The Forbidden City

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The Forbidden City Page 8

by Ian Page

  The islet is located near the centre of the lake. Dense clumps of reeds surround its dull, green waters and beyond them, you can hear the shouts of the Shadakine as they seek you out. ‘We must hide — get away from here. We're too exposed,’ you say urgently to Urik, making to step into the water. You feel Urik's restraining hand on your shoulder.

  ‘Wait!’ he says, pointing ahead. You follow the direction of his arm. A host of multi-coloured birds has taken off in alarm from the surface of the lake. The blur of colour draws your eye to something immediately below them that is moving straight towards you.

  Two pale eyes on slender stalks protrude above the water, cold and emotionless, their irises no more than red slashes. ‘Eijalfish,’ says Urik. ‘Very big. Very poisonous. Very dangerous! And now, Shadakine come … is not good.’ Sure enough, you hear the sound of the Shadakine hunting party, beating at the dense foliage as they draw closer. In a few minutes, they are sure to discover you, stranded here in the middle of the lake.

  Illustration X—Two pale eyes protrude above the water, cold and emotionless.

  If you have the Magical Power of Sorcery and wish to create a magical shield capable of deflecting missiles, turn to 181.

  If you have the Magical Power of Elementalism and wish to use it, turn to 230.

  If you wish to attack the Eijalfish with your Wizard's Staff, turn to 274.


  It is still dark when you are woken by Urik the following morning. ‘Come, Wizard — no time for sleep now; time for haste.’ Still groggy with sleep, you rise, take up your Backpack and Staff, and make ready to leave.

  ‘What about food?’ you ask.

  ‘Food?’ Urik sniffs, derisively. ‘Food grows on the land … water falls from sky … down from mountain river … only foolish man wish to carry the earth and the sky upon his back in little bag. Come now.’

  Urik disappears through the door of your room and you have no choice but to follow. You follow Urik in the half light as he clambers along the wooden walkways of the Kundi colony. The air is warm and damp with dew and the clouds hang low above the trees of the Azanam. Already, Urik has nearly disappeared from sight in the thick mist and you struggle to match his pace as he steps nimbly from one platform to another. Soon the Kundi village is far behind and you are travelling along the thick branches of the giant Azawood trees.

  If you have the Magical Power of Alchemy, turn to 216.

  If you do not possess this Power, turn to 257.


  It takes more than a day to find your way out of the palace and even longer to escape the Forbidden City. The slow and laborious climb into the Mountains of Morn takes a further three days and on the eve of the third day, you look up with a sinking heart to see the shining face of a full moon. The Shadow Gate appears somewhere in the desolate valley below. When the moon eventually passes to its next phase, you are still searching for a way down from the mountains. The sickness that afflicts the dead lands and the Mountains of Morn eventually takes its toll and one by one you and your companions die in the desolate wilderness.

  Your life and your quest end here.


  It does not require a prophet to predict the outcome of your situation. As you attempt to gaze into the future, twenty trained soldiers aim their crossbows at you. You tumble to the ground, a mass of bolts buried in your chest, and pass swiftly from this world.

  Your life and your quest end here.


  Steeling yourself for the long march through the night, you strike out and pray that the Deathgaunts do not appear. You are already tired, and the chill fever that the Deathgaunts have inflicted on you is wearing down your resistance.

  Stumbling with fatigue through the inky black night, you lose 2 ENDURANCE points through lack of sleep, but your heart lifts when, with the coming of dawn, you see the shattered outline of a city couched in the hills at the foot of the mountains at the point where the Belzar River forks.

  Turn to 52.


  You run down a long road that runs parallel to the city wall, the mob still at your back. You are forced to an abrupt halt by the sight of another pack of madmen heading straight towards you.

  If you wish to climb a flight of stairs that leads to a wooden walkway above your head, turn to 221.

  If you decide to enter one of the small houses that face the city wall, turn to 301.


  You take the jewel and stare at it intently. The giant continues to look confused.

