The Murray Leinster Megapack

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The Murray Leinster Megapack Page 8

by Murray Leinster

  Teddy put his mittened hand over his nose and face to partially warm the air before he breathed it in. Now, even through the heavy, arctic clothing he wore, he felt the bitter cold. He de­tached the thermometer from his sleeve and clumsily tied it to a cord. He had hoped to be able to lower it down the rim of the crater, but that was impossible. He flung it toward the hillock of snow and ice, let it remain there an instant, then hastily drew it back to read it. The ether in the thermometer had frozen into a solid mass in the bulb of the instrument.

  Teddy went back to where the men had made ready. Four of the wicked little guns would fling their three-hundred-pound bombs into the center of the column of steam. If all went well, at least one charge of T. N. T. would explode far down the orifice.

  The propelling charges had been in­serted, and now the slender rods were put into the muzzles of the short, squat weapons. The winged bombs were balanced on the muzzles like top-heavy oranges on as many sticks. At half-second intervals, the four guns went off one after the other.

  Before the last had exploded, or just as the flame leaped from its muzzle, the hillock of ice rose as in an eruption. Four cracking detonations blended into one colossal roar that half stunned the little fur-clad party. The rush of air threw them from their feet. When they rose again a huge hole showed in the center of the clearing, a gaping chasm that went down deep into the heart of the ice. A cloud of yellowish-smoke floated above them. And the column of steam had ceased! Only a few stray wisps of white vapor floated up from the opening.

  “It’s done!”

  Teddy gave orders for a quick return to the fort. The mortars could be re­turned for. At the moment the impor­tant thing was to send the news to Eng­land and Japan.

  The return trip was made quickly, and Teddy made hurried explanations to the commandant of the forts of what should be done. Men should bore deep holes twenty feet apart, the holes to be along the edges of clearly defined sec­tions of the ice. Simultaneous blasts should be set off, and the sections would float free. The iceberg would not grow again. It was done for.

  Cablegrams were prepared and rushed through to Folkestone, Yoko­hama, and Gibraltar. If men took trench mortars and fired shells that would fall down the holes from which the steam issued, the cause of the ice cakes would be destroyed and the ice itself could be blasted off and towed out to sea to melt.

  Teddy rushed back to the professor’s home to report to him the full verifica­tion of his theories, and it was there and then that the first authentic expla­nation of the ice floe was given to the world. Word of his effort and of the disappearance of the steam plume had preceded him, and as he sped uptown in the taxicab newsboys were already on the streets with their extras. Only the front pages—showing signs of having hastily been hacked to pieces to make room for the story—had anything about the latest development, and those extras are singularly perfect reflections of the public attitude at that time.


  Teddy threw himself out of the machine and rushed up the steps.

  Evelyn opened the door before he could ring, and his beaming face told her the news he had to give even without his enthusiastic, “It worked!”

  “The steam plume has stopped?” asked the professor anxiously.

  “Absolutely,” said Teddy cheerfully. “Not a sign of steam except from two or three puddles of hot water that were cooling off when we left to get back to the fort. The commandant was set­ting his men to work with the navy yard men when I started here.”

  “Tell me about this, won’t you?” said the reporter briskly. “I’ll catch the devil from the city editor for missing out on that part of it, but if you’ll give me the full story—”

  “What’s your paper?”

  The reporter told him.

  “That’s all right,” said Teddy easily. “They were calling extras of that paper as I came uptown. The professor has told you the theory of the thing?”

  “No,” said Evelyn. “He was starting to, but the black flyer appeared and shot down the other aeroplane, and father was so much upset that he couldn’t go into details. Was the pilot of the aeroplane killed?”

  Teddy nodded.

  “Frozen, poor chap. He never knew what struck him.”

  “What did happen?” asked the re­porter again. “You people seem to take this so much as a matter of course, and no one else can do anything but guess.”

  “The professor knows more about low temperatures than any other man in the world,” explained Teddy. “It’s only natural that he should be fairly certain of his facts.”

