Obsession 2.5: Loving An Alpha Male

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Obsession 2.5: Loving An Alpha Male Page 35

by S. K. Lessly

  Junior, still looking confused added, “Okay so what does that have to do with this company? What does it mean?”

  I shook my head and was about to explain when Nickels turned his screen toward Junior’s direction.

  “The story is morbid and creepy, but here it goes. In the 1200s, this German town called Hamlin had a rat problem. This guy comes along, Pied Piper, and says he can get rid of the problem for a large fee. He used his pipe, which they say had magical powers that would hypnotize the rats and lure them away. So the town agrees and he does his thing. However, when he comes back to the town to get his money, the towns people don’t pay him.”

  “Yeah, and he gets pissed,” I added feeling the excitement of this find surging through me. “And decides to use his pipe to lure the children of the town away. The story goes, the piper led the children to their deaths.”

  Junior scrounges up his face. “That’s fucked up.”

  I nodded, smiling. “Yeah, and so is Dennis Simon. Do you see it now?”

  It took Junior two seconds to get it. “Holy shit!”

  “Yeah holy shit. Now, tell me about the countries that this so-called company helped. Let’s get the list then cross reference it with the known locations of Perchenko. There has to be a connection here somewhere and we need to find it quick.”

  Junior and Nickels quickly got to work. I knew we were getting close. I started rubbing my back again, leaning back against the chair and closing my eyes.

  “You okay?” I heard Junior ask me.

  I nodded. “Yeah, I’m just tired.”

  “Why don’t you go and lay down for a few. We got this. We’ll call you the second we have something.”

  I started to protest and tell them I wasn’t leaving, but I thought about my son. I could at least check on him and get some soda for Nickels and Junior.

  I pushed up out of the chair and slowly walked toward the door. I said over my shoulder, “I need to see this through. I’m just gonna check on Jay. Then I’ll be back with drinks.”

  Junior gave me a nod, which was all I would get from the both of them. They were hard at work hopefully getting the necessary leads we needed.

  We were close. I felt it.

  “Hold on, baby. We’re coming.”



  I headed for my office, needing to get off my feet for a few minutes. After that, I’d check on Jay and make sure my brother was cool with his nephew before I headed back to my workstation. Rubbing my lower back, I tried to breathe through the discomfort. I wasn’t sure why my back was hurting so much. I couldn’t be in labor. It was too soon number one, and the pain wasn’t like before. But maybe Junior was right and I needed to just take a load off for a little bit. The stress of these last few days have taken a toll on me both physically and emotionally. My body probably had enough and started to rebel.

  I made a bee line to my office and found the room empty. Curtis must have taken Jay to his office. I looked around for the playpen that I usually keep here and found it missing. I breathed out a sigh and headed for the door to my office. Curtis’ office was around the corner. I could just pop in to check on them both. He also had a couch in there too. I could rest my legs for a bit before I got back to work.

  I headed for the door to my office when a knuckle tapped on my door right before it opened.

  I frowned immediately when Jacks peeked his head around the door.

  He smiled, I did not.

  “Hey, there you are, love. Junior said that you came here to get some rest. I just wanted to check on you.”

  Jacks stepped further into my office and approached me cautiously.

  It took a very long time before I could forgive him for working with Diane against me. He has apologized a bunch of times; he even went out of his way to try to make amends. Half of me has already forgiven him and Josh trusted him. Misty not so much, but that was understandable. She went to bat for him and he screwed his team over for some ass.

  However, he had been working his tail off to gain trust back. It’s why I had decided to put my grudge aside and not be too much of a bitch to him.

  I still called him Jackass, though. That wouldn’t ever change.

  I rubbed my belly and tried to stretch out my back.

  “I’m okay, considering my husband is missing.”

  Jacks let out a long sigh. “I know, love. Shane should have let Misty kill that bitch when she had the chance. We’ll find him though. And we’ll find her. Trust me when I say we will get our revenge.”

  I nodded, not really caring about the revenge part. I just wanted my husband back.

