Obsession 2.5: Loving An Alpha Male

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Obsession 2.5: Loving An Alpha Male Page 9

by S. K. Lessly

  I was thoroughly amused at this point and when I looked at Pops, so was he. I mean, you had to admit Amanda was asking for it with that comment about birth defects and quiet as kept so did Casey. If Misty hadn’t said anything, I sure as hell was about to. The shit they said was hurtful to my wife, who worries about harming our baby every second of every day and it was uncalled for.

  Yes, I understood what they were trying to do, but their delivery method sucked ass. They had no idea how stressed out Sweets had been about having a healthy baby, a thing all women dealt with and thought about. Not to say if our child had a birth defect, he or she wouldn’t have been loved any less. But still.

  I think they deserved the verbal lashing Misty was giving them. If I was being honest though, I thought Misty was holding back a little. I had expected more violence from her and less verbal lashing. Then I remembered my kid sister wasn’t here; thank God. If she was, there would have definitely been crockery thrown all over this dining room.

  I forked a huge amount of pasta into my mouth ignoring the yelling doing my best to enjoy my meal when I felt my wife tugging at my arm. I looked over at her just in time to see Misty kissing my mother on the cheek and grabbing her things. She looked at the fleeting backs of Shane and Casey, as they exited the sliding glass doors that lead to the beach, and walked away from the table; her phone against her ear.

  I met Kenya’s expectant glare then noticed Ma had her narrowed eyes on me too.

  “What?” I asked them both.

  They both tilted their heads and eyes in the direction Misty had gone, silently hinting that I should follow her out. I started not to move. After all Misty was a big girl. She started this mess, it was her choice to either stay or go.

  When I didn’t look to be moving, because I really wasn’t planning on getting up, Kenya sighed and stood. She rubbed her belly then her lower back and put on a show for everyone at the table; giving Ma and Pops her puppy dog eyes as she pushed her chair against the table.

  “Oh for crying out loud,” I growled. “Fine, I’ll go.” I took two large helpings of pasta before I rose from the table.

  Kenya smiled and kissed me on my cheek. “Thank you, baby.”

  “Uh-huh. You just better save me some of that pie you made.”

  She kissed me on my lips. “Consider it done.”

  I headed through the front door and found Misty leaning on her beast of a car. As I walked up to her, I couldn't help but admire her baby. It was a beautiful ride. I wasn’t going to lie. I was jealous of her and her monster car. I missed my own car. I traded it in for a Yukon. Why? Because I was a family man now, I couldn’t ride around in a monster like that. However, from time to time I’d take her keys and take her baby out for a spin just for the nostalgia of it all.

  “I see you still like to stir up shit then bail.” I said to her once she ended her call and looked at me.

  “You can’t tell me those bitches didn’t deserve it and more. Seriously, why would they say some ignorant shit like that? Do they have any class at all?” Misty retorted, frowning.

  “Apparently not.” I shrugged.

  Misty turned and faced me as I leaned on her car. “Seriously, who tells a pregnant woman that she’s just going to stay fat after the baby and get diabetes or if you don’t watch what you eat you could be feeding your baby harmful things that could cause birth defects? I mean who would purposefully feed themselves harmful foods? I know what they were trying to do, but they couldn’t think of another way to say it? Maybe tell her to make sure she thoroughly cleans her fresh fruits and veggies, or buy fucking organic and lean meats, shit like that.”

  I studied Misty’s body language, how animated she was and it was a bit more than usual; more than what she would have used up in the past. I gave her a side eye.

  “Are you okay?”

  She stopped yammering and stood there looking at me, shock then puzzlement fell over her face.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean granted, they went overboard with their advice on how Sweets should take care of herself, but you seem a bit more agitated than normal. What’s up with you?”

  Misty folded her arms in front of her, tilting her weight to her left leg. “Nothing’s up with me. I just don’t like them two and anything they say or do pisses me off. They need to get their asses kicked or punched in the throat or something.”

  “And you want to be the one to do it, I take it?”

  She shook her head. “Hell no. I’d kill those two with one punch to the throat.”

