Hearts on Fire 6: Healing Sophia (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Hearts on Fire 6: Healing Sophia (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 3

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Not a problem. And besides fixing that fan, I may have a renter for you, if it’s still available.”

  “That’s great. Who is it?”

  “I’ll explain when I get there. Your team going to be around too?” Nate asked.

  “Oh shit. Yeah, they will be. I’ll make sure,” Lew said, totally understanding Nate’s tone.

  Nate had known these men for years, they were good at their jobs, and they were trustworthy. The only thing was that they were hardcore, and they might not be interested in being part of this situation considering they were retired and Lew had been shot and nearly killed. But what choice did Nate have? He needed people he trusted and a safe location. Things could just fall into place.

  “Lew, the fewer people that know, the better it is. I’ll want to come by and look over the place, the surrounding homes and landscape to ensure safety.”

  “A safe house, huh? I get what you’re saying. We’re right next door, Nate. Even with the guys’ schedules with the marine patrol, I’ll mainly be around.”

  “Not sure if babysitting is necessary, just security and peace of mind. That could change, Lew. Like I said, I don’t have much info. Yet. I hate throwing this into your lap.”

  “No you don’t. You know as well as I do that transitioning into civilian life sucks, and this is what my team and I are good at. We’ll do our best.”

  “I know you will. Rye and I will be there in about twenty minutes to fix that fan situation at the house. Then we’ll all head to the house you’re renting in the cul-de-sac by your place.”

  “I’ll wait for you guys here. Thanks.”

  Chapter 2

  Sophia looked into the mirror, turning sideways to see how the branding looked. Surprisingly it wasn’t as raised and sore looking as it had been the weeks before. With each week that passed, it healed, but it was there forever, as a constant reminder of Mateo and his hurtful, sick control. Jeremy had suggested she get a tattoo to cover it, and that there were really great tattoo artists that could disguise the branding so no one would even notice. As soon as she felt comfortable around the town and confident in the tattoo artist he recommended, she would do just that and get it taken care of. In the interim, she wasn’t going to wear anything that could show it. Jeremy felt responsible in some ways, but he shouldn’t. He’d been there when the branding happened, but he couldn’t blow his cover yet.

  Then she thought about where Jeremy was taking her now. He feared that all the other places that were supposed to be safe wouldn’t be. Or maybe they were, but she and Jeremy were so paranoid that they left those places and moved on. But she knew it was a burden to have her with him. He couldn’t conduct an investigation worrying about her every five minutes. Mateo and Deavan had disappeared, and there was no sign of them anywhere. The feds were still collecting evidence and putting associates of Mateo behind bars. Some politicians got caught up in the arrests, as well as lawyers and other people that had a lot of pull. It was a major mess, and Jeremy was working to resolve it all.

  The medication the doctors prescribed to help her sleep wasn’t really working. She was scared, and feeling safe enough to relax and catch up on needed sleep just wasn’t happening.

  She exhaled as she looked in the mirror.

  The bruises were long gone, but the feeling in her gut was strong as ever. It made her feel sick to think that Mateo had let Deavan have his way with her body. She really didn’t know if he had or he hadn’t. She prayed that he hadn’t, and she knew she might never know the truth. It made her have such a deep fear she avoided being touched, even when Jeremy tried to take her hand or hold her close when she would fall asleep next to him on a long drive. He had saved her, and she owed him so much.

  He’d blown his cover as an agent. The raid he’d organized failed because Mateo and Deavan were a few steps ahead and there was someone dirty working in the federal agency. Another reason they moved on from the known safe houses and were now headed to personal friends of Jeremy’s.

  She put on her bra, adjusting her extra large mounds into the small cups of the bra. She had always been well endowed. Voluptuous was an understatement with boobs like hers. They’d gotten her plenty of attention as a teen and even more in her twenties. It was a part of her body that made her feel self-conscious. She never flaunted her assets. She always tried hiding them. Except for in front of Mateo. If she wore a blouse, he would unbutton another button to reveal more. If she asked him what dress to wear to an event he wanted her to attend, he picked it out, and it was always sexier than her own taste. She had a traditional full figure, and she worked out very hard to make sure she didn’t get loose and flabby.

