Fall of the Cities_A Mercedes for Soldier Boy

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Fall of the Cities_A Mercedes for Soldier Boy Page 30

by Vance Huxley

  “Oh yes. Those are definitely memorable.” Harold wanted to ask if Mercedes wore stockings normally, or just when she wanted to torment him. For some reason a bit of stocking top looked sexier than just legs, or it did on Mercedes.Thinking about that and what Patty said about Mercedes and underwear, together with the comment about undressing for company, screwed Harold’s concentration for a moment.Mercedes gave Harold a big smile before very obviously undoing a button on her blouse. She smelled lovely and Harold asked without thinking. “What’s that lovely smell, scent or soap?”

  “Why ‘Arold, don’t your other women wash?”

  “Yes, but they don’t smell like that.” They didn’t, unless Harold’s reaction came down to those damn pheromones.

  “Well since you like it, you should have a proper smell. Here.” Mercedes leant in so he could smell her properly, which involved her blouse gaping invitingly and Harold sliding his eyes away. Mercedes smiled and her eyes did as well, a little, as she put her neck so close that Harold almost kissed it.

  “Mmm, so lovely and so tempting.” Harold blew out gently so Mercedes would feel it on her neck. She’d done it again; he’d started flirting without a second thought.

  “You could have helped to soap me, if someone had told me you were here.” Mercedes swivelled slightly so that Harold’s hand had a little trip down her thigh. He avoided the hem, just, and her thigh muscles rippled hello. “You rotten lot could have told me about ‘Arold.” Mercedes actually sounded annoyed. “I had trouble reaching my back properly. ‘Arold could have washed it.”

  Harold knew that part was bullshit because Mercedes couldn’t take anyone into the en-suite, but it was a hell of a thought. “I would love to hand wash anything you need me to, Mercedes. Even if there’s no shower or water.”

  “Naughty ‘Arold, but don’t give up. If you keep asking, who knows?” Her thigh muscles told him they liked the idea. Harold didn’t need more distraction; he needed his full attention on where the captured hand touched. Mercedes swivelled her hips a little when she talked to the others, enoughso his hand stroked up and down her very short skirt. Touching her stocking meant bleeding,so Mercedes had raised their game to a new level.

  That didn’t stop Harold from playing. “In that case, I’ll keep asking.”

  Mercedes looked him over, very obviously. “Well, ‘Arold. Since you didn’t get to wash my back, will you be staying over? Just in case something else needs washing in the night?”

  “My loofa is yours to command.”

  Harold tuned out the comments about his loofah, because he’d got the response he wanted. Mercedes looked down with that slow flicker in her eyes and smiled, a real smile. “Mmm. Tempting. But if your loofah strayed, I might cut it off.”

  “Only if it strayed someplace you didn’t want it. Unfortunately, my business is finished.” Harold sighed, and found that he meant it. “If I’d only known, then I would have made the haggling last.” Actually he’d be staying overnight, but daren’t ask for another night in her bed. He wasn’t sure if he could survive a second time.

  Mercedes sighed as well, leaning in until Harold had to turn so his nose wasn’t in her cleavage. “Maybe it’s just as well I’m not allowed to take you to bed again. My won’t-power might not survive another night.” Apparently, judging by all the laughter, second nights in her bed weren’t allowed.

  “Once will have to do then, luckily it was unforgettable.” Harold sighed dramatically, making sure the expelled breath went downwardswithout letting the spectators realise he’d just blown straight down Mercedes’ cleavage. He considered the eye flicker and a small, private smile his reward.

  “And tempting. If you’d stayed another night, I might have been tempted to stray.” She sighed again, and her lips were close enough to... Harold stopped that thought sharpish, just in time to keep his fingers off the stocking tops as her legs swivelled.

  Caddi interrupted, his face and voice showing his curiosity and some anticipation. “Well since you couldn’t stop over in his gaff, maybe we could make an exception? Would you like Mercedes to take you to bed for the night, Harry?” Harold saw the surprise in the young woman’s eyes, and then another tiny smile that nobody else could see.

  “Of course I would. Frustrating as hell but a man’s gotta take what he can, when it’s offered.” Harold kept his eyes, and his smile, aimed firmly at Mercedes. “After all, if I keep asking, Mercedes might take pity.”

