Pretty Prize

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Pretty Prize Page 1

by Goode, Ella

  Pretty Prize

  Ella Goode



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18


  Captured: Chapter 1

  Also by Ella Goode

  Connect with me!


  Since his mother’s death, Hunter Keal has had one mission—destroy everything Garrett Vandermeer holds dear. One by one, Hunter has taken over Garrett’s factories, properties, until all that is left is Rose Vandermeer. Hunter will have her, too, with or without her approval. Only the more time he spends with Rose, the more that Hunter falls under her spell until the only thing he craves more than revenge is her love.

  Rose Vandermeer has spent years under the thumb of her controlling brother. She’s on the verge of escaping when she’s literally sold to a cold billionaire who sees her as nothing more than a pretty prize to be won. She might submit to his touch, his care, his tender keeping, but she’ll never give him her heart.

  Chapter 1


  “There’s still time to change your mind.” The voice of my better angel speaks in sonorous tones over my shoulder.

  I don’t take my eyes off the two figures sitting in the twenty thousand dollar Herman Miller chairs that were installed two weeks ago. The fresh smell of this office still lingers after a month of renovations. I haven’t decided if I love it or hate it. It reeks of new money. The majority of my wealth has been accumulated in the last ten years. The ruling class of New York isn’t impressed by me because they’ve seen fortunes come and go. My check is welcome but I am not.

  That will all change with my marriage to Rose Vandermeer, the Princess of Park Avenue. Once she is on my arm, no club will bar my entrance, no invitation will go unsent. With one “I do,” the rest of New York high society will bend their knee because despite their lack of money, the Vandermeers have been at the top of the ruling class since the Mayflower’s prow hit Cape Cod.

  It doesn’t hurt that the delectable raven-haired beauty sitting primly in the first chair is the most mouth-watering morsel I’ve ever had the good fortune to lay eyes upon. It’s not the first time I’ve seen Rose, but it’s the first time we’ve been this close. Her brother has kept her locked up in a figurative ivory tower in his penthouse apartment on Park, trotting her out only on a few occasions to feed the rabid interest about her.

  “Is being in my keep so much worse than the position she is now?” I ask my long-time friend and advisor who believes my soul will be compromised by carrying out this bargain. “Perhaps I am doing her a favor.”

  Rumor has it that she has had several offers of employment since her graduation from the exclusive all-girls college she attended upstate, but her brother, Garrick, has turned them all down on her behalf. From my intel, I’m not certain if she knows how rigidly he is controlling her entire existence.

  “She's a person. No person can want to be bartered like a coin or a stock share.”

  “If he doesn’t sell her to me, he’ll sell her to someone else.”

  “Regardless, she is not going to look kindly upon the person making the purchase.” She sits so silently, so still—as if she’s a picture rather than a human. Beside her, Garrick fidgets, first picking up one magazine and flipping through it only to toss it down seconds later and reach for a new one. After discarding his third magazine, he gets up and approaches my secretary, Chris, with a request. A minute later, the outer doors slide open and one of the staff members from downstairs brings in a tray with two glasses and a bottle of sparkling water. Garrick eyes the water with disgust. His addiction to booze and drugs has him in a tight grip if he can’t even last through the morning without a hit. “If she stays much longer with him, he may harm her.”

  I flick the monitor off. I’m tired of looking at her with a barrier between us. “Let’s complete the deal.”

  Chris pauses at the door. “You still plan on ruining him?”


  “You don’t think that will bother the young lady?”

  “I would hope she would have more intelligence than to care about a man who would sell her.”

  “But you believe that she will feel differently about the man who buys her?”

  A kernel of doubt turns over in my stomach but I quash it immediately. I have no time for second-guessing. I put myself in the three comma club by going with my gut and my gut says that bringing Garrick Vandermeer to his knees financially and eradicating any signs of his existence is exactly the right move.

  “Yes,” I answer confidently.

  Miller sighs and shakes his head, but he knows me well enough to understand that I’m not wavering from my position.

  I’ve been plotting the downfall of Vandermeer for twenty years, ever since he laughed in my face and spat on my shoes when I went to beg for my sick mother’s job. He didn’t care that the factory he owned in New Jersey was killing people with the amount of chemicals used. He didn’t care that he paid so little that most of the employees either had to have a second job or get food stamps. He didn’t care that he scheduled them for shifts below thirty hours so that no one was eligible for health care. He didn’t care that he was killing them.

  I swore on my mother’s grave that I would get revenge. When I began my hunt, I heard rumors of his particularly odd obsession with his sister. Fired staff would whisper about how she was kept in a luxurious cage, attended to only by older women. Some argued it was because she was a troll, with a hook nose and lesions speckled across her face. That talk was put to rest years ago.

