by Bryan Sykes
Smilodon, 45
Smith, John, 232
smoking, 163
Smolenyak, Megan, 172–73
snail shells, 51
Snake River, 222
Solomon, 118
Some Like It Hot, 203
Somerset, Edward Seymour, Duke of, 82, 90
Somerset, John Seymour, Duke of, 82
Somhairle mac Gillebride (Somerled), 98–105, 106, 107–8, 109, 110
Sorenson, James LeVoy, 78–79
Sorenson Genome Institute, 78–79
South Africa, 295, 303
South America, 12, 32, 37, 38, 40–41, 44, 45, 143
South Carolina, 251, 252
South China, 40
South China Sea, 47
South Dakota, 66, 221, 277
Southeast Africa, 141, 144, 146–47
Southern, Ed, 160
Southern states, 237, 243–44, 246, 251–52, 292–93, 311, 314
Southwest Africa, 140–41, 240
Southwest Indian tribes, 248
Spain, 38, 44, 63, 123–27, 131, 132, 242, 248
Spanish Empire, 63, 131, 242, 248
Spanish Inquisition, 124–27
spear points, 3–17, 36, 55, 56
spears, 7–8
speculation, land, 277
sperm, 23–26, 167–68
Spider Clan, 259
Spielberg, Steven, 21, 214
“Spiritual Warrior” event, 229–30
Springfield, Mass., 199–200
Standish, Myles, 189, 194
Stanford University, 236–40, 249
Starlight Books, 258
Star of David, 112
Star Trek, 55
starvation, 59–60
State Department, U.S., 295
statistical analysis, 75, 177–78
Steinbeck, John, 253
stereotypes, 267–68
Stewart, Patrick, 55
Stone Age, 12
stone knives, 13
stone tools, 13, 15, 41
stone weapons, 13, 140
Sturgess Library, 191
submarine tankers, 191
sub-Saharan Africa, 115
Sudan, 301
Suffolk, 87–88
sugar, 141, 163
Sun Clan, 259
superclans, 136–37, 139, 140, 141, 142–43, 147, 148, 329
Supreme Court, U.S., 283
surnames, 74–111, 145, 235, 275, 276
survival, 36–37
Swan Lake, 195
sweat lodges, 229–30
Sweden, 19, 63, 95
Swedish Americans, 95
sweet potatoes, 37
Switzerland, 84, 114, 231
Sykes, Plum, 258
Sykes, Richard, 91, 178–81, 185, 186, 197–226, 227, 258, 263, 267, 281, 311
Sykes, Sir Richard, 74–75
Sykes, Ulla, 91, 179, 227–85, 299, 300, 301, 307, 311
Sykes surname, 75–76, 80, 84, 98
synagogues, 120
syphilis, 286
Tahiti, 47
Taiwan, 37, 40, 46
“talking leaves,” 251–52
TallBear, Kimberly, 275
Tanzania, 141–42, 143
Tara, 69, 301, 302
Ta-Sunco-Witko (Crazy Horse), 214, 220, 221
Taurus, 215, 219
Tayac, Gabrielle, 271
Tay-Sachs disease, 112–17, 121, 125, 127, 162, 164, 287, 288, 289
technology, 16–17
teeth, 15, 20, 21, 35, 54
Tennessee, 297
terminal diseases, 163–64
testing, genetic, 20–21, 51–52, 57, 72–93, 97, 101, 116, 126, 145, 147, 149–54, 160–64, 166, 178–88, 185, 230–33, 238, 244, 247–55, 270, 285–90, 307–21
Texas, 77, 127, 270
thalassemia, 125, 287, 288
Thanksgiving, 280
Thatcher, Margaret, 295
thermal vents, 221
They Are Afraid of Her, 214
Third Mesa, 260
Thirteenth Amendment, 133
Thomas, Will, 53–54
Thompson, Rev. Mark, 293–98, 313, 317–18, 320
Thorvaldsson, Erik, 62
“thrifty genes,” 59–60
Thurmond, Strom, 292–93
Thynn, Alexander, 88–93
Thynne, Christian, 90
Thynne, John, 90
Thynne family, 88–93
tigers, 45
Tilousi, Carletta, 61
Time, 162
Time of the Buffalo, 217
Time of the Dog, 217
Time of the Horse, 217
Times (London), 75, 81
tissue transplant rejection, 80
tissue-type frequency, 279–80
tobacco, 64, 131
Todd, Christopher, 182
Togo, 240
To Kill a Mockingbird, 186
Tokyo, 169
Tongue River Canyon, 216
totem poles, 29
Totnes, England, 82
tourism, 139
Tower of London, 90
toxins, 318–19
trade networks, 12, 130–32
Trail of Tears, 252–53
Trajan’s Column, 129
Treasures of Tutankhamun, The, 19
Trials of Phillis Wheatley, The (Gates), 299
tribes, African, 39–142
tribes, Native American, 28–31, 46, 56, 189–90, 192, 200, 213, 251, 276–84, 314–16
see also specific tribes
“Tribes of Britain” test, 153–54
Tri-City hydroplane races, 54
Trinity College (Dublin), 102
Trojan War, 212–13
Trollope, Vera, 90
Trollope surname, 89, 93
Tuba City, 266, 267
tuberculosis, 115
Tufts University Medical Center, 197
tundra, 43
Turkana, Lake, 140
Turkana tribe, 147
Turtle Island, 217
Tuskegee syphilis experiment, 286
Tutenkhamun and the World of the Pharaohs, 19
Tutsi tribe, 275
23andMe, 161, 162, 165, 227, 230, 232, 236
type 2 diabetes, 59–61
Tyrannosaurus Rex, 21
Ui Neill clan, 102, 104
Ukraine, 119
Ulrike, 69
Umatilla, 56, 61
Underhill, Peter, 239
Underwood, Peter, 70
Union Station, 203, 204, 205, 208, 225, 285
United Nations Human Rights Council,
United States:
author’s visits to, 165–66, 174, 177–269, 270
blacks in, see African Americans
colonial period of, 177–96