  “I fucked up, Jacks,” I admitted softly, using his real name for the first time in a long time. Jackass just didn’t seem appropriate when I was spilling my guts out to him.

  Tears started gathering in my eyes and did my best to hold them in. However, they spilled over my cheeks causing me to give in to the grief threatening to take over.

  “He’s so mad at me, Jacks. I lied to him and deceived him. I don’t know what I would do if I wasn’t able to make things right.”

  “Shhh, love. It’s alright.” He pulled me into his arms and hugged me to his chest as best he could. It felt strange being in his arms, and yet I felt relieved that he was here. I couldn’t, for the life of me understand why. I only felt that way with Shane and Malcolm. Not even my brother made me feel as safe and secure as my brothers-in-law. But Jacks was tender and he held me with just enough force to let me know he had my back.

  “Listen to me.” I lifted my eyes to his, wiping away the tears that had fallen with the backs of my hands. “That man loves you with every breath he takes. I have no idea what happened between you two, but I bet he felt like shit you two were fighting. Let’s concentrate on getting him back here safely, yeah?”

  I nodded, smiling and sniffing.

  “There you are. Now, why don’t you take a load off? Let me fetch you something to drink, some water or maybe I’ll treat you to a Sprite or a root beer, yeah?”

  I chuckled and nodded my head, giving him a warm smile. “Yeah, a Sprite sounds amazing. Thank you.”

  “Don’t mention it.”

  He stepped back from me and started to guide me to my couch when I grabbed him lightly by the arm to stopped him.

  “No, Jacks, seriously. Thank you. I appreciate it truly. You being here and watching out for me. You don’t have to and yet you’re here.”

  Jacks placed a warm hand over mine and gave me a broad smile. “Kenya, don’t worry about it. It’s my pleasure. Josh is my best mate. Misty is too, but that nut I’ll have to crack a little harder. I understand your trepidation with trusting me. I had to earn your trust and I’m just thankful you’ve given me the opportunity to do just that.”

  Pesky tears started filling my already red eyes. I bit my bottom lip to stop myself from balling like a baby.

  “Stop, love. You’re killing me. Here let’s get you settled then I’ll see about getting you that soda, yeah?”

  “Okay, thanks,” I said on a hiccup, using the top part of my dress to wipe the snot and tears from my face.

  “Woman, you’re killing me here.” Jacks shook his head and started for my desk, probably to grab the box of tissue. He paused in mid-stride when a shrieking alarm started blaring all around us.

  I stiffened and looked at Jacks who immediately pulled his gun from his hip holster.

  My eyes widened as he released the safety and held it with two hands.

  “What’s happening?” I asked trying to stop myself from hyperventilating.

  Jacks held his hand up, palm facing me, signaling for me to remain quiet. I did and we listened to the ringing of the alarm in silence until we heard automatic gunfire.

  I gasped loudly and headed for the door, thinking of only getting to my son. “Joshua!”

  I made it halfway there when I felt a firm grip on my arm. “Wait! Don’t open that door.”

  I reeled on him, my eyes wide with the panic g
ripping the hell out of my heart. “No, Jacks. I have to get to my son.”

  “No, you don’t. I’ll go get him and bring him back here. You stay here. Understand? Don’t you fucking move.” I was about to protest when he narrowed his eyes on me. “I’m so serious right now. Stay here. Trust me, Kenya. I will bring your son to you.”

  With those last words I stopped fighting and simply nodded.

  He gave me a quick nod and then disappeared out of my office, closing the door behind him.

  I held my breath the whole time he was gone. I heard more gunfire and I prayed that everyone was okay. God, this can’t be happening?

  I shifted as quickly as I could to the en suite bathroom and stepped inside. I opened the vanity cabinet underneath the sink and pulled out the SIG Sauer P226 hidden in its own compartment. Josh had installed it after he taught me how to shoot. He figured I might need it just in case and I wanted to kiss him this very moment.

  I checked the gun, making sure the magazine was fully loaded. It was. I cocked the slide back to chamber a round and took the safety off. I didn’t want to have to fumble with it just in case someone came in here shooting first.

