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The Accidental Mrs. Mackenzie

Page 24

by Bonnie K. Winn

  With his other hand, he picked up hers, placing it over his heart. “They’re imprinted here.”

  Brynn battled the catch in her throat, swamped by the love that filled her. “You’re an answer to all my daydreams, all my fantasies.”

  “That was Gregory,” he reminded her.

  “No. He was never the culmination of everything I’ve wanted and needed my entire life.” She traced the contours of his firm, strong lips. “But you are. I didn’t know it until it was nearly too late—”

  His fingers touched her mouth, stopping the flow of words, the regret she still lived with. Then his thumb eased gently over her lips. “I don’t need a camera to know this is a picture I plan to keep. I don’t mind if you get lost in your daydreams... as long as you find your way me.”

  Brynn reached up, her arms winding around Matt’s neck, her lips meeting his. The wild Irish wind whipped about them as they sealed the promise. And began a living dream. One that no fantasy could touch.

  ISBN : 978-1-4592-5018-5


  Copyright © 1999 by Bonnie K. Winn.

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  All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all Incidents are pure invention.

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