The Forbidden City

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The Forbidden City Page 4

by Ian Page

  Turn to 125.


  You are loath to waste time: only ten days remain for you to reach Desolation Valley. Nevertheless, you cannot but wonder just who, or what, could be following you.

  The evening draws in and still there is no sign of your pursuer. Urik sights a small grove of trees and suggests that you shelter there for the night.

  If you wish to do as Urik suggests, turn to 57.

  If you wish to trap your pursuer before sleeping, turn to 22.

  If you have the Magical Power of Prophecy and wish to use it to discover the identity of your pursuer, turn to 35.


  When you wake, a chill fever grips your body; it is the touch of the Deathgaunt, spreading through your veins like a river of ice. You are too weak to travel any further today and your body is hungry for sleep.

  If you possess the Magical Power of Alchemy and have an Azawood Leaf or a portion from a Bundle of Azawood Leaves in your Herb Pouch, turn to 299.

  If not, turn to 265.


  You walk down to the bank of the fast-flowing river. It is not particularly wide, but Samu warns you that its current is swift enough to sweep a man away if due caution is not exercised. He goes first, diving into the river and swimming with long, powerful strokes. Each of you follows in turn.

  As you reach the centre of the river, you gasp as the current buffets you and, inadvertently, you swallow some of its brackish water.

  If your ENDURANCE points total is 15 or higher, turn to 62.

  If your ENDURANCE points total is 14 or lower, turn to 70.


  The momentum of your attack carries you past the shouting courtiers and through the archway.

  If you wish to turn left along the passage outside, turn to 135.

  If you wish to turn right along the same passage, turn to 248.


  The path back to the waterway is blocked by the advancing Shadakine and you are forced to enter a dense border of gnarled, lichenous trees, which hamper your movement. Within minutes, the Shadakine are upon you. A large Magdi hound breaks through their ranks and leaps towards you before you are able to unleash an attack with your Staff.

  You cannot evade combat with the Magdi and must fight it to the death. Due to the magical powers of their maker, Shasarak, the Magdi have a natural resistance to magic and you must subtract 2 from your COMBAT SKILL for the duration of the combat.


  If the combat lasts for more than 4 rounds, do not continue with the combat but turn immediately to 149.

  If you win the combat in 4 rounds or less, turn to 97.


  The Shadakine have seen you and are howling into the attack, as you propel the power of your thought towards the Elemental Plane. Which Element do you require to aid you?

  If you choose Air, turn to 167.

  If you choose Fire, turn to 109.

  If you choose Water, turn to 239.

  If you choose Earth, turn to 244.


  ‘I think we should find out who it is,’ you say. ‘We'll lay a trap.’

  ‘I am a warrior of the plains,’ says Samu. ‘This is an easy matter.’ You make camp and build a huge fire. As soon as you have done this, Samu leaves, telling you not to move from the grove until he returns.

  Dusk gives way to dark, and you and Urik grow more and more apprehensive. Suddenly you hear a strangled cry.

  Turn to 60.


  The passage eventually opens on to the Mountains of Morn. It is night and a full moon shines brightly in the sky. Below is the barren expanse of Desolation Valley: a vast wasteland of melted rock and craters. The plain is covered with pot-holes, and, as the wind blows across them, they sigh like a tortured soul moaning at the mountains. ‘How long has the full moon shone?’ you ask Urik.

  Illustration III—The barren expanse of Desolation Valley. A vast wasteland of melted rock and craters.

  ‘I know not,’ he says, ‘but Shadow Gate very near. Down below ground.’ Without hesitation, you begin to sprint across the plain and Urik follows. Gone is all your weariness and fatigue now that you are near your goal. The pot-holes lead downwards but there are hundreds of them; which way should you go?

  Suddenly, a gruesome sight slithers from one of these holes. Its long, snaking body is bone white and skeletal; but its pale eyes, without pupils, reveal a deadly malice, a blind evil. It is a Scree Wyrm and it is slithering towards you.

  If you wish to fight the Scree Wyrm, turn to 273.

  If you wish to evade combat, turn to 243.


  Your Sorcery has no effect on the Deathgaunt. The creature's body is formed in the spirit world and is invulnerable to your attacks.

  Turn to 169.


  Cautiously, you follow the winding course of the waterway. Your nerves are racked with tension as you hear the Shadakine beating at the tall marsh grass. The Magdi hounds have been unable to pick up your scent and Urik's animal cunning ensures that you remain hidden from them. The terrain lends itself to easy concealment and soon the frustrated cries of the Shadakine fade into the distance.

  Turn to 252.


  Samu throws the door shut and Hugi, with his vast knowledge of locks, triggers the door lock with one of the many strange tools he carries for that purpose. The passage winds on for many miles and soon you have lost all sense of direction, and can no longer tell whether you are travelling towards the Mountains of Morn or away from them. Finally, the passage ends and a secret hatch opens on to the balcony of an ornate building. The balcony overlooks a vast hall where you witness a strange sight.