  I laughed and shook my head. “Ain’t that the truth? It wouldn’t be a fight at all.”

  She laughed too. “Exactly, I’d slaughter them in two seconds.”

  We laughed a moment longer then our laughter fell into knowing smiles.

  I folded my arms and looked down at the ground. I kicked her tire a few times then looked at her.

  “Listen, I’ve been meaning to tell you that…” I trailed off, running my hands through my hair. Fuck, this shit was harder than I’d thought. I scratched the back of my head then sighed. “You did good back there.” I looked at her.

  Misty frowned. “Back at the house?”

  “No.” I frowned. “Back at the crime scene with Simon.”


  Misty leaned back against her car and looked down at her dark gray Converse high tops.

  “Look, I understand that you did what you had to do.” I admitted finally. “Seeing the shape of those kids… yeah I know what you must’ve felt and I would have done the same thing. You’re a certifiable bad ass, Misty. I know this. I also know you can handle yourself in any situation.”

  I breathed out and continued, I might as well get this shit out and done.

  “Look, I got pissed because you went in that building without me. What if something would’ve happened to you and I didn’t get to you in time? That was my main thought and it only deepened after I saw the bodies you dropped. You’re family, Misty. And rest assured that my wife—hell my mother, sister and entire family as well as yours—would have had my head on a stake if something would have happened to you on my watch. But, still, despite my need to have your back, you did the right thing; going in there when you did. And well you’re the best partner a guy could have so…” I trailed off getting really uncomfortable with this conversation. I wasn’t the feelings kind of guy with just anyone but the softness that arrested her face told me I said enough.

  “Thanks, Josh,” Misty replied softly and gave me a genuine smile. “I appreciate that.”

  I shook my head, stunned at the way her face transformed from her smile. I was about to pull her into a hug of all things, but I caught myself before it was too late. My wife was right when she said I cared about Misty. I did. She'd been my partner in crime for a long time. She was family. I’d do anything for her, well almost anything. I wasn’t hugging her. That shit wasn’t happening. Instead, I gave her a hard look, breaking the growing connection between us.

  “Yeah, well, still don’t do that shit again, hear me?”

  She nodded, still smiling. “Yes, sir.”

  I scoffed. “Yeah, right. Like you’re gonna listen.”

  She laughed and I couldn’t help but join in.

  Relief flooded my insides as we laughed off the intense moment between us. She and I hadn’t really spoken to each other since that night. Misty knew me. She understood I wasn’t the type to admit that I was wrong or apologize for it. But she and I both were made the same way. We shared the same mentality so she understood that me telling her she did well was my way of making amends. And I… well… I sort of missed her so I was glad I was forced to come out here.

  There, I said it. Just keep that news to yourself, yeah?

  “Listen, why don’t you come back and…” I began, but she shook her head.

  “No, I can’t. I need to get home. Besides, I don’t want to tempt fate and all.”

  “Please, nothing’s going to happen and they’re not goin
g to say anything. Their significant others probably took care of that.”

  “Yeah, still I…” Misty paused and looked over at the house then back at me. She ran her hands nervously through her hair. “I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

  “Actually, it’s a fantastic idea,” came a voice out of the darkness behind us.

  We both turned to find Kenya waddling towards us with my son in her arms. Once she got close, Jay leaned over toward Misty.

  Misty’s face lit up the whole street it seemed as she beamed at my son. She reached for him and pulled him close to her.

  “Hey there, big guy. How’s Auntie’s big boy, huh?”

  Jay started his cooing and babbling looking right at her; drool dripping from his toothless grin.

  “Yes, I know, they are rotten, but I’ll protect you from them,” she told my son.

  “Yes, well, you can’t do that if you leave. Come on, Misty. I brought your favorite triple-layered chocolate cake.” Kenya grinned, hopefulness all through her voice.

  “Well shit, Coop, you said nothing about cake. Lead the way, Sweets.”

  I sighed deeply as I let the women walk ahead of me. Misty turned back and winked at me before she brought her attention back to my son and wife.

