as he scoops his hand over my neck. He stares down at me, doesn’t say a word, and moves to my face. I cup his cheek with one hand and the other I trail over the curvature of his smooth hip. He progresses over my weakened desperate body, his lips caressing mine, so slow, so soft. This is completely different and wonderful. I’m emotionally stirred, not only by lust, but love.

  He rests his head on mine and we gaze into each other. I swig away the growth choking me, and his breath I breathe in. He moves up over me. I shut my eyes as his hand sweeps down over my nipple and belly, his fingers coming to a stop over the damp lace, teasing me with slight strokes.

  “My wife,” he says, brushing over my sex so damn slowly. “My lover.” I release a frustrated moan as he slips my panties down. “You will never want for anything.” He crawls up over my body, and I feel his erection touching my opening, faintly. “I’m nothing,” he almost growls into my mouth, coaxing my eyes to open. “Without you.”

  He enters me with a gradual lunge. He’s savouring and staring into me like I am his mirror; our expectations of this night the same. My fingertips claw into his back as he moves me so we’re both sitting upright. My legs wind around him as we grind together, slow, deep, and hard. His hands scour up my spine to cradle me into his body tighter.


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