European immigration to, 62–71, 84–87, 95–96, 112, 117, 122–23, 133–34, 157, 170, 177–96, 245–47, 307–21
genetic analysis of, ix–x, 67–71, 177–269, 307–21
map of, xii–xiii
Native Americans in, see Native Americans
population of, 65–68, 133, 247
Southern states of, 237, 243–44, 246, 251–52, 292–93, 311, 314
Universidad Austral de Chile, 15
Untouchables, The, 204
Ursula, 50
Utah, 78–79
Utah, University of, 30
uterus, 116
Utrecht, 187
Uzbekistan, 80, 232–33
Vancouver Island, 29, 37–38
van Rensselaer, Kiliaen, 187
van Slyke, Cornelis, 186–87
van Slyke, Jacques, 187
van Slyke, Lydia, 188
variable numbers of tandem repeats (VNTRs), 70–71
variations, genetic, 70–71, 109–10, 169–70
Velda, 69
Vermont, 279–80
Victoria, Lake, 140
vicuñas, 44
Vietnam War, 205
“Viewliner Roomette,” 198–99, 201, 204–5, 223<
br />
Viking Brotherhood, 55–56
Vikings, 55–56, 58, 62–63, 67, 97–98, 102–5, 106, 130, 153–54, 213
Vinland, 63
Virginia, 64, 185–86
Virginia Colony, 185
Visigoths, 123
vision quests, 213–14, 229–30
vitamin D, 320
vultures, 215
Waitt Foundation, 273–74
Wales, 86, 97, 102, 129, 213
Wales, Charles, Prince of, 95, 96
Wall Street Journal, 77, 100
Wampanoag, 64, 180, 189–90, 192, 195, 280, 281, 315–16
Wampanoag Meeting House, 192
Wamsutta, 194
warfarin, 318–19
Washington, D.C., 270–71, 285, 290–98
Washington Star, 286
Washington State, 29, 48, 53–55, 66
Washington-Williams, Essie Mae, 293
Wayne, John, 267
Wayne’s World, 205
weapons, 13, 140
Weatherford Hotel, 257–58, 259
W.E.B. Du Bois Institute of African and African American Studies, 132, 133, 298–304
Weedpatch, Calif, 253
Wells, Spencer, 79–80
West Africa, 115, 130–31, 132, 141–43, 146–47, 151, 239–40, 287, 290, 297, 303, 318
West Barnstable, Mass., 191–92
Western Mohegan, 279–80
Westerns, 267–68
West Yorkshire, 75, 84
whalers, 30
Wheatland, Wyo., 210
Wheatley, Phillis, 285
Where White Men Fear to Tread (Means), 204
White Lady (ghost), 82
White Mountain Apache, 278
white-tailed deer, 21
White Women (Cooper), 293
Who Do You Think You Are?, 302
“wifelets,” 89
Wild Horse Arroyo, 6–11
wild horses, 28, 43–44
Williams, Roger, 194
William the Conqueror, 81–82, 85, 104
Wilson, Allan, 138–39
Wiltshire, 88
Windover site, Fla., 50–52, 57
Winfrey, Oprah, 145, 294, 303
Winslow, Ariz., 260
Winthrop, John, 64
Wired, 282, 283
Wisconsin, 96, 280
wolves, 44
women, 23–26, 68, 70–71, 130, 132, 141, 153, 219, 281, 291, 292, 296–97
see also clan mothers
Woodward, Scott, 78–79
woolly mammoths, 43
World War II, 119–20, 261
Wounded Knee Massacre (1890), 204, 221
writing systems, 251–52
Wyoming, 210, 214, 212, 216
X chromosome, 166, 318
Xenia, 46–61, 68–69, 327
Yakima, 47
yaks, 43
Y chromosome, 68, 73, 80, 159, 168, 188, 193, 274, 276, 299
of African Americans, 145, 150, 152–53, 235, 244–45, 289, 291–92, 297, 301, 302
of Clan Donald, 100–111, 108, 235, 244–45
European, 100–111, 108, 235, 239, 242, 244–45, 289, 291–92, 302
of Jews, 120–23
Native American, 280–84
surnames and, 74–76, 80–93, 97, 184, 185, 235, 244–45
Y-chromosome Adam, 159
Yellowstone Lake Hotel, 221–22
Yellowstone National Park, 217, 218, 219–22
Yellow Wolf, 214
yeti, 129
Yorkshire, 75, 84, 87–88
Yoruba tribe, 169
Younger Dryas (mini-ice age), 39, 52
Zambia, 139
Zanzibar, 148
zebras, 19
Zephyr, 197, 204–25, 264
Zululand, 303
Zulus, 145, 294, 303
About the Author
Bryan Sykes, a professor of human genetics at the University of Oxford and a Fellow at Wolfson College, has had a remarkable scientific career. He was the first to discover, in 1989, how to recover DNA from human remains thousands of years old, and he has been called in as the leading international authority to examine several high-profile cases, such as the Ice Man, Cheddar Man, and the many individuals claiming to be surviving members of the Russian royal family. Since then he has worked extensively on the origins of peoples from all over the world, using DNA from living people as well as from archaeological remains. He has proved that the origin of Polynesians lay in Asia, not America, and discovered that the ancestors of most Europeans were hunter-gatherers from before the last Ice Age. He also has showed that most Europeans trace their maternal genetic ancestry back to only seven women. On the male side, he was the first to show the close connection between DNA and surnames, a discovery that is revolutionizing genealogy.