  She swallowed hard as she pulled on the T-shirt and then stepped into the shorts. She had never been weak-minded, yet so easily she allowed Mateo to mold her into the woman he wanted and expected. She had been so weak and stupid. If she ever got out of this mess and could have a normal life, she would be sure to hold onto her true identity and not allow the influence of others overpower her.

  Her natural olive complexion made her stand out as well. But all she wanted to do was hide. She didn’t want to leave the hotel. She didn’t want to look at people and to feel inferior, ashamed, weak, and stand out as a victim. She wanted to be strong. She wanted to get through this and have a life. But with Mateo and Deavan still out there somewhere free, it just didn’t seem like a real possibility.

  She gasped when she heard the knock at the door and grabbed the vanity.

  “Sophia, it’s time to go. Are you okay?” Jeremy asked her.

  “Yes. I’m coming now.”

  She gave one last look in the mirror, grabbed her brush and the other items that were already packed up. This was it. Another place, another hideout, but she wished it were the last. Sophia just wasn’t sure how long she could keep going on like this.

  * * * *

  “Where are the others?” Nate asked Lew as they met outside of the small beach house.

  “I figured from what you told me about the young woman, we shouldn’t meet her all at once. Might intimidate her.”

  Nate smirked. “Yeah, that’s a smart idea, but somehow I get the feeling she’ll still be intimidated by four giants like you and your team,” Nate said just as they heard the vehicle approaching. A black sedan with tinted windows pulled slowly up the long driveway.

  They both stood there as the vehicle approached, parked, and then one guy in casual pants and a dress shirt got out. Lew didn’t like the way he looked around the place or at them. He was glad that Nate took care of the greetings.

  Then another guy got out. It had to be Jeremy. He spoke to someone in the vehicle while Nate introduced Lew to the first agent.

  “This is Lew Masters. He and his team will be providing security and care for Miss Brown throughout her stay,” Nate said.

  The guy gave Lew the once-over.

  “Read your file. Impressive. Here’s a file on Miss Brown and her medical conditions.”

  “Medical conditions?” Lew asked, taking the file the agent handed to him.

  “She’s been through a traumatic experience and needs some sleep aids to cope. It’s all in the file. We have contact numbers in there, all secure lines, in case medical assistance is necessary beyond what we’ve provided thus far.”

  He glanced at Jeremy, who reached in and helped someone out of the car.

  The moment the young woman, Sophia Brown, stepped out of the car, Lew’s eyes were glued to her. She was gorgeous and had a hell of a figure on her. Even the other agents watched her closely as she made her way toward them.

  Jeremy and Nate embraced.

  “Good to see you. Sorry it had to be on these terms,” Jeremy said to Nate.

  “Me too, Jay. Next time,” Nate said.

  “You’ve got it,” Jeremy replied, and then Nate introduced Jeremy to Lew.

  Lew gave him the once-over. The man kept eye contact with Lew, and Lew thought that was a good sign. The man didn’t seem to be hiding anything,
but he did keep a hand at Sophia’s lower back. She looked nervous as her eyes darted to Lew and Nate then around the area and back to Jeremy.

  “Sophia, I’m Nate, a good friend of Jay’s.”

  She gave a soft, not quite authentic, smile.

  “Hello, Nate, Jeremy told me all about you and your friends,” she said in a shaky voice.

  Then she looked at Lew, who had to give his head a little shake to get with the program. He’d seen plenty of women in his lifetime who were drop-dead gorgeous, but none of them compared to Sophia. This immediate attraction and protective feeling came over him, and that was not cool. Never had that happened.

  “I’m Lew. I’ll be watching over you for the duration of your stay,” he told her as their eyes locked, and she lowered her head and turned away. She was more than shy. She was scared.

