Obsession 2.5: Loving An Alpha Male

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Obsession 2.5: Loving An Alpha Male Page 22

by S. K. Lessly

  Malcolm kept his face neutral as he continued to watch for chinks in her armor, not wanting to let on that he knew more than he was willing to admit, but waiting to see if she would give him something.

  Misty just shrugged a shoulder, keeping up the façade of disinterest on her face. “Yeah, he did, but you’re making this out to be more than what it is. I mean, sure, he and I have been hanging out from time to time ever since the Simon case, but that’s about it. Shane and I were never that close. I was just as shocked as you probably were hearing that he came to my house that night, checking up on me. I was also grateful. I’m not going to lie; it took me a while to decompress after everything went down. I needed to talk and you weren’t around to talk.”

  Malcolm let that dig go. She knew damn well if she had called him, he would’ve been there for her without question. He remembered even calling her multiple times that night. It was why he had called Shane. She wasn’t answering and he was hoping that at least one of them went to check on her.

  “I was thankful Shane came around when he did,” she continued, bringing him back to their conversation. “And as I said, we’ve been to lunch a few times and we went to grab a bite to eat at some restaurant, again, no big deal.”

  Malcolm could see the slight tremble in Misty’s body language as she spoke to him. For the most part, seeing her reactions to his questions produced a bunch of red flags. He knew she was lying; he just needed to find out what she was lying about.

  “But other than those encounters,” she rambled on. “We haven’t spent time together outside of work and family functions. Nothing’s going on. Not what you think anyway. As I said, we are just friends. Now…” She stood and proceeded to step away from him and his questions. “I need to be going. I have—”

  “Wow, I had no idea you two were getting close,” he cut in, stopping her haste departure. She wasn’t getting away that easy.

  Misty shrugged. “I wouldn’t say we were getting… “close”.” She used her fingers to put quotes around the word close.

  “I would. Shane is not the type to talk about his feelings.”

  “Who’s to say we shared our feelings with each other? We just kicked it, hung out and had a few drinks. That’s it.”

  Malcolm’s eyebrow rose. “Oh, yeah? Tell me, when you two hang out what do you two talk about?”

  “Huh?” Misty asked, but Malcolm knew she’d heard him.

  “You heard me. When he was at your house, or when you two were out, what did you two talk about?”

  Misty folded her arms in front of her chest and looked up at him. A grin suddenly erupted on her guarded face.

  “Oh, nothing specific really. We went down memory lane that’s all.”

  “Oh yeah, who's memories?”

  “Welp, it was his memory actually. He told me about you and Josh growing up.” She then laughed. “Just a few stories.”

  Malcolm stiffened perceptively. He could only imagine what his brother told Misty. Shane lived off sharing embarrassing shit with outsiders. Seeing his brothers do dumb shit and storing it in his memory for just the right moment to use it, was something he loved to do.

  “Oh yeah, what few stories did my dear brother share?”

  Her laugh deepened when she saw Malcolm growing more pissed.

  “Well, nothing too significant really. He just told me about the time you decided you would take this girl into the woods next to your house to um… star gaze when things went up in flames, literally.”

  Malcolm closed his eyes and breathed out slowly. He knew what was coming, that little prick.

  “Seriously, Malcolm, didn’t you take heed to Smokey’s warning?” Misty asked then lowered her voice and eyebrows and pointed at him, reciting the old Smokey the Bear’s popular warning. “Only you can prevent—”

  “Oh, shut up,” Malcolm admonished, cutting her off.

  Misty busted out laughing and he rolled his eyes.

  Fucking Shane…

  Malcolm sighed remembering that day as if it was yesterday. He was with Suzanne Stroud, one of the prettiest girls in high school. He was trying to get closer to her, maybe feel her up a little bit. It was rumored that she was looking to get with him too and once he heard that, he put on the charm and got her to go with him out in the woods to star gaze.

