The UnFolding Collection Three

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The UnFolding Collection Three Page 67

by S. K. Randolph

  Torgin eyed the joyful reunion with a touch of envy. A hand on his shoulder changed it to a gasp of surprise. "Mother. Father. I didn't expect to see you." He hugged Renn and offered a hand to Wilith, who took it and drew him into an embrace. Torgin, eyes wet with tears, returned the first hug he could ever remember receiving from his father.

  Sparrow's heart overflowed. All those she loved most, except her mother and Standin, milled around the garden. She bent to tickle Majeska under her chin. Amethyst eyes gleamed; her long tail twitched. With a clipped meow, the smokey gray cat trotted to her favorite place by the front door. Sparrow’s gaze roamed the garden. Greetings, tears, smiles, and laughs created a party feel in her garden. It is a party…a reunion. Speaking of reunion…

  Henrietta caught her eye and whispered something to Mairin and Lanli, who waited with Relevart in the lengthening shadow of the old maple. She dropped her spectacles in a pocket and placed a hand on Relevart's arm. With a nod to Allynae's parents, they ambled toward the cottage, where Wolloh waited by the back door.

  Standing on tiptoe, Sparrow whispered in Allynae's ear. Herding her family and guests with the efficiency of a sheep dog, she urged them around the cottage to the front garden, where a banquet awaited. A glance back assured her that Allynae and his parents had found each other. Embracing her role as hostess, she prepared to make sure her guests were well taken care of.

  As though walking a tight rope, Allynae placed one foot in front of the other. His suddenly dry mouth tasted pasty. Sweat trickled down the side of his face―sweat or tears―he couldn't tell which. The moment his mother's arms encircled him, he knew they were tears. His knees went wobbly. The warmth of his father's hand on his shoulder cancelled the sudden weakness. The young boy he had been when they left wanted to sob.

  Mairin smiled through her tears. "It's alright to cry, Alli."

  He let down. Tears, bottled up for sun cycles, rolled down his cheeks. His mother's soaked through his shirt and into his heart. Lanli guided them to a bench by the pond, where his mother sat on one side of him and his father on the other.

  Mairin clasped his hand and inspected his face one feature at a time as though she could read the past in every line and wrinkle. "When the Guardians asked us to find The MasTer, we knew it would be a long and difficult journey. You were young but strong enough to handle our absence. You had Lenadi and Teva and Mira to help. The job the Galactic Guardians asked us to do was dangerous, more dangerous than any of us anticipated. We couldn't contact you, Alli, without putting you and everyone around you in peril."

  Lanli stretched his arm along the back of the bench. "And returning prior to finishing the job would have brought the Pheet Adole down on all our heads. We hope you can forgive us. It was never our intention to be gone so long."

  Allynae stared over the pond. "Sometimes I hated you for leaving me. I'm lucky; Mira was always there. Lenadi became my best friend. When I finally went to live at the Temple of Mahyinaeh, it got easier." He sighed. "If I have learned anything from being with Mira and now Sparrow, it is that life takes you where you are needed most. There is nothing to forgive. You did what had to be done. The Guardians would never have asked if you weren't the best ones to do the job. I'm just glad the girls will get to know you." He stood up and faced them. "I look forward to getting to know you."

  Mairin glanced at Lanli. "We won't be here long, Alli. Relevart needs our assistance."

  Allynae linked his arm through hers. "Then we'd better make the most of the time we have. Come and meet SparrowLyn."

  They strolled together as the sun underscored its descent to the horizon with wide swathes of salmon, pink, and orange. In the front garden, Katerrace had already placed lanterns on the tables and hung glow globes in the trees. Sparrow walked their direction, stopped to confer with Feela, and then hurried to Alli's side.

  Allynae followed her movements with a touch of pride, then looked to where the twins and their friends gathered at a table, enjoying the calm of Myrrh's dusk. For this moment, my life is perfect.

  Sparrow caught his eye. "Life is always perfect." With a gracious smile, she turned to his parents. "Welcome to Myrrh. I'm SparrowLyn AsTar Nadrugia. We are so glad you're here."

