The Forbidden City

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The Forbidden City Page 14

by Ian Page

  Illustration XVII—Suddenly, the charge is sounded and the fighters of the Freedom Guild fall upon the slave train.

  The Shadakine guards fall into defensive positions along the road, but the stealth of the ambush outmanoeuvres them and they have no time to deploy effectively. ‘Shall we?’ you ask Urik. He grins broadly and gives vent to a bellowing yell before shambling out of the brush towards the fray as fast as his old bones will allow. You follow behind.

  Turn to 144.


  The battle is nearly won. Able to avoid killing the slaves, the veiled soldiers overwhelm the Shadakine slave guards. As the last cries of battle fade away, the few surviving Shadakine attempt to flee: to a man they are cut down without mercy.

  One of the masked attackers approaches you. ‘Stranger,’ he says, ‘our leader, Sado of the Long Knife, wishes to speak to you.’ You follow the soldier and arrive before Sado of the Long Knife. He has put aside his veil to reveal a lean, haggard face and eyes of piercing blue.

  ‘My thanks,’ says Sado with a polite bow. ‘Your timely arrival was most welcome. We return now to the marshes; the attack will not have gone unnoticed and we must move swiftly to avoid the retribution of the Shadakine of Karnali. Will you accompany us?’

  You and Urik walk beside Sado as his small army of a hundred men move into the cover of the marshes.

  Turn to 250.


  The abruptness of Samu's fall drags you forward with a jolt. At the same time the Rope is pulled from Hugi and Urik's grasp.

  The Rope is still tied around your waist but, already weakened by the rigours of your adventure, you lack the strength to hold Samu's bulk and you too are dragged into the fast running waters of the Belzar River. The current and the poisonous black waters swiftly overwhelm you.

  Your life and your quest end here.


  You shape the force of your will, building a shimmering Shield of Sorcery around yourself at the cost of 2 WILLPOWER points. This will only serve as protection for yourself.

  If you wish to expend further WILLPOWER points and extend your Shield to protect Urik, turn to 160.

  If you wish also to include the Ooslo bird behind your Shield, at a still greater cost of WILLPOWER points, turn to 192.

  If you wish to conserve your WILLPOWER points, turn to 268.


  You draw on the energy of the Astral Plane and focus it upon the door.

  If you wish to use 2 WILLPOWER points in your attempt to open the door, turn to 288.

  If you wish to use 3 WILLPOWER points in your attempt, turn to 237.

  If you wish to use 4 WILLPOWER points in your attempt, turn to 215.


  With a tremendous effort, you endure the rigours of the mental duel for over an hour but eventually you succumb to the power of the stone. You sink into a dark well of insanity. The Kazim Stone breaks your spirit and your will to live and finally the tiny conscious part of your being still remaining lets go and your heart forgets to beat.

  Your life and your quest end here.


  You concentrate your mind on the events of the near future at a cost of 1 WILLPOWER point. If you do not accept the king's offer, he will have you killed. Your vision extends no further than this.

  Turn to 108.


  The Special Item that you hold in your hand is a Mind Gem. The magical jewel holds the mind of the giant under its malign control. With a small exertion of your will, you snuff out the Mind Gem's light. Awareness floods back into the giant's mind as he recovers control of his own mind. ‘My thanks,’ he bellows. If you wish to keep the Mind Gem, you may wear it round your neck.

  You raise your Staff and, at the cost of 1 WILLPOWER point, use it to shear through the master link that holds the Shadakine slaves in chains. They give a cheer and break away from the battle in great numbers.

  Turn to 276.


  You turn and run, plunging into the cover of the dense undergrowth. With a gasp of pain, you suddenly pitch forward, landing face downwards in the muck of the swamp with a crossbow bolt protruding from your shoulder. You lose 3 ENDURANCE points. With a groan, you attempt to rise to your feet but Urik urges you to remain where you are. The shouts and movements of the Shadakine tell you that they are very close.

  If you wish to get to your feet and continue with your escape, turn to 98.

  If you wish to follow Urik's advice, turn to 151.


  You descend the stairway with as much dignity as you can muster. The dancers continue as if your appearance were the most natural thing in the world. The old man gets to his feet and waves a regal hand.

  ‘Welcome friends. Welcome!’ he says. ‘Your arrival is most timely. The banquet is about to begin. Pray tell me your names.’ His mad, red-rimmed eyes glint dangerously.

  If you wish to continue with your bluff, turn to 76.

  If you wish to make a run for it, turn to 296.


  A great gust of wind blows down the shaft towards the flame but the fire does not flicker. Suddenly, you realize that the wall of fire is an illusion. The use of this Power has cost you 2 WILLPOWER points.

  Turn to 240.


  Beads of perspiration form on your forehead and your whole body trembles with the strain of sustaining your attack. Your senses whirl and you feel as if you are going to black out. ‘Now!’ you shout to Sado. ‘Charge your men … now!’ you repeat through clenched teeth.

  Instantly, Sado gives the command and his small heroic army charges forward with blood-curdling cries. The light above the Shadakine warriors is abruptly snuffed out and the Shadakine quail with fear.