  He smiled at the professor as the old man made a deprecating gesture.

  “Father is much upset,” said Evelyn. “I think it would be best if Teddy ex­plained. Will that be all right?”

  “Only, in your account of the mat­ter,” said Teddy decidedly, “the pro­fessor must be given credit for the whole thing. It’s his work, and he’s entitled to it.”

  “No, no,” protested the professor. “Teddy did a great deal.”

  Evelyn pressed his arm, and he obe­diently was quiet. The two young peo­ple smiled at him.

  “You see how I am ruled,” said the professor in mock tragedy. “My daugh­ter—”

  “Is going to see that you rest a while,” said Evelyn, with a twinkle in her eyes. “Teddy, you go and explain the whole thing while I take father out and discipline him.”

  With a laugh, she led the old man away. Teddy smiled.

  “We aren’t accustomed to reporters,” he said, “or I suspect we’d act differ­ently. Miss Hawkins is a most capable physicist, and helps her father im­mensely. The three of us work together so much that—Well, come along to the laboratory.”

  The two went to the rear of the house. On the way they passed through a long room full of glass cabinets in which odd bits of metal work glittered brightly.

  “The professor’s hobby,” said Teddy, with a nod toward the cases. “Antique jewelry and ancient metal work. He’s probably better informed on low tem­peratures than any one else I know of, but I really believe he’s as much of an authority on that, too. This is Phoenician, and that’s early Greek. These are Egyptian in this case. This way.”

  He opened a small door and they were in the laboratory.

  “I’m afraid I’ll have to lecture a bit,” said Teddy. “Here’s how the professor used to work out what was taking place out in the harbor.”

  He showed an intricate combination of silvered globes, tubes, and half a dozen thermometers.

  “You see,” Teddy began, “the water in the harbor was at a certain temperature. At this time of the year it would be around 52° Fahrenheit. The pro­fessor knew that fact, and then the fact that a huge mass of it was turned into ice. When you turn water into ice you have to take a lot of heat out of it, and that heat has to go somewhere. When water freezes normally in winter that heat goes into the air, which is cold. In this case the air was considerably warmer than the ice, and was, as a matter of fact, undoubtedly radiat­ing heat into the ice, instead of taking it away. The heat that would have to be taken from say ten pounds of water at 52º to make it freeze, if put into an­other smaller quantity of water would turn the smaller quantity of water into steam. You see?”

  “The steam plume!” exclaimed the reporter.

  “Of course,” said Teddy. “We measure heat by calories usually. That’s the amount of heat required to raise a pound of water one degree Fahrenheit. Suppose you have a mass of water. To make it freeze you have to take twenty thousand calories of heat out of it. Suppose you take that heat out. You’ve got to do something with it. Suppose you put it into another smaller mass of water. It will make that second mass of water hot, so hot that it will turn into steam at a high temperature.”

  “Then Varrhus,” said the reporter thoughtfully, “was taking the heat from a big bunch of water and putting it into a small bunch, and the small bunch went up in steam. Is that right?”

  “Precisely.” Teddy turned to a file on which hung a numb
er of sheets of paper covered with figures. “Here are the professor’s calculations. We could only figure approximately, but we knew the size and depth of the ice cake, very nearly the temperature of the water that had been frozen, and naturally it was not hard to estimate the number of calories that had had to be taken out of the harbor water to make the ice cake. To check up, we figured out how much water that number of calo­ries would turn into steam. The pro­fessor appealed to the government sci­entists who had watched the cake from the first. He found that from the size of the plume and the other means of checking its volume, he had come within ten per cent of calculating the amount of water that had actually poured out in the shape of steam.”

  “But—but that’s amazing!” said the reporter.

  “It was good work,” Teddy said in some satisfaction. “Then we knew what Varrhus had done, and it re­mained to find out how he’d done it. Nothing like that had ever happened before. He couldn’t very well have an engine working there in the water. The professor took to his mathematics again. Assume that I have a stove here that will make it just so warm at a distance of five feet. I’m leaving warm air out of consideration now and only thinking of radiated heat. If I put my thermometer ten feet away how much heat will I get?”