  At that time, I wasn’t rich enough to be invited to Rose’s famed eighteenth birthday party. The gossip columns said it cost over three million. The most famous singer in the world serenaded the crowd. Guests went home with goodie bags full of the latest phones and actual gold chips. At the stroke of midnight, young Rose was revealed—beautiful and ethereal in a way that made angels weep, with waist-length black hair, a spotless complexion, and a body made for sin. She was introduced around the room, danced one song with her brother and then disappeared again to the private girls’ college. There was the occasional paparazzi picture of her when she would return home.

  Garrick had suitors lined up for her down Fifth Avenue, but they were all turned away. It’s not clear whether he was searching for the right man or simply wanted to keep her for himself. It doesn’t matter now.

  He took the most important woman in my life and now it is time I take the most important woman in his. I didn’t realize when I started this journey that person would be his sister.

  Chapter 2


  Regardless of how still I try and sit, I can never make myself invisible. My brother is on edge today and I know the smallest thing could set him off. He keeps fidgeting in his chair, unable to keep still. Something is amiss, but I haven’t had the time to put all of the pieces together to know exactly what it is yet. He appeared at my door insisting that I go to a meeting with him today. I tried to ask questions about this urgent meeting but the only thing he said was that I should pretty myself up. Those words always slice through me. My brother has always been cold to me. I am used to him trying to use my looks for his benefit. He treats me as if I was a prize to be put on display. That’s how he always made me feel in public. The four years of college I did was all for nothing. I was o
nly something that should look pretty. Never should I have an opinion on anything, that isn’t allowed. I am to smile and keep to myself.

  I’ve always done what I was told. I know better than to get on my brother’s bad side. I learned that at a young age. He is known for his temper and the fits of rage that send everyone running. I try not to poke the beast the best I can. One minute he will fly off the handle and the next he’ll be begging for my forgiveness. Everyone thinks I live this glamorous life. Little do they know that I live with a monster that could turn on me at any moment. His apologies fall on deaf ears these days. They are always the same.

  I swear, Rose, I’m sorry. I didn't mean to grab you so hard. Forgive me. It will never happen again.

  Lies. It always happens again. There is no pleasing my brother. The only reason I try is because I don't want to deal with the fallout of him going into a fit. A spoiled boy who doesn't know how to control himself or understand the word no. He thinks he can take and have whatever he wants.

  Today is different though. Internally I am shaking but I keep my appearance stoic. I have never seen my brother act this way. He is nervous, which makes my hands start to sweat. I have learned to deal with his mood swings, but I don’t know how to gauge this new situation. I can tell by the way he is acting that he doesn't have the power today. It belongs to the man we are here to meet, Hunter Keal. I know who he is. All the girls do. I heard about him a little over a year ago. Everyone at school went gaga over him. He was handsome.

  I’m just not sure why I am here. My brother never takes me anywhere. I know nothing about our family’s financials and how things really work. I’m not privy to those things. I also know not to ask. Today is the first time I’ve gotten any of that sort of information. Garrick made it sound almost dire on the car ride over. That Hunter could make or break our family. That we could fall into financial ruin all because of him. The only reason he has given me any details is because he wanted to make sure he made Hunter out to be the villain. I don’t trust anyone at this point, especially men.

  Garrick tossed that little bit of information my way and then sealed his lips on the subject. He didn’t bother to explain to me how we’ve gotten to a place where someone has such power over us. To be honest I don't care. If we lost everything that would mean the ivory tower my brother keeps me in would be taken away too. Good riddance. There would be nowhere to hide me away any longer. That sounds wonderful to me. Except for one little problem.

  Nora. My great aunt that I love more than anything else in this whole world. There would be no means to take care of her. It was the first thing Garrick reminded me of. He knew it was my Achilles’ heel.

  My phone vibrates inside the small pocket of my soft yellow Valentino dress that gracefully sweeps the floor. I itch to reach for it to see what Cara has texted but I can’t. The phone isn't one my brother knows about. It’s the only way I can have some contact with the outside world that isn't tracked. My other phone is monitored by Garrick. I know he screens my calls and reads every single detail in my messages. I have to be so careful, even with my search history. He checks every single aspect of my life. I am surprised I’ve gotten away with having a secret cell phone. It is the only thing that keeps me sane some days.

  “Do you have makeup on?” My eyes jerk to Garrick at the random question. My mind freezes for a moment trying to remember if I have put any on. I’m also not sure what the correct response should be. Would having makeup on be a good thing or not? “Rose.” He snaps my name when I don’t answer him.

  “Careful, Garrick. Roses look soft and sweet. Touchable. But they do have thorns,” a deep voice rumbles.

  My eyes shift from my brother to Hunter, who stands in the doorway. His presence demands attention. Everything about him does. The pictures I’ve seen don’t do the man justice. Sure, he was handsome in them, but in person he is bigger than life. Now I know why all the girls have been talking about him. If his words were tangible, I would grasp them and hide them in my pocket with my secret phone.