  Sparrow pumped the swing higher, soaked in the beauty of moonlight painting the garden with silver and shadow, and reminisced about the changes in her life. The reunion of family and friends had been delightful. Hugging her daughters; seeing the health shining in Esán's eyes; watching Torgin, now so grown up, talking to his parents… The swing dropped lower. As a child, I used to love this swing. I loved looking down at the world, the sudden leap of my stomach when it plunged to the bottom of its arc, the sense of freedom and flight when it shot higher. I hated to leave it behind when Standin moved us to the Central Mountains.

  Letting it slow of its own accord, she thought about her parents, about Allynae's reunion with his. The best part of the afternoon had been the joy in his eyes when he introduced them to her. He was with them now, catching up on many sun cycles of living apart. She had heard Alli describing his shape shift to Starfire as Ari and Brie plopped down next to him on the sofa. The girls had chimed in, eager to let him and their grandparents know how special their father was. Sparrow had slipped from the room. Mairin and Lanli would leave in the morning. Family time would be much too short. Pushing off, she pumped the swing until she could feel wind in her face. I miss the mother who raised me. She leaned back and looked up at the sky. I miss you, Standin.

  Sparrow jumped from the slowing swing, enjoying the surge of childish laughter bubbling in her throat. Biting her bottom lip, she considered returning to the cottage. I'm not ready for people. Just a bit longer…

  At the edge of the pond, she picked up a small flat stone, savored the smooth curve of its edges, threw her arm back, and let the stone fly. One, two, three skips rippled the calm surface. She grinned. Haven't lost my touch.

  Autumn cool ruffled her hair. Tugging her sweater tighter, she sank onto the bench and let her thoughts return to the events of the turning. Midway through the wonderful meal Feela had prepared, Merrilea and Major Jordett had arrived from Idronatti, bringing with them Akeri, Lenadi's life-mate, and a PPP officer named Sagus.

  Sagus had come to speak with Relevart about being part of the team going to El Stroma. She sensed Teva was the reason for his interest.

  A chill prickled the back of her neck, a chill engendered by her sixth sense. Sweeping a subtle mind probe over her acreage, she sought a reason for her unease.

  The RewFaaran camp was quiet. Demrach Gateway, guarded by Mondago's men, spun undisturbed. Nemttachenn gleamed silent and majestic in the moonlight. What am I feeling?

  A shadowed figure descended the back porch steps. Henrietta flashed to her side.

  "Relevart needs us." She touched Sparrow's arm. The sanctuary replaced the garden.

  Wolloh placed a finger on his lips. The fourth stair creaked. Somay, Allynae, and Nomed arrived. Relevart materialized and waved a hand above the fountain.

  "Our adversaries search. It is time to construct wards around Elcaro and the cottage. We must also obscure Myrrh's portals. He counted on his fingers. "Tropal, Demrach, Nervac, and NiaDisbo. Did I miss any?"

  Allynae shook his head. "You got them all. There used to be five, but Kao was destroyed by the Pentharian." He turned to smile at Mairin as she and Lanli preceded Akeri into the sanctuary.

  Brie appeared in the doorway, noted those gathered, and asked in a puzzled voice, "Do you need me , Relevart?"

  "I do, my dear. Your presence brings our count to the power number eleven." Gripping his staff, he moved to the fountain. Everyone, please form a circle and repeat after me:

  "Wards and shields form―protect!

  Evil's quest you will deflect.

  Obscure all portals, near the Eye;

  Foil attempts to good defy.

  Eleven is our number strong;

  We weave these shields to fight all wrong.

  Around the co
ttage and the grounds,

  Henceforth our power now abounds.”

  The room vibrated with the sound of eleven voices. Elcaro's Eye grew quiet. On its surface the soft shimmer of wards taking shape floated up from the bottom of the bowl, spilled over the alabaster rim, and like dawn's mist, drifted out the windows and around the land, the cottage, and the four portals. When water once again flowed from the statue's palms, Relevart and Wolloh raised their staffs. Eleven voices called out, "Seal and Secure." An alert hush stole over those gathered.

  Finally, Henri removed her spectacles; Nomed rubbed the scar on his cheek; and Relevart and Wolloh lowered their staffs.

  Relevart gave a small bow. "A job well done. Thank you. I suggest a good night's sleep. Tomorrow, the CoaleScent Cycle enters its beginning stages, and new journeys begin for many of us."