  “Half as much?” asked the reporter.

  “One-quarter as much,” said Teddy. “Or three times away I’ll get one-ninth as much, or four times away I’ll get one-sixteenth as much. You see? If I want to make the ends of an iron bar hot, and I can only heat the middle, the middle has to be red-hot or white-hot to make the ends even warm. If I have to make the middle of a bar red-hot to have the ends warm, you see in order to make the ends cold the middle would have to be very cold indeed.”

  “Y-yes, I understand.”

  “Well, the professor worked on that principle. He knew the temperature of the edges, and he knew the size of the ice cake. It was easy to figure what the temperature must be in the middle. It worked out to within two degrees of absolute zero!”

  “What’s that?”

  “There isn’t any limit to high tem­peratures. You can go up two thou­sand degrees, three thousand, four, or five. Some things almost certainly pro­duce a temperature of as much as eight thousand degrees. But high tempera­tures are produced by putting more heat in—by stuffing the thing with calories. I make an iron bar red-hot by putting calories in. I make it cold by taking calories out.”


  “If you keep that up you reach the point where there aren’t any more cal­ories left to take out. When you get to that point you have a temperature of 425° Centigrade, or one thousand and seventy-eight degrees Fahrenheit below zero. That’s absolute zero.”

  Teddy spoke quite casually, but the reporter blinked.

  “Rather chilly, then.”

  “Rather,” Teddy agreed. “But our calculations told us that Varrhus had reached and was using a temperature within two degrees of that in the cen­ter of his ice cake. And right next to that temperature he had a very high one, as evidenced by the plume of steam.”

  “I can’t see how you got anywhere,” said the reporter hopelessly. “I’m all mixed up.”

  “It’s very simple,” said Teddy cheer­fully. “On one side of a wall the man had what amounted to a thousand and some odd degrees below zero. On the other he had probably as much above zero. Evelyn—Miss Hawkins, you know—made the suggestion that solved the problem. She showed us this.”

  Teddy picked up what seemed to be a square bit of opaque glass.

  “Smoked glass?”

  “Yes, and no.” Teddy smiled. “You can’t see through it, can you?”


  “Come around to this side and look.”

  The reporter made an exclamation of astonishment.

  “It’s clear glass!”

  “It’s a piece of glass on which a thin film of platinum has been deposited. It lets light through in one direction, but not in the other. Evelyn suggested that Varrhus had something which did the same thing with heat. It would let heat through in one direction, but not in the other. Of course if it would take all the heat from the air on one side and wouldn’t let any come back from the other—”

  “It would be cold?”

  “On one side. The glass looks black because it lets the light go through and lets none come back. The surface, we have assumed, would be almost infi­nitely cold because it would let heat go through and would let none come back. We decided that Varrhus had made a hollow bomb of some shape or other, composed of this hypothetical material. Heat from the outside would be radi­ated into the interior because the sur­face absorbed heat like this glass ab­sorbs light. It would act as a surface at more than a thousand below zero. Because something had to be done with the heat that would come in, Varrhus made the bomb hollow and left two openings in it. The inside of the bomb is intensely hot from the heat that has been taken out of the surrounding water. The hole at the bottom radiates a beam of heat straight downward which melts a very small quantity of ice and lets the water flow into the bomb, where it is turned into steam. Naturally, it flows out of the other hole at the top. There you have the whole thing.’’

  “And you stopped it—”

  “By dropping a T. N. T. bomb down the steam shaft. It went off and blew the cold bomb to bits. The iceberg will break up and melt now.”

  The reporter stood up.

  “I’d like to thank you for this, but it’s too big,” he said feverishly, “Man, just wait till I wave this before the city editor’s eyes!” He rushed out of the house.