  It had been a clear and beautiful night. All of the stars were out on display. Suzanne was snuggled up against him, but she was still claiming she was cold. It didn’t dawn on him that the line Suzanne used was to get Malcolm to kiss her, warm her up a bit. Malcolm figured that since he didn’t have an extra blanket, he’d make a fire. He didn’t think it would be hard to do; hell, he’d seen it done on TV on multiple occasions.

  He grabbed all the things he needed and started striking the rock he had in one hand with the rock he held in another. This seemed to be working. He was blowing and striking the rocks trying to get the sparks to ignite the leaves. Then finally, he did it. The leaves caught and he started piling on more wood and leaves, blowing to encourage the fire to take shape.

  Suzanne was all smiles. She was so grateful that he did it she decided to jump on him right there. They were kissing hot and heavy, exploring one another, grinding. He managed to get her clothes off and he was going for his pants when he felt heat kissing his feet. That’s when they realized the blanket they were lying on had caught fire. Apparently, he didn’t account for the fire being too close to their blanket.

  They both jumped up screaming for help. The fire was spreading to the other trees around them. Luckily, for them both they didn’t stray too far from the house. Shane and Josh heard the screams and saw the flames from their house. They quickly grabbed two fire extinguishers and doused both the trees and blanket and… well… Malcolm and his date were caught in the crossfire.

  “I mean, seriously Malcolm,” Misty said, a bright smile covering her face. “Why didn’t you just take off your shirt and give it to her or better yet, why didn’t you know her fast ass wanted you to warm her up with your body?” She grabbed her stomach and took a deep breath.

  Malcolm shrugged. “I don’t know. I wasn’t thinking about it. Hell, I was only fifteen with a one-track mind.”

  “Okay, but why didn’t you just go back in the house and get another blanket when she said she was cold? Why did you decide creating a fire would be better?”

  “Like I said, I wasn’t using the correct head. I didn’t want to ruin the night by running into the house. Suzanne was…” He smiled at the memory and shook his head. “Suzanne was a blessed high school girl in every way a high school boy imagined a girl to be. I didn’t want her getting second thoughts.”

  “Yeah, but was it worth it? Did you get to play hide the sausage?” Misty laughed again and Malcolm just sighed.

  “Why in the hell did Shane tell you that shit anyway? That was supposed to be between us three. What else did the little traitor say?”

  “Oh, nothing really. Well, he did tell me about the time you tried to serenade this girl using your sax. He said you were a very good player. You and your friends even had a jazz band in high school. Can you play something for—”

  “Fuck no! What else did he say?” Malcolm said over her, which made Misty laugh even more.

  “He said you were doing your thing for this girl in front of the girl’s cheerleading squad. He told me you had her right where you wanted her until you started thinking you were Kenny G. What did you do again?” Her laughter picked up.

  Malcolm was trying to stay pissed, but as he thought about that day, he couldn’t help but smile, then he started chuckling himself.

  “Yeah, you’re talking about the time I closed my eyes and bent over, trying to feel the music. She was too close to me and when I stood up, I hit her in the nose, breaking it.”

  Misty’s head moved up and down as tears fell from her eyes.

  “Yeah, yeah.” He folded his arms in front of his chest. “That was very hilarious.”

  Misty wiped her eyes and sat up.
“Oh God, Malcolm, I never took you for the type to be that accident prone. That’s what makes the stories so funny. You always have it together, since I’ve known you anyway. To hear that you used to get all flustered around women is funny as hell.”

  Malcolm’s jaw tightened. “Yeah well…”

  Misty looked up at him still smiling, “You really broke her nose?”

  Malcolm sighed. “Sadly, yes. And it was homecoming too, I think. That was why I was playing for her. I was planning to ask her to the dance.”

  “You couldn’t just go up to her and ask?”

  “I was trying to be different.”

  She laughed. “Yeah, you were different alright. I take it she said no.”

  “I ended up going alone. Every female heard what happened and didn’t want to be around me. Her two brothers wanted to beat my ass; they thought I had hit her. They didn’t know the story just saw the aftermath.”

  “Dang! So, you got jumped instead of getting a date?”