  Allynae spoke to his parents, moved to Sparrow's side, and put an arm around her. "I can tell you're not ready to settle down. How long will you be?"

  She kissed his cheek. "Go. You need to share every moment you can with your parents. I'll let you know when I'm done." A brief hug and he was gone.

  Nomed and Somay followed him into the hall. Wolloh's lame walk carried him to her side.

  "I leave tomorrow with Nomed, Somay, Esán, and Torgin. Zugo will go with us as well. We cannot afford to be trapped by the Cycle of Dovi. Too much must be done to prepare Shu Chenaro for the next phase of this adventure." His good eye found Somay. "Esán and his father will leave from DerTah. The boy requires more time on Tao Spirian."

  Beside the map of Myrrh, Brie and Relevart conferred. The VarTerel finished talking and tapped her forehead. Looking somewhat dazed, she left the sanctuary.

  Wolloh's good eye followed her exit. When his attention returned to Sparrow, his expression was sympathetic, but unyielding. "You know the girls must leave soon. Do not let Dovi catch them in Myrrh." When he reached the door, he turned his full face to her. "You are the perfect choice to follow in Almiralyn's footsteps, SparrowLyn. Never doubt that."

  Henri, who had been staring into the fountain's bowl, looked up. "He's right, Sparrow. You are the right person to oversee the last piece of Old Earth." She gazed at the gentle ripples on the water's surface and stroked her wrinkled cheek.

  "Are you alright, Henrietta?"

  The elderly woman rested a hand on the rim. "I was just wishing I had not lost quite so many years in Idronatti."

  Sparrow experienced a stab of guilt. "I'm sorry you had to…"

  Henrietta shook her head. "Oh, my dear, I would not have missed a moment with you and your girls, even though I did have to remain incognito. It's just that there are so many more adventures to come, and I don't want to miss any, but…" She sighed. "I am feeling my advanced years."

  Relevart guided Akeri to the fountain. "I have explained to Akeri that Teva and Lenadi remained on TreBlaya at my request." He patted the hand resting on his forearm. "In a couple of turnings, my dear, I will take you to rejoin your mate."

  Akeri responded with a professional nod. "I am excited to be part of the team. Thank you, Relevart."

  Somay stuck his head in the room. "Akeri, let me show you Sparrow's studio and her paintings. It will give you a better understanding of what helped to accelerate The Unfolding."

  When they had gone, Relevart stroked the rim of the fountain. "Sparrow, would you mind giving Henri and me some time alone with Elcaro's Eye?"

  "Of course, I don't mind. I'm happy to take a break. Let me know when you're finished." She regarded Henri. "I will never forget your sacrifice, Henrietta. I'm grateful you were there for the twins and me."

  Relevart walked her into the hall. "Thank you." He paused and seemed to listen. "The cottage has accepted your presence and your new role. Almiralyn will be pleased."

  Sparrow jogged down the stairs, smiled at the creaking fourth step, and murmured, "I like your gentle warning." Walking briskly into her empty studio, she stopped to inspect the paintings Somay had lined up for Akeri. So many memories captured by my brush. I had no idea when I came to Myrrh my art would play such an important role in The Unfolding.

  Ari and Elf stood with Zugo on the Intersect platform beneath the red barn. With Wolloh's help, she had used Efillaeh to repair the DeoNyte's burns. His arm, although much better, would take a long time to heal. The VarTerel had explained that The MasTer's fire did more damage than an ordinary blaze. Zugo would also bear the scars on his face, chest, and arm for the rest of his life.

  The DeoNyte's expressive face looked momentarily sad. "I said goodbye to everyone but Brie. Please tell her good-bye for me." The sadness vanished into excitement. "I may see her in DerTah, depending on how long I am there."

  Ari smiled. "I am so glad your father is allowing you to travel. DerTah is an interesting place. You'll like TheLise od Trinuge. Between you and me, I think Nomed is in love with her; so keep your eyes open."

  Zugo draped his uninjured arm around her shoulders. "Thank you for using Efillaeh on me, Ari."

  "I'm sorry I couldn't erase the scars."

  He flexed his damaged fingers. "I don't mind the scarring…after all, Wolloh has scars…but I'm sure glad I have the use of my hand."

  Ari glanced at Elf. "Elf says you're lucky to have Wolloh as a mentor."