  “Take your ears.”

  “Take your nuts.”

  Cooper and Chevy reacted but both Harold and Mercedes were waiting for Caddi, and everyone shut up smartly when the answer came.”Well then, if Mercedes asks you can say yes.” Dead silence followed, while Mercedes made a great play of pursing her lips and looking Harold over.

  “It has been a busy night, so perhaps I need a bit of fun and some relaxation?” Harold saw it then, a warmth in her eyes, deep inside but more than the flicker. “You look to be up for fun, ‘Arold. Will you spend the night in my bed?” She paused. “With me?” Mercedes licked her lips. “Please?” The please wasn’t actually necessary afterthe invitation in her voice.

  “Yes Mercedes. How could I resist when you ask like that? I will do what I can to make sure you enjoy it.” Her small, real smile morphed into the wider public version.

  “Oh, I’m sure it will be memorable. Nobody ever wanted to come back for more! A few had so much fun they had to be carried out in the morning.” Mercedes swivelled her hips a little to slide Harold’s hand and her muscles did that little tango.

  Harold winked at her. “If that’s going to happen to me, please tell me first. You know why.” He squeezed her thigh.

  The Hot Rodsguffawed asCooper gave the answer, “So you can make it worthwhile.” Harold had to ask again, because Mercedes had gone well past any rules he’d heard of. After all, Caddi had certain rules as well.

  “Caddi, are you trying to kill me, or are you trying to recruit me?” Everyone went quiet, and even Mercedes looked curious.

  “I must admit that I’d love to recruit you, but Mercedes doesn’t screw anyone to order. In fact, she doesn’t screw anyone.” Caddi gave a short laugh. “I’m beginning to get curious myself, so no matter what happens, Harry, I’ve no argument with you. It’s between you and Mercedes.”

  “So are you trying to kill me or recruit me, Mercedes?” Harold wanted to find out, even if he didn’t expect Mercedes to tell him. She’d already screwed him, in his head.

  “Yes.” That young face and her old eyes looked at Harold.The tip of her tongue came out, for a moment. “To help you decide which option you need a hint. Would you like to put your other hand somewhere delectable, ‘Arold?”

  “I would love to, Mercedes, providing I manage to survive to remember it.”

  “Please put your hand somewhere delectable, Harold. Somewhere you’ll remember until you die.” So she still might kill him. The room had gone dead quiet again. One hand already rested on a very short length of skirt over her thigh,both too high and too low for Harold to relax. Where the hell should he put the other?If he refused, Harold lost their game. Not that he even seriously considered refusing.

  Harold left his stick propped against his chair and raised his hand as if about to give an oath, before giving Mercedes a very slow inspection, toe to top. At the end of the delightful trip, Harold held her eyes. “So much delectable, and only one small hand. Where do I start?” The flicker was even stronger this time. Harold tuned out the chorus of suggestions becausethey were playing a private game, oddly enough.

  “It’s not where you start, ‘Arold.” Harold felt her hand take his wrist and pull it forward and wondered for a moment if he was going to confirm some betting by touch. Down went their hands, and for one wonderful moment her eyes twinkled.

  Mercedes would be bloody gorgeous, must have been gorgeous, before something had killed that twinkle. That promise of laughter in her eyes finished the package and made it irresistible. Harold feltsomething smooth an
d warm, and a hem under his forefinger and the edge of his palm. Without thought his fingers followed the curve around. Then he registered just what he had hold of and... Harold glanced down.

  She’d put his hand on her nearest leg with one finger on her skirt and the other three fingertips round her thigh but not between her legs. Cooper and Dodge immediately urged Harold to stick his hand up the short skirt. Caddi’s attention fastened on Harold’s hand, then switched to Mercedes with a real question in his eyes.A startled Harold did his best to keep his face straight as Mercedes leant in, giving him another chance to look down her front. As she did, the minx slid her nearest leg forward a couple of inches, so her stocking top came out from under the miniskirt. Harold had a strip of bare skin under one finger!As Harold slid his eyes away to decline the flash,he realised nobody else would know becausehis fingercoveredthe bare strip. Mercedes laughed. “Now where do you expect to finish?”

