Bound by Hatred (The Singham Bloodlines Book 2)

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Bound by Hatred (The Singham Bloodlines Book 2) Page 4

by MV Kasi

  Neelambari was quiet. “I know that what you feel for him might be real. But he isn’t worth it. He trapped you for your money, my love. When he realized you would probably try to give it all up, he ran away.”

  “No. He promised to be with me and that we’d start our life together without the Prajapati money or power.”

  “He lied,” said Neelambari. “Or maybe it wasn’t a lie as such, but that boy was definitely not man enough to keep his promises when things got tough.”

  Sabitha pushed aside her exhaustion. “What did you do with Raghav?” she asked.

  “Nothing much. But whatever little was done… with barely five lashes, he begged to be free. He also made another promise. And this time it was to me. He told me he’d never step into the Prajapati province again.”

  Sabitha shook her head. “You are lying! You must have killed him!” Panic started to take over her.

  “I’m not lying,” Neelambari replied calmly. “Talk to him,” she said, and asked one of the maids to fetch a phone.

  The maid dialed a number, and when the phone began to ring, it was handed over to Sabitha.

  Sabitha heard the familiar male voice answer.


  “Raghav,” Sabitha whispered as sheer relief of him being alive took over.

  There was a deep inhale on the other end. “Sabitha?”

  “Raghav, are you alright? What did they do to you?”

  “I’m fine. I’m in the city now.”

  “Please come here and take me with you, Raghav. My aunt said if we stand together, she will let me leave from here. I have everything planned—”

  “I’m sorry Sabitha,” Raghav said softly, cutting her off. “I can’t. I can’t risk being stuck in that brutal world again.”

  “Raghav, what are you saying?”

  “I’m sorry I promised you that we’d escape and build a life together, but I can’t keep my word.”

  “But Raghav, you know very well that I—”

  “I’m sorry, Sabitha. Please, forgive me. But I can’t help you.”

  “Raghav, please. I’ll make sure you are safe when you come here to get me. Please listen—”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Raghav—” The line was cut.

  Sabitha frantically hit the redial button, but the automatic message of the phone being switched off was played. She tried it a few more times, but the same message was repeated.

  Sabitha stared at the phone blankly as shock began to take over.

  “I’m sorry, my dear,” Neelambari said softly with regret in her voice. “Men can never be trusted when it comes to matters of the heart. You give them everything—your love, your devotion. Everything that you have. But what do they do? They’ll still betray you in the worst way possible.”

  Sabitha was in too much of a shock to react.

  “That boy barely took five lashes before he began begging for his life, saying he would leave you. I admit I had promised him some money if he went away. But if he really loved you, he should have endured it. Like you did.”

  Sabitha just continued staring blankly.

  She couldn’t recall when and how she had been taken back to her room. But that night even she felt the crushing defeat when she realized she hadn’t escaped from the dreary, violent life.

  Her aunt had been right about one thing. She didn’t want to give up.

  Over the next six months, she tried to escape over twenty times. She was dragged back and tortured each time. She finally gave up trying after the sixth month.



  Sabitha recalled how she had been in that state of shock and defeat for a very long time after her last attempt to escape.

  A year later, the shock wore off and she had hardened her heart. She had taken up the offer her aunt had made and allowed her to be groomed to lead the Prajapatis.

  She had decided that instead of trying to escape from the violent, dreary life, she was going to embrace it full on and come out of it a winner.

  Which she ultimately did.

  She began to set up her own set of rules—one of them was to never let anyone see her fear again.

  She could either continue fearing everything… or she could be the one everyone feared. She knew which choice she had to ultimately pick to survive her brutal world.

  She had very few memories of her father. He had been killed when she was five. She remembered how she would go running to him whenever she saw him. He had always laughed loudly or was smiling at her as he picked her up and swung her high in the air while she squealed with joy. He had also given her presents and treats. He spent a good amount of time with her whenever he could. One of the things she remembered pretty clearly was a saying he often taught her about fear.

  “A fearless warrior dies only once, but a coward… dies a thousand deaths.”

  After she had been caught for the last time and dragged back to the Prajapati Mansion, for almost a year she had felt as if she had died a thousand deaths already.

  As time went on, death didn’t scare her anymore. She knew she was living a dangerous life where she could be killed at any moment. But if death wanted to take her, she would go like a warrior.

  During her training, and while she had taken up the reins to the Prajapati Estate, she eliminated everyone who opposed her or disrespected her. She led the people not only through her sheer will but also through brutality.

  Ultimately, people not only feared her but also respected her. She surrounded herself with brutal men who followed her orders without questioning her.

  But no matter how many rules or how many things she had done to lead the life she did now, she couldn’t forgive Dev Singham.

  Because of his betrayal, she lost the most precious thing in her life.

  For that alone, she felt the need to destroy him each time she saw or thought about him. The fact that he was a privileged and unpredictable egoistical man also added to her hate.

  The next few months were going to be extremely hard. She had serious doubts about whether she could work next to him without killing or causing him serious harm at some point.