  An old man in tattered ermine robes sits upon a broken throne, surrounded by a bizarre gathering of people. Two guards in rusty armour stand either side of him as the ragged assembly of mad courtiers dances a stately pavane without music. Two stairways lead from either side of the balcony into the hall and these are the only exits; it is impossible to walk down these stairs without being seen.

  If you wish to walk down the stairs, turn to 284.

  If you wish to charge through the strange court and try to fight your way out, turn to 87.


  You are weak with exhaustion, your strength is waning, and you have taken a number of small but painful wounds all over your body. You stumble but Samu bears you up, and you are rushed through the archway and into the passage beyond.

  If you wish to turn left along the passage, turn to 135.

  If you wish to turn right, turn to 248.


  The shrill sound of exotic bird song rouses you from your light, uncomfortable slumber, and the red stain of the morning sun regards you balefully. Your body is a mass of insect bites and you have lost 2 ENDURANCE points due to the assault of vampiric Blood Nymphs. Urik has also suffered and, for the first time since you have known him, displays an ill-tempered frown.

  You continue your journey and, by late afternoon, you have left the peril of the swamplands behind. You now stand at the northern edge of the Gurlu Marshes. Gleaming in the distance you glimpse the faint outline of the city of Karnali, overlooking the sparkling waters of the Suhni River.

  Turn to 204.


  Sustaining your Staff's energy against the Kazim light costs you 1 WILLPOWER point. You must attempt to master the Kazim light through the force of your will to prevent its owner from exerting her will over the Shadakine.

  If you wish to use 2 WILLPOWER points, expending a total of 3 WILLPOWER points this turn, turn to 112.

  If you wish to use 3 WILLPOWER points, expending a total of 4 WILLPOWER points this turn, turn to 136.

  If you wish to use 4 WILLPOWER points, expending a total of 5 WILLPOWER points this turn, turn to 219.


  You turn and run in the opposite direction, following Urik, who takes great care to skirt the edges of the bog that held you so recently. Unaware of th
e lurking peril, the Shadakine swordsman blunders forward and immediately sinks in the bog. You hear him shouting frantically for help as you press on anxiously.

  Urik leads as you trace the winding course of a shallow waterway that cuts through the tall grass. An unnatural howl sounds from somewhere behind you; it is the chilling call of the Magdi, the monstrous two-headed hounds created by the Wytch-king Shasarak. You keep to the line of the waterway in the hope that it will disguise your scent from the Magdi hunting dogs, and try to put as much distance between them and yourself as possible.

  Turn to 156.


  The Warward's mind is already weak with fear and it is a simple matter to exert your power over his brain and grip it with a murderous compulsion. Suddenly, the Warward walks towards the Shadakine Wytch, unable to resist the desire to slay that you have placed in his mind.

  Illustration IV—The Warward walks towards the Shadakine Wytch, unable to resist the desire to slay.

  Before the Wytch can resist, the Warward strangles her to death. Immediately the light of the Kazim Stone is extinguished and the Shadakine warriors before the fortress falter. With a jubilant cry, the soldiers of the Freedom Guild charge forwards.

  Turn to 48.


  Urik and Samu volunteer to hunt out some wild game in order to collect enough food for the remainder of your journey.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

  If the number you have picked is 0–3, turn to 106.

  If the number you have picked is 4–6, turn to 217.

  If the number you have picked is 7–9, turn to 173.


  You have been severely weakened by your combat with the madmen and lack the strength to escape from the throne room as fast as your companions. As you fall behind, the mad courtiers leap upon you. They are vicious and unrelenting in their attack and before Samu can help you, you have been torn to pieces by the howling mob.

  Your life and quest end here.


  Within the vision in your mind, you point towards the Element of Fire and, crackling with energy, it moves forwards. The use of this Magical Power has cost you 3 WILLPOWER points.

  You open your eyes to see the Shadakine moving into position at the edge of the lake. The Shadakine who leads them is shouting instructions as they load their crossbows and prepare to attack. Unsuspecting, they take aim, failing to notice the smoke that is rising behind them.

  Then before a single bolt has been released, a startled Shadakine breaks cover, leaping to his feet and slapping maniacally at his clothes. Within seconds he is wreathed in flames and the uniforms of his comrades have begun to smoulder. Desperately, one of the Shadakine hurls himself into the lake, and immediately the Eijalfish speeds towards him. Urik does not wait to see the outcome of this encounter and dives into the waters of the lake, splashing out towards the farther shore. Without hesitation you follow his example, the sound of the screaming Shadakine ringing in your ears.

  You reach dry land and scramble out of the water. A fearful howl crosses the lake and your blood runs cold. Urik cocks his head to one side. ‘They have fierce Magdi hounds, their hunting dogs,’ he says. He points to a shallow waterway that winds its way through the tall grass. ‘We move now. Keep to water. Hide scent. Come!’ You both move off, stepping cautiously along the channel.

  Turn to 25.