  If your current WILLPOWER total is 12 or higher, turn to 48.

  If your current WILLPOWER total is 11 or lower, turn to 189.


  ‘Sado, I am sorry but I must refuse. My quest demands it.’

  A look of fury passes momentarily over Sado's face. ‘Very well,’ he answers sadly. ‘Then I will ensure your safe conduct from the city to aid you on your quest.’

  A small escort of soldiers in disguise leads you and Urik through the city streets. Suddenly, you notice that you are passing the stone fortress of the Shadakine — you have been duped by Sado; he has gone ahead with his plan. A huge mob of Karnalese civilians armed with sticks and stones charges towards the fortress, and you are trapped between the enraged mob and the Shadakine who are leaving the fortress to counterattack. Urik curses as you turn to face the Shadakine.18

  If you have the Chaksu Pipes and wish to use them, turn to 3.

  If you have the Power of Enchantment and wish to conceal your appearance, turn to 203.

  If you have the Magical Power of Elementalism and wish to use it, turn to 21.

  If you wish to release a long-range attack at the advancing Shadakine, turn to 303.

  [18] You may be forced to choose to use a Magical Power, even though all the Powers that are available to you may require you to use more WILLPOWER points than you currently possess. If you do not have sufficient WILLPOWER points, you may choose to simply subtract the number of WILLPOWER points required to use the Power you select. This may leave you with a negative WILLPOWER score, or if it was already negative, it will make your score become even more negative. Alternatively, you may choose the method used in Section 175 of War of the Wizards for resolving this problem: For the WILLPOWER points you lack, you use ENDURANCE points at a rate of 2 ENDURANCE points for every 1 WILLPOWER point (i.e. 2 ENDURANCE points = 1 WILLPOWER point).


  You hurl the force of your will against the door. The rock trembles and a crackle of energy snakes across its surface, but to no avail. The door is held by a force far greater than your own.

  If you have the Magical Power of Psychomancy and wish to use it, turn to 170.

  If you have the Magical Power of Prophecy and wish to use it, turn to 224.

  If you do not posse
ss either of these skills, or if you do not wish to use them, turn to 242.


  Beset by perils and magic, the Shadakine line breaks in fear and confusion. Sado of the Long Knife gives the command and his brave army surges forward with a victorious cry to storm the fortress. The use of the Power of Enchantment has cost you 2 WILLPOWER points.

  Turn to 48.


  You concentrate hard, sending your thought to the Elemental Plane of existence. Humanoid representatives of the four Elements of Earth, Air, Wind, and Water appear before you and you must choose which one you wish to aid you.

  If you choose Air, turn to 47.

  If you choose Fire, turn to 36.

  If you choose Earth, turn to 58.

  If you choose Water, turn to 69.


  It is dawn and you are sweating with a fever (lose 2 ENDURANCE points).

  You wake your companions and begin your journey without delay, your heart still quaking with fear. Your leaden feet carry you through the fields of dust and the grim monotony of the landscape dampens your spirits. Your companions eye you with concern. When you stumble and fall with weariness, they lift you to your feet and you are comforted a little.

  Suddenly Hugi gives a cry of alarm and you spin round. You gasp with fear as you see three Deathgaunts drifting after you, their arms outstretched in a sinister greeting, as if you were already one of their kind. You hear their evil voices whispering insidiously in your mind. ‘Go no further — only doom awaits you,’ they chant.

  If you have the Magical Power of Evocation and wish to use it, turn to 145.

  If you prefer to continue, turn to 154.


  You draw the power of the Astral Plane to the jewel and it begins to glow. However, as you try to impose your will upon the Shadakine, you realize that the Mind Gem's power can only be brought to bear on one mind at a time. You have used 1 WILLPOWER point in your attempt.

  If you wish to attempt to control the mind of the user of the Kazim Stone, turn to 174.

  If you have the Magical Power of Enchantment and wish to use it against the Shadakine, turn to 146.

  If you wish to challenge the power of the Kazim Stone with your Staff, turn to 234.


  You reach out to the Elemental Plane and ask for the help of the Elementals. Representatives of the four Elements appear before you and you must choose which one you wish to help you.

  If you wish to be aided by the Element of Air, turn to 285.

  If you wish to be aided by the Element of Earth, turn to 187.

  If you wish to be aided by the Element of Water, turn to 240.

  If you wish to be aided by the Element of Fire, turn to 43.


  With your heart pounding you scamper across the bridge; a slight tremor runs through the stone. ‘I think it's starting to go!’ you shout across to Samu.

  Gingerly, he starts to cross but as he reaches the middle of the bridge, the stone cracks and, abruptly, Samu disappears from view. You rush to the edge of the collapsing bridge and look down into the water. Briefly, you see a pair of flailing arms as Samu struggles valiantly against the fast current, and then he is gone. The bridge continues to crumble but, unheeding, you stare at the black water, your eyes blurred with tears.