  I made it back to the door just as Jacks entered with my son.

  “Oh thank God, Jacks,” I cried out reaching for my hysterical son. I pulled him close, cradling him to my chest and rocking him back and forth.

  “What’s going on out there?” I asked him after Jay calmed down slightly. His head rested on my shoulder and his face was buried in my neck.

  “We’ve been breached,” he said simply and I just realized he was carrying a much bigger gun than he’d had when he first left my office.

  “Who?” I asked an added, “And is everyone else okay? My brother? Jesse? Junior and Nickels?”

  “I don’t know about all of them. Curtis and Jesse are otherwise engaged in a firefight between four others. I’ve got to go. Hit that panic button the second I leave do you understand. Don’t open this door for anyone no matter what. You wait for back up to arrive got me?”

  I nodded frantically. “Yeah, I got you. Be careful.”

  He smiled at me. “Always, love.”

  Jacks backed up from me and took me in from head to toe. “Everything’s going to be fine.” He reassured me, opened the door and his head suddenly exploded, blood splattering me, the door, and the walls.

  I screamed and felt the dark eyes of Carlos Diego aka Lieutenant Alfred Davies as they bore right into mine. With speed I didn’t think I had, I bolted for the bathroom. Fortunately for me he had to step over the body of Jacks to get to me and he was inches from grabbing me. I engaged the lock on the door and hit the panic button.

  The panic button not only alerted others outside of the office that I was in trouble, but it locked me securely inside the bathroom, turning the small space into a panic room. The doors and walls surrounding the room were reinforced with steel and concrete. He would have to have heavy artillery to get to me and I doubted he had it.

  I backed away from the pounding on the door, praying that it would hold up like Shane explained. Jay was screaming hysterically again and I didn’t blame him. I was on the verge of losing it myself. I sat down on the lid of the toilet and let out a harsh breath then cried as the image of Jacks dying right in front of me played back over and over in my head.

  God, Jacks…

  I held my son close to me, breathing in his calming baby scent. My hands were shaking, my face sticky in spots and I had no idea where my gun was. So much for protecting myself.

  My world was collapsing right before my eyes. I had no idea what was going on outside these walls. I wasn’t sure if my brother was okay or if Nickels, Junior and the rest of the team here were okay. And how in the hell did someone gain access to this floor? Shane had security airtight on this floor. The only way someone could get in here was if… My eyes grew wide as I sat up straighter.

  The words Noah had told me came back to my mind. They are always watching.

  At the time I didn’t understand what he meant. Now I did. We had a mole.

  I gasped at that thought and brought wide eyes back the closed door. I prayed everyone was okay out there and that help would come soon. I had no idea how long I could stay in here. I had plenty of water and some snacks but that was about it. I didn’t even have my gun with me for protection.

  I needed to stay put until help arrived. I just hoped we all would survive to be saved.


  I took a deep breath and made eye contact with each of the figures dressed in black. They had their weapons trained on me, waiting for me to give them a reason to shoot. Except, I didn’t think they had the authority to kill me. I think they were supposed to bring me in alive. Only one way to test that theory. I stood to my full height, tossed the branch I had in my hand and put my hands up in a surrendering gesture.

  “Okay, boys, why don’t we cut the shit. I’ve had a shit couple of weeks. I’m tired, sore and my feet are killing me. If you’re here to capture me then let’s go, I’ll follow you out. If you’re here to kill me, let’s get on with it. I don’t have all day. But don’t touch me. If any of you fuckers lay a hand on me all bets are off. I’ll beat the shit out of you right before I break your fucking neck. The choice is yours.”

  I waited a few beats to see what they would do next. No one moved for a few seconds before I heard clapping in the distance. I squinted past the men standing in front of me and saw a tall figure emerge from the darkness. He was also dressed in all black, his black hair swaying slightly in the breeze, his dark eyes filled with mirth and impending doom.