  “We found his identity. He’s going by the name Samuel Mathews.”

  “That’s good. But do we know where he’s escaped to?” Dev asked Abhay.

  “Not yet, Dev. But we will soon.”

  Dev was speaking with his brother on the phone.

  Abhay and Anika were still in San Francisco following the trail of Raidu.

  “It’s been close to two weeks, Abhay,” Dev said with frustration. “I’m getting impatient. I want to join the hunt and get some answers soon.”

  Dev was still shocked and outraged that Raidu whom everyone had presumed to be dead during the temple massacre was still alive. Raidu had not only been Arundhati Singham’s personal bodyguard but also a good friend of Vijay Singham.

  “The investigators are doing everything they can, Dev.”

  Dev knew Abhay was right. Dev had sent his best private investigators to follow the trail of Raidu. The investigators were able to use the camera feeds that had captured Raidu being chased by Abhay and noted the taxi number Raidu had gotten into.

  Unfortunately, the taxi had dropped Raidu off at another crowded public location where he had disappeared. But using the camera feeds along with the latest software of facial recognition, they were able to track Raidu’s identity.

  “We already know where he used to live and work. That’ll give us some insight to where he might have gone,” said Abhay.

  “I’ve asked the investigators to continue making use of the new technology to print out pictures of how Raidu would look currently in disguise. I’ve sent some old pictures from our parents’ album.”

  “You bought that company?” Abhay asked.

  “Yes. I just finished the paperwork yesterday. I didn’t want legal hassles later on with the investigation.”

  “Congratulations,” said Abhay.

  “Thank you. However, I don’t know if we can get to him any sooner because of this.”

  “I know we will,” Abhay vowed.

  Dev was equally confident, but unfortunately he didn’t have Abhay’s patience.

  “I’ve asked the investigators to look at his bank details along with any credit card information and check for any activity.”

  “Yes. They are already on it,” said Abhay. “What about Malini’s search?”

  “As far as I know, Malini knows nothing. She doesn’t seem to have a clue that her father is alive. I had someone do a thorough search of her room. Nothing significant. And her bank account—apart from the monthly check deposits from Singham Estate—no other activity.”

  Abhay sighed tiredly. “Anika had already guessed as much.”

  “How is Anika doing?” Dev asked. A few days ago Abhay and Anika had called him and given him the good news of becoming an uncle soon. Anika was excited and Dev had teased her saying Abhay was going to pray the child doesn’t turn out to be a handful like his younger brother. She had laughed saying the child was definitely going to be a handful.

  Dev felt happy for them.

  “She’s doing well,” Abhay replied. “She’s going to miss her family when we get back. I’ve invited them to visit us before the birth of our child.”

  “That’s good,” said Dev. “You know people are going to go crazy in both the provinces when they hear the news about the Prajapati-Singham heir.”

  “Yes. We’ll announce it when we get there.” There was a pause. “It’s the third province I’m more concerned about. They are going to increase the attacks and cause trouble.”

  Dev frowned. “I’m not too happy you are not allowing me to handle them my way, Abhay.”

  “That’s because your way would involve you cutting all of them down with an axe. That’s not going to help in the long run, Dev.”

  Dev knew Abhay was mostly right.

  “Are the Senanis causing any trouble at the site?” Abhay asked.

  “No. We have enough men. And… the Prajapatis are also pitching in with the security.” Dev grudgingly admitted the Prajapatis were well-trained like his men.

  Between the Singhams and Prajapatis, they had managed to stop all the attacks from the Senanis.

  “Good,” said Abhay. “How’s the rest of the planning and set-up coming along? I hope there is good progress by now.”

  “Things are moving along fine.”

  When Dev didn’t elaborate, Abhay pressed him. “Define fine, Dev. You know this is important for us. I hope you are working with Sabitha Prajapati without any issues—”

  “I am,” Dev snapped. “I’m being as cooperative as possible with our mother’s murderer’s daughter.”

  “Dev,” Abhay said in a warning tone.

  When Dev didn’t respond, there was another tired sigh from the older Singham brother.

  “Dev, I have told this several times. Sabitha is family now. You have to get along with her for our people’s sake. And besides, if you were really the kind to hold people responsible for their father’s sins, then why didn’t you have a problem with Anika? You have always been cordial and friendly with her right from the beginning.”

  “Anika is different,” said Dev. He was aware that his tone sounded defensive. “Anika has never held a gun or a knife against me. She saves people’s lives for God’s sake.”

  “Well, that’s because Anika grew up under different circumstances. She hasn’t held a gun or a knife against you because you never taunted her like you did with Sabitha.”

  Dev was getting irritated. “Let’s drop the conversation, Abhay. It’s quite late here. Almost two in the morning, and I’m tired as hell. I’ll call you back later in the morning.”

  There was a pause. “Okay. Take care,” Abhay said softly before ending the call.

  Dev stared at his phone. He knew Abhay was worried about him. Abhay was one of the few people who knew and had witnessed his dark side. Abhay was also the only one who could keep Dev’s beast leashed and locked inside.