  If you have the Magical Power of Sorcery, turn to 282.

  If you do not possess this Power, turn to 305.


  You release the might of your Wizard's Staff and its flame shoots towards the spectre on the water. To your surprise, however, it passes straight through, inflicting no damage. This creature is a Deathgaunt, an undead being summoned to the world of the living by the Wytch-king himself. Your unsuccessful assault has cost you 2 WILLPOWER points.

  Turn to 169.


  That night, the streets of Karnali are filled with joyous celebration. The surviving Shadakine are flushed out from their bolt-holes and imprisoned in the dungeons beneath their own fortress. It is a great victory for the brave fighters of the Freedom Guild, for at last, after many years of oppression, the people in this small corner of the Shadakine Empire are free.

  In a chamber in the Shadakine fortress, you sit with Urik and Sado of the Long Knife, who toasts you with a huge goblet of wine. ‘To you, Grey Star,’ he says, ‘I give my thanks and good wishes. Long may you endure.’

  But Urik sits in the corner and grumbles: ‘Much celebration. Small victory. Shadakine Empire,’ and he stretches his arms wide apart, ‘big!’ Then placing his thumb and forefinger together, ‘City of Karnali, small.’

  ‘Urik is right,’ you say, ‘but at least this is a beginning.’ And you smile warmly at Sado.

  ‘Where will you go now, Grey Star?’ he asks.

  ‘West, to the Mountains of Morn — and beyond.’

  Sado gapes. ‘To “the dead lands”!’ he exclaims. ‘But this is folly. None return from there. There is a sickness on the land that kills all, and the Mountains of Morn are impassable.’

  ‘There must be some way through them,’ you say, ‘and I will find it.’

  ‘There is only one known pass,’ Sado continues, ‘but it holds the greatest peril of all — Gyanima, the Forbidden City … the City of the Dead!’ He shakes his head solemnly. ‘Will you not turn away from this reckless course?’

  You shrug. ‘There is no other way. Urik's vision leads to Desolation Valley and my quest takes me there.’

  Sado falls silent and an uncomfortable quiet follows. Finally, you rise and bid Sado goodnight, for you intend to leave Karnali the following morning. ‘I had hoped you would remain, Grey Star,’ he says. ‘You are a powerful ally and I have great need of strength. Soon, the Wytch-king will seek to destroy our freedom. Without your help, our liberty may prove short-lived. Moreover, you choose a path of doom, heedless of my words of warning.’

  ‘Fear not, Sado of the Long Knife,’ you reply. ‘If I achieve my goal, there will be freedom for all ensnared by the cruel grasp of the Wytch-king. I do not intend to fail.’

  You leave the chamber, and close the door behind you. Despite your courageous words, a creeping uncertainty is stirring in your heart. ‘Hmph!’ snorts Urik. ‘Him brave man … but have small mind.’ He places a finger to his nose. ‘Him see only this far. Young Wizard learn quickly … carry blessing of wise Shianti. You will not fail.’ You pray that the old Kundi man is right.

  You rise the following morning and prepare to leave. Your sleep has restored to you 1 ENDURANCE point and 1 WILLPOWER point. Sado enters your chamber to bid you farewell. ‘I have come to apologize for my harsh words last night,’ he says. ‘It is not for me to question the way of Wizards. I am but a simple soldier. I have brought gifts by way of recompense.’ He lays before you the following items:r />
  Enough food for 5 Meals

  Short Sword and Sheath (hung on a belt)11


  2 Potions of Laumspur (swallowing one potion restores 4 ENDURANCE points)

  Coil of Rope

  You may take any or all of these items. Remember to make the necessary adjustments to your Action Chart.

  Turn to 75.

  [11] If you wish to take the Sheath, record it as a Special Item on your Action Chart.


  Samu has a great, bloody gash on his shoulder but he has managed to slay his opponent. Now the crowd of mad courtiers attempts to halt your path; they are unarmed but filled with a raging intensity. Desperately, you try to fight your way out of the throne room.