  “Ha, please woman. I said they wanted to beat my ass. They knew better. However, I gave them credit; they came up to me and asked me about it. I told them what happened and they were cool with it. They had asked me to stay away from their sister, her words of course and I told them I would. I did send her flowers and an apology, but I kept my distance.”

  Misty, smiling, stood. “It’s dangerous for everyone around you when you’re crushing on a girl. Who did you hurt when you approached soulless Barbie?”

  Malcolm smiled, but it was strained. He had hoped Misty didn’t catch it. “If you’re speaking about Amanda, I don’t think anyone. I met Amanda at a medal ceremony for a friend of mine. I had seen her standing across the room at the bar getting a drink and I just walked up to her and started talking. That was it.”

  “Are you saying that your blunders stopped when you got out of high school?”

  “Shit didn’t happen like it did in high school. It was more like bad karma if you will.”

  Misty tilted her head to the side. “What do you mean?”

  Malcolm shrugged. “Dumb shit happened. For instance, once I had planned to take my date on a carriage ride through Central Park. I had been in New York for something and I met a sergeant with the Navy. I asked her out, planned a carriage ride and dinner.”

  “Okay, what happened?”

  Malcolm sighed. “First the damn horse got sick and started shitting up a storm. Therefore, we got out and decided to walk. She wanted to take a cab but I thought it would be more romantic to walk. The restaurant wasn’t far. We were about a block out when the heavens opened up. It didn’t just rain, no it fucking poured. You could guess we didn’t have umbrellas. Needless to say, the date ended from there. She was soaked. Her hair was sticking to her face, her makeup running down her cheeks.”

  Misty shook her head. “Wow! That was… wow.”

  Malcolm nodded. “Yeah, wow. But that’s the kind of shit I dealt with. Nothing blundering but bad luck still.”

  “So, you’re saying nothing happened with scary spice?” He shook his head no. “I guess she was lucky.”

  “Yeah, I guess so,” he replied absently, his mind drifting to the night he had met Amanda.

  He had seen her from across the dining hall. She was stunning in her white sequined gown. Her hair had been up in a tight bun revealing a thin neck and gorgeous face. He had thought she was an angel and walked right up to her and spoke to her. Nothing out of the ordinary happened. Even after they met, exchanged numbers and went out on their first date, things had been smooth sailing.

  However, when he met Izabella…


  Malcolm ran his hand down his face and blew out a breath.

  “Malcolm. You okay?”

  Malcolm’s eyes moved to Misty and he blinked a few times before he collected himself.

  He cleared his throat and tried to pretend he hadn’t just been rocked to the core.

  “Sorry. I was just… uh what did you ask me?”

  He knew what she had asked; he just needed a moment to get his shit in order.

  “I was just saying how messed up nothing happened to plastic Barbie when you two met. It would have been nice if you spilled your drink all over her or punched her in the face?”

  Malcolm shook his head and chuckled. “You’re a trip, do you know that? What’s up with you not liking Amanda?”

  Misty frowned. “She’s a conceited bitch who thinks just cuz her daddy is a general, you have to kiss her ass. She's not right for you; you do know that right? She doesn’t fit with your family or in your life.”

  “Ah, and do you feel that way about Casey too?”

  “Who?” she asked him with confusion all over her face.

  Malcolm shook his head. “Malibu Barbie. Do you feel the same way about Malibu Barbie?”

  I watched in fascination as Misty’s face took on a hard look for about two seconds before she checked her expression. However, her defensive demeanor was telling enough.

  “You know what? I don’t care who either of you fuck. If you like stick figures with permanent polls up their asses, who insult sweet innocent pregnant women, your sister-in-law, and whine and bitch about simple shit then, by all means, have at it. To each his own. I’ll talk to you later.”

  Before she could escape, Malcolm grabbed her by her upper arm. He pulled her back so she could face him. He stood to his full height and faced her.

  “I appreciate you looking out for me. Amanda isn't so bad once you get to know her. The other night at my house she was just trying to help Sweets.”