  "We're all lucky. You and Elf have Relevart. Esán has his father. Brie…" Zugo squinted into the distance. "I believe Brie will have many mentors." Removing his arm, he brought pale eyes to rest on her face. "We've all changed since the day the DiMensioner and Wodash invaded the Dojanack Caverns."

  "Haven't we just!" She looked at Elf. "You wouldn't have liked me then. I was…" She laughed. "Torgin would say I was a Drotti."

  Elf's teasing smile made Ari blush.

  Zugo cast a nostalgic look from one to the other. "I wish…" White fur floated around him as he shook himself. "I'd better go. Father and Mother are waiting. I don't have much time with them before I leave with Wolloh."

  Ari hugged him. "Don't know when I'll see you again. Stay away from fire."

  He gave her a mock salute and flashed from sight.

  Ari slipped a hand into Elf's and gazed at the scattered stars. Who would have ever thought I would travel through time.

  A kiss brushed her cheek. She looked at Elf. And who would have ever thought I'd fall in love?

  Henri waited by the fountain. The cottage, though quiet, reverberated with the vitality of its occupants. So much talent and so much power here because of Rayn. Again, she stared into the Eye. How long do I have? I do want to travel to El Stroma. I want to― Relevart's silent appearance startled her. "My goodness, you are quiet for a big man."

  His shoulders shook with silent laughter. "You never cease to astonish me, Henri." He sobered. "I have a proposition for you, Henrietta Avetlire."

  She traced the roundness of Elcaro's rim. "A proposition?"

  Humor sparked in the VarTerel's dark eyes. "Before I present it…I'll understand if you say no," his tone teased, "and so will the Galactic Guardians."

  Henri choked down a churlish quip, dipped a finger in the water, and flicked a drop into the air. "Relevart, you are a clever man. How can I possibly say no to the Guardians? You'd best present your plan so I know what lies in store for me."

  A smile softened the angles of his rugged features. "I have promised the Guardians I will find a companion to share the role of Universal VarTerel―a partner who will help to bring balance to Universe." He hesitated and seemed to gather courage around him. When he spoke next, his voice was steady and confident. "I would like you to be my companion."

  Henri's eyebrows shot up. Emotions hitting her stomach like a storm of butterflies sent her toddling to the window. Diamonds of light on the pond sharpened. The heightened scents of autumn tickled her nostrils. Night sounds amplified until she could hear the spider weaving its web in the old maple tree. Donning her spectacles, she turned to regard him. Startling clarity replaced any uncertainty that might have been lurking around her heart.

; "My, my, Avlin Enus, you do know how to take a woman by surprise." She hobbled to the fountain and peered once again at her reflection. "As a young woman, I dreamed of my prince charming…what he would look like…where he would come from…all the things we feminine creatures fret over. While you talked to Sparrow in the hall, it hit me even harder than usual how my stay in Idronatti, has cut short my longevity." She glanced at him from under half closed lids. "I want to have more adventures, see more of the Universe…" A heavy sigh steamed her lenses.

  Amusement shaped Relevart's mouth into a teasing smile. "Hmmm. Having a bit of a pity party, are you? I am no…" He paused, then smiled. "I believe the Old Earth saying is 'I am no spring chicken,' Henri. I have lived my life without ties of any kind. I am set in my ways. You are the only woman who has kept my interest and who continues to delight me. We will make a great team."

  Henri heard no pleading, only conviction and caring. She removed her spectacles and tapped her palm. The Unfolding has changed me, given me the opportunity to use my training and talents for the good of others. I liked it. I like adventure. Relevart has always held a special place in my heart. She tucked her lenses in a pocket. "I have one question. What about your feelings for Rayn?"

  The weathered features grew thoughtful. "Rayn is gone. Who knows how we would have felt about each other had we not been separated for so long. She was part of me. But, Henrietta, I did not…do not…love her. You, on the other hand, have the potential to enrich my life in ways I can only imagine. I need your talents and skills to help me do my job well. I want your companionship to fill my sun cycles, however many, with the energy, intelligence, and humor you bring to everything. I know I've surprised you…" He inhaled, exhaled, smiled.

  The clarity she had experienced earlier sharpened. Her heart gave a leap of delight. "Avlin Enus, VarTerel of the entire Universe, I would adore the adventure of being your companion."


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