  Whoever is following bears you no malice. You sense that you have encountered this person before but the meeting must have been very brief, since you cannot identify him. The use of this Magical Power has cost you 1 WILLPOWER point.

  You stop and make camp in the grove of trees as Urik suggested. Samu volunteers to scout out the area to make sure that you are not attacked in the night and he has been gone only a few minutes when you hear a strangled cry.

  Turn to 60.


  At the cost of 3 WILLPOWER points, the Shadakine fortress erupts into flames, sending Shadakine warriors rushing from their barracks into the street.

  Turn to 207.


  You walk along the west passage. It rises steadily and eventually opens into a small cave with an opening that overlooks a large gorge. Beneath the light of the full moon you see miles and miles of contorted rock. It looks as if it has been melted in a furnace.

  You find the skeletal remains of several bodies but as you lift a skull to examine it, it crumbles to dust in your hand.

  You search the cave and find a Silver Knife. You may keep this Special Item, which can be worn on your belt. (Remember to mark it on your Action Chart.) You head back along the passage until you come to the circular cavern once more.

  If you wish to take the passage leading east, turn to 46.

  If you wish to take the passage leading north, turn to 23.

  If you have the Magical Power of Prophecy and wish to use it, turn to 64.


  The room is dark and empty. You can see no other way out of the throne room and turn to leave.

  ‘Wait!’ says Hugi, suddenly. ‘I thought … yes, I'm sure … ’

  ‘What's up?’ asks Urik. ‘Thief go mad too?’

  Hugi traces a line with his finger along a panel in the wall behind the throne. Suddenly, the panel swivels to reveal a passage leading down. ‘I thought as much,’ he grins. ‘The gap looked too wide; it reminded me of the Great Tomb of Naugorin, far to the east in the Shuri Mountains.’

  Before Hugi launches into a long dissertation on his past criminal conquests, you step forward. ‘Into the passage,’ you order and, dutifully, they all file in.

  Turn to 168.


  Hugi selects a key and opens the door with consummate ease. The room is full of shadows but, as your eyes adjust to the light, you see a huddle of people crouched in the corner. They are gnawing on a large bone. They seem frightened by your appearance. Suddenly the largest of them stands, screams a frantic cry, and runs straight at you.


  If you win the combat, turn to 259.


  You seize the chance to slip away and, turning down a side street, you and Urik leave the battle far behind you. However, almost immediately, you are forced to stop. At the end of the street stands a tall, shadowy figure, a huge broadsword in his hand.

  Turn to 211.


  You are taken to a building that might once have been a temple. Here, the ragged crowd throws you into a deep pit. You are now in total darkness.

  If you wish to make a light from your Staff, at the cost of 1 WILLPOWER point, turn to 307.

  If you do not, turn to 150.


  You almost succeed. But, as the Shadakine step back, looking ready to break and run, and Sado's brave army of freedom fighters charge forward, the Shadakine Wytch tightens her grip over the minds of her countrymen and they hold their ground. Shifting emotions of fear, anger, and frenzy contort their snarling features. The use of this spell has cost you 2 WILLPOWER points.

  As the line of freedom fighters collides with that of the Shadakine warriors you give a smile. The Freedom Guild are superb soldiers, and despite the power of the Shadakine Wytch, the strength of their charge punches a great hole in the Shadakine defence.

  Turn to 48.


  The wall of fire glows more brightly, for a moment only, before returning to its normal intensity. The use of this Power has cost you 1 WILLPOWER point.

  If you have the Magical Power of Prophecy and wish to use it, turn to 201.

  If you wish to fire at the wall of flame with your Staff, turn to 117.

  If you wish to walk through the wall of fire, turn to 240.


  A crossbow bolt flashes through the air, heading straight for you, but your Shield of Sorcery deflects it and you are unharmed.

  The Ooslo bird is flying lower now, as it approaches its nesting place in the Gurlu Marshes. As soon as you are flying low
enough to jump to the ground, Urik tells you to untie the vine that is knotted around you. You do as he asks and you both fall to the ground, tumbling through a swathe of marsh grass, which cushions your landing. Sitting up, Urik gives the Ooslo bird a comic wave as it continues, unheeding, back to its nest.

  ‘Shadakine near. We go now,’ Urik states. Immediately, he breaks into a stumbling trot, following the course of a shallow waterway that cuts through the tall marsh grass. A few minutes later, a chilling howl stops you dead in your tracks: the Shadakine have hunting dogs, the terrible Magdi hounds. As you move away once more, you keep to the waterway in an effort to hide your scent.

  Turn to 25.


  Growing beside a small pool of murky water, you notice the yellow flowers of a Karmo bush. If you possess an empty Vial, you may squeeze the clear liquid that is contained within the buds of the flower into the Vial. This potion, when taken before combat, will double your ENDURANCE and WILLPOWER point totals for the duration of the combat. However, the side effects of the Karmo potion can be fatal. After taking the potion you must pick a number from the Random Number Table. The number that you pick equals the number of ENDURANCE points that you lose due to the side effects (0 = zero).8


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