  ‘Grey Star!’ Urik shouts. ‘Come away … the bridge!’ Heedless of its fragile state, you walk slowly from the bridge, too numb to speak. Without looking back, the three of you walk towards the gate of the Forbidden City in silence.

  Turn to 124.


  As the creature draws nearer, hurriedly you scratch a pentacle into the dusty ground with the tip of your Staff. The shining being is a Deathgaunt, an undead spirit raised by Shasarak to roam the realm of the living. As you begin to chant the warding words of Evocation, the creature hesitates, and then stops, hanging as if suspended just above the ground. The use of this Magical Power has cost you 3 WILLPOWER points.

  Turn to 72.


  The elegance of the mime is interrupted by the clatter of your feet and shout of the king, who stares at you, furiously. ‘Stop them!’ he cries.

  The mad guardsmen of the insane king's court charge you, with a mass of raving courtiers at their back.

  Turn to 251.


  Taking a deep breath, you plunge into the water. Urik follows directly after. Hampered by your Staff and Backpack you make slow progress and soon your lungs feel ready to burst but you cannot surface for air. You must discard your Backpack to avoid drowning. (Remember to cross this item and all its contents from your Action Chart.)

  Freed of the encumbrance of your Backpack, you kick out and soon reach the edge of the lake. You break the surface, gulping at the air as you scramble away from the flame. As you cross from the water to the land, you suffer mild burns on the exposed flesh of your hands (lose 1 ENDURANCE point).

  Injured and exhausted, you throw yourself into the haven of tall marsh grass. Urik staggers to your side, water cascading from his sodden clothes. You lie still for a while to regain your breath; then suddenly a chilling howl freezes your blood. Urik cocks his head to one side, and then wearily clambers to his feet. ‘They have hunting dogs,’ he says, urgently. ‘One … maybe two terrible Magdi Hounds.’ He points to a shallow waterway that disappears through the tall grass like a trail. ‘We move now — slow and silent. Keep to water. Hide scent. Come.’

  You both creep away, stepping tentatively along the channel between the reeds as a knot of fear rises in your stomach.

  Turn to 25.


  It is a sleep that gives you no rest. Through a dark haze, the ghastly figure of Shasarak appears. ‘And still you persist — fool!’ he spits. ‘I see that my friends were unable to make you see the error of your ways,’ he says, scornfully. ‘Perhaps this will better persuade you.’

  Illustration XVIII—Through a dark haze the ghastly figure of Shasarak appears.

  With a gesture of his ruined hand, he shows you the vision of a young girl, sobbing, surrounded by a pool of darkness. With a dull ache in your heart you recognize the girl. It is Tanith, the Wytch girl who helped you escape from a Shadakine prison in the Port of Suhn and finally leapt to her death to save you. Now, trapped upon another plane, she weeps alone, her eyes wild with fear. ‘Tanith!’ you call into the void of your dream.

  Shasarak laughs, savagely. ‘She cannot hear you, Wizard. No one can hear her now. She is mine to torment as and when I wish. And my imagination knows no limit in the matter of torment — in that field I rule supreme.’ The Wytch-king begins to laugh with malicious glee, relishing Tanith's plight and your misery at witnessing it. ‘Turn aside, Grey Star, or she is lost.’ With the howl of Shasarak's mocking laughter ringing in your ears, you wake with a start. You have lost 1 ENDURANCE point and 1 WILLPOWER point during the night.

  In the grey light of dawn you trudge towards the Forbidden City, your companions walking silently by your side. Soon, you are able to see the outline of the city in the distance. A few more hours and you will be standing before its gates. There is only one solution to the sinking of your heart and the mounting ache that racks your mind: you must complete your quest.

  Turn to 52.


  You take out one of the huge leaves and unfold it. Before going to sleep, you soak the leaf in the river and place it on the dying embers of the fire. The smoke of the Azawood leaf should, hopefully, prevent the Deathgaunt from approaching. You have used one Azawood leaf. Adjust your Action Chart accordingly.19

  The pungent aroma of the Azawood leaf fills your nostrils as you sink into a deep sleep.

  Turn to 66.

  [19] If you use a leaf from a Bundle of dried Azawood Leaves, the Bundle now has three leaves left.


  You enter the throne room once more and see Hugi, scratching around in the dark, searching the chamber and examining the walls. He turns with a startled look and regards y
ou with a guilty expression.

  ‘Still looking for treasure?’ you say.

  He smiles nervously and shrugs. ‘I thought there might be another way out of here,’ he says.

  ‘Thief is good liar,’ says Urik, nodding to himself.

  Turn to 38.


  You burst into the crumbling house and Hugi slams the door shut. The room is full of cobwebs and shadows. As your eyes adjust to the light, you see a huddle of ragged people gnawing on a large bone. They look at you with starving eyes and the largest gets up and charges at you with an animal yell.


  If you win the combat, turn to 259.


  You walk along the dark passage and enter the throne room once more. Hugi is there, searching the chamber and testing the walls by knocking them. He turns with a startled expression and looks at you, guiltily.

  ‘Still looking for treasure?’ you say. He smiles nervously and shrugs.


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