  I don’t know whether that should worry me or not. In an instant he seems to see right through the fake shield I’ve slid into place. His eyes lock with mine. I fight a smile, knowing without having to look at Garrick that he’s not pleased with Hunter using his first name. Garrick takes such pride in the Vandermeer name. He throws it around as much as he can. I gaze into Hunter’s dark eyes, knowing in that moment he is a man who will stop at nothing until he gets what he wants. I have a feeling that I am just that and he won’t be satisfied until he has me. I am the pretty prize to be had. Why else would I be here?

  Chapter 3


  She looks defiant and terrified at the same time and, perhaps, if I was a better person, as Miller claimed I was, I’d be ashamed at how aroused that makes me. But I’m not a better person. I’m a cruel one who has done little but plot vengeance for the last two decades and the last piece of my masterpiece is cutting the very last flower on the family tree. After which, I will salt the earth so that the tree not only withers and dies but nothing can ever grow from there again.

  “Hunter,” Garrick acknowledges, shoving his hands deep into his pockets.

  “Mr. Keal,” I correct and not in a gentle voice either.

  “Huh?” Garrick gapes at me.

  “My name. You should address me by my name.” I don’t want to hear him call me by the name my mother gave me. He doesn’t deserve that right. My gaze drifts to the small woman shrinking back against the black leather cushion. She doesn’t like my tone of voice, I sense. She doesn’t need to like me. She only needs to submit, I remind myself. “Come,” I order.

  I walk to my desk without a backwards glance because I know the two will follow. They have no other choice—not even the thorny Rose. I’d be on her before she even could. I am going to have her one way or another. When I take my seat, they’re at the door. Garrick has a hand placed on the small of Rose’s back. She’s arching forward, ever so slightly, to avoid his touch. He doesn’t notice because Garrick is incapable of seeing anything beyond his own long nose.


  The dark-haired man scowls but does as I order, pushing Rose ahead of him. She nearly stumbles, walking in sky-high lemon-colored heels. The painted red sole peeps in and out of view as she crosses the carpet to sink gracefully into one of the black leather chairs in front of my desk. She hooks her ankles together and tucks them behind her. Hands are placed primly in her lap, spine is ramrod straight, and her chin is up, but despite all her attempts to look composed, the signs of her nerves are everywhere. She twists the single silver band around her finger. There’s a light flush sweeping across the delicate collarbones exposed by the scooped neck of her expensive Valentino dress. Beyond all of those things, it’s her gaze that gives her away. She can’t seem to focus on any one thing. Her eyes flit from the windows overlooking Columbus Circle to my tie pin to the door.

  “Chris, please bring in the contract.”

  The door opens immediately, as if Chris had one ear pressed to it. I wouldn’t be surprised if he did, not that I have many secrets from him. He carries in a tray holding one single pen and the two-page document. I don’t believe in complicated contracts. The more words the more likely you’re introducing loopholes. This agreement is very simple. In exchange for me not calling in the mortgage on the Vandermeer family home on Park Avenue or the two loans on the factories in New Jersey or the real estate portfolio worth an embarrassingly paltry five million, I acquire ownership of one Ms. Rose Vandermeer. Along with taking control of how said companies operate. Technically, it’s a marriage contract, but we all know the truth. I’m buying Garrick’s sister so that he can continue to snort the Vandermeer legacy up his cocaine-riddled nose.

  “I don’t even get a refreshment as you rob me blind,” Garrick attempts to joke as Chris places the contract in front of him.

  “No.” I wave for Chris to leave. “Sign,” I order.

  I lean back and wait, using my time t
o inspect every inch of the delectable morsel in front of me. Even though there is a massive cherrywood desk between us, it’s still the closest I’ve ever been to Rose. From afar, her beauty is ethereal and otherworldly. Up close, it’s unreal enough to render one speechless. No one person should be that beautiful. Perhaps Garrick kept her locked away like a real life Rapunzel to protect the world from her ravishing good looks or maybe he just wanted to keep her to himself as some collectors do with a priceless piece of art.

  She is more breathtaking than any master could’ve created. If I was an atheist, I would have to repent at the sight of her. Only a divine being could have conjured up this combination of golden skin, piercing emerald eyes, and the body of a goddess. My eyes travel from her graceful neck over the rise of her perfectly formed breasts down to the nipped-in waist. Her skirt covers the valley of her pussy but I’m certain that is perfectly shaped as well. I’ll know soon enough when her clothes adorn the floor of my office.

  My blood heats at the thought of this glorious being nude in the sunlight. The floor-to-ceiling windows in here allow in a massive amount of sunlight given my position on the 98th floor of this high rise. I could lay her out on the carpet and feast on her body and no one in this city would know.

  The pulse at the base of her throat is fluttering rapidly and a peach flush is climbing up her neck and into her cheeks. I wonder how low that blush goes. Does it cover her tits? Does it extend to her stomach? Is her pussy getting red and swollen? I press a fist against my growing erection.


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