  Dead or with you biting the bedding wasn’t a good public answer. “Just here is perfect. Higher and I lose that lovely smooth leg, lower and I move away from all the other truly delectable bits.” Harold put just enough pressure on his second finger so Mercedes felt it on that strip of skin, and gripped the other thigh a little harder. He realised what he was doing and took a deep mental breath. Mercedes had got him to do something she’d have to kill him for, if anyone realised!

  Mercedes looked triumphant. Caddi looked from her to Harold, curious what had amused her so much, so Harold spoke up quickly to divert him. “Where have you been tonight? It’s dangerous for a young woman out in the dark.” The gist of the various comments settled on it being dangerous for who found the woman, and certainly distracted Caddi.

  “I’ve been wandering about, to see who is still stupid enough to follow a short skirt and an unbuttoned blouse into a dark place.” Mercedes gave ‘Arold a questioning look at that.

  “It would probably depend on who is in the skirt and blouse, but right now I can see the attraction.” Harold gave Mercedes a visual once over again, in case anyone missed the point. They didn’t and the rest of them agreed, laughing. Despite her reputation, Harold thought Mercedes could still lure most of the Hot Rods somewhere private. They might be wary, but hell, Mercedes had got both Harold’s hands occupied and hers free right now. Not both, because one slippedinto his back pocket and squeezed his ass. Mercedes had to move in closer for that, which made it harder to avoid her cleavage.

  At least Caddi stopped being so curious about her agenda with Harold, and wanted to know how her scouting had gone. Mercedes genuinely had just come back to the Mansion. She had killed two lone fighters, butneither were one of the remaining Murphy leaders. Those were getting very wary, and weren’t venturing out without lots of bodyguards. Mercedes had alsocollected some useful information on sentries, weapons and strongpoints, which Charger entered on a map. Nobody noticed a young woman, and this one occasionally attracted a customer into an alley and took their ears. No wonder Caddi kept advancing.

  The others in the room were watching Mercedes repeatedly move her cleavage about,trying to win the bra bet themselvesnowshe’d undone that extra button. Theirdistractionhelped Harold, asit wasn’t so obvious he was having a lot of trouble with concentration. Not strictly true, Harold’s concentration worked fine, but had to stay on his hands with side trips into his boxers. Harold tried harder to pay attention to the conversation when he suddenly realised that not everyone had been distracted. Caddi sat watching Harold try to avoid looking for Mercedes’ bra, and his lieutenants try to see if she wore one, with a little smile.

  The talk became more general, about the better beer now they’d found another brewer. As a bonus Caddi had captured the Murphies’ brewery and the equipment, and installed the lot in one of the Mansion houses. Harold winced a bit when Caddi gloated over the brewer being a family man, so there’d be no screwing around with the yeast this time. “Did you want some chickens, Harry?” That came out of nowhere.

  They all laughed as Harold stared. “I would love chickens, but not at any price you’ll accept.”

  “Not proper chickens, not yet,” Caddi clarified. “But they are real chicks that will grow into chickens. The Murphies were so busy fighting they didn’t realise their hens had beenlaying in the bushes, and sitting on the eggs. I’ve captured the lot. I’m keeping the adults because they are producing eggs. Or the hens are, and some cockerels will make a lovely roast dinner.” Harold realised that the bastard had done it. He’d got the breakfast everyone had considered extinct, bacon and eggs! “I’ve just realised that selling you a few chicks will pay for my musket.”

  “I’ll want a lot of chicks for that, especially if they might not give eggs in the end.” The negotiations about buying some chicks would have gone better if Harold could have concentrated on haggling. He brokeevery rule about touching her bare leg while not letting anyone know, while Mercedes kept moving her thigh muscles under his hand and trying to give him an eyeful. His concentration went walkabout when Harold wondered if he’d get the full view at bedtime. He privately thanked all and any gods the gun prices were sorted out.

  When Caddi finally announced time for bed, Mercedes held each of Harold’s hands in place for a last slow massage from her muscles while she slid that strip of flesh back under her skirt. She finished by standing up slowly so Harold stroked her as his hands came free. This time Mercedes didn’t say anything about the view while following her, just pointed to her ass and gave it a little wiggle. Watch this. Caddi intercepted Harold at the bottom of the stairs.