  Misty rolled her eyes. “Is that what you call it? I say the bitch is jealous. She's jealous of Sweets and the fact that you would drop everything for her just as you would for your sister and mom."

  He frowned. “I’d do the same for you as well as her too, Misty. She knows that.”

  “Yeah, and she wants to be the queen B. To me she's just like Malibu Barbie. They both want you and Shane to make them your primary focus above all else.” He started to protest but Misty raised her hand to stop him.

  “And I get that to a certain extent. But hear me out. Think about how many times she tried to get you to skip family dinner on Sundays. It’s tradition in your family. If a woman, your woman, knew you, they’d know how important that time is with your family. She'd understand it’s your way of making up for the many times you weren't home. If I can keep it real, your woman should love that you’re a family man. She would want to be a part of your family and its traditions.

  “She should revel in that part of your life right along with you. She should lean on it so when you’re on assignment and she needed to be close to you, she could lean on your family to give her just a sliver of you. I know you don’t go to your parent’s all the time. I’m sure you do things with her family too so she shouldn’t care but she does. I know it. I can see it in her big ass eyes. It’s unfair that she tries to make you feel guilty and suffer in vengeful silence because you didn’t do what she wanted. I think you should cut your losses now before it’s too late.”

  Malcolm stared at this woman in front of him. He could see the passion behind her eyes, the anger and what, jealousy? He doubted those feelings were directed at him. He and Misty were close; however, they never crossed that line. He always thought of her as his sister, his best friend. There had been many of nights where they were alone, drinking their troubles away, talking about their past, friends they'd lost in the battlefield. Not once, in all the years he'd known Misty did he want anything more than friendship and the feelings were mutual.

  However, his brother? Yeah, he knew it was different for him. He thought he was slick hiding his feelings for his younger brother’s hot partner. He wasn’t. He could see it written all over Shane’s face back then when he was fighting his feeling for the bad ass Marine, and he saw it again in the reception area. All he needed now was for both of them to admit it.

  Malcolm stepped up to Misty and rubbed his thumb along the middle of her brow,
trying to smooth out the creases in her forehead.

  He pushed her hair away from her face, tucking it behind her ear.

  “That was some speech and some strong feelings you have.”

  “Yeah well…” she trailed off and looked away from him, her eyes down casted.

  Malcolm bent over to capture her attention. When her bright eyes fell on him, he asked, “When are you going to tell him how you feel?” He watched her hard features soften. He smiled down and tapped her nose with his finger. “You two aren't fooling anyone.”

  Misty lowered her head and shifted her weight to the side. He could sense she was starting to put up her walls. That wouldn’t do. He placed his finger underneath her chin and tilted her head up so her eyes were on him. He stepped closer to her and was about to tell her it was okay to let her fears go when his door opened and in strolled Shane.

  “Malcolm, I need…” Shane stopped in mid-stride, his eyes shifting from Malcolm’s hand touching Misty’s chin to Malcolm’s face then Misty.

  Misty stepped back from Malcolm’s touch and ran her hands through her hair.

  “I need to get back to my office. Child services may have called.”

  “Actually, Junior is looking for you,” Shane informed her. She nodded and they both sort of stood there watching each other, in Malcolm’s opinion as if one was waiting for the other to do or say something. Finally, Misty tore her eyes from Shane, said she’d talk to them later and made her exit.

  Shane and Malcolm both watched her leave then stared at each other after they heard the door behind Shane click closed. Time seemed to be at a standstill as the brothers regarded each other very closely.

  Finally, Malcolm broke the silence. “Misty was telling me all about the family stories you’ve been sharing with her.”

  “Oh?” Shane replied, his voice stoic, eyes void of any emotions.

  “Yeah, it seemed you had her in stitches with the stories about me.” Malcolm kept a steady eye on his younger brother. Early in life, he had taken it upon himself to learn everything there was to know about his siblings. He knew their likes, dislikes as well as their moods. However, when it came to Shane, he knew him better than he knew anyone else in the family.


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