  “Well, well, that was very colorful. Such a mouth on you.” The man commented, his voice thick with a Russian accent. This wasn’t Perchenko, but maybe it was someone that could tell me where he was. Then again maybe not, I thought quickly as I took in the murderous rage in his eyes. It didn’t matter the expressions he captured on his face; his eyes were empty, cold, deadly. First, he wouldn’t go down without a fight. And second, he’s probably seen more shit through those dark eyes than the average. There probably wasn’t anything we could do to convince him to turn.

  I guess killing him it is then.

  The new guy roamed his eyes all over me, sending chills up my spine. He took in my frizzy, wild hair, the half shirt and short shorts I wore, to my bare feet. His eyes drifted back to my breasts and stayed there licking his lips and smiling broader, hungrier.

  “My, my, I have seen pictures of you, but they did not do you justice at all,” he remarked, his thick accent making some of the words he said difficult to understand. The bastard was tall, maybe about as tall as Shane, with thick corded muscles in his arms, neck and legs. He was a beast of a man, hard and rough looking in the looks department. He wasn’t sexy or a dream but he was okay on the eyes.

  The beast stepped closer until he was a foot away from me, a smile forming on his face. “We have orders to take you in, but she did not say what condition you had to be in. Maybe we will play with you for a little bit. Chain you to the bed and fuck that smart mouth of yours until you are begging me to fuck your sweet cunt.” He moved a meaty finger toward my cheek. “Would you like to be my pet? I can show you what real man feels like. Fuck you in every hole you have for hours until you bleed. You will like it.”

  I frowned my nose in disgust and leaned my head back before he could touch me. “Don’t,” I warned. He didn’t listen. He grabbed my chin tight in his large hand. I kicked him in his balls.

  He didn’t drop to his knees unfortunately.

  “You Bitch!” The back of his hand crashed against the side of my cheek, lighting my entire face on fire. I fell to the ground, rolled and slowly, wobbly rose to my feet.

  The big man was on me quick. He grabbed me by my hair to aid me in standing and I used his momentum to throw the hardest palm strike to his throat I could muster. My side hurt like a son of a bitch, so my blow to his neck didn’t have a lot behind it. It made him let go of my hair and I smashed the palm
of my hands hard against his ears. The shot caused his brain to rattle in his head, confused him, tilted him off his game. I punched him in the nose twice and sent my heel into his nuts.

  The beast must have sensed the move to his nuts because he caught my ankle before it made contact. No matter. I used his hold on my leg and elevated my body in the air. I twisted at the hip and sent a roundhouse kick to his face. I landed on my feet as he stumbled but again, he didn’t go down. I grabbed his arm, pulled him toward me, lifted my body, and rotated so my legs went around his neck. Once I had a tight hold of his neck, I used the speed of my movements to bring us to the unforgiving ground. We landed hard but I managed to keep my grip on his neck. I squeezed as he punched my thighs hard. His face turned a beautiful shade of purple. I yelled, growled and fought to keep my hold on him tight, but the fucker grabbed me by my injured hip and squeezed.

  I cried out in pain and rolled away from him. Hot searing agony ran along my left side, gripping me tight, causing me to gasp for air. When I started to stand, I felt a barrel of a gun at the back of my head.

  “What?” I breathed out harshly, gritting my teeth from the pain. “You don’t like foreplay?”

  Much to my surprise, the beast laughed, but he dug the barrel of his gun harder into my scalp. “I’m going to enjoy breaking you,” he said to me and I waited for pain to rocket through my head before my lights went out. Instead, I heard a loud thwack, from a suppressed rifle and then a dull and heavy thud. I didn’t look to see where the body landed or who dropped him. I knew who did it.

  I had felt him watching me, waiting in the darkness behind me. I even picked up his scent on the breeze. To say I was eternally grateful was an understatement. I just wished he would have shot the fucker sooner.

  Knowing the cavalry had finally arrived, I fell to my back and covered my eyes with my arm. I relaxed and reveled in the relief that flooded my veins.

  “You good?” I heard Shane question above me and I nodded, fighting back the tears that were threatening to fall. I applied more pressure to my eyes to keep the tears back. I would not cry in front of him.


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