  We made it inside and to the dining room without incident, thank God. Malcolm and Amanda had disappeared into the kitchen probably making to go plates for my parents. Casey was in the living room off to the side speaking to my mom, away from the dining room table and everyone else.

  “Let me go and get you a piece of cake,” Kenya said to Misty.

  “No, you don’t have to do that. I can grab my own piece. Don’t worry, I promise I won’t go on attack. Then we can go for a walk along the beach and talk about why Josh is starving you.”

  Kenya laughed, but I did not.

  Misty handed me my son and was about to head into the kitchen, when Shane walked out with a large piece of cheesecake on a saucer.

  “You didn’t say you brought cheesecake?” Misty mumbled, looking at Kenya and then at Shane’s plate.

  “She didn’t bring any. I did,” Shane told her then lifted his fork to his mouth.

  Misty, seemingly in a trance, followed the trek of his fork from slicing through the cheesecake to the slow agonizing movement up to his mouth. I swear Shane was teasing her, but she didn’t seem to notice.

  Misty licked her lips and Shane’s smile faltered slightly.

  Huh, that’s strange?

  “Is there any more?” she asked dreamily.


  “You should let me try some,” Misty said to him, finally looking him in his eyes.

  “Oh, should I? Tell me why should I do something like that?” Shane prodded and I started to butt in and explain to Misty just how stingy my brother was, but the exchange between these two had me stunned into silence.

  “Oh, don’t be like that, Major Cooper. Come on. Let me have a little taste please.”

  My eyebrows rose and I looked at the doorway to the kitchen where Malcolm was now standing. Our eyes met and he too looked shocked as hell. Let me give it to you like this, Shane Cooper was by far the stingiest human being on the face of this planet.

  He’d always been like that. When we were kids, if he had anything that you wanted, candy, food, a toy, shit like that, he wouldn’t share with you at all. But he'd be sure to torture you with it. He was like that with everyone, including the women he dated. He never shared his meals or let a woman eat off his plate. If he figured his girlfriend, or a woman he was dating, could possibly want something of his, he’d just buy two, even if she didn’t ask for it. He did that just so he wouldn’t have to share. Oh and don’t think our mother or sister was exempt. They weren’t.

  But as I stood here in my brother’s living room, mouth slightly agape. I was in utter awe at what was developing before me.

  Misty poked her lip out slightly and he laughed. “Okay, fine one taste,” he conceded.

  We then watched with acute fascination as my brother forked a piece of cheesecake and floated it toward Misty. Misty went to grab the fork from him and he snatched it back.

  “Uh-uh, you know the rules.”


  Misty groaned and rolled her eyes, but I saw her open wide for the fork. Shane took his time and placed the fork into Misty’s open mouth and watched, transfixed on her…lips…

  What the ever-loving fuck?

  “Mmmmm, dear God, this is amazing,” she gushed. “It’s so creamy. Where did you get this?”

  Shane, seemingly snapping out of his trance, grinned from ear to ear like a fucking Cheshire cat and boasted proudly, “I didn’t get this from any store.”

  “Restaurant?” she asked as he fork fed her another freaking piece.

  “No, I’m the one that makes the cheesecakes for this family and if anyone insults me with bringing a store-bought or restaurant made cheesecake for this family, they will no longer be welcomed in this family. Capisce?”

  “Are you serious? You’ve been holding out on me, Shane Marcello Cooper? Shame on you,” Misty chastised as she moved closer to him. “I had no idea all this time you had baking skills. How come you never made me any?”

  “I didn’t know you liked cheesecake this much.”

  “You should let me have the rest then. You know, to make up for depriving me of your skills.”

  I saw something pass through my brother’s eyes that made mine go wide as saucers. It was quick and barely imperceptive, but I saw it nonetheless. Just then, Shane finally pulled himself from being immersed in the woman before him to see he had a huge audience.

  He frowned. “What? Why are you all staring at me like that?”