  Mad Courtiers: COMBAT SKILL 18 ENDURANCE 23

  If you survive 3 rounds of combat, turn to 153.


  Unsure of your direction and physically exhausted, you move along the passage, unable to run any faster than a slow trot. Suddenly you hear the shouts of the enraged courtiers pursuing you once more and Hugi gives a shrill whistle. ‘Let's hide in here,’ he calls.

  If you wish to do as Hugi suggests, turn to 270.

  If you possess the Magical Power of Enchantment and wish to use it, turn to 178.


  You increase the power of your attack and, for one brief moment, the Kazim light is extinguished, but only to flare again with increased vigour. The Shadakine look around them; a strange mixture of fear and ferocity contorts their faces.12

  If you wish to sustain the same intensity of attack, expending 1 WILLPOWER point this round, turn to 286.

  If you wish to increase your attack by 1 WILLPOWER point making a total of 2 WILLPOWER points expended this round, turn to 253.

  [12] Remember to deduct the total from your WILLPOWER score before continuing your adventure.


  You draw a wide pentacle around the area you have chosen to rest in. At the cost of 3 WILLPOWER points you chant a spell of protection that will prevent the Deathgaunts from attacking. Fighting your sense of unease, you settle down to sleep.

  Turn to 298.


  As before, you soak the leaf and leave it to smoulder at the centre of the company. You then lie down on the ground, hungry now for sleep. (Remember to delete the Azawood leaf from your Action Chart.)

  Turn to 298.


  You set about the task of creating a grand illusion. A Guildsman guides you to the fortress and you begin to focus your power upon it. There are many soldiers within and it takes a considerable time to exert your influence over them. Finally, after exerting 4 WILLPOWER points, you are able to cease your trials. Hundreds of Shadakine pour forth from their barracks, slapping and scratching at the hordes of crawling insects that only they can see and feel. They open the gates to the fortress and run into the street where Sado's army, disguised as civilians, lies in wait.

  Turn to 207.


  A crossbow bolt slices through the air. You gasp with pain as it penetrates your shoulder (lose 3 ENDURANCE points). Urik looks up in alarm. ‘Grey Star!’ he shouts. ‘You all right?’ You grit your teeth against the pain and nod. A dark stain of blood spreads across your robe. The Ooslo bird is losing height rapidly and, before the Shadakine are able to release another bolt, you are flying low enough to jump to the ground. At Urik's instruction you untie the vine, wincing with the pain of your wound, and fall to the ground without further injury.

  You tumble through a vast swathe of marsh grass that grows chest-high, and stretches in all directions. Urik gets to his feet and comes to inspect your wound. Bravely, you make to withdraw the shaft that protrudes from your shoulder but Urik stays your hand. ‘No, not yet. Much bleeding if you pull the spike. We need herbs … stop bleeding … stop infection, yes?’ You nod in agreement. ‘Come follow old Kundi. Find good herbs very near.’ He moves away, his eyes searching the ground, and you follow. Soon you reach a shallow waterway that cuts through the tall marsh grass like a trail. There, Urik finds what he is looking for and sits you down beside the little stream. ‘Urik cannot find anything to stop pain but make sure wound heal. I must hurt you now — I am sorry.’

  With a hand both swift and sure, he pulls the bolt from your shoulder; you hiss with pain. He tears away the material of your sleeve and presses his steady hand to the wound. Then, cupping his hand, he takes some water from the stream and cleans the wound. Next, to your surprise, he grabs a handful of mud from the bottom of the stream and smears it over the injury. The cool mud eases the fire in your shoulder and, as it dries, quickly staunches the bleeding. He cleans the torn shreds of your sleeve and knots them like a bandage around your shoulder. ‘Is good?’ he asks.

  ‘I thank you, Urik,’ you reply. He pats your hand, affectionately.

  ‘No need for thanks,’ he says. ‘Wise old Kundi know healing ways. Pain stop soon.’