Sykes is the founder and chairman of Oxford Ancestors ( the first company in the world to help people explore their own genetic roots using DNA. He is also the author of The Seven Daughters of Eve, Adam’s Curse, and The Human Inheritance: Genes, Language, and Evolution.
The team: Richard, Bryan, and Ulla.
The Mayflower replica, Plymouth.
On Boston Common.
“Atticus Finch” in John Hancock’s chair.
The Treat Rotunda at the New England Historical Genealogy Society’s headquarters in Boston.
All aboard the California Zephyr.
Bear Lodge/Devil’s Tower, Wyoming.
With Serle Chapman by the Tongue River, Bighorn Mountains.
The climb to the Medicine Wheel, Bighorn Mountains.
Custer’s tombstone at the Little Bighorn battle site.
Buffalo in Yellowstone.
A steam vent in Yellowstone, gateway from another world.
Smoke from the Arnica fire drifts across Yellowstone Lake.
The Zephyr pulls into Emeryville, California, at the end of its journey.
From sea to shining sea: the Pacific at Ano Nueva, California.
Ulla at San Francisco Bay.
Bryan coming to grips with American football.
Sea lions relaxing at Pier 29, San Francisco.
The colonnades at Stanford University.
The Weatherford Hotel, Flagstaff.
Outside Stanford University.
On the way to Second Mesa.
Ulla in Utah.
The shadows lengthen over Monument Valley.
Hopi land meets modern times.
With Bennett Greenspan at the Houston headquarters of Family Tree DNA.
Union Station, Washington, D.C.
Ulla and the buffalo warrior, National Museum of the American Indian, Washington.
With Rev. Mark Thompson on the air at Sirius XM Radio.
With Dr. Henry Louis Gates Jr. outside the American Museum of Natural History, New York.
With Dr. Gates at the NEHGS Annual Dinner, Boston.
Job done: relaxing by Central Park, New York.
Self-declared ancestries with the highest proportion in each county within the forty-eight contiguous states. Redrawn from results of the 2000 census.
Chromosome portraits showing the ancestral origin (green: African; blue: European; and orange: Asian/Native American) of DNA segments within the twenty-two autosomes of twenty contributors and volunteers. Fuller details are in the text. Asterisks indicate pseudonyms.
All images © 2012 23andMe, Inc.
Locations of 146 important genes involved in eleven body systems superimposed on the chromosome portrait of Mark Thompson and showing their ancestral origins (green: African; blue: European; and orange: Asian/Native American). Where locations have two colors, Mark has inherited genes with different origins from his parents. Details of each gene are in the appendix.
All images © 2012 23andMe, Inc.
Copyright © 2012 by Bryan Sykes
All rights reserved
First Edition
e: Names of some characters from Hollywood films have been used as pseudonyms for
DNA respondents throughout the book. These references appear in quotation marks.
Credits: DNA USA volunteers thumbnail portraits: Dr. Justin Barrett, Aaron
Gray, Jean-Luc Jucker, Dr. Rick Kittles, Dr. Jay Lewis, New England Historic
Genealogy Society, Meriwether Schmid, Bryan Sykes; journey images: Bryan
Sykes; chapter opener sketches and U.S. location map: Richard Sykes.
For information about permission to reproduce selections from this book,
write to Permissions, Liveright Publishing Corporation, a division of
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Book design by Chris Welch
Production manager: Devon Zahn
Library Of Congress Cataloging-In-Publication Data
Sykes, Bryan.
DNA USA : a genetic portrait of America / Bryan Sykes.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-87140-412-1 (hardcover)
1. Human population genetics—United States—Popular works.
2. Human genetics—Popular works. I. Title.
GN290.U6.S95 2012
Liveright Publishing Corporation
500 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10110
W. W. Norton & Company Ltd.
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* Quotation marks used to denote pseudonyms throughout.
* Quotation marks have been used to denote pseudonyms.