  I still couldn’t utter a sound and neither could Malcolm, Pops or Ma, who had joined in on the spectacle too. I think we were trying to recuperate from what we’d just witnessed. I had told Kenya all about Shane growing up so she understood why we were looking at Shane as if he was possessed or a victim of a body snatcher. Amanda looked puzzled, unsure what was going on. But Casey? She looked pissed.

  Shane looked around at everyone’s faces, realized why we were looking crazy at him and handed his plate to Misty.

  “Here. Enjoy.”

  Misty squealed in excitement and clapped her hands. She took his plate and forked another piece in her mouth. The moan of pure elation oozed from her lips and, for a fleeting moment, Shane looked as if he was about to lose it.

  And so was I.

  “Shane, I need to talk to you. Now!” I stressed firmly, not trying to bring attention to my growing anger.

  “Come on, Sweets,” Misty called out to my wife before she forked another piece of cheesecake into her mouth. “Let’s go for a walk. I’ll share my delectable piece of cake with you.” Misty looked back at Kenya before moving toward the sliding glass door.

  I watched the two women walk outside and my attention went to my brother. I was about to suggest we head out to the front when his phone buzzed.

  He smirked at me then answered, “Cooper… No, you’re not disturbing me. What did you find?”

  Shane walked around the room, kissed our mother and shook Pops hand before nodding to me and Malcolm with his phone still to his ear.

  “No… yeah, I’ll meet you there.” he hung up and looked at me. “Raincheck on that talk little brother. I need to be somewhere.”

  Seeing the sudden change in his demeanor caused my curiosity to pique.

  “What’s going on?” I asked him.

  “Not sure yet. But we’ll talk Monday. It’s possible we may have to push up that meeting we canceled last week with uhhh, you know who.” He looked at Malcolm briefly and with meaning that only me and Malcolm caught. “I had Junior looking into some things. I’m heading to meet him now.”

  I didn’t like the sound in his voice, but I nodded.

  “You need me to come with you?” Malcolm asked. Shane looked as if he was going to say yes but caught movement behind Malcolm then shook his
head. I looked over to see Amanda standing in the kitchen doorway studying us.

  “Nah, I’m good. I’ll call you when I’m done and bring you up to speed. It may be in our best interest to get that meeting scheduled sooner rather than later.”

  “Alright, keep us posted. I’ll call Jacks to give him the heads up.”

  Shane nodded to us both then walked out of the house, much to my surprise, without saying a word to Casey.

  My eyes drifted to her, and I saw the hurt in her eyes before she disappeared into the kitchen. Whatever was going on, Shane and I really needed to talk.



  Sweat-soaked bed sheets were strewn everywhere; half on my legs and half on the floor. The sweet scent of our desires, the sounds of our moans and cries of ecstasy, filled the house for the second time tonight. At first, I took my time with her, letting her body get used to the fill of me inch by agonizing inch until I was completely immersed in her tight soaked core. Once I pushed into her fully—balls deep inside her pussy—my strokes became more aggressive, dominate. Sliding…in and out; my dick grazing that spot that caused her heartbeat to accelerate, making her body weak for the taking. In…and out; a calculated rhythm poised to drive her out of her fucking mind with need.

  As I took control of her body, the tune of the headboard rocking against the wall harmonized with the slapping sounds our bodies made. It created a smooth sensual melody that proved just how much we were made for each other.

  This was where I belonged, in her arms, in her bed, in her heart; I knew this. I felt it to be true. Now, I just needed her to realize the same and I wouldn’t stop until she did.

  But fuck, she needed to realize this shit and soon. My cravings for her was becoming more of a distraction than anything else and I didn’t need that type of distraction. Oh, but what a distraction she was turning out to be.

  I had no clue the depths of my desires for this woman, the weakness. I had craved her for a very long time, but I didn’t know just how strong my appetite was until I had my first taste. After that, it was over. The softness of her body, how she reacted to my touch, even the way she said my name, created an insatiable need in me that fed my desires to drown myself in her sinful heaven. I aimed to feel her body close to me all the time. It didn’t matter what we did, watch TV, talk, or fuck each other’s brains out. It didn’t even matter where we were, at work, out and about, or at her place or mine. I wanted her close.


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