  Suddenly, a terrible sound reaches your ears: a moaning howl like that of an animal in pain. Urik's face darkens and he helps you to your feet. Crouching, so that you remain hidden, you both peep across the top of the marsh grass in the direction of the sound. In a small clearing, some two hundred yards away, you see a frightened peasant — a Shadakine slave. He is struggling to control two snarling hounds who tug at the lengths of thick chain fixed to their harnesses. They are huge and fierce: each has two heads with a single horn growing at the centre of each, and outsized fangs show through their slavering jowls. ‘Master! Master!’ the slave calls to a tall Shadakine, undoubtedly the officer in charge. ‘The Magdi — they smell something.’ The tall Shadakine officer screws up his eyes; a wicked smile plays across his face.

  If you wish to attempt to evade by following the waterway, turn to 25.

  If you wish to attempt a long-range attack with your Wizard's Staff, turn to 105.


  You are now engaged in a duel of wills. The combined WILLPOWER score of the Wytch and her Stone is 40. Add together your current ENDURANCE and WILLPOWER scores and subtract this total from 40.

  If your final score is 15 or higher, turn to 280.

  If your final score is 14 or lower, turn to 205.


  Taking care to shield yourself from the yellow glare of the Kazim light, you trace the shaft to its source within the fortress. The Shadakine Wytch fails to notice your presence, lurking like a crimson corona at the edge of her mind. The strain of her effort to uphold the courage of so many of her countrymen shows plainly on her pock-marked face.

  You then notice another mind in the chamber of the Wytch. It is that of the Warward, Kiro, the hard-faced military governor of the Shadakine garrison in Karnali. He is sweating profusely, his fear of the wrath of the Wytch-king weakening him.

  If you wish to control the mind of the Warward, Kiro, turn to 31.

  If you wish to control the mind of the Shadakine Wytch, turn to 49.


  You take out the red jewel. Drawing on the Power of Sorcery from the Astral Plane, you project your will into the Gem and it begins to glow, shining with a blood-red light. You throw this power at the Kleasá and attempt to bend it to your will. Tanith's body becomes rigid and, stiffly, she turns her head towards you. The Kleasá remains unaffected and emits a chill laugh. You have used 2 WILLPOWER points.

  If you wish to use your Magical Power of Sorcery against the Kleasá, turn to 122.

  If you wish to use the Black Rod of Shasarak, turn to 229.


  With the evil cunning that you have come to expect of the Shadakine, they use their slaves as a human wall, thus preventing the masked attackers from bringing their full force to bear for fear of killing the innocent people they have come to free.

  You notice that the chains that manacle the slaves are all linked to one metal ring at the end of the line. If you can break the chain at this point, you will be able to free all the slaves at a stroke. Standing by this link-pin is the Shadakine slavemaster. F
earlessly, you charge. The slavemaster's eyes widen with surprise but he appears unshaken by your advance. He clutches at a red Gem at his neck and, as he does, his personal slave steps forward. Seven feet tall and with powerful muscles bulging beneath his ebony skin, he fixes you with a blank expression as he raises his huge broadsword.

  If you wish to attack the black giant, turn to 179.

  If you wish to unleash a long-range attack on the slavemaster, turn to 196.

  If you have the Magical Power of Sorcery and wish to use it, turn to 266.


  You mark your pentacle in the dust and begin to chant. The Deathgaunts come no further but remain outside the reach of the spell, whispering. The four of you stand huddled within the pentacle, each regarding the Deathgaunts with frightened eyes.

  Illustration XI—The Deathgaunts come no further but remain outside the reach of the spell, whispering

  ‘Grey Star,’ says Samu in a hushed tone. ‘They have not departed. We cannot remain here forever.’

  ‘They can,’ comments Urik.

  If you possess an Azawood Leaf or a portion from a Bundle of Azawood Leaves, turn to 120.

  If you do not have any Azawood leaves, turn to 162.


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