  Jeremy placed his hand on her shoulder.

  “Remember what I told you. You can trust Nate, Lew, and his team. The four of them live next door to the house you’ll be staying in, and Nate, his brothers, and their woman live about ten minutes from here,” Jeremy told her.

  She swallowed hard and nodded.

  “They have our secure contact numbers. I’m going to call you on that special phone I gave you to check in when I can.”

  “I’ll be okay, Jeremy.”

  Jeremy held her gaze and then gave a soft, reassuring smile, and she just stared at him. Lew couldn’t help the odd feelings he had. He wondered if there was something romantic between Jeremy and Sophia. Then he wondered why he’d even thought that and why it bothered him.

  It was odd, but as Jeremy and the agents left, and it was him, Sophia and Nate alone, he could see how uncomfortable and fearful she really was.

  “So, I guess the first thing we should do is show you around the place. Lew and his team have a beautiful beach house that’s all yours. Their house is this one right here,” Nate told her, and she looked at it.

  “It’s very big. I wouldn’t expect to see so many trees. It’s almost hidden,” she replied in a soft tone.

  “Well, wait until you see the back yard,” Nate told her and winked.

  “Well, let’s start off here by the driveway,” Lew said. “In the garage we have a series of vehicles. If you need to take one, we’ll work out a schedule. Down this path leads directly to a walkway that leads to your house, as well as another entrance to the beach. However, we tend to use the back door to our porch.”

  “Jeremy mentioned that one of the local markets offers delivery service for food and things,” she said as they began walking toward the pathway. Sophia picked up the large duffel bag, despite Nate’s offer to carry it for her. She also had a backpack in purple on her shoulder.

  “Shopping is only a short five minutes from here. You can use the car, or if it’s just a few items, we have bikes,” Lew suggested.

  Then she looked at him. “I’ll need that number for the delivery service please.” Then she continued to walk down the path.

  Lew looked at Nate, who seemed to read into that statement, too. Perhaps she was still living in fear and really didn’t trust easily. It would take some time. But Lew was really interested in reading the file Jeremy had given him.

  As they approached the dividing walkways between their house and Sophia’s beach house, she stopped in her tracks. She seemed completely affected by the view, the gorgeous semi-private beach before her and the roar of the ocean as it hit the shoreline.

  “Stunning, right? One of the best views in Treasure Town,” Nate said, and then she cleared her throat and walked to the left.

  * * * *

  Sophia was speechless. Never in her life had she seen any place more beautiful than here. She couldn’t help but to inhale deeply. The scent of ocean air filled her senses. She could imagine listening to the sound of the waves rolling into the shoreline as she lay in bed at night. The house was just as stunning as Lew’s but smaller, and from where the deck stood, she could see his deck and what appeared to be a swimming pool.

  “Your house doesn’t have a swimming pool, but there is a hot tub under there. I’ll come in once a week and make sure it’s clean. The chemicals all up to level, so no need to worry about it. Just enjoy it,” Lew told her, and she looked away from him.

  The man was so big she could hardly stop the fearful shaking feeling in her gut. She didn’t even want to speak and come across so intimidated. She didn’t know these men. She didn’t trust them, or anyone for that matter, and the sooner she established she wasn’t socializing with anyone, the better.

  “You have two entrances. One in the front of the house and this one on the back deck. We have a cleaning service that comes in every other week.”

  “I won’t need that. I’ll clean the house myself.”

  “Jeremy paid for that service.”

  “Credit him back. I can do it. I don’t mind cleaning. I’ll be fine,” she said, and they entered the house.

  She was shocked at how gorgeous it was. There were high windows everywhere and even a large indoor sitting room and balcony that looked out over the ocean and the glorious view. Was that a telescope set up there?

  “Everything in the house is yours to use. There’s another telescope in the closet on the upper deck toward the side of the house. But the one up there has a better vantage point,” Lew said.