  Dev felt guilty. He didn’t want Abhay to worry that his younger brother would snap and go on a bloody rampage when he wasn’t around to control it. Instead, Abhay should be celebrating his upcoming parenthood along with his beautiful wife with peace of mind.

  Dev knew Abhay had always thought his younger brother was prone to violent urges because he had lost his parents at an early age. Which was only partly true. But Dev held a secret from his big brother that only his grandmother, Devasena, had been aware of.

  That secret was the sole reason for his violent urges.

  The smell of burning flesh slowly began to fill his senses. Before all his senses became overwhelmed with the images from the past, Dev shook his head and distracted himself by recalling the conversation he just had with Abhay.

  Dev’s tired brain grudgingly acknowledged what Abhay had just said did hold some truth. He shouldn’t be holding Sabitha Prajapati responsible for her father’s sins.

  If he were a bigger man, he could look past the father’s sins. Unfortunately, he wasn’t.

  He still hated her. And it wasn’t like she was the forgiving kind either.

  He was annoyed she had the upper hand most of the time during their battles. And even when she wasn’t battling with him directly, she still managed to agitate him.

  She intruded his mind and had even begun intruding his damn body.

  After she had held him at knife point that particular night, he hadn’t been able to be with a woman properly since then. He just could not get his body to cooperate. Each time he had kissed a woman or tried to be with a woman, her face flashed in his mind, exciting him while also horrifying him at the same time.

  Rather than being his usual controlled, smooth and attentive self to his dates, he turned aggressive when he kissed his dates, scaring most of them. A few got excited with that side of him, but he couldn’t continue as he was too disgusted by the very thought of being able to get excited only when her face flashed in his mind.

  She was ruining him.

  Dev’s mind automatically went to the night when he had ruined her plans to seduce Abhay. That night he had kissed her. He kissed her the way he had wanted and she even allowed him to—at first. But later, when she realized his identity, the little bitch played him along only to stab him in his leg.

  The memories of that night ran through his mind.

  Soon, he realized he was breathing fast. He was even aroused—painfully so.

  He got up from the bed and paced around the room to calm down while trying to ignore his body’s reactions. But he couldn’t calm down. Images of her face kept flashing in his mind.

  Thirty minutes later, he gave up and walked into the shower.

  He shed his clothes and held himself in a tight grip as water splashed over him. Behind his closed eyes, images of her continued to flash.

  Sabitha Prajapati was naked and her hands were tied to his bed posts. She was completely under his control.

  She was pleading and begging for his mercy, but he didn’t grant her any.

  Instead, he touched her and tasted her intimately, until she cried out in pleasure, hating him and wanting him, all at the same time.

  He teased her until she begged him to take her and end her torment.

  With a victorious growl, he crawled on top of her and took her savagely, conquering her completely.

  When he was about to explode, he pulled out of her, and spilled his seed on top of her, smearing it all over her body, marking her as his.

  As soon as Dev’s recurring fantasy ended, he grunted loudly as a violent release ripped through his entire body causing his ears to ring. It went on and on until it left him shaking and trembling.

  He was panting hard as he leaned against the shower wall with his hands, while the water continued to fall on him.

  Slowly he opened his eyes, feeling disgusted. He hated himself for the sick fantasy that was wrong on so many levels.

/>   He especially hated the fact that he wanted and craved his enemy that way.


  Sabitha’s SUV stopped in front of the site.

  “Have all the lead engineers and managers we hired assemble in the main meeting hall. I want to speak with them before the training begins tomorrow,” she instructed Dhruv.

  “Yes, madam.”

  Twenty minutes later, Sabitha was annoyed when Dhruv didn’t call her to let her know he had everything ready and they were waiting for her to address them.

  “Why is there a delay?” she demanded when Dhruv came into her office with an uncomfortable look.

  “Madam, they are all with Dev Singham. He’s been speaking with them since early this morning along with rest of his team. He has asked you to join him if possible.”

  “I see,” she said quietly.

  Dhruv stayed silent.

  “As soon as he’s done, let me know. I need to speak with him privately.”

  “Sure, madam.”

  Sabitha felt a simmering anger grow within her.

  Who the hell did he think he was?

  She had gone through hell to become the person she was today. She wasn’t going to simply sit back and allow a privileged, cocky, and arrogant prick grab her power and control.

  Dev Singham was going to get a piece of her mind soon.

  It took close to two more hours until Dev Singham gave the engineers and managers a break. She was finishing up with her calls with the transportation company when she heard him return to his office next door.

  Immediately, she got up went towards his office. She knocked on the door just once and not bothering to wait for his answer, she strode inside.

  His head was still bent over the document he was reading. “I thought you would join me in the meeting after you arrived. Didn’t you get the message from me?” he asked.

  She sat in the chair and glared on top of his head where his hair was styled in a deliberately messy manner. “Don’t ever order my men without my explicit permission,” she said with a soft menace.

  He looked up from the document and watched her with an unperturbed look. “Your men?”


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