  “Just to make it clear, Harry. If you screw her brains out, you walk free, no problems. You even win the commando betting since you won’t be doing it through her knickers.” Caddi laughed, possibly a genuine one. “You don’t even have to confirm.”

  “Fat chance. She’s screwing with my head, but not the rest.”

  “No. For the first time she might, I only say might,be considering it so don’t say no.” Caddi wore a little smilethat for once Harold thought might be sincere.

  “Cripes, what makes you think I would say no if she means it? She’d kill me! Hah, fat chance I could actually say no. The bloody Pope wouldn’t say no after the treatment I’ve been getting. Cripes Caddi, I’ll be walking funny for days as it is!” Harold shook his head. “You heard her, she does this to blokes all the time.”

  Caddi laughed, thank all and any gods. “Oh yes,she could kill most of this lot the same way.” The warlord patted Harold on the back. “Off you go and remember, have fun, or at least make it worthwhile.” Caddi chuckled as he left, probably hoping he’d finally get his chance at Mercedes. After all, according to the Deal, if Mercedes let anyone into her pants,she had to screw Caddifor as long as he wanted.


  A fulsome greeting awaited Harold when he arrived in her bedroom. “What took you so long, ‘Arold? Don’t you want to sleep in my bed?” Harold laughed, because both of them knew that was a silly question. Mercedes opened the drawer full of temptation. “Decisions, decisions. What should I wear for a second time? I’ve never had to pick a second outfit for the same man.” Mercedes gave Harold a good look at a dozenskimpy versions of nightwearhe would have loved to see her in,so why lie?

  “I would love to see you in any of those, Mercedes. I would love seeing you coming out of them even more.” Mercedes’ smiled, full and delighted, and her eyes warmed but Harold kept going. “But I’m worried that you might not sleep comfortably, not with those little lacy bits and ruffles on your fair skin. Perhaps you should wear the same as last time? You seemed to be comfy in that.”

  That earned Harold a happy laugh beforeMercedes headed into the en-suite.A few moments later she called out. “Will you pass my shirt, ‘Arold? I came over all hot and bothered and forgot it.” Harold picked up the big shirt and cracked the door open. “Over here ‘Arold, you can stick your head in.”

  Haroldhalf-expected another quick flash, but not tonight.

  Her skirt and blouse landed at Harold’s feet b
ut he didn’t see them, because Mercedes stood there posing in just her boots and stockings. This time Harold didn’t get the full benefit, because his whole attention fastened on her face. Hermouth and her glorious, sparkling eyes were laughing, really laughing, probably at his expression. When Mercedes suddenly said, “Careful,” Harold realised he’d started to put his foot inside the door. A blinding smile and an imperious hand beckoned,so Harold threw the shirt. He stayed right there, smiling back until finally Mercedes pouted regretfully. “Naughty, ‘Arold, you can’t expect me to get into my nightie with you watching.” Harold picked up the skirt and blouse, closing the door before putting them on the chair.

  This time Mercedes wanted ‘Arold to get into the bed in his shirt and boxers. Once he had, she pursed her lips thoughtfully. “I’ve changed my mind.” Harold didn’t care because they were only playing to the sound and vision. “I want you to take off your tee. Not your boxers ‘Arold, or I might forget myself entirely.” Mercedes pursed her lips again as Harold sat up. “No, I think you should take it off under the covers. Slowly, ‘Arold, so that I can imagine your shirt sliding over everything.” Harold obliged. “Mmm, that’s lovely. Just thinking of all that sweaty muscle moving about is getting me all hot and bothered.” From her eyes and smile Harold thought that might be true.

  “It’s a good job I’ve taken it off, because I’m a bit hot and bothered myself.”Harold took the chance to send his boxers south save to some wriggling about later. They weren’t going to be needed,not after the bathroom greeting.

  Mercedes looked around at the cameras, wherever they were, waving the knife. Harold turned his back while the light show and music went on and Mercedes flipped back her side of the covers. “I hope this big muscly beast isn’t as tempted as I am.” Mercedes slid the knife, and herself, under the quilt. “That would leave a terrible mess on the bedsheets.” Her hand passed Harold the knife.


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