  “I bet it does. This is really very nice. How come no one is renting it now?” she asked.

  “My team and I didn’t want just anyone renting it.” He looked down at her, holding her gaze.

  “It’s a stunning place, and they had asked all of us to keep it in mind if someone was looking, so when Jeremy called, it was a no-brainer,” Nate told her.

  “I’m not sure.”

  “What are you not sure about?” Nate asked her.

  She chewed her lower lip.

  “Sophia, we want you to feel comfortable with us. I’ve known Jay, Jeremy, for years. Whatever you’re thinking, or worried about, please don’t hesitate to tell me or Lew and his team. We’re here to help you get through this,” Nate told her.

  She looked at the two large men and then nodded.

  “There’s a whole beach out there, and ocean too, and anyone can come along from either place and sneak up in here.”

  Both men looked at her as if she were crazy, but she didn’t care. They didn’t know what had been done to her and how resourceful Mateo could be. Especially now on the run. He knew people.

  “Honey, don’t be afraid of anyone coming up to this place like that,” Nate said. “We’ve got security covered. Besides, from what Jeremy explained, it seems that these men, who may or may not still be after you, are in hiding from the feds. No one except for Jeremy, the two agents he was with, and us know where you are. Lew and his team are retired Navy SEALs. The best of the best, and you can trust them.”

  She just couldn’t shake the fear she had, but she wasn’t about to argue with such intimidating men, so she dropped it. So much for enjoying a sound sleep and listening to the waves rolling in.

  Twenty minutes later, Nate left, and Lew stood by the counter in the kitchen with a list of numbers and the keys to the house.

  She stood a good distance away from him, intimidated by his size and by the way he looked at her as if he could read her mind. He explained about the AC and how it worked and about garbage and other minor things that seemed to be on the list in the folder, but she hardly heard any of it. She wondered how tall he was and why he seemed to favor his right shoulder and every so often would rub over his chest on that side. His jet-black hair was nearly to his shoulders, making him appear rugged and intense. She didn’t want to stare at him, but his green eyes were quite striking and the muscles and hardness of his body, never mind his facial expressions, definitely affected her. Especially those thick chords of muscles that stood out on his neck as well as his forearms. The man was in excellent physical condition.

  “Did you have any questions?” he asked her, and she shook her head.

  “I’ll figure things out.”

  He pulled out a cell phone and placed it onto the brown granite counter in the kitchen. Then he held her gaze with a very intense and serious expression.

  “This is for you. You’re to keep it on you or near you at all times. Just in case of an emergency or if you need assistance for anything you’re not sure of or can’t figure out. We are one phone call away. The four of us are your first four contacts. You just press one, and it speed dials us.”

  “I have the one Jeremy gave me.”

  He shook his head.

  “That’s for him to contact you. He’s trying to find these men and will be working the field. Sometimes he’ll be unreachable. My team and I are your first contacts and aids in any situation.”

  She swallowed hard. She looked down at the phone.

  “I’m sure I’ll be fine on my own.”

  “No. This isn’t up for discussion. I believe Jeremy told you that you’re to do as my team and I ask. That means full cooperation without second-guessing or hiding anything from us. We can’t protect you if you don’t let us in on what you may need. I don’t care if you hear an odd sound during the night or something spooks you and you can’t sleep. You’re to call me or one of the others. Got it?”

  Sophia wasn’t certain she liked this guy one bit. He might be very attractive, have big muscles, and been a Navy SEAL, but his demanding tone and the scary way he looked at her were enough to make her cower. She looked away from him.


  She turned back. “I understand.”

  They held one another’s gazes, and then he pushed the phone closer to her.

  “Show me you know how to use it. Start it up.”

  He made her feel like a child. She could see that he had some years on her. Okay, maybe ten or so, but his condescending tone was not received nicely. She decided it was better to not argue and just give the man what he wanted. For now that was, until she could build up her physical and mental strength. She was still very down on herself and being negative.


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