  The newspapers that afternoon had frantic headlines announcing the destruction of the steam plume and the fact that noticeable signs of melting had begun to show themselves on the ice cake. Smaller captions told of the dynamiting that had begun and of the destruction of the Yokohama and Folkestone bergs by soldiers acting on cabled instructions. The Straits of Gibraltar were cleared by salvos fired from the heavy guns on the Rock at the three great plumes of steam. The world congratulated itself on the speedy nullification of the menace to its dem­ocratic governments. It did not neg­lect, however, to rush detachments of men with trench mortars and hand bombs to its reservoirs, prepared to de­stroy any possible cold bombs on their first appearance. The aviation forces, too, made themselves ready to fight the black flyer on its next appearance, de­spite the mysterious means by which it had killed the American pilot.

  This state of affairs lasted for pos­sibly a week, when, within three hours of each other, the papers found two occasions to issue extras. The first extra announced the death by heart failure of Professor Hawkins, who had been found by his daughter, dead in his laboratory, holding in his hands an an­tique silver bracelet he had just opened at the clasp. The second, three hours later, announced the formation of an ice cake in the Narrows which grew in size even more rapidly than the orig­inal one, and was entirely unattended by the steam plume which gave Teddy Gerrod an opportunity to destroy the first. Within three hours the Narrows were closed, and the ice floe was creep­ing up toward New York.

  In rapid succession came the news that Norfolk harbor was frozen over and Hampton Roads closed, that Charleston was blocked, then Jackson­ville. The next morning delayed cable­grams declared that the Panama Canal was a mass of ice, and almost simulta­neously the Straits of Gibraltar were again admitted to be firmly locked.


  Teddy put his hand comfortingly on Evelyn’s shoulder.

  “There isn’t anything I can say, Eve­lyn,” he said awkwardly, “except that I couldn’t have loved him more if he’d been my own father, and it hurts me terribly to have him go like this.”

  Evelyn looked up.

  “Teddy,” she said bravely, trying to hold back her sobs, “I’ve been fearing this for a long time, but—I can’t be­lieve it wasn’t caused by that fearful Varrhus.”

  “The professor did work very hard over that problem,” admitted Teddy.

  “I don’t mean that the work he did cau
sed his heart to fail. I mean I think Varrhus killed father.” Evelyn’s eyes were dark and troubled as she looked at Teddy Gerrod.

  “But, Evelyn, why do you think such a thing? You knew his heart was weak.”

  Tears came again into Evelyn’s eyes, but she forced them back determinedly.

  “Will you go upstairs and look at his fingers—inside? I was—crossing his hands—on his breast. Please look.”

  Teddy went soberly up the stairs to where the professor lay quietly on the bed he was occupying for the last time. Teddy turned back the sheet that cov­ered the figure and looked at the gentle old face. A lump came in his throat, and he hastily turned his eyes away. He lifted the sheet until the professor’s thin hands came into view. He looked at the fingers, then lifted one of the white hands and examined the inside. Small but deep burns disfigured the fingertips. When Teddy went down­stairs his face was white and set, and a great anger burned in him.

  “You are right, Evelyn,” he said grimly. “Where is the bracelet he was holding when he was found?”

  “On the acids table. He was lying beside it when—when I saw him.” Evelyn was grief-stricken, but she forced herself to be calm. “Do you think you know what happened?”

  “I’m not sure.”

  Teddy went quietly into the labora­tory and found the massive silver bracelet lying where Evelyn had said. He looked at it carefully before he touched it, and when he lifted it it was in a pair of wooden tongs.

  “That thermo-couple, Evelyn, please. And start the small generator, won’t you?”

  The two worked on the bracelet for half an hour, then stopped and stared at each other, their suspicions con­firmed.

  “Varrhus,” said Teddy slowly. “Var­rhus caused your father’s death. This earth has gotten too small for both Varrhus and me to live on.”

  “He knew father could wreck his plans,” Evelyn said in a hard voice, “and he wished to rule the world. So he killed my father.”

  Teddy’s lips were compressed.

  “Before God,” he burst out, “before God, I’m